It's also the first major piece of media I've ever seen where fans complained loudly about the early previews and then the movie creators "Okay, the fans are really upset, let's fix the thing we created so that the fans, who ultimately pay our bills, are satisfied." And then they made money. As opposed. "Okay, the fans are really upset, let's call insult the fans and tell them they are wrong. Then they'll buy our product!"
My in laws are very conservative and religious. I might have upset my father in law a bit when we were talking about the absurdity of people going to large Easter gatherings this year. Me: "I mean, Jesus couldn't even social distance for 3 days and he was dead. So was it really fair to expect that of his followers."
The old thinking was that the United States needed to be able to self sufficient in oil just in case a hostile foreign power With the CCP threatening to withhold medical supplies from nations that don't carry their narrative, so it is not infeasible that the United States can be made vulnerable to foreign powers with a critical resource. However, every time oil prices drop, the US oil industry suffers and lays off a bunch of people and has their stock prices dip, but every time the oil prices rise, the US oil industry hires a bunch of people and the stock prices go up. Usually when oil prices drop, tourism goes up and food prices go down, so people give even less credence to the oil industry whining Obviously that's not the case with CCP virus. The oil industry is resilient enough to take a hit. I just hope my favorite restaurants will suffer the epidemic and be ready to provide my favorite food when the crisis is over. Try as I might, my hamburgers will never be as good as the burgers at the local pub.