heres my flying slaan wip im yet do do the base which will be his fallen palaquin broke up and i will drill it and pin the slaan to give it some more height, and ive just got to green stuff the back where the wings join probably should of took the pic agaisnt a black background sorry, also he tips to the back for obvious reasons but once i pin the flying stem to the palaquin it should be all good.
yeh he doesnt really work in a ranked unit wings get in the way of the spears lucky in 8th hes better solo than with the temple guard. the problem may be fixed when i pin the flying stem to the palaquin, the palaquin will be at an 45 degree angle and i will pin it near the highest point so that should alleviate the problem with temple guard weapons if i do want to use the unit
There is a magic carpet in the new common items list for 50 points. Not sure if the Slann will be able to take the carpet, but if he is you'll be able to use that model as a flyer! Imagine the terror of a flying Slann with Death magic... gobbling up enemy characters.
yeah i looked at that i think he can use it because of his base size will be checking in the book thursday , very good idea with death magic um and bane head should be able to kill an enemy general very quickly