Really it only costs a relic slot and making your stegadon your general. And you don't need to make it your general, just minus 3 attacks. You are going to take a skink priest and he has so many uses on other turns.
If you like monsters (and I do) it is a fine choice for sure. Again it depends on your goals. I will definitely try it out at least once, that and the ultra carnasaur.
Tbh I dont know anyone who didnt think the Ripper Chief would be FAQ’d. Im sure if you thought throwing 1-2 CPs at him to generate extra hits wasnt too bad and pretty decent, but what happens when you build a list specifically around generating CPs and refunding with Aetherquartz? It could get to absurd numbers, and people will abuse every loophole.
you mean just old ripperdactls? perish the thought that people might wan't to be as good or maybe a bit better then a thing that was getting bodied by better armies.
It was getting to the point where you might as well not even bother to roll dice for whatever unit your Rippers made contact with. Archaon, Nagash etc. Didnt matter. I dont think this is fun for either player.
really? it would have taken 12 CP just to make them the same as old rippers thats a massive investment into 1 unit with with big basses
So, looks like Prime Warbeast actually affects Skink Chief's mounted weapons. And 8 javelin attacks are actually nice to - a couple more possible wounds. Do flamers have any worth now? And bow looks like mini-Mortek Crawler - 4x attacks, 2+ (with CA), 3+ -1 rend 3 dmg which doesn't degrade.
the flamers were already discussed. you can use them for two attacks, each time rolling one die for every model in range in the target unit. I think this makes it very viable. thunder lizard with 4 stegs and a EOTG. run the chief/general (flamers) into their faces, while you soften everything with the skybows on the other three stegs, chase the chief with the EOTG for support and healing. or keep it with the shooters and mow everything down from across the table.
Sorry for a small digression, but I have a Terradon build question. Based on the potential number of attacks, I assume sunleech bolas are the preferred load-out, correct? Despite the shorter range?
yup they do a lot more damage then javelins and neither are really long or even medium range. just be carful due to the big base sizes it can be hard to get every one in range
As is tradition, i have all of mine made from 8th edition WHFB when bolas were trash. Honestly, i like using the extra range occasionally so it hasn't been that big of a deal. I think with this book the two are a lot closer than they were in the last one. Not being able to drop within bola range changes things.
So far reading the battletome I really have mixed feelings.. The Guard I love (3 attacks each and at least a 3+ save) are gone and the ugliest models (Rippers) that were an auto include are useless now. (Glad Is let 6 on sprue so I can make those Terradons now) But once again we are Masters of magic, which is a good thing. And there are a lot of possibilities. But if does feel a bit like getting to know a new army again. On to Saurus Warriors then!
A little late rely, but I could certainly see the use in javelins. It will depend on how you use Terradons. On average the Bolas will do more damage, but the short range means they wont be able to shoot when deepstriking 9" away, where as they would still be able to shoot if they were loaded with javelins.
I wouldnt say never. There are certainly situations/matchups where placing them on the table means they will be dead before they get to move. There is also an arguement for consistency. The much smaller range can make it difficult to get every model within range, that combined with the possibility of rolling bad might make javelins interesting. Sometimes I dont mind sacrificing a little for some more consistency, increasing the odds of my unit doing average damage. If I expect my unit to deal 10 wounds, I dont care if it suddenly does 20 and overkills, but I will care if it only deals 5 wounds and didnt complete its task.
My thinking is if you are sending out harrier squads of 3 Terradons to gum up your opponent for a turn or two, and are using hunters steed and Cogs, then yes you could go with javelins, since you will drop them from the sky and hope to roll >6” for your charge. if you are going 6 or more, you probably don’t want to risk a deep strike + charge (and likely won’t be able to drop many bombs anyway) so bolas serve you better here, most likely.
Yeah, GW should've give javelins a bit more. Like, +1 attack or +1 to-hit. At least something. +6" range is just not enough.