Discussion in 'Painting and Converting' started by worldmuncher, Jun 21, 2010.

  1. worldmuncher
    Jungle Swarm

    worldmuncher New Member

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    im working on a lizardmen army from the city of ash. i thought it would be cool for some firey colored lizardmen. lots of orange, and reds but i didnt want everything firey like my stegadon is purple and green and looks BA and i cant think of a way to do my cold ones, my carnosaur is blue and orange, and the basic scheme is oj with blackish gray scales

    any ideas?
  2. Elmquasmash

    Elmquasmash New Member

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    Well, you have the right ideas. I think trying to combine different greys/blacks with reds and oranges it wold be good. The cold ones... honestly look to stupid to live on their own let alone in a city of ash so just do as best you can with them :/ If you already bought them then maybe fiddle around with greenstuff to make the heads look a little better as well as... the whole body.. But if you don't have them yet than try finding some used cold one knights from the DE army cheap and do i nice easy conversion ;) Or even the cold ones from 6th edition would look nice with those colors. I prefer the old 'godzilla' cold ones to these new utterly hideous cold ones any day..

    But yeah, you have the right ideas with colors. On the cold ones maybe go along the lines of red/orange dino's with black stripes on them but just try not to make the red and orange too bright
  3. worldmuncher
    Jungle Swarm

    worldmuncher New Member

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    thanks, the stripes sound cool, and i dont really like the new lizzy cold ones either, i should have told my dad to get me the DE and use them

    i do have like to boxes of them and i only need 5 for the 1750 list i made

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