Lizardmen RPG - Accepting new players

Discussion in 'General Hobby/Tabletop Chat' started by Nazqua, Nov 24, 2019.

  1. Paradoxical Pacifism
    Skink Chief

    Paradoxical Pacifism Well-Known Member

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    Hakal's massive frame shuddered as Quas' roar blasted his entire sense of hearing. After it all subsided, he could only hear the repetitive ringing that soon followed.

    "What roaring for!?" the kroxigor angrily growled.
  2. bOdziO Wolf

    bOdziO Wolf Well-Known Member

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    "Hmmm... hrrr... yyyy..." - a confused voice started the reply. Then with much more confidence and a sense of pride he added - "Roar for a roar!". Not seeing any mutual feelings in his cold-blooded brother's eyes he continued. "Lesser brother roar. Friend in need. We... stay?".
  3. Lizerd
    Skink Priest

    Lizerd Well-Known Member

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    Nodding at Tik, Tezka accepted the powder. Ingesting in, Tezka felt a sudden burst of energy, and he felt refreshed. Grunting in a show of thanks to Tik, Tezka continued to roll away the debris with a renewed sense of vigor.
  4. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    Taking a step back to avoid flying debris, Tiqxoltiq readied himself for whatever lay down the tunnel and waited.
  5. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Looking around Xolek sees infront of him two tunnels: 1 has debris that is partially blocking the tunnel and the other veers to the right. Looking at the Skaven Xolek notices he cannot understand the rat spawn any longer

    "Didnt Xlauax have a crystal that allowed one to understand?" Thinking on this he decides to give up for now on Xiuhcoatl, he knew she could handle herself against any Skaven that may find her with a spew of flame.

    Turning back round Xolek heads back towards Quas, Hakal, Xlauax and the chamber they had discovered. Carnosaur tooth still in places Xolek keeps the slave infront of him even as they approach the two hulking bodies infront of them minutes later.

    Stopping infront of Quas and Hakal he motions for the slave to sit on the opposite wall, pushing it slightly where he wanted it to go.

    Turning to the Kroxigors Xolek speaks, "Watch this vermin, DO NOT eat, has information" the Oracle tries to meet the gaze of the towering warriors but cant due to the height difference. Waiting for a reply he would go into the chamber after
  6. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    Grasping onto memories of Qul’toq, onto his amulet Xlauax was forced to wince as a numbing sting came over his hand which housed the small incision which a steady stream of blood trickled forth. (+1 Exhausted State). Having detected the heavy scent of blood in the air the haze of swirling, serpentine mist was now drawing near to the altar and to Xlauax’s open arteries where it would drunk on the ecstasy of sacrifice.

    Now Light headed, the chameleon had to steady himself as his heart raced faster and faster as if it were prey sprinting from predator. As his pulse quickened what was a trickle turned to a surge as the air itself discouraged any form of clotting. With the crimson liquid pooling within the thirsting basin, Xlauax’s limbs start to become numb and unresponsive, each and every breath becoming a larger, more exhausting undertaking. (-0.1 Wounds,+1 Exhausted state)

    Mind dazed and slow the chameleon’s world span, pillars lining the walls merged to one and the serpents carved wing’s enveloped him. Unable to resist Xlauax’s grip on consciousness started to falter whilst his frail body threatened to collapse down. Struggling the skink could no longer move his left arm which felt as it had been constricted and pinned down in the many coils of swirling shadow which rose outward from the sizzling blood. (-0.1 Wounds, +1 Exhausted state) Now also paralyzed his right arm’s grip loosened, sending Pain to clatter down onto the irregular stone tiles with a metallic ring. Echoes bouncing back and forth the ring soothed the chameleon's mind which now began to fold into a sort of calming sleep, In these moments of clarity any memories of the past were banished as the skink's soul was purified and cleansed, any ingrained evil cast out through forces unknown as a segment of his being was offered up to a higher power. An alien clarity forcing itself over him the chameleon's muscles give in and collapse down, sending the skinks body sprawling onto he metallic, stone tiles made warm from the puddle of blood gurgling from Xlauax's hand and from the cut which had now been ripped open and further expanded. (-0.1 Wounds) (Trait Gained: Lunar Atoning +1 Initiative, +1 Speed When Within the presence of the moon.)

    With Xlauax’s vision blurred a substantial pool of blood had gathered to partially fill the crescent-shaped basin which was now beginning to overflow out into the carved channel. Effortlessly and without friction the red liquid cascaded down through the channel in a slithering motion before it would silently disappear into the opening in the floor.


    Drawn out seconds later a cold, crystalline hum began to fill the room before an almost mechanical clicking came to join it. At regular, periodic intervals the noise echoed out to disturb the silence which had hung over this chamber for far too long. As the floor tiles whispered with mechanical vibrations and movements the central, crystalline depiction of what would be the full moon centralised above the basin on the altar began to hiss.

    Within Moments the orb began to rise as the stone cylinder beneath it was driven upward raising the crystal higher and higher. Simultaneously a ghostly shaft of light started to emanate from the darkness above, infusing the crystal moon with a captured faint light which was spread over the room into eight aligned beams, each of which corresponded to a pillar around the chamber….

    However as the trickle of blood started to falter the light flickered and fizzled out whilst the cylinder which held up the orb now similarly ground to a sudden stop, the elevation it was at being roughly the height of a fully grown skink...


    With the convoluted speech of both kroxigors coming to join the ringing rebound of previous roars the pair couldn't help but wonder if they had been gone too long, Were skinks and Sauri from the camp coming to look for them?


    Feeling an intense burning and surge of energy down his throat and stomach Tezka knew that the powders offered over by Tik had already begun to infuse him with additional vigour. Scrambling away at the boulders the saurus was making more and more progress fast.

    However As the saurian further ripped through the mounds of debris and rubble he could see Texcoco prowling near the other, waterlogged smaller tunnel. Once again the carnosaur rallied off a rattle of sharp grunts as the creatures burning gazed indicated to its master that the noise was not coming from the rubble’s direction but instead from the nearby tunnel.

    Eyes burning the beast continued to lift up its head before breathing in. It seemed as if the wafting scent of blood had indeed too emanated from this direction where it would go on to saturate the main entrance tunnel.

    Simultaneously Tik could now recognise the fact that the kroxigors distant calls were indeed emanating from one of the side tunnels.
  7. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    "Hmm." Curious, Tiqxoltiq walked over to the smaller tunnel. Using his sickle, he waved it about just inside the entrance and frowned. Finding nothing, he asked Tezka and Texcoco to be silent for a moment before leaning in to listen. After a moment, he shook his head and turned to the saurus. "I hate to say this, but Texcoco is right - our allies, and our opponents, are down this other tunnel."
  8. Lizerd
    Skink Priest

    Lizerd Well-Known Member

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    Tezka, upon learning the news simply stopped his efforts, not even batting an eyelid as he turned away. He nodded at Tik and gestured for the group to go down the tunnel Texcoco was leaning towards. As they proceeded down, Tezka looked back at the rocks blocking the tunnel, swearing in his mind that the Skaven would pay in blood for cowering behind the rubble
  9. DeathBringer125

    DeathBringer125 Well-Known Member

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    Xlauax felt his senses returning to him, and with them his memories. Oddly though, his mind was clearer and he felt very strange. If his wound had not clotted then he didn't know what would have become of him. As Xlauax reached for his Pain, he noticed what appeared to be a second arm doing the same motion he did. Xlauax froze before moving it again and seeing the same effect. It was as if Xlauax had a shadow. Xlauax realized that a presence was around him, and he realized who's presence it was, Qul'toq. This explained Xlauax's clear mindedness, yet this time the presence was a bit different. Xlauax suddenly realized that he had new memories, nothing significant mostly sacred rites for counseling the Slann yet nonetheless, these were not Xlauax's thoughts. Then it struck Xlauax, a bit of Qul'toq had merged itself with Xlauax. Growing very excited Xlauax raced out of the chamber to fetch the Priest Xolek-zi, maybe he would know what this altar was. "Xolek-zi y-you must c-come quickly. I have found an altar of g-reat importance. Also i-i-i suspect that th-this Sk-Skaven slave could p-prove useful.". With that final word Xlauax smiled as he waited for a reply.

    Both Xolek-zi and the two Kroxigor saw something very off about Xlauax, the shadow around him almost looked like an entirely different person, a priest by the looks of it, and it's robes. Additionally, as Xlauax spoke they heard a second voice as well, echoing was Xlauax said. However, the Chameleon seemed unaware of this, or at least he did not mind it.

    Xlauax rejoiced in his mind, whatever this altar was, he sensed it was related to his mission Qul'toq gave him. He would find out whom this altar was dedicated to.
    Nazqua, Tk'ya'pyk, Lizerd and 2 others like this.
  10. Paradoxical Pacifism
    Skink Chief

    Paradoxical Pacifism Well-Known Member

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    "Ok," Hakal grunted in compliance as he stared towards the rat.

    The kroxigor had to keep his razor sharp teeth shut completely, for they clenched tightly together in anticipation. He remembered well enough the sensation of gorging on ratty flesh, and the feel of fur lodging themselves in amongst his teeth. The ecstasy of killing the weak little rat overwhelmed him as if he had already snatched it. But he reminded himself of Xolek's wishes for the rat to stay alive - if only for a few more seconds.

    And from the rat's uncontrollable shivering, Hakal could tell it knew death was coming. It shook and shivered so feverishly, it seemed the rat could die from fear alone. He couldn't comprehend why the rat feared what was unavoidable. It felt like the rat's cowardice was as prevalent as the air all around.

    Hakal suddenly took a rumbling step towards the rat, growling angrily.

    "Stop noise rat! You die!"

    The kroxigor kept on gazing, still not understanding the rat. His anger rose with every second passing by. But as his frustration increased, so did a mysterious feeling welling within him. A feeling of heartache - of understanding at least a little of what the rat felt as it shivered and shook uncontrollably. Hakal never feared what was unavoidable, but it still did bother him.
    Last edited: Mar 29, 2020
    Nazqua, Tk'ya'pyk, Lizerd and 2 others like this.
  11. bOdziO Wolf

    bOdziO Wolf Well-Known Member

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    "We 'unt more rats" - Quas responded to Xlauax - "I go... or I sleep here". As he ended his sentence he hit the floor with his massive crocodile tail to signify the urge and making the rat to almost jump from where it stood. A foul stench intensified from the miserable pile of fur before him.
  12. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Looking at both the Kroxigors and then to Xlauax Xolek feels uneasy about leaving the skaven with the hulking Kroxigors, both looked hungry and eyeing the slave. Looking back at the slave he noticed that it had dirtied itself out of fear, its pitiful look was nothing short of pure terror.

    The words that the chameleon spoke raced through the Oracles mind, "An Altar? Why does Xlauax look different? Is that a shadow behind him, within him?" many sensations and questions raced that he did not have the answer to. Looking in through the hole Xolek can barely see the altar, but notices that it is large, especially for one underground. why was it underground? another question that needed answering it seemed, all in due time he thought.

    Turning back to both Hakal and Quas the skink instructs them to begin open up the opening into the chamber to allow for their bodies to be able to enter comfortably. Xolek thought perhaps there were relics and other ancient artifacts that may need to be taken out from here before the Skaven were able to find this place.

    Again Xoleks tri tail clentched the large carnosaur tooth and put it again to the slaves neck and motioned for him to go through the hole. The skaven at first hesitated until it looked at both Kroxigors who were at this time also eyeing it, hungrily. The skaven slave begins to limp forward, its foot still bleeding from the spear wound and crawls into the chamber with Xolek right behind. Xolek noticed that as soon as he entered the room the pouch that held the scale within it began to glow, and the closer to the altar the light grew until finally much of the room save the ceiling was illuminated enough that the trio could see. Xolek reasoned that there must be magic here, he could feel it, and the scale was feeding off of it like it did in the tent of the Star Seer, but at a much slower rate, but still hungrily the glow grew.

    "What is this orb Xlauax? Does it go any further?" Xolek looked on at the altar, crimson stains covered where past sacrifices had been placed, whether skaven or warmblood he was not sure. Xolek could see whatever shadow that surrounded the chameleon also grew the closer they were to the altar, and he indeed saw another hand, or so he thought, it reminded him of his recent vision and could not decide if it was real or just his exhausted state.

    Xolek reminded the other skink that the skaven slave had information and should not be killed unless found necessary.
  13. DeathBringer125

    DeathBringer125 Well-Known Member

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    Xlauax realized his wound still had not clotted, noticing this he looked to Hakal and retrieved a bandage from him to wrap around his hand. Hakal offered to wrap it but Xlauax refused, who knows what that kroxigor would do to his arm.

    Hearing Xolek-zi speaking to him interrupted Xlauax's train of thought and Xlauax replied with an echoey voice "I-i suspect it w-will go higher up, though it s-s-seems to be p-powered by blood, I r-recommend offering s-some.... I feel strange now, but very at p-peace.....". Xolek-zi notices that Xlauax is a bit delirious, yet despite this Xlauax looks surprisingly calm, and the shadow around him seems calm as well. Xolek also notices that as Xlauax draws nearer to the Moon shaped stones, that Xlauax seems to be more alert, and moving faster.

    Xlauax turns to the Skaven Slave, holding his Justice to it's throat and asks (using the gem given to him by Izqux) "Who is your master, and where are the rest of you! If you tell me what you know, I will give you a swift death, if not your blood shall slowly trickle out into this channel as you suffer excruciating pain.". Xlauax had a fire in his eyes that Xolek-zi had not seen before, as Xlauax spoke to the Skaven he spoke clearly, and without stutter.
    bOdziO Wolf, Nazqua, Lizerd and 3 others like this.
  14. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    At that moment rage entered Xolek-Zi's mind, his eyes erupt into a moon like glow, looking around the floor about him he sees a blade, an ancient blade. A skink sized macuahuitl layed in the dust of time, its handle in the shape of a winged serpent, though he did not notice it at the time. Picking it up he quickly met the blade of Xlauax,

    "He is MINE, you will not touch him" Xolek says sternly, Carnosaur tooth ready to strike in an instant, "If it is blood we need then I will offer up my own, but any who touches the slave will answer to me, he is to be taken to the Star Seer" authority of his station in his voice, confidence that did not waver. Exhausted he was still willing and able to defend this life until what he needed from it was taken.

    "Your hand is still bleeding, perhaps if we channel our blood into the altar it will be enough" Xolek offers up an alternative to Xlauax's plan to avoid anymore conflict.

    The slave dare not move for both blades were still at its throat, whimpering could be heard though it did not speak.
  15. Lizerd
    Skink Priest

    Lizerd Well-Known Member

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    Tasting the air on his younger, Tezka continued to examine the tunnel, slowly going down it. Despite the winding tunnels, Tezka, Tik, and Texcoco had little trouble navigating through the cavern. Eventually the group saw light at the end of the tunnel, and suddenly Texcoco barred his fangs and lowered himself to the ground; this could only mean one thing, the rat spawn were near. Tezka snarled and readied his weapons...
  16. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    To their surprise, instead of a horde of rats, a large lizard, fan-spined and low to the ground, came into view. Grinning a happy grin, it was creeping out of a side-tunnel they hadn't seen before, the tail of an enormous rat hanging from its jaws. The salamander cast a curious look at Texcoco, a worried look at Tezka, then caught sight of Tiqxoltiq. The priest was familiar to the salamander and it made a happy chirping sound and waddled over to the priest's side as it gulped down the remains of its current meal.

    "Ah, I have not seen you in a while," the priest mumbled softly. "I am guessing that Quas has not tried to eat you again." Cautiously, he reached out a shaky, taloned hand, his bad arm aching there his wound still throbbed. "Do you know where your, um, master is?"

    Chirping assent, the salamander turned towards the tunnel they were facing, trundled over to the opening, past the confused Tezka, and then opened its mouth. There was a soft, almost click-like sound before a gout of intense heat and light filled the tunnel before them. Flames rushed out, scorching the rock and burning away any moss that had taken root. It also ignited a pair of black-clad skaven that had been sneaking up on them! They screeched in pain, wildly batting at the flames that engulfed them.

    Laughing softly, Tik gestured to the burning rats. "Tezka, I think these two were trying to catch us unaware. Perhaps you should enlighten them as to whose tunnels these really are?"
  17. Lizerd
    Skink Priest

    Lizerd Well-Known Member

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    Tezka, seeing the Skaven, immediately sprung into action. Striking at the first ratman with his spear, he aimed to decapitate the foul vermin that dared to infiltrate this temple (-1 battle?) the second of the ratmen was far less lucky. Tezka seized it around the chest with his mechanical arm and proceeded to crush the vermin’s rib cage as if it were tin foil, causing gore and organs to shower the floor in a gruesome display of carnage.
    Last edited: Mar 30, 2020
  18. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    Tik wanted to comment, but the only action that came to mind was slow, deliberate, and heartfelt applause. He had to admit, the Oldblood's actions were impressive, both in their power and their speed!
  19. DeathBringer125

    DeathBringer125 Well-Known Member

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    Fury burned in Xlauax's eyes as a blade met his own, suddenly the shadow around him seemed to not just mimic Xlauax's form, but take it's own. It floated above Xlauax showing off more of it's features, and held out a hand, some sort of arcane spell crackling between it's hand and a large staff it held. The shadow appeared to be a quite high ranking priest, maybe even a seer. Yet as the shadow did this, the anger seemed to clear from Xlauax's eyes and he said, seemingly talking to the shadow, "N-no Qul'toq, what the P-Priest says is f-fine. I assumed he w-wanted this miserable creature in-interrogated, b-but I see know h-he does not.". With these words, the shadow merged back into Xlauax. Xlauax appeared a bit sad by this but walked with Xolek up to the Altar. Xolek-zi held out his hand and Xlauax used his Pain to cut a slit in the Priests hand, before unwrapping his own hand.

    That was the sound it made, yet unlike before this sound filled him with a righteous anger, a cold fury. This fury gave him the clarity to realize that he would find out what it would take to avenge Qul'toq, and slay the Druchii commander.
    Xlauax felt his mind growing a bit fuzzy but he knew he must power this device. Xlauax called out the Hakal the be ready in case something went wrong, the Kroxigor nodding his head towards the two skinks. Who knew what could happen.
  20. Khemrian Slann

    Khemrian Slann Active Member

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    Kuoteq´eko sat in a bush when he heared a deep and savage Roar from the temples of Kara where he was a few hours ago but he could only barley remember what hapened there. Because of that he first did not want to stand up and go there ,but the sounds did not stop from then on and his curiosity overwhelmed him finnaly, so he stud up and began his walk to the ruins of kara.
    There he saw something new forhim.....

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