Lizardmen RPG - Accepting new players

Discussion in 'General Hobby/Tabletop Chat' started by Nazqua, Nov 24, 2019.

  1. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    Upon its raised pedestal of cylindrical stone the full crystalline orb simmered with light as if the orb itself was clutching and holding onto any last essence of the now absent light shaft. In turn, this caused the room to fill with an ominous, baneful fragmented glow of almost ghostly, unreal illumination. With this new, unsettling light the draping shadow the chameleon's body cast out was distorted and split only further adding to its spectral appearance. If one were to watch carefully, focusing only upon such shadow they could begin to see the inconsistency between it and its master almost as if it were a separate entity fed upon the abeyant presence of strong, otherworldly magic that had lain dormant among these tunnels for far longer than any could remember… and as one watched this shadow they’re eyes would be dragged down and forced to stare at the Amulet the chameleon clutched so tightly, the Amulet that once was Qul’toq’s…

    Delirious, Xlauax’s face looked foreign due to both the fact its colour was drained, pale and the conflicting expressions of both anger toward the slave and an inner composure, one that rarely, if at all surfaced beyond the chameleons psychotic and fragile mind.

    One hand pressing Justice’s clean blade to the slaves throat and the other clutching the crystalline shard now made bloody by his wound the chameleon spoke out as clear as the crystal he held and as decisively as the stone of the altar before him.

    Knowing its struggle was no use the slave spluttered out in a strange, unclear tongue, its mouth and head covered in blood matted fur. Only through the crystal’s effects and the ritual, Izqux had performed were the skinks able to piece together less than coherent sentences out of the storm of pitiful moans, scared screeches and rabid spitting.

    “Ska-Sk Skaven rat S-SpEak SPE-Ak” The slave whispers almost unable to breath due to the sharp grip of lizard hand and the room’s air which was adverse to this creature's very existence.

    “I I S Sl Slav- SkSkaven tell, I tell D-Don't hurt h-urt this” It squeals in an attempt to formulate an answer to the barrage of questions. “Ma-Masterful K-K” It splutters, struggling to get the words out. “Masterful Khrnol Master Snitch-Steal yes-Y-yes.. H-e he takes take yours if you-you take my mine” “many M-Many storm vermin come Come, they take all of y-yours, a-Al-ll of it yes..”

    “L-Lizard no Match for For S-Seeker-finders.” “They-They come s-soon to kill-steal all.. T-They come to to S-S.” the slave’s reeking, fear soaked starving body tries to squirm free once again. Bathed in its own fear the creature watches as the two skinks approach the altar whilst a deep-rooted apprehension sticking in the back of its throat stops it from yelling out or talking.

    As the pair approached their steps sounded louder whilst the shadowy, forbidding air swiftly moved out of the pair’s path.

    Clenching his teeth together Xlauax carefully unwrapped the sticky, crimson saturated bandage from his hand allowing for a steady drip of the thick liquid to seep outward.

    Beside him Xolek similarly stood, his face bleak yet it need not show emotion for his eyes said it all. Burning, Scorching. Xiuhcoatl’s flame yet turned pale and silver.

    Shoving back any feelings of hesitation the pair both closed their eyes and stood in silence allowing the ‘Drip Drip Drip’ to absolve them. A red slowly spilling over the darkness of their closed-off vision thier now mixed, entwined blood slithered down the channel…

    “CLICK.” “CLICK” “CLICK” Once again the mechanical Humming hiss, click began. With each echo and re-bound the slave further tried to conceal itself and hideaway whilst the full orb began to rise higher.

    Flickering light. In a blink the beam of light from above returned, this time invigorated by the offering of a further filled basin. Vibrations moving, Twisting beneath and above the crystal fattened itself upon the offerings of light before realising its load in an aligned array of Eight reflected beams.

    The Cold heat emanating from the light beams surrounding them the two continued to stay motionless as the structure around them shook trying to withstand the force of a thousand moving parts, many of which had lain here dormant for centuries, only now being spurred into action through this bountiful offering.

    Breaths Heavy, Hard. Freezing scorched air infused the room and chilled the bones as the beams grew brighter and brighter to the point where it was able to damage the eyes of any who dared look directly at their glory.

    In an instant the whole chamber convulsed and rattled as the stone cylinder holding up the crystalline moon screeched to a halt as what sounded to be stone pillars, pistons and bolts interlocked and jolted in the dark void above heralding the release of thousands of particles of dust which snowed down only to be fried in the stinging overpowering light. With the room around in a state of silence for a few moments Xolek prepared to open his eyes only for another blast of even intenser light to flood his mind and vision.

    A Hissing ringing in all ears both inside and outside the chamber an interlaced of hundreds, No thousands of octagonally aligned crystal rods pushed forth from a network of holes in the finally illuminated ceiling. Gusts of air pulsing from above the mechanics suddenly fell silent as did the strongest beam which left only the sound of the crackling, ancient energy which laced in between the crystal rod array…

    Movement above. Slither. Another wave of dust and rubble drift down. The flick of the tongue that has tasted Oblivion. Slither of scale against rough, abrasive rock. Heavy air bathed in silence. waiting breaths.

    Movement above. Ruffle. Suffocating air forced into turbulence, Howling gale, thick mist. Like the tendrils of lightning fan out in search of sacrifice, in search of belief. Awakened Ubiquity.

    Movement above. Flicker. Silver Ophidian scales encrusted with the patina of Eons. Duel Argentate eyes pierce into the minds of both skinks, through darkness like beacons, beacons those lost would use to find their way for centuries. Ancient presence.

    Movement above. No more.
    (Xolek, Xlauax - Trait Gained: BOUND BY BLOOD - ???)

    Both skinks stare into the blinding light above to see a map of the Celestia uncoil, forming seamlessly between the crystal rods.

    The infinite complexity of the beyond, of the stars made manifest in arcs of light. Heavens visible in one view. And In the centre of it all a singular, Crimson Orb Circled by a serpent.

    Suddenly the silence is Broken in a hail of sharp words from a broken unworthy soul. “S- StaB! STABB! STAAAAAB”

    Forgotten about even if for but a moment the slaves hand shoots forwards. Rusted, sweat-drenched spearhead clutched so tightly the rats hand was bleeding and redraw from the pressure. In an instant, the slave's neck was slit open due to its own rapid movement. As the sound of starved, oily skin getting torn asunder filled the room Xlauax too felt the sharp embrace of agony. In an instant, an electric wave of pain rippled through his side as the spearhead barely broke through the chameleons thick, faith hardened scales (-0.2 Wounds).

    Fading vision. Crimson Moon, Glow of Blood above.


    M3, WS0, BS2, S0, T0, W0.5, I2, A0 Ld3. 3 skill points, 0 battle, 1 blend
    Exahusted state x3
    - 40% Health regeneration rate
    - 10% Chance of all point usage instantly fail
    Weapons/tools: 2x Druchii dagger, Darkshard crossbow.

    1x ?Crystalline fragment? (Item)
    Active effects:
    - Lunar Atoning (-1 Initiative and +1 Movement When within the presence of the moon)
    - BOUND BY BLOOD (???)

    Last edited: Mar 30, 2020
  2. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    Unfazed Tezka cast the broken ratmen bodies aside into the rockface before continuing in pursuit of the salamander and priest. His whole face was covered in gore, Blood and tissue coated the grimy surface of his mechanical arm, a constant reminder, a reminder of the creatures that had caused this pain, this suffering to him, to his spawning pool and condemned a thousand generations to oblivion. An oblivion that could be considered merciful if they were to suffer as Tezka had.

    Texcoco’s Eyes gleamed with predator instinct. Luckily a swift hand motion had been enough to dissuade the beast from considering the salamander as worthy prey, especially when the scent of blood was thicker, else were.

    The drip of blood off Tezka’s Mechanical arm into the stagnant puddles faded into the background of dripping water that covered this whole section of the cavern. A cavern Tzunki had no place in. This water was as defiled, as corrupted Tezka’s spawning pool.

    As the saurus continued forward in advance Texcoco could be seen behind, a slave clutched tightly within his jaws, Well, part of a slave. At least the carnosaur wouldn’t have to be fed for a handful of days even with its ever more demanding diet. How Ironic. These ‘Slaves’, if they even deserve that title in their attempts to harm, to impede these lizardmen had only ever helped fuel their beast's fury.

    Leading ahead Tiqxoltiq was cautious to give the salamander in front and carnosaur behind a wide gap between him and themselves. The least thing he would want is for two unpredictable beasts to rampage in this confined maze of passages and tunnels. Respectful of the salamander’s erratic movements the priest continues forward whilst the brutal scene of Tezka obliterating these slaves, these slaves who dare entrench on lands forbidden to them loops in his mind.

    Suddenly the earth around the tunnel almost ripples and tremors with faint almost mechanical movement.

    Texcoco cowers, his crimson body trying its best to blend in with the dark, rough nature of the surrounding stone. He knows.

    Xiuhcoatl yelps seconds before heaving up allowing a dismembered fragment of an unrecognisable Skaven slave arm to spill out of the creature's mouth in a puddle of oozing, corrosive saliva and digestive juices. She knows.

    Tik is forced to steady himself on the side of the cavern before echoing voices can be heard up ahead. The skinks and Kroxi were near...


    With the rat taken by the skinks and Xolek’s Orders issued Hakal couldn't stop his own mind from imagining the slaves' torment, the slaves' pain. Shaking his head again and again the kroxigor knew it was wrong, it was heresy to feel emotion for these creatures. They deserved no compassion. no kindness. No mercy. The only relief they should be given is that of Oblivion.

    As if a message from the old ones the tunnel violently shook with vibration as the earth around shivered and fought. Hakal should know better. He will know better than to even consider these, these vile creatures a shred of sympathy, his sympathy. The thoughts flashing by as quick as the shaking the kroxigors mind swelled with other, more pressing concerns. Where did that come from? A-are the skinks okay?

    With a fraction of his conscious focused on it after the orders of the oracle to open up an entrance into the uncovered chamber had been spoken Hakal could feel the additional weight of the iron pickaxe on his body with each additional step toward the rockface wall.

    Meanwhile Quas’s mind similarly raced fast, even for a kroxigor. Senses heightened and alert Quas could smell blood, lizard blood riding upon the stale, earthy air. He could see a blast of silver-white light diffusing into the tunnel from the chamber's entrance. He could hear… He could hear footsteps behind…
  3. Lizerd
    Skink Priest

    Lizerd Well-Known Member

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    Hearing the skinks and kroxigor, Tezka nodded at Tik, and reached out to touch Texcoco’s snout in an attempt to calm his loyal companion. He readied himself and began to approach the sounds of the kroxigor and skinks in the tunnel, braced for whatever madness he might encounter
  4. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    Using as light a touch as possible, Tik tried to convince the salamander to hold back for a bit and let Tezka go first. Hopefully, the fact that it had been fed recently would work in his favor. The two - priest and salamander - found a wider spot in the tunnel and slipped to one side, allowing saurus and carnosaur to pass. Given a choice, Tik preferred the warrior lead the way. While he had some magic that was okay for combat, Tik knew deep in his heart he was not a warrior. The salamander might have been, but the poor thing was going to need a bit longer to recharge the chemical that made its fiery breath...
  5. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Both Xlauax and Xolek with their eyes still shut begin to open them as the piercing light through even their eye lids began to dim. Xlauax immediately puts the already saturated bandage over his wound once more and presses down hard on it for a moment while regaining his composure. The pain of a spear head in him was less than he imagined but still there, it felt as if protection of some sort was wrapped around him.

    Xolek looks down at his hand, and then to the skaven slave who he had had mercy on, "no more he told himself" as he turns and walks towards the slave whom was bleeding out now. Using what strength he had left Xolek begins to drag the skaven to the altar and then lifts him onto it and then climbs up himself to stand over it. The skaven begins to scream wildly and without hesitation the Oracle takes his new found blade and with a slice and cut motion takes an arm off of the slave, blood gushes outwards. The slave attempts to flee as it wails, but is pushed back down as Xolek unleashes his wrath and cuts into the belly, more blood. Screaming and squealing can be heard, again the skaven is pushed down as the obsidian blade again cuts and pulls off the other arm allowing free flow of even more blood. The skaven motionless lays ontop of the altar as its blood flows down into the ground where countless gallons had gone before.

    Xlauax seeing this cannot help but smile but also feel a bit uneasy at the brutality at which the Oracle unleashed, at least it was quick.

    "We had no more use for such a creature" Xolek says as he even questions his own words, whatever secrets the skaven knew died with him, but those secrets may still be found by finding more Skaven. Exhaustion setting in Xolek sits down a moment, and looks at the blade he had picked up and noticed the handle. The handle in the shape of a winged serpent also had what looked like to be gems in the handle, and then he realized they glowed slightly, the same glow as the scale in his pouch.

    Xlauax looking up at the orb noticed what could be interpreted as movement far above in the upper workings of the ceiling which now has cystal rods looking down at then as if the stars above watched them, the celestial map seemed to show itself as it grew brighter from the faint dim that it was. Looking down at his amulet he senses that perhaps his priest friend was onto something and raised it high towards the heavens, "Long did my friend search, is this finally where I come to find the Great Serpent of Axlotol?" His question echoes across the chamber, in response an almost ghostly hiss echoes back, though he could not tell if it was another mechanism or not.

    Still standing over the dead skaven Xolek takes the scale out of the pouch it glows ferociously in this place, magic pours into it much like in the tent of the Star Seer. Holding it up Xolek also points it towards the orb, it illuminating what they thought they saw, but so much more than they imagined....
    Last edited: Mar 31, 2020
  6. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    The surge of anger in his veins and violence in his muscles Xolek’s exhausted eyes scan the room's floor where they spot vast amounts of rubble and debris as well as strewn bones. A reminder of the countless souls that had suffered the same fate as this slave, who will soon become forgotten in both the mind of these lizardmen and its Skaven brothers.

    Stinging eyes continuing to sift through the fragments of forlorn events and history scattered across the floor the oricle is drawn to the watery glow of a blade. although this one, in particular, held a shred of significance among the countless weapons that were strewn across the cold stone tiles for it was once worthy of enacting hallowed ritual and sacred sacrifice. Though even this blade was not safe from time’s grasp which had warped and twisted the handle into an amalgamation of metal and dulled the rusted blade to the point where it was beyond use.

    Whilst the oracles attention was turned now not to the blade he had uncovered but instead the still bleeding wound upon his hand Xlauax, he who too felt his own essence slipping away from him drip by bloody drip clutched Qul’Tok’s amulet tightly before speaking out in a hoarse, fractured voice…

    As the scent of blood and desperate speech hung in the air making it ever the more difficult to breathe the chameleon struggled not to trip over his own words as he spoke.

    However, Above all others, that of 'Axlotl’, that of the city of the stars broke the silence in the form of a ghostly hiss. One that caused both skinks ears to ring as if untrusting of the world around them, one that caused their brains to rapidly try to come up with a conclusion, an answer. To disregard it as another vision, an illusion of the mind, scent of blood playing on both perception and judgment.

    What started as faint, leftover mechanical clicks or gusts of spectral wind, its sounds distorted by the countless miles of tunnel and wall gradually warped into phantom words. Words that could barely be comprehended and constructed through only aided concentration... However, as they continued the rhythm of silent breath and archaic tone became barely established.

    “Belo- Cit-esSs of Gold Changaz, Bel-w an-ient sunsSs Choloq growing old”

    “an-edi--vian Wraiths bou-d th-ou-h Un-ying Faithss.”

    ‘RRazherald. SsSacred Tenx.”
    “Ruzproclaim. HhHal-owed BbreathsSs”

    “WwE ret-rn to thi-s mo-tal Ccoil, sSlither once -ore upon corporeal Mundi-ssoil”

    “WwE manifest to te-poral flesh as anathema infest.”

    “Fleck of Tepozol, tezark and Ololoq herald our name in Hualaz Tepozi”

    “Watch, wait, stalk unsseen, unheard Chochi and unbeing.”

    “All shallll come to prais-se t-e moon by mark of Cuaxli:”

    “All shallll come to heed the call of Metzzlitllacco”
    On the final word the room was instantly absorbed in an inferno of light which filled only the skinks views before their steaming bodies dropped to the floor unmoving in a pool of their own still spilling blood.

    Amongst the storm of silver and white that was the skinks final glimpse of vision the singular imprint of a serpentine winged frame could be perceived.

  7. Lizerd
    Skink Priest

    Lizerd Well-Known Member

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    Tezka squinted as blinding lights shot from the tunnel as strong gusts of wind blew through. Tezka bared his teeth and dashed out of the corner, only to stumble and cough out more of his star blood as he regained his balance, adding a dappled red and white affect over his already blood stained armor. Looking up Tezka saw two hulking kroxigor, he would pay more attention to them later until he discovered the source of the light.

    “The Light, where is it coming from!” Tezka roared in command at the two kroxigor, as he did so Texcoco bounded from the tunnel, only to again cower in fear at the sight of the colossal kroxigor.
  8. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    As Tezka and the two kroxigor seemed to stare each other down, Tiqxoltiq slipped around the carnosaur and into the room. Waving a greeting to Quas and Hakal, he moved past them and peered into the secret chamber beyond. What he saw unnerved him somewhat and made him wish he had a little more magical ability at his disposal. Taking stock of the situation, Tik started to pull out his medical supplies...
  9. bOdziO Wolf

    bOdziO Wolf Well-Known Member

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    "Beeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaatutifuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuul" Quas was simply staring in awe, with his jaws dropped. There was a sound in the distance that he ignored, continuing to stare at the imagery projected before him. Another flash, however, set him to action as he saw two Skinks fainting to the ground and bleeding heavily.
    Presence of Tik and others joining helped him to double his efforts to make the opening wider resulting him in tearing away chunks of rock relying on his gargantuan strength alone.
  10. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    As saurian and carnosaur bounded behind Tik Desperately scrambling through pockets and pouches grabbing handfuls of medicinal supplies in a sheer panic induced by peering into the chamber beyond.

    Stone. Blood. Ruin. Skinks.

    Limbs silent. Drowned in the tide of their own blood the two steaming bodies lay. Unearthly pale the two skinks looked as if they were a pair of serpentine fangs for the intensity of their bleached colour was not of this world. What looked to be a strange dust-ash had fallen down to be strewn across their white skin colour in contrast and to make sticky blood mottled.

    Drab, frosted eyes looked as if they had been turned to solid pearl moons drained of any colour or emotion.

    Silent and motionless it was as if both bodies' very essence had been burnt out and forced to endure the pure, unfiltered intensity of both soul-searing light and an archaic presence that only the power of the slann could rival.

    Matter and mind had been fried instantly such was the nameless power which both Xolek and Xlauax had called into existence.


    Overwhelmed in the rush of light Quas’s mind’s defences crumbled like the stone he desperately scrambled at in fruitless attempts, even he knew like all those around him. These skinks, they were gone. Or so they thought…

    Clawing out huge chunks of the solid earth the kroxigor clutched onto any last hope for the pair of skinks as each and every swipe sent sprays of loose earth and solid rock. Even in these harrowing moments, this lizards strength was undeniable. However this strength was nothing to the sudden, inexplicable might of the luminescent wind which now surged through the tunnel.

    With each fainter pulse of the dying skinks hearts a tempest shrieked through the hollows of this land both above and below as storm clouds gathered in the charged air above. In a Sudden surge, burning soul-rending wind howled the requiem of a thousand souls as the crackle of thunder chanted in ritual tongue whispering one true word. ‘Awaken.’

    Even the might of the kroxigor and beast was nothing compared to that of this gale. Cast aside both Quas and Hakal’s bodies were thrown to the floor whilst Tik and Tezka were sent flying backwards into a solid stone wall. (-0.2 Wounds to ALL Hit)

    Laying silent and still even as the tempest raged around them the two skink bodies were rushed upon by this phantom, argent wind. Dried blood around them tainted silver the very air forced itself into their veins, mouth and eyes with such power that thier bodies were almost lifted off the ground if for but a moment before they once again tumbled down like ragdolls.

    In an instant, both Xolek and Xlauax gasped and reached out in a seizure of limbs before they both took thier final and first breaths into this world remade anew. Awash in the moonlight from the celestial map above Xolek choked and spluttered out droplets of silvery blood whilst the chameleon beside him steamed with burning veins, He would not go out this way, not today. He. must. Have. Vengeance.

    Current Stats, Equipment, Effects and other such notes:

    M3 WS3 BS0 S4 T4 W1.3 I0 A1 Ld6. 1 skill points, 4 battle, 0 Strength (-0.2 Wounds of impact damage)
    Weapon/tools: Mining pickaxe
    Hyenadon Necklace: (Item)

    - Description: A small crude string of bloody canine teeth Mixed in with two preserved hyaenodon Paws still covered in serrated claws. (Crafted)
    - Effects:

    +6% Accuracy against BEASTS.


    1x Basic Bandage (Consumable)
    - Description: Woven from thin layers of stripped bamboo and other plant fibres these types of basic bandages can be easily made or bought, crudely fulfilling their role as shabby dressings and plasters.
    -Effects: (During or After combat)
    Decreased chance of disease
    Bleeding temporarily reduced
    50% Chance to regain the receiver with 0.1 Wound.

    Active effects:
    (Recovering from stun)

    M6 WS2 BS2 S2 T1 W0.8 I4 A1 Ld5. 5 -MAX skill points, 4 battle, 4 Magic (-0.2 Wounds of impact damage)
    Weapons/tools: Staff, Blowpipe

    + 1 X Quetzl Grass (Consumable)
    - Description: Blazing like battle’s fury and Quetzl’s ever-watchful protection This supposedly blessed grass is resistant to all forms of plant disease and denies the wind even the ability to move its stoic blades, each one like the sharp end of a sword or spear. Made up of thick, fibrous strands interweave with each other like a shield this chewy grass is usually boiled or cut down into a form of tea before use.
    When ingested a strange feeling is induced upon the user first instilling a resilient resistance to pain before providing them with seemingly unnatural reserves of strength and vigour whilst also helping to stimulate and bolster the user's abilities with their weapon, almost guiding strikes towards vulnerabilities and weak spots in the enemies defences
    - Effects: (Duration: 1 Minute)
    20% Chance to regain a battle point after using one.
    +1 Toughness
    +1 Strength
    +1 Weapon Skill

    Active effects:

    Spells unlocked:

    - Glittering scales (1 Magic point) This spell will cause an allies scales to turn as hard and as strong as steel for one minute , allowing them to absorb blows and strikes with little to no effect.

    - Plague of rust (3 Magic points) This spell will cause three enemies armour to deteriorate and rust with extreme speed, small chunks flaking off into the wind and entire plates turning to dust.

    -Storm of knives (2 Magic points) This spell allows the caster to throw two floating knives of sharp metal into nearby enemies

    M3 W3 BS0 S4 T4 W2.3 I0 A2 Ld6. 0 skill points, 1 battle, 1 Strength (-0.2 Wounds of impact damage)

    Weapon/tools: Meat cleaver
    Talon of fangs (Item/Weapon)
    -Description: Created by a skilled and old skink artisan this trusty weapon is yet to taste its first battle, the malicious and serrated series of fangs and blades that protrude from the fist frame thirst for a drop of blood
    - Effects: -50% Range (Just means that using this weapon will significantly lower the user's effective strike range compared to that of a spear or traditional weapon). +10% Critical chance against small foes.


    0x Hyaenodon pelt (Destroyed by fire)

    Active effects:

    M3 WS0 BS0 S1 T0 W1 I2 A0 Ld3. 0 Skill points, 1 Battle, 0 Magic ,0 Beast handling. (Wounds restored, +1 Exhausted State)
    ( Exhausted states x2)

    Weapons/tools: Carnosaur tooth, Crude whip, Sacrificial dagger (Lost), Blowpipe

    Beasts Charm: (Item)
    - Description: This small metallic charm of mysterious origin is bent into the shape of a sharp dog like paw inside a small curved moon, the paws claws sharp enough to draw blood and the moon almost luminous with a strange, ghostly glow
    - Effects:
    +5% Success Chance on ALL Beast handling and Taming rolls.


    Silver scale: (???)
    - Description: Thirsting for magic this scale gently pulses with silver light, bathing all those near it in a sheen of luminosity so similar to that of the stars and moon.



    1x Hyenadon meat (Consumable)


    4x Hyenadon claws/teeth (Material)


    1x Fates Felicity (Consumable)
    - Description: This rare emerald pink fine powder is known to be the pure extract of The lesser emerald lotus, Supposedly one of the rarest and most beautiful flowers in all the jungle. Many creatures are often attracted to its strange scent where they stand mesmerised by the huge flower suspended on a thin pad that gently drifts on the water. Some legends even go as far to say that the animals attracted to it often wade too deep into the swamp waters in a trance, resulting in their untimely demise. The Emerald Pools of Itza teem with many beautiful and rare water lilies such as this one…
    - Effects: (Duration: 3 Minutes)
    +3 Initiative
    +1 Skill point


    1x Purple Moon (Consumable)
    - Description: A flower of bright lilac purple with a highlight of royal purple and specs of moon silver this flower is found deep in the jungle near riversides and grows on the moss surrounding trees and rocks. When Dried and chewed this flower enhances magical affinity and expands then mind to be able to process higher difficulty spells. A rare flower that is often covet by the Fauna of the Jungle for its rich flavour from the natural sap that comes from the leaves whether fresh or dried.
    - Effects: (Duration 120 Seconds)
    +1 Magic point
    -10% miscast chance

    Active effects:

    Spells unlocked:

    - Enchant with venom (1 magic point) this spell will add venom to an allied weapon within 100 meters for 10 minutes.

    - Blazing Aurora (1 Magic point) Looking up to the sky whilst chanting seemingly incomprehensible ancient and forgotten verses the casters body begins to slowly illuminate, a strange cerulean light buds from their tail until their whole body is consumed by it. Seconds later the light erupts into a blazing supernova of pure light that bathes the surroundings in a lucent shimmer before blinding all those unworthy that look upon it (Duration: 3 Minutes). All enemies within the area will no longer be able to target the caster or anything within a large radius (10 Meters) around him. Furthermore, the accuracy of all enemies fighting within the light (10 Meters from the caster) will be reduced by 50%

    - Sotek’s Serpents (1 Magic point) This spell will summon 1-3 Large snakes from the surrounding jungle to do the casters biding.

    - BOUND BY BLOOD -> Lunar Revenant (!!!)

    M4 WS1 BS2 S1 T1 W0.5 I4 A1 Ld(Intimidated) 2 skill points, 2 battle, 3 magic (1 Impaired state)

    Weapons/tools: Staff, Blowpipe
    Active effects:
    - Due to the nature of your injury, you may only use one arm.
    - Your character is currently intimidated
    - +0.1 Wounds, Wounds healing.

    Spells Unlocked:

    - Bolt of Tepok's Thunder (2 Magic points) This spell will cause a roaring thunderbolt to strike down upon any foe within sight.

    -Apotheosis (3 magic points) This spell can heal any ally within 100 meters back to full health, A swirling mist of azure energy swirls around the target, their wounds healing and vigour restored - 10% Mistcast chance.

    -Tepok's Eyes (1 Magic point) This allows the caster to almost leave his body, witnessing the world outside the body in slow motion for 30 seconds. whilst this spell is being undergone the casters mortal body cannot move.

    M3, WS0, BS2, S0, T0, W1, I2, A0 Ld3. 3 skill points, 0 battle, 1 blend (Wounds restored, +1 Exhausted State)
    (Exhausted states x4)
    - 80% Health regeneration rate
    - 30% Chance of all point usage instantly fail
    Weapons/tools: 2x Druchii dagger, Darkshard crossbow.

    1x ?Crystalline fragment? (Item)

    Active effects:

    - Lunar Atoning (-1 Initiative and +1 Movement When within the presence of the moon)

    - BOUND BY BLOOD -> Lunar Revenant (!!!)
    M3 WS3 BS0 S4 T4 W0.8 I2 A2 Ld 8. 1 Skill points, 2 battle, 1 beast handling. (-0.2 Wounds of Impact damage, No armour save due to damage type.)

    Armour Save:
    Warriors Skin - Roll from 0-9 Upon getting hit by an applicable form of damage. If the roll is:
    - 9 then your character will receive 10% less damage from the attack
    - 8 then your character will receive 20% less damage from the attack
    - 7 then your character will receive 25% less damage from the attack
    - <7 then your character will recieve no reduced amount of damage from the attack.


    Mechanical arm (-1 Movement, +1 Strength)
    - If hit within this region of the body the character will suffer extremely reduced damage.
    - Contact effects cannot be applied to this region of the body.
    - Wounds or injury on this region of the body will be handled differently.

    Weapon/tools: Obsinite Spear (+200% Attack range)

    Active effects:
    Effects: (Fireroot) (Duration: 6 Minutes)
    +Cold resistance
    10% Chance of an additional battle point. (Failed)

    Texcoco - M7 WS0 BS0 S4 T2 W1.5 I-Instinctive (0.5) A1 Ld6. (Growing) (-0.2 Wounds of Impact damage)

    Thundering Charge - Upon initially entering a combat a carnosaurs attack stat will increase by an additional 2. (Requires Specific circumstances)

    Fear - Reduces leadership of all nearby enemies by 2.

    Last edited: Apr 2, 2020
  11. Lizerd
    Skink Priest

    Lizerd Well-Known Member

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    Tezka, seemingly dazed returned to his feet. Looking around he also saw the other lizardmen rising to their feet, also dazed, but more importantly Texcoco had also gotten back up. Calling his loyal mount, the pair moved towards the skinks lying on the ground. Kneeling down to the skink dressed in a priest’s regalia, the Saurus Oldblood gently lifted the limp form, wiping off the blood on the skink’s chin, Tezka tasted it on his tongue.
    He turned to Tik and coldly stated “The magic of the heavens has been burned into his blood. He needs aid.”
    Last edited: Apr 2, 2020
  12. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    Scrambling to his feet, the priest winced and tested his wounded arm. The impact of that wind had reopened his wound, which was bleeding sluggishly. Still, the pain was tolerable and the bleeding would stop soon enough. Moving over to the skinks, Tik quickly began to assess their damage.

    This is not something I am familiar with," he said after a short time. "Zuztle will know. We need to get them to the surface, to the healer's tent." Using his magic, he attempted to stabilize the two skinks, but Tiqxoltiq's magic wasn't geared towards healing (yet) so stabilizing them was the best he could hope for...
    Nazqua, bOdziO Wolf, Lizerd and 2 others like this.
  13. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Xolek for a moment opened his eyes and saw the Oldblood carrying him out of the chamber, but not not before something caught his eye, a mask of some sort of ancient origin. Pointing at the mask he then sees tik and lets out gurgled words, "Tik...mask..." before blacking out into darkness once more he reaches down to make sure his pipe is still with him, after confirming that it is the blackness takes him again....

    Xiuhcoatl follows close behind as they leave the chamber, though keeping her distance from the Carnosaur
    Last edited: Apr 2, 2020
  14. bOdziO Wolf

    bOdziO Wolf Well-Known Member

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    Quas sat up holding both his hands enclosing his crocodile ears trying to stop swirling world in his eyes. Took him a long while to regain his posture and once he was able to walk he strode towards the newly carved entrance once again to see what happened. "I take him" - he said in his usual low guttural voice and with help of Tik, he was found carrying the other Skink in his giant arms and making haste to catch up to the Old Blood that was taking care of moving Xolek out.
  15. DeathBringer125

    DeathBringer125 Well-Known Member

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    Xlauax felt his head swimming, a dazed look in his eyes. He realized he was dripping with silver blood, he would not die this easily. He felt himself lifted by Quas, and held on to his Justice and to Qul'toq's amulet, with a steely grip. As he drifted off into sleep, he muttered the words "W-will a-avenge Q-Q-Qul'toq.....".
  16. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    Still shaking from his impact against the wall, Tik slipped into the chamber and looked around. It took him a moment to find the mask Xolek spoke of, and another moment to dig in his pouches for a scrap of silk. The priest was no fool. Silk was an insulator against magical power, so no matter what the mask held or was, the silk would protect him from its effects. Carefully he wrapped the mask in the scrap of cloth, taking care not to touch it with his hands. Only then did he pick it up and follow the others to Zuztle's tent.
    bOdziO Wolf, Nazqua, Lizerd and 2 others like this.
  17. Paradoxical Pacifism
    Skink Chief

    Paradoxical Pacifism Well-Known Member

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    Hakal trembled as he got up. He didn't know what hit him, but it sent his entire body crashing down towards the cave floor. Burning sensations racked him.

    Finally able to stand upright, though with much stumbling, he saw Xlauax and Xolek's limp bodies picked up by the Oldblood and his fellow kroxigor. Horror raced into him; unable to comprehend what had just happened. He gripped his pick-ax tighter and tighter, ready for whomever was responsible.
    bOdziO Wolf, Nazqua, Lizerd and 2 others like this.
  18. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    Coming out of the chamber with the silk-wrapped mask, the priest practically ran into Hakal. Stopping just short of impact, he looked up at the hulking kroxigor and frowned. "Hakal, you look terrible. Have you been overdoing it again?" Spying the pickaxe and the stone dust coating Hakal's scales made things click in Tik's mind. "Ah, you were knocking the hole in the wall bigger when everything blew outwards, weren't you? Go to the surface, to Zuztle's tent. I am heading there myself. You are most certainly overworked, and you may have a concussion." Patting him gently on one forearm, the priest motioned for Hakal to preceed him down the tunnels.
    bOdziO Wolf, Nazqua, Lizerd and 2 others like this.
  19. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    Exhaustion overcoming them both Xlauax and Xolek were forced down in fatigue. their mellowed, blazing minds subdued only through temporary debility and tiredness gained from both intense battle, blood loss and having to endure an inferno of soul-rending magic placed upon them by the gaze of some ancient power. An ancient power that now flowed through their very veins searing out any form of corruption or taint from both skinks bodies, or now, the power’s own.

    As chameleon and oracle slipped briefly in and out of consciousness they could feel an almost suffocating embrace as if a phantom serpent had slithered forth from incandescent shadows to constrict their numb limbs and cause breaths to become ever the more shallow.

    Tingles shivering their way down his scales like a slow, crawling electric shock Tezka tasted what the saurians called the aspect of battle. Blood.

    First to hit him was the silvery-metallic taste. Thick and unnatural the liquid sizzled with a burning on his tongue. Star fire. Lunar light.

    The sensation and feeling this blood invoked was not unsimilar to that which Tezka had experienced too many times before…

    In a snap the saurian barked out a rally of sharp orders and observations… Speech of magic burned into blood. Speech of immediate aid.


    And it was immediate aid that both Kroxgior and skink sought to provide. With a repetition of the phrase “I take him” Quas hastily hauled Xlauax off the ground with but a swift motion such was his strength.

    Still Dizzy Quas levelled himself before continuing to carry out Tiqxoltiq’s orders, careful not to hold the chameleon too tight or accidentally twist the skinks body by moving a single limb too quickly. All it would take is one accidental movement and the chameleon's neck and spine could be twisted and snapped in but an instant, a truly chilling thought if not a testament to the raw strength a kroxigor can hold.

    A strength that Hakal had all but exhausted, smashing into the wall time and time again to create the opening which had allowed both kroxigor and saurus into the chamber previously inaccessible to them. Anger, fury and apprehension sending waves of chemicals throughout his body Hakal shivered and trembled, he was all but powerless to what he had witnessed and guiding the fate of these skinks, that however would not stop him…


    Finding himself scrambling through the mound of rubble presented to him Tik quickly drags out this so-called Mask Xolek spoke of… Carefully the priest pulled the object out from the debris, his hands covered in a thick sheet of magic protecting silk.

    As the mask was pulled into the light it was more identifiable as a chunk of rusty, dirt-encrusted metal and brittle bone that had long worn away than a form of mask… Any sigils or markings placed over the uneven and rough surface were now faded and no more, however, it was unclear if their effects of them still lasted… an all too real possibility when considering the fact that this mask had soaked up a millennia worth of the latent magic that had once sat in the chamber, a magic that had now been forced into the skink's bodies…


    His attempts at keeping Texcoco calm on the verge of collapse Tezka was forced to distance himself from the group and rush ahead whilst the exodus of Kroxi and priest followed behind.

    Each step sending up splashes of foul still smoking water the saurian relied on both his sense of smell and keen dark vision to trace his way back through these tunnels, now made caves through the long years of abuse and disrepair.

    The journey toward the exit of the cave seemed several times quicker than the foray inwards, whether to do with the intense urgency that hung in the air or the fact this groups mind was cast toward the safety of their skink companions over the constant risk of Skaven confrontation can only be debated.

    After what in reality was minutes of steady trekking the lizardmen finally met the intersection that led into the entrance and several other forlorn tunnels. As Tezka passed the cavern which he and tik had initially spent time trying to tear away a mound of rubble he couldn't help but let out a growl, These Skaven may hide from his wraith now, though all would in time suffer judgment at the hands of the old ones and thier children...

    Continuing further the group could now sense the smell of fresh air and light breeze upon their scales, scales which were encrusted with both fetid mud and dried Skaven blood. Scales which now glowed with a faint reddish tint as a burst of early dusk light filled the passage ahead. Had this much time passed already?

    Evacuating hastily from these accursed chambers the company were forced to see the other unexplored tunnels and passageways pass by, each one's secrets remaining in the dark.

    Similarly If not for the signs the tunnels already bore it was now evident Kara was not safe from the reaches of taint and infestation… The numbers of the Skaven which had been slain down here on this day would no-doubt be replaced even if the original orders of extermination had been carried out more successfully by the other saurians led down by Quelionxi from one of the other distant entrances…

    At least the Skaven would be held off even if for but a day, a week before their numbers would once again swell and a full-blown assault on the surface would inevitably become an option once again. However, until that time, the camp would be temporarily safe from the verminous threat that lurked below...

    As the light grew in intensity and warmth, relief washed over Tik above all others for it was him who now felt as if it were his responsibility to keep these fellow lizards safe… However, the experience of relief was short-lived after Xolek groaned and gritted his teeth with pain as the sunlight briefly singed his pale flesh.
    Last edited: Apr 4, 2020
  20. DeathBringer125

    DeathBringer125 Well-Known Member

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    Xlauax suddenly awoke while being carried by Quas. Quas realized the shadow around Xlauax before seemed to be flickering rapidly, and an ice blue glow emitted from Xlauax's eyes. Xlauax started speaking some random words, they almost sounded like an incantation if some sort. Shortly after this the shadow seemed to fade away entirely, the glow vanished from his eyes before Xlauax slipped back into sleep, though never dropping his Justice.

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