Sadly this probably applies to me. Even more sadly, some people are going to emerge from quarantine much thinner. Thus this video also applies to me.
disclaimer: this is a joke Today you disgusting monotheists celebrate the return of some “Jesus” a traitor to the Roman Empire. Since when has society been idolizing treason smh.
The cool kids are calling this "the CCP Virus". It places blame where it belongs. The Chinese people are victims of the CCP much as the rest of the world is. Note that Taiwan is also Chinese and they have done a great job containing the virus without resorting to draconian measures. The CCP first denied the existence and arrested doctors who tried to share the information. When the CCP admitted the virus was real, they understated it's lethality and they said human-to-human transmission was not an issue. During the early cover up stages, CCP backed businesses were buying up masks and other medical supplies. When Taiwan tried to warn the WHO about human-to-human transmission, the WHO ignored Taiwan because the CCP ordered the WHO to exclude Taiwan. Early talks of travel bans were denounced as racist by the CCP propagandists. Countries that were part of the CCP's Belt and Road Initiative are generally harder hit than those that are not. The CCP has been spreading the narrative that they have been donating medical supplies to other nations but they have been selling the supplies for a profit. And many of these supplies of our subpar quality. In some cases the supplies were tainted with the virus. Okay, I'll stop with the facts because it's lowering the comedic tone of this thread. Here is a video of a hamster eating a tiny birthday cake.
No problem as far as I can see. But I believe this would better received if you used a meme generator program to put this over something like this: I would also add more flowery language, "the glorious and infallible Roman Empire"
Ave Lizerd! I'm now meming most of my responses in the new members forum. A little bit of memeing can make everything better.
In the before time I went to a bakery every two or three days. Now in the days of social isolation I must turn to dark arts once thought lost to the mists of time. via Imgflip Meme Generator
I'm an American. We celebrate treason all the time. You might say it's in our dna. "We must all hang together, or we shall all most assuredly hang separately."