Lizardmen RPG - Accepting new players

Discussion in 'General Hobby/Tabletop Chat' started by Nazqua, Nov 24, 2019.

  1. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    Xlauax -
    M3, WS0, BS1, S0, T0, W1, I2, A0 Ld3. 3 skill points, 0 battle, 1 blend
    (Exhausted states x4)
    - 80% Health regeneration rate
    - 30% Chance of all point usage instantly fail

    - Your Characters points have begun to slowly regenerate now out of combat and 'Resting'
    Trait Active: Lunar Revenant (+1A)


    Xolek-Zi -
    M3 WS0 BS0 S2 T1 W1 I2 A0 Ld3. 0 Skill points, 1 Battle, 0 Magic ,0 Beast handling.
    ( Exhausted states x2)

    - Your Characters points have begun to slowly regenerate now out of combat and 'Resting'
    Trait Active: Lunar Revenant (+1S, +1T)
  2. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    Staggering over to their fire, Tik made himself known and explained the situation with the cornered salamander to the nearest beast handler. While they were just as tired as the priest, the handlers knew they would have to deal with Xiuhcoatl as quickly as possible. If anything, she would be easier to wrangle into a pen while fed and exhausted. To be safe, they took a few tidbits of food they knew salamanders couldn't resist as well as some special tools. Tik, meanwhile, stared at the fire through sleep-addled eyes. For a moment - only a second, really - he considered either returning to Zuztle's tent or reporting in to the Starseer, but the fire beckoned.

    Glancing around, he found a warm spot near enough to the fire to keep him halfway dry without burning him, and was soon sound asleep.
  3. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Xolek through his exhaustion was not conscious but was indeed dreaming, he dreamed of pain as if he was actually physically feeling it. He dreamed of symbols being carved into his scales and soft flesh, not by wordly tools but by ancient magics that also plagued his mind.

    Was what he dreaming actually reality or just dreams? His mind suffered while deep in an unwakable sleep, his body did not fair much better.

    As a skink walked passed to check on him, it noticed something that was not there before, an ancient marking indeed had appeared, though unknown of what it meant

  4. Lizerd
    Skink Priest

    Lizerd Well-Known Member

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    At dusk Tezka was sent out of the healers tent with thick supports tied to his ankles and feet. Apparently he had split the bones in his left ankle and had broken part of his right foot. He had also been instructed to “avoid strenuous activities” meaning no climbing into trees. Instead he and Texcoco would find a rock pile with a small tunnel underneath it. Working quickly the pair of them enlarged the hole and slipped in, and finally Tezka closed his eyes, and went to sleep.
  5. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    As Tik’s body almost forced itself down onto a small pile of soft debris and plants the priest watched as a handful of the handler’s nodded in both respect of their elder and at his command.

    Now settling down limbs numb Tiqxoltiq’s eyes drifted downwards as the world faded darker with each passing moment before a singular handler looked as if they were to speak out only to find the start of their voice hoarse and muted. It was clear these skinks were exhausted much the same.

    Mind now slowly shifting into sleep the priest could feel the gentle tap’s of rain onto his warmed scales and crackling of the fire as the images of skinks riffling Rifling through tool racks and makeshift storage compartments before scurrying off into the darkness faded.


    Above what once was the splatter of burning reds and oranges had been sliced open by the soaring raven’s wing allowing the full onset of nights forces to march unheeded across the sky in a legion of stars rallied to the slivered one's banner.

    A silvery glow reflecting off the small splatters of blood behind him Tezka and Texcoco marched toward an almost underground cove of rocks before settling down.

    As the carnosaur curled up and drifted off the saurian rested in an almost suspended state, Conscious of the world around him yet asleep and completely at rest. A state no doubt developed uniquely to the saurian race in order to enact their duties amongst the lizardmen empire in a form of eternal vigil.


    As Xolek’s mind waxed and waned melded to ancient will the oracle’s obsidian scales simmered and burnt like molten silver as invisible serpents slithered across them carving out faint symbols and sigils in their wake.

    Meanwhile, as both priest and saurian’s bodies were swept away in the tide of sleep Hakal and Quas were too subdued by these mortal needs of rest and rejuvenation.

    M3 WS3 BS0 S4 T4 W1.9 I0 A1 Ld6. 1 skill points, 5 battle - MAX, 1 Strength
    +0.6 Wounds Regenerated
    +1 Battle (Max - 5)
    +1 Strength

    M6 WS2 BS2 S2 T1 W0.8 I4 A1 Ld5. 5 -MAX skill points, 4 battle, 6 Magic
    +0.2 Wounds Regenerated
    +2 Magic

    M3 W3 BS0 S4 T4 W2.7 I0 A2 Ld6. 2 skill points, 3 battle, 2 Strength

    0.4 Wounds Regenerated
    +2 Skill
    +2 Battle
    +1 Strength

    M5 WS2 BS1 S4 T3 W1 I2 A0 Ld3. 3 Skill points, 1 Battle, 1 Magic, 2 Beast handling.
    X2 Exhausted State’s recovered.
    +3 Skill
    +1 Magic
    +2 Beasthandling

    M4 WS1 BS2 S1 T1 W0.9 I4 A1 Ld4 4 skill points, 3 battle, 5 magic
    0.4 Wounds.
    Impared state resolved due to constant rest.
    +2 skill
    +1 Battle
    +2 Magic

    M5, WS2, BS2, S2, T2, W1, I2, A2 Ld3. 1 skill points, 2 battle, 2 blend
    (Exhausted states x1)
    X3 Exahusted State’s Recovered
    +1 Skill
    +2 Battle
    +1 Blend

    M3 WS3 BS0 S4 T4 W1 I2 A2 Ld 8. 2 Skill points, 4 battle, 2 beast handling.
    +0.1 Wounds recovered
    +1 Skill

    +2 Battle
    +1 Beasthandling

    M7 WS0 BS0 S4 T2 W1.8 I-Instinctive (0.5) A1 Ld6. (Growing)
  6. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    Dawn. A hollow expression for those of the first. Unrelenting days and nights turn to months, years, centuries… a millennia. It matters not for the inexorable avengers of the Great plan, a great plan that will be forced into fruition by the hand of the righteous, by hand of the timeless…

    Fickle rays of light bleached through the burnt roof splattering the mud-coated floor in a wash of dawn glow. This 'floor' however was misidentified, being rather a filth, earth encrusted patch of scales, scales owned by a skink, a priest by the name of Tikxoltiq in fact.

    It wasn’t this feeling of warmth, the kind that soaks deep into your limbs and body nor even the thick, humid air that acted as if it were its own entity hell-bent on making breathing a difficult task but rather something else that awoke this particular priest.

    It was rather the sound of uneven commotion which took the form of a rapid slur of skink chitters and clicks and the rumble of eager footsteps emanating from the plaza.

    Silence.. A singular voice speaking out in almost soothing singular sentences followed once again by an earthquake of movement and chatter, amongst such chatter, the word “Hual”, Speak of the silvered one, of its city, speak of “Tlaxtlan.”

    Groggy Tik’s mind gently pulsed to the beat of his calm, collected heart as the skink was nudged out of sleep by the sounds and uproar, the kind that would draw in skinks and kroxigors from across the camp, and that it did.

    Whilst the priest's eyes watered and stung quickly adjusting to the bright light another handful of beast handlers ambled by toward the central plaza now made even more spacious from the distinct lack of several huts. Several huts which had suffered doom at the hand of the Oloq. An episode of rage unforgotten by Chotec’s anger which now peaked out from the horizon almost mocking night as it slowly advanced to banish the sky of this darkness once more.


    Meanwhile, Hours before Xolek stirred from the clutches of slumber as if his soul was once more under siege. Shivering the oracle awoke to find himself amidst several rows of lined beds, many of which were inhabited by other wounded skinks, Xlauax amongst them.

    As the oracle’s vision adjusted to the almost glaring moonlight that previously poured through the chamber entrance he felt as if he were being watched. Not by some presence, Some being… But rather by himself, by a reflection of his own soul. Whispers of moonlight slithered across the stone walls as if possessed by a serpentine intent one that sought him out. No. Sought out the scale upon which he now felt within his hand. It had been in his hand the whole time, only noticing it now…

    It was cold to the touch, freezing. Waves of pure ice pulsed up his hand and arm covering obsidian scales in a frosty rime that seemed to almost amplify the strange, faint markings laid bare upon his skin into glowing symbols, their light fueled only by the oracles' will…

    Sitting up Xolek’s warmth escaped out of his breaths in the form of a coiling mist whilst his eyes we’re now able to scan the room. Flicker. Lights dimmed, extinguished. The now dark chamber surrounding him was as it always had been as too was both his skin and scale.

    Nothing had changed other than the fact he and several other patients had been carefully moved to more rest-suited beds above the many stone slabs, some still occupied which dotted the room, One of which Zuztle leaned up against in a deep sleep.

    Forced up at such an early hour Xolek was forced to endure several more hours of patient waiting and the silent torment of not being able to drop back off before the sun finally rose and with it so did the many other skinks which now busied themselves with various tasks. Most, however, could to pick up on a certain buzz coming from up above in the camp, one that attracted the skinks in droves.


    As the oracle, priest and chameleon awoke Both kroxigors did the same. Quas, Who had slept in his usual spot beside his kitchen, or.. what was his kitchen...

    Centralised within the commotion Quas could make out the voices of fellow skinks and footsteps. surrounded in the scent of apprehension but also excitement the kroxigor was forced into alertness, a state which eroded when Quas felt the weight of his own full stomach.
  7. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    Blinking back sleep, Tik slowly roused himself and sat up. "Ugh, I feel like I slept on a rock." Looking down, he sighed. "Oh. Because I did. What in Lustria is making that noise? It sounds like a stegadon is talking..." Getting stiffly to his feet, he headed over to see what was happening.
  8. Lizerd
    Skink Priest

    Lizerd Well-Known Member

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    Although no light could entirely r burrow, Tezka slowly awoke to the sounds of commotion in the camp. He peered our, and to his satisfaction the footprints he and Texcoco had left behind had vanished in the churned up mud and dust. Hesitantly Tezka peered out even further looking around. As he did so a skink came charging down the rocks he slept under, taking no notice of the Oldblood’s head poking out. Groggily, Tezka crawled out of the hole and shook himself in attempt to rid his scales of the muck. Following Tezka’s lead, his Carnosaur got up to follow him. Evidently, the carnosaur had gone out last night, and still had a femur he was gnawing in his maw.
  9. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Xolek felt cold, as if the darkness had brought the bitter cold winds of the north to march against his body, he felt a cold sensation coursing, nay pulsing up his arm through his hand...his hand, in that moment he realized still held the scale that glowed a light blue each time it pulsed and then faded into a feridian grey before the pulse would renew again. Soon after he noticed his breath could be seen, something he had never seen before even in all his travels, out of fear he dropped the scale after seeing ice crystals forming over him.

    "What is this!?" He thought to himself as he saw the scale drop to the floor only then to realize the markings and how they too pulsed but then faded away as the scale also fell away from him, but physically they were still there. Looking down through the passage way he could see the moons bright and pure light showing, surely bright enough to eclipse out the false moon that it danced with. He felt it was calling to him to pick up the scale once more.

    Xolek felt this call, but was unsure what or who it was, perhaps his own mind playing tricks on him? He shook his head, no, he was not crazy, looking inside himself he knew he must grab the scale once more. Jumping down from his bed as softly as possible to not wake the others around him he grabbed the scale, and again the cold pulsing feeling began to overtake first his arm and then his whole body, the markings again began to glow but this time brighter as he began to consecrate on them.

    Looking around he noticed the walls crawled, nay slithered with...something, did his eyes play tricks on him? He couldnt tell. Jumping back onto the bunk the oracle went into a meditation trying to control his own shaking due to the ice cold scale and now frost covering his own scales, but he dare not let go. "When dawn breaks I will go see the Seer about this, one so wise and aged must know something" just then he remebered his vision in the tunnels and about seeing the seer mentioned... "He must know something..." he kept muttering to himself until his meditation finally over took his mind. The scale now firmly in his hand in a state of deep meditation glowed the same brightness as the full moon.

    Frigid, breath still showing as if in a winter storm Xolek opened his eyes to not only dim new sunlight but to the sound of a stirring camp filled with life, and the word "Tlaxtlan"
    Last edited: Apr 10, 2020
  10. bOdziO Wolf

    bOdziO Wolf Well-Known Member

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    Angry noises of the hungry Skinks hitting the plates and bowls once again marked a brand new day for a humbly humbling Kroxigor Quas. The duty of the camp cook called to prepare the most important meal for his brothers-in-spawn. He yawned soundly sending few birds and lizards away in fear and then slowly got up to his feet. Shortly after he was in a nearby lake refreshing himself for a couple of moments.

    Brown rice filled the large cooking pot and boiled slowly upon a lazy fireplace while Quas sliced the chunks of dried meat only to imbue it later with vegetable based spice and oils bringing in additional nutrition ingredients and making the consumer more effective than a Dwarf on a beer. Upon an inviting growl the Skinks and those Sauruses and Kroxigors that haven't been found eating their fallen enemies last night lined up before the kitchen taking their share, some of them staying near for a quick gossip, keeping Quas up to date.
  11. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    Whilst Limbs ached from the movement with an almost burning sensation caused by Tik’s physical exertions the priest stumbled to his feet before making his way toward the source of the commotion, the source of both excited and apprehensive chatter and movement… The central plaza.

    As the priest approached the plaza a handful of members of the still-forming crowd quickly moved to the side allowing the more prestiged skink past so that they could approach the razed circular platform at the far end of the open space where many announcements or speeches often took place with relative ease.

    Atop this platform was none other than Izqux himself. Seated within his palanquin which was adorned in bountiful clumps of feathers, golden idols and other trinkets each of which told a story and shared a fragment of their past with the Seer. The whole structure aloft upon the magic winds which now blew rampant over Kara as if renewed and sustained by some, awoken force Izqux’s palanquin hovered high above the platforms stone surface. A stone surface now made black covered in thin layers of ash, yet another reminder of the rage which these grounds and populace had endured…

    Now finding himself surrounded by many a skink Tik’s head was now angled upwards steering toward Izqux who seemed to almost give off a sense of certainty and wisdom to his followers through the use of soft, flowing words and similar gentle hand gestures.

    In and amongst the crowd the buzzing of voices faded into the background leaving only that of the Starseer. As Izqux spoke out, even the gentle swaying of the tree’s held its breath to listen in and concentrate whilst the surrounding jungle orchestra seemed to agree to each and every soothing word.

    “And thus under the orders of my wise tongue and the boundless will and wisdom of the Slann, High lords of Tlaxtlan almighty, their word being absolute we must now assemble despite the original plan to bare witness to my voice and finalize any preparations for the journey ahead.”

    “A journey that must be taken to ensure the safety of such holy artefacts and lost relics we have uncovered here, in this trove of hidden knowledge once known as Kara now made ruins…”

    With each moment Tiqxoltiq can detect the seriousness and importance behind Izqux’s voice whilst also seeing both the tiredness and age in the Starseer’s face and wrinkled pale eyes...



    Leaving the Cove of rock, earth and dirt Tezka surfaced followed by Tezcoco behind who still held a clump of bone of some unfortunate creature that had strayed too near that night.

    Apprehensive the carnosaur sniffed the air. Movement, Excitement and commotion. Before continuing to follow its master who had now arrived back into the camp. Unlike the skinks around him, Tezka had no reaction to the burnt buildings and piles of rubble, in part, this was due to him being a saurus, he, however, had seen too many similar scenes to the point where destruction and carnage could no longer affect him.

    Pushing Skinks aside Tezka arrived at the front of the crowd in a far different manner to how the priest before him had. Instead of parting calmy the skinks instead scurried as to not get stuck in the way of such a saurian who looked as if they would continue surging forward, shoving or trampling any who still stood in his path.


    Skin still burning in distinctive patterns, scales cracked, Mind slightly unnerved Xolek crawled out from the healing chambers. Zuztle was occupied with another burn victim and had no need for thankful words, for this work was his duty assigned by the great plan and with that its completion and process served as more than enough.

    Breathing in the fresh, dawn air the oracle allowed his tense body to relax… He could really do with a puff from his pipe around now…

    With the feeling of being watched if that was even the way to describe it subsiding the skink allowed his pale, obsidian scales to slowly thaw and absorb the humid warmth before his mind was quickly diverted toward the sound of clamour and commotion. A clamour and commotion fed only by the wise words of Izqux who could be seen from where Xolek stood. Raised above the masses upon his stone palanquin the Starseer was surely delivering statement and news to the camp whilst also creating an atmosphere that beckoned the oracle nearer.


    His normal inattentive, distracted state turned to one rapt with wonder, excitement but also unease Quas did his best to listen in and concentrate of each of Izqux’s words as he spoke nearby. As the kroxigor did so the smell of sizzling meats and aromas of spices filled the air around… His kitchen may not have been what it once was, but it still served its purpose, a purpose evident by the sounds of content as skinks crunched down upon fresh morning meals whilst they too paid close attention to the Seer and the words he now spoke with such frenzied passion yet calmness as he stood to his feet.

    “Artifacts have been assembled, Routes mapped and planned, supplies gathered. All we now wait upon is our fellow children of the first.

    Our Priests, Tikxoltiq, Kuoteq'eko and Tluqui, they who will be leading this journey under my name and will.

    Beasthandlers and Trackers, Uykar amongst them, he who will be mapping and driving this journey

    Chosen Saurus, Those who will accompany this journey, its Cargo and contents with Weapons of war, Kraxyun, Uctatte, Ixtep, Xltectun, Tezka and Qrakul among others.

    Decided Kroxigors, Those who will provide raw strength and uplift our load accompanied by our Ahuatli, Hakal, Xltomo, Quas and Toltex

    Selected Skinks, Those who will ensure the Journey’s success through mental strength, adept hand and swift thinking.”

    Last edited: Apr 12, 2020
  12. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    Nodding slowly to himself, Tik sighed inside. "Well," he thought to himself, "so much for resting for a day or two. I guess I had better go pack my supplies as soon as this meeting is done."
  13. Lizerd
    Skink Priest

    Lizerd Well-Known Member

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    Tezka looked on coldly at the starsser and nodded.
    “I’m ready, when do we leave?” Was all the Oldblood needed to say. His carnosaur was saddled up and all his equipment was on hand. Pausing, Tezka looked over the saurus that would accompany the group on their journey. They clearly all came from the same spawning, having the same markings, although Qrakul was the largest of the group. Again Tezka spoke to them
    “I give the orders.”
  14. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Xolek stretched his legs, back and then arms, the suns warmth was invigorating to the skink, the frost that overcame his body slowly began to thaw; however the markings remained with their glow as if his body was a battery.

    Looking back briefly Xolek notices his stegadon leather belt and its pouches inside under where he laid previously, walking back into the makeshift medical area he grabs it, and with it reunited with his pipe. Looking at the healer he could see that Zuztle was busy mending the sick and injured. Looking up to the Sun and feeling the breeze on his scales Xolek says a prayer for the healer to both Tepok for his magic to not fade during this trying time and to Chotec for energy and swiftness for both mind and body.

    Grabbing his pipe he slowly sticks it into his mouth, the redwood and maple woods giving a semi sweet taste on his tongue, a familiar and welcoming sensation. Looking down into his herb pouch he looks into his ordinary smoking supply, "not much left" he says softly with a sigh before packing his pipe full. With the sun showing strongly the Oracle takes out a small magnifying glass and begins to focus Chotecs rays onto the herb packed pipe, moments later a small flame erupts and a strong inhale brings it to slowly spread across the top. As a large smoke cloud leaves Xoleks lungs through his nose and mouth a deep sigh of relaxation can be heard.

    Looking up again he can still see Izqux speaking, calling out names, curiosity overcomes Xolek as he makes his way through the crowd. Skinks that notice the burning symbols step back some to get a better look but do not stare long as they are enthralled in the Seers message.

    Now standing in the center of the crowd, Xolek tries to mwwt the gaze with the Seer, his eyes a feridian grey and blue mix, skinks around him begin to notice the symbols and step back until there is a small open circle around him. Xolek doesnt notice, he is fixated on Izqux as he smokes his pipe and allows the smoke to ride the wind to wherever it may take it.
    Last edited: Apr 12, 2020
  15. DeathBringer125

    DeathBringer125 Well-Known Member

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    Xlauax started shaking in his sleep, he had been seemingly in an unmoving trance for days. Suddenly he started muttering strange words before settling back down again. He slowly sat up and blinked a few times before frantically searching around for something. Zuztle saw this out of the corner of his eye and walked over with two scabbards and a crossbow. He was a bit clumsy as he wasn't used to lugging all this weaponry around, but he placed it beside Xlauax immediately grabbed it up and started to inspect it's blade and clean it.
    Last edited: Apr 13, 2020
  16. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    As an Arbiter, A Priest of the first time for rest was not a commodity Tikxoltiq could rely on. As of recent times, the only true quiet the skink was allowed was his sleep and nothing more… He, like many others around him, had got used to running only on those few hours of necessary rest day after day.

    Whilst Tik’s mind eased out of its sleep-like state Tezka, who was now also at the front of the crowd stood forth upon hearing his name. Being placed apart from the crowd of skinks the contrast between the saurian’s size, muscle and strength and that of the skinks became ever more striking.

    Even when compared to the handful of fellow saurus which had been called down from their duties it was clear Tezka would be the one giving out orders amongst them for he was an Oldblood. This could be identified with ease due to his sheer strength and the golden arm which clung onto his scarred scales, its once gleaming surface turned dim with the crimson of blood and grime of many a battle. To have a venerated title amongst skinks was one thing, but to have one amidst saurus was another entirely…

    Unlike the skinks which swarmed in a large disorganised crowd the few saurus stood in aligned ranks, with each and every member of those ranks holding their only true possession other than the scars upon their skin, their weapons. A forest of obsinite spears coloured a true black, darkness like the abyss those struck by them would be banished too risen above a wall of shield, scale and flesh.

    Speaking out now in a loud, singular voice that overpowered much of the constant rumble of skinks chirps and voices Tezka diverted Izqux’s gaze toward him.

    “We shall leave when the sun begins its descent and its scorching heat has subsided. Between night and day, there is no difference for where we path thick canopy and endless tree’s turn light to darkness and crave shadows with such intensity.

    Marching through the coolness of night before resting this journey will not be easy, Slow movement through the many swamps which try to block the route will be necessary when carrying such ancient, such archaic cargo. Amongst such cargo being the remains of a Slann and a Plaque of such importance, one that is written in a language so forlorn and ancient that not even I can decipher it, A Plaque which bares emerald eyes which reflect back the soul in a thousand shattered images….”

    “If all goes correct then we plan then the cargo band will arrive at the Chalchiutl Akaxim - At the Viridian Pools upon the second cycle and begin to reach our destination City of the Moon, Tlaxtlan upon the third or fourth or so Uykar tells me, As I know and foresee stars and their infinite cycles he knows these lands and the paths we have taken before.”


    With each of Izqux’s words stirring the crowd, even more, Xolek listened with intent, His mind was eased with each puff of his pipe whilst his focus seemed to become stronger. As thin layers of fumes and smoke twisted and danced in the air with the already present mist like two serpents the congregation of skinks began to chant about the city from which they heralded from and now will return to in a crazed state induced by Izqux’s powerful words but also the thin haze of Xolek-Zi’s smoke now wafting through the air.


    Meanwhile, Xlauax studied his blades and weapons with a similar concentration. Eyes following down the metallic twisted edges of the elven blades before moving onto the mechanics and workings of the crossbow, of Vengeance. And as he did so the noise and commotion above only increased, Something was happening in the camp no doubt…
    Last edited: Apr 13, 2020
  17. DeathBringer125

    DeathBringer125 Well-Known Member

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    Xlauax stood up, he wobbled about for a few moments but ended up steading himself with some time. He felt strange, he felt like he had new memories, but he couldn't tell which ones were new and which ones were old, they both felt so real. As Xlauax was leaving the small cave system serving as an infirmary, he reached out to grab his staff that should be propped up against the wall, to suddenly realize that he had never used a staff, or had he?

    As he walked through the camp, he saw Izqux shouting out orders of their imminent departure, he had almost forgotten about the Amulet and their journey to Tlaxtlan. Xlauax quickly made sure to volunteer his services to scout out their path ahead of the group, perhaps he could be of some assistance to Uykar.
    Last edited: Apr 13, 2020
    Tk'ya'pyk, Nazqua, Lizerd and 2 others like this.
  18. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Standing calmly amongst the hustle and bustle of the camp like a rock amongst rapids Xolek sat down on the bare earth, smoke rising from his pipe and exhales of his lungs. Paying little attention to the Saurus and other skinks his gaze was still focused on Izqux, wisdom and authority radiated out of the Seer, Xolek appreciated such confidence.

    Xolek would wait until a better time to speak with the Seer, raising to his feet he began to look around for a handler, wondering where Xiuhcoatl had gone. Finding a younger beast handler Xolek begins to ask if the reptile had been found, after being told she had been corralled a smile broke through. Patting the skink on the shoulder Xolek began to walk towards the beast handler area, looking back one more time incase Izqux had noticed him...
  19. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    Whilst the Seer gave out an aura of Acumen Xolek did much the same, He however emanated waves of an almost overpowering calmness. A calmness that seeped its way into the nearby skinks bodies Imbuing them with an almost dangerous state of tranquility, the effects of the smoke amplified by the fact these lizardmen had little resistance to the chemicals within.

    As the oracle moved away from the Plaza Izqux himself was beginning to find himself wrapped up within the crowds frenzy. His voice getting louder the seer continued his speech, his words now faster and louder only feeding the crowd which in turn affected himself causing a spiral of motivation and a need to progress the camp, and by extension the great plan.

    Compared to its normal state the beast’s area was quiet for much of those that worked within had been drawn elsewhere. With the younger Beasthandler still drawn in by the buzz of the plaza Xolek-Zi found himself amongst several stone enclosures after following the skinks advice and direction…

    Despite the fact many other beasts had been driven into a state of frenzied movement or panic which had arisen from the mass movement and action from the camp’s other inhabitants Xiuhcoatl’s pen was quiet and devoid of life other than the steady breaths of the salamander within… Exhausted the beast barely had enough energy to move into a position that allowed her to soak up sun let alone kick up a fuss and effort.
  20. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    Nodding as he made a mental list of what would need to be packed for the journey, he reminded himself to talk to the gatherers to make sure their supplies were ready before doing his own packing. Relaxing a little, he waited for Starseer Izqux to finish speaking...

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