Lizardmen RPG - Accepting new players

Discussion in 'General Hobby/Tabletop Chat' started by Nazqua, Nov 24, 2019.

  1. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Xolek-Zi approached the enclosure slowly, although her slow steady breathing could be heard, he wasnt sure what kind of mood the creature would be in. Peering in through a small spy hole Xolek sees her exhausted body laying on the shady ground, a worried expression appears across Xolek's face. A salamander not willing to get into sunlight to bathe wasnt a good sign, but perhaps it was just her exhausted mental and physical state.

    Peering towards the enclosures door Xolek spies a pile of old meat, it smelled, if his eyes didnt find it hos nose would have soon enough. Salamanders paid little attention to the freshness of food, their flame and corrosive juices started the digestive process before it even entered their mouth. Picking up a semi rotten piece Xolek eyes where the sun is hitting and tosses it over the wall, landing near where he aimed it was nesr the center of the sunlight. Xiuhcoatl looked over, but did nothing more than flick her tongue at it before laying her exhausted head back onto the cool ground where she laid. Worried Xolek begins to look for a handler.

    A lone handler, a bit more aged by his crest walked along the enclosures checking on what beasts were left, Xolek approached him and told him of Xiuhcoatl's state and that he wished to enter the enclosure alone. The handler thought a moment and reluctantly agreed, both skinks walked over to the enclosure and before sliding the lock free a simple question escaped the handlers mouth, "Are you sure?". Xolek knowing the danger nodded and said he was sure, the lock slid open and both skinks pushed open the heavy door, the handler hid behind incase a burst of flame came forth, one did not. Handing Xolek another piece of meat the Oracle placed it in his meat bag, the same bag that had fed the Salamander during their first meeting...the smell reminded him he really needed to wash it.

    Leaving the door barely wide enough for a skink to enter Xolek walked on cautiously, the ground between his clawed feet felt good compared to the cavernous floor he had come from an hour or so ago. The sun on his scales felt nice, he could feel Chotecs grace and blessing energizing and warming him. Slowly walking towards the meat he had thrown, he kept a vigilant eye on the reptile knowing the speed she could strike, however no sign was given of aggression, just exhaustion.

    Reaching the meat he picks it up and begins to walks towards Xiuhcoatl, the palm print beginning to show as he reaches out his hand towards her. Tossing the meat just inside the sunlight infront of her, Xiuhcoatl finally shows interest (beast handling -1?) And slides forward to grab it, corrosive jucies exiting her mouth. The sun now on her head, rhe salamanders fin begin to flex a little, a good sign. Xolek keeps his distance to allow her to get adjusted, he walks slowly to a large rock and climbs ontop of it, the sun heating it like a sauna. Sitting down he just watches the Salamander and waits....

    The handler outside cannot believe what is happening and peers in, eyes glued to see what happens next
    Last edited: Apr 14, 2020
  2. Khemrian Slann

    Khemrian Slann Active Member

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    After searching for a eternity as it seemed for him he could not find emitter of the roar and when Chotecs Ire burned the Night away he was awoken by the splashing water on a nearby pound where he slept. Slowly he opened. His tired eyes and saw a group of red green sparkled Toads that croaked until Kuoteq'eko moaned with the feeling that his arm was still a bit hurting but he could properly use it. He stud up and looked around and saw the ruins where he ran thruogh the last days, but then recognized something familiar : the smells of Zuztles shrubs and herbs. Kuoteq'eko immediately grabed his gleaming staff and bound his bags to his belt. Then he slowly sneaked thruogh the thick jungle floor towards the smells.....
  3. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    Sitting down upon the rock’s smooth earthen surface Xolek-Zi could feel his heart pulsing faster and faster, Unlike his conscious mind a primordial fear and anxiety had been awoken within his body, A fear invoked by the very presence of one of Itzl’s creations, a fear that only the patrons of the three-horned ruler of beasts could overcome.

    Eyes watery and squinting the oracle watched as the salamander dragged itself into the light, her large finned tail and webbed limbs creating swirling marks in the gritty sand.

    Xiuhcoatl pays little attention to the oracle almost as if she knew he was no threat, or she was simply too tired to respond. With dawn streaking across the sky, the salamander made little effort to snatch the chunk of meat up before gulping it down in one motion. As the sunlight leached out from the colourful sky above and tickled Xiuhcoatl’s many sales and fins she shivered before pulling herself into a spot of more intense light and in doing so arrived closer to Xolek.

    His breath quiet and slow the oracle watched as the creature moved within reaching distance and settled down in the mud. sprawled out against the rock Xiuhcoatl’s fins Stretched out like a parade of orange banners bathing in the first light of this destine day whilst she breathed in heavily and nervously looking up to the skink as the sound of confusion and panic coming from the other pens continued.

    In wonder the older handler could barely restrain himself from bowing over in awe of the oracle, He had spent the last few hours around this salamander and knew her aggressive tendencies and the risks which Xolek was taking.


    The low hanging dawn air was peaceful and calm out here in the ruins, undisturbed by the smoke of campfires. Instead the normal intense howling of the camp and its inhabitants was replaced with the occasional rustling of a bird or the subtle whispers of a gust of wind, its sound distorted into voices of the past as it twists and coils around the forlorn and overgrown architecture of long-abandoned buildings… If they could even be called that anymore, Their form instead being mounds of rubble interlaced with trees and plants which had seized this opportunity to dig their roots into undisturbed soil and splay their leaves wide to soak up reams of sunlight uncontested by others.

    In much the same way the nearby pond was little more than a huge puddle where water had gathered for one reason or another, that reason, however, mattered not to the many smaller creatures which buzzed above its surface in swarms attracting frogs and lizards to the scene. Standing in silence Kuoteq’eko breathed in the freedom of the ruins and as he did he could feel the strong scent of incense burning up in his nostrils and throat cleaning them out. Almost visible the scent of incense and aroma of medicinal herbs lead the priest toward the chamber which Zuztle and his patients now occupied.

    Having arrived the contrast between the ruins and the camp was very much noticeable. The gentle wind was replaced with thick gusts of ashen smoke, Bird song replaced with ceaseless chittering of skinks and the noise of violently sizzling rice and food. An atmosphere of quietness and chilling peace replaced with one of commotion, labour and above that, Excitement, an Excitement for the journey which a handful of the camp's inhabitants would soon set out for Kuoteq’Eko included.


    His attempts at filtering through the many jobs and tasks assigned to him in his mind interrupted by the increasing excitement of fellow skinks and the overwhelming intent and purpose Izqux now spoke with.

    Stepping back Tik watched as the star seers gaze drifted from skink to saurian to skink until it eventually landed on himself. In a similar way to how he had spoken to the many others individually, Izqux advised the priests to meet with Uykar and get informed of further plans before being ordered to carry out a huge array of other tasks… Could they ever get a break…

    As soon as Izqux had spoken his head flicked to another group of skinks before turning to the saurus. Phrasing the commands differently in a more simple form it was clear the seer knew the most efficient way to converse with saurus.

    “You, Ensure safety of supplies and stock”

    “Kraxyun, Xltectun, Guard plaque and Consecrated Slann’

    “Uctatte, Begin loading Upon the Ahuatli with the kroxigor”

    “Oldblood, Tezka” Izqux bows “My trust is within you to command your kind upon this travel, Head to the Vaults to retrieve the prized artefacts if possible, Quelionxi will be at your side until leave.”

    After the barrage of words many of the saurus were already on their way disbursing from the crowd with effort grunts or an alien silence making their way toward the many respective duties they had been assigned.
  4. Lizerd
    Skink Priest

    Lizerd Well-Known Member

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    Tezka returned Izqux's gaze. Choosing his words Tezka spoke.
    "I will lead them on this journey." Tezka turned and looked again at the saurus. WIthout another word Tezka mounted Texcoco's saddle and bellowed, ordering the saurus to rank up and prepare for impenitent departure. In total silence, the saurus formed ranks then stood motionless. They were ready to depart and embark on the journey, with only a few saurus running back to retrieve equipment.
    Last edited: Apr 16, 2020
    Tk'ya'pyk, bOdziO Wolf and Nazqua like this.
  5. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Not only was Xolek battling nerves he was also beginning to battle his stomach as gurgling and groaning could be heard from it. "How long has it been since I've eaten?" This was the first time he had noticed his stomach in days, all that had gone on surely had to do with it, and the lack of herbs entering his body no doubt.

    Looking down at Xiuhcoatl as she looked up at him gave him some ease, she clearly either recognized him and his training has become somewhat successful or she was simply exhausted as he was from all the excursion; regardless he was still alive. Looking back at the handler Xolek could tell by the bow that respect was being given and fear was shown towards the Salamander, Xolek smiled, to have the reapect of the handlers especially the older ones was invaluable.

    Slowly beginning to rise at the call of his own stomach Xolek warily keeps an eye on Xiuhcoatl incase any sudden movements happen, reaching into the meat pouch he grabs the slab of cut meat and throws it down to her. Not knowing if she was hungry or not he figured he would try to help build her strength as she bathed in the sun finally.
    Being a juvenile and still growing he figured she would at least be a little hungry even after the skaven she had devoured the day prior. Soon he too would go off to get his own meal, but wanted to keep the bond and connection strong with the salamander fearing it be undone.
  6. Khemrian Slann

    Khemrian Slann Active Member

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    After having asked several Skink workers Kuoteq'eko knew that there were only some hours until the start of the great caravan and that all things needed to be packed. So he wwalked in excitement ontu Zuztles new tent, where he saw some minory injured Skinks that were full of mud and lianes. He had a clue what could have happened when he thuoght back to the heavy rains on his Journey from Hexoatl to Itza. He had been a bit naive in thinking it would be a good idea to climb into the trees and fell hard and dirty. He had to smile, but then he saw the already pretty exhausted old Zuztle. The old Skink didn't see him coming and was so surprised by Kuoteq'eko that he almost fell of his seat. "Do you think that I can take off the bandages? "He asked the Healer and he answered very confused that Kuoteq should look after his Foot. The old looked at like this should have answered his question and Kuoteq'eko turned around to fall over his own foot. Zuztle grined and said :" Tse-Tse-Tse the Youth today. To come back to your question when you don't turn around so often yes otherwise Not"...
  7. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    His words booming echoes fading into the backdrop of skink chitters Tezka and the saurus spun around in unison before marching to the side, Whilst the rest followed behind the oldbloods exact footsteps several others split off from the group. With a trio of saurus heading toward the vaults and barracks, one of them stepped back to convey singular messages to Tezka “Xltectun toward barracks, Gather weapons and equipment”

    “I and Kraxyun toward Vaults, Kroxigor carry we protect.”

    As the Saurus spoke in guttural movements and bites in the air the scent of rotten meat and stagnant blood wafted across the air, a scent that would send any sane skink spiralling to the floor.

    With a respective lifting of the head the several split off saurus loped into the distance, their wide gait allowing for a surprising speed leaving Tezka with a pair of saurians at his command. Both Qrakul and Ixtep stood in silence their eyes perfectly motionless as to not look at Tezka directly awaiting the oldbloods orders. Unlike the skinks which would cower at Texcoco’s presence, these two warriors instead welcomed it, Clawed ferocity and Charging savagery was a tool they could both use and appreciate.

    Taking steps forward their claws clacked on the scorched earth and crushed weeds under a ton of scale whilst above the bronze pole of their spears threatened to crack and give in such was the force applied to it from one muscled hand, They were ready, they were always ready…


    To have a bond with such a beast was to both honour Itzl’s name and show a will only an oracle could possess, one both made of iron but malleable to that of the other. Slowly moving toward the Exit Xolek could see Xiuhcoatl look upon him with wild eyes made white from the sun which reflected onto them, Such was the way she glared it was like she knew of him and his ways and thus reflected them in her own actions even in a fragmented and broken way, a way guided by Xiuhcoatl but influenced by Xolek-zi.

    Keeping calm the oracle slipped toward the entrance and whilst he did so he could sense the emotion within himself but also within the beast. It was hard to resist the urge to call or unsure Xiuhcoatl forth and test the bond between them, Xolek, however, knew better, Knew that the salamander was at large an unpredictable wild animal, an aggressive, stressed territorial one at that.

    Seeing that the oracle was now moving the beast handler tried to speak out but instead produced more of a mumbling rasp.

    As if sensing his thoughts Xolek’s stomach was barely able to register a painful rumble in desperate agreement to the idea, it had been too long since it had been given a real meal. Rice, fish, Fruits, It mattered not only that it was fed, weather by the camp cook or some other source much the same.


    Hearing of the news which had spread amongst the camp much like the fire before Kuoteq’eko could feel excitement pulsing through his veins, an excitement that made it all the more painful and difficult to take off the bandage without shivering or crying out.

    Enduring the pain the bandage was off and the wound introduced to waves of incense ridden air. It was healing no-doubt.. (+0.1 Wound)

    Nearby laying low and silent Xlauax listened in on the hopeful chitters of skinks, Despite hope being another false emotion the chameleon picked out singular words... They talked of Tlaxtlan.. They talked of Izqux within the central plaza.
  8. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Looking back before leaving the enclosure Xolek-Zi as if to motion for Xiuhcoatl to stay put a hand flat out and then lowered it towards the ground, "I will return" he said in a friendly yet commanding voice. In response Xiuhcoatl flicked her tongue, flexed her sails and began to bathe more in the sun and then rolled into the dirt to scrape off any parasites on her scales.

    Xolek left the enclosure, the handler quicjly closed the entrance and sealed it with the lock. Looking at the Handler Xolek waited for any wirds to come out, none did however. Xolek finally spoke, his voice smooth like a stream as his hisses and chirps came out, "I will return, Id like a full assessment on the Salamanders health when I do. My stomach has yet to have a real meal in days now, and I can feel the effects. Do you need any food when I return, have you eaten?" The handler seemed taken a back soke that an Oracle would ask if they needed food, a friendly smile emerged, "Why yes! I could use some nourishment, some sweet fruit would be preferred if Quas has any, you have my thanks! Your assessment will be made for when you return" bowing the handler showed respect, and in the same way Xolek bowed back and then turned towards where he knew Quas would be.

    In the back of his mind Xolek thought of quas the mighty Kroxigor gone chef, an odd but useful blessing the Old Ones had bestowed upon the large lizardmen. Slight rage enteted Xolek at the thought of Quas trying to cook Xiuhcoatl, but then reminded himself that the Kroxigor was simply trying to fill his role in The Great Plan.

    Walking in the direction of the burned down kitchen Xolek began to once again smoke his pipe, the herb overtaking his body as tingling and a calming sensation came over him. Soon his mind began to feel the effects as euphoria set in, and then his stomach rumbled all the more.

    The herbs that aided him in both solace and his battle prowess also kept him looking for nurishment, which was good on his travels, finding the best fruit and hunting grounds on his many travels throughout Lustria. He knew what mangroves and swamps would have the best fish, and what seasons the many banana trees would be ripe.

    Smelling the air he could now smell the aromas that came from the Kroxigors cooking, and then there it was, the once glorious kitchen made almost rubble...bit it seemed to not bother Quas, or so Xolek thought as the Kroxigor was happily preparing and feeding skinks.
  9. bOdziO Wolf

    bOdziO Wolf Well-Known Member

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    Carefully prepared portions of food, both for now and for travel were awaiting the newcomers. Neat rows of cooked meat and rice bowls were still emitting a pleasant steam, a warm treatment to the aching stomachs of many. Each hot meal was accompanied by a pack of dried, spiced meat, ready to be stored and consumed during the long exodus to come.

    Approached by the fellow Skink Oracle, he responded that most of the fruits were gone, but there was still a couple of bananas left, well seasoned, and almost fully brown. Too sweet for many of the larger kin to be consumed directly, but preferred by some of the Skinks.

    Done with the food, Quas was found preparing his only belongings to the march. The meat cleaver, dangling along his right leg, was clean and polished. The claw, that was wielded in his left palm, was also reflecting the sun's gaze above. The fires of the kitchen were soon extinguished and any preparation food leftovers consumed by the giant Kroxigor as it would be a great shame if they rot.

    He was ready.
    Tk'ya'pyk, Nazqua, Lizerd and 2 others like this.
  10. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Standing infront of Quas Xolek smiled and thanked the Kroxigor for the meals he had prepared and began to reaxh for one od the steaming bowls, it smelled so good. The rice enticed his taste buds and his nose, his mouth began to water. "I will take a banana or two!" He exclaimed before grabbing the bananas putting one in a pouch for later, the other for the handler. Before leaving to a near by stump to eat at Xolek said a quick blessing to Sotek for Quas for protection, strength and swiftness during the journey.

    Giving a slight bow to the Kroxigor Xolek turned and went to the stump near by, rice bowl in hand with fresh spiced meat he started slowly but hunger over took him. The spices made his mouth water even more as they added to the already delicate and impressive flavors mixed together. Tender meat coupled with the rice and even a few small nuts were present would give Xolek the needed energy for what he had planned: Going back into the jungle to find his lost ceremonial dagger and hunt for more herbs to replenish his stock. He would bring Xiuhcoatl with him for added protection and to continue growing the bond with her, if he came across plants that the Priest Tk'ya'pyk could use he would collect those as well. Ultimately he planned to meet up with the caravan as he had business in Tlaxtlan, but he would not leave with them.

    After finishing his meal the Oracle took his bowl back to Quas and thanked the Kroxigor and began to walk back to the plaza. He wanted to see if the crowds had dispersed yet, if they had he would try and speak with the Seer if not he would return to the beast handler and Xiuhcoatl.
  11. Lizerd
    Skink Priest

    Lizerd Well-Known Member

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    Tezka looked at the saurus under his command. With an unspoken command, he lifted his spear and ordered them to start marching out of camp. Their goal was to advance 20 kilometers and then halt to throw up a night camp and set up a rally point for other lizardmen leaving the base of operations. Tezka purposefully told those saurus at camp of the location they were headed to for ease of access for the saurus and others.
  12. DeathBringer125

    DeathBringer125 Well-Known Member

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    Xlauax drifted around the camp, trying to deduce what was being done. He knew they would travel to Tlaxtlan, but he wanted to know what he could do. Xlauax saw Izqux up ahead and started heading towards him. After waiting for an opening in the constant questions Xlauax said "W-when are w-we leaving? And what w-will be my tasssk? I should b-be fit for sc-scout d-duty.". Xlauax almost winced at the words, it reminded him of his shattered past as a Scoutmaster.

    He had spent years trying to disassociate himself with his kind, but to no avail. They had abandoned him to the Druchii, and left him to die. Throughout his years in prison, the only thing that had kept Xlauax going was vengeance. He had no love for his people anymore, but he swore that he would never leave an ally behind when there was even the slightest hope of saving him.
  13. Khemrian Slann

    Khemrian Slann Active Member

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    After taking of his arm bandages Kuoteq'eko felt how empty his stomach was and decided to get himself some food. He took out his own brass bowl from his bags while walking thruogh the ruins of Kara where many Skinks were jumping around. The grey mossy Stones showed big signs of erosion by the rain and therefore only a few stones had sharp edges . Then he smelled the herbs and grasses that only the masterous chef of the camp could use in such a perfection on something so basic like a ricebowl. He was now driven by the great desire of his last delicious meal for the next few weeks. Kuoteq almost ran into another Kroxigor that shook his head afterwards. The smells reached their limitless zenit of delight when he stud before the great Quas, who immediately knew what Kuoteq'eko wanted and gave him the perlwhite rice with the dark rivers of a new flavour, some fruits purple like Shyish and blue like Azyr and a thick beery tree brown cocoaatzcotl drink. This time Quas had toped him self again with the perfectly balanced rice bowl that filled the stomach od even the hungriest Saurus. Fruits that were so sweet and revitalising even the hardworking handlers of the skinks would eventually smile. Topled by a spicy hot and bitter cold Nectar that sharpened your senses to a dart like tooth of Carnosaur. While eating this brilliant menu he read some of his plaques again and agian but something was wrong when he thuoght longer about It. Until he Understud that there was something wrong with this interpretation of the siege from Itza and this shouldn't be part of the Plan of the Old Ones.........
  14. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    Hauling another set of cooking tools onto his back Quas crunched down upon the assortment of mixed leftovers and stray chunks of food now gathered within his mouth. Food waste was not a problem amongst the lizardmen, any remaining morsels would be quickly seized by saurus or kroxigor and if not then it would be passed onto other purposes such as feeding some of the camp’s mighty beasts...

    As a shower of grains and lumps of days old meat found hiding overflowed from the Kroxigors mouth he now prepared to leave his kitchen, or what was left of it… Most had been destroyed in the fire days before, and any left had now been placed upon his back creating a bulge of supplies which resembled more of a mobile kitchen than anything else. Whilst the kroxigor toiled many skinks who were partaking in similar preparations for the journey ahead tucked into hot meals and gathered small bundles of food.

    Despite the now empty and lifeless kitchen portrayed in front of him, the kroxigor couldn't help but feel an excitement within his body, an excitement borrowed and shared with the many skinks which still lingered around. Any sense of sorrow had been abolished for emotions within kroxigors were often short-lived and extreme… Now ready to set out Quas gulped down the leftovers whilst his eyes were drawn down to the metallic glow of his cleaver. A glow which signified that those skinks and sauri going with him upon this journey wouldn’t go hungry or unfed for within the lizardmen they travelled with was one of the most experienced cooks’s within Lustria, Kroxigor or not, it didn't matter. Perhaps this journey to Tlaxtlan could be seen as an opportunity for Quas to gain awareness and claim the title he deserved.


    Now moving around Xlauax headed toward the chamber’s exit, his whole frame crying with exhaustion and begging for the chameleon to rest once more, begging that only encouraged him further.

    Eyes Wincing from words and thought but also from the streams of sunlight which sought to blind him Xlauax tumbled into the daylight before locating Izqux not far off. The Starseers position was revealed within an instant due to the entourage of skinks who respectfully followed behind. As the chameleon approached closer and spoke out it was almost as if his hoarse, rasping voice was lost in the sea of commotion and sound which hung in the air.

    Forced to repeat his sentences Izqux eventually caught on and somehow heard the sounds even amongst such clamour, Being able to manage little more than a face of recognition the seer answered with barely a handful of words, most of which were direction the chameleon to others such as priests or Uykar, he who handled both beasts and occasional scouting expeditions. It was clear the Starseer yet again had a mountain of responsibilities to attend to and tasks numbering in the thousands. Already drained from the past few days and the mental burden of having to converse with the slann if even for mere seconds Izqux couldn't, and wouldn't spend much longer toiling amongst the camp and its masses.


    Whilst skinks would make significance of leaving the camp's borders these saurus instead marched forward giving it no notice, Once an order was given to these warriors they devoted their entire being to it, Distraction, Hunger or exhaustion's grasp pried away with clawed hands.

    Leaving behind the sound of commotion, sizzling foods, smouldering fires and chirping skinks the group entered a small region of silence. Tree’s turned to ashen stumps and scorch ground covered in a thin layer of grey, It was not just the camp which had paid a toll to Chotec and his burning wrath but indeed the jungle too.

    Walking with a completely different approach from skinks who would move with sudden swiftness and jolts of slowness the saurus instead moved with one continuous motion that looped with each marching step. Compared to the immediate speed and agility of their cold blood brethren it would seem these warriors were in all ways movement-related inferior. This observation, however, was far from correct. Where skinks had to take short breaks saurus prevailed, keeping an unfaltering and steady pace for an eternity until a destination was met. Furthermore, As skinks darted to the side or twisted inbetween thorns, roots and weeds saurus instead pushed through them with little hesitation for all but the sharpest, most precise blows could ever hope to make a dent on their full armour of scales.

    Gathering more and more momentum as they trudged forward the land around now showed slight hints of life and regrowth. Singular still standing trees. Thick swathes of grass capitalising on the nutrient-rich soil. Occasional strongholds of plants which had managed to survive the onslaught of the flames.

    If one was to look back at the camp it would now be a small dot dwarfed by the immense ruins which surrounded it. the only sign of its existence being both the columns of smoke which rose above painting a blue sky with grey ink and the distinct lack of life within its immediate proximity. The saurus, however, did not look back and instead were absorbed into the irregular, fractured line of trees which had been the final line against the Oloq. Now plunged once again into the pandemonium of the jungle and the orchestra of all its creatures, most of which would scatter in the saurians wake, whilst others instead watched from the canopy above, their presence revealed from cracking twigs and howls. The wide stretch of ground which the group had covered signified by a trail of large foot imprints in the mud would prove useful for the larger travelling band which would eventually follow behind.


    Looking toward the still very much present crowds the oracle could see that Izqux had now moved on toward his hut accompanied by a swarm of skinks, It was unlikely he would get the chance to speak with the seer within the immediate future, his best bet would most likely be waiting for the journey to leave before taking the chance.

    As the rush of sugar hit his mouth Xolek raked through the many tasks he had ahead of him before catching up and joining with the main journey which would no doubt be far ahead by the time he would have stopped his search for the lost dagger.

    The chances of the oracle stumbling upon the dagger were wishful at most, Even with an almost supernatural sense for magic-infused items, his kind possessed it was still unlikely he would be able to find the blade… Though the search would not be without another purpose for the skink also had need of herbs to replenish his rapidly depleting stock, Perhaps Xiuhcoatl’s enhanced senses of smell could be of some use to him in one way or another…

    Swallowing the last of the meal the absence of hunger was more than enough motivation to get Xolek-zi moving toward the beast handlers once again…

    Arriving to the scene of much tumult between beasts and their many skink tamers it wasn't long before Xolek identified the older skink which he had previously conversed with. Shivering with ethier age or fright the skink rushed over to Xolek-Zi telling of how he dare not disturb the salamander, especially such an unpredictable and aggressive one. He could, however, take a handful of glances at the beasts condition and the many prohibitive wounds upon her tail… Few had clotted up and began to heal whilst others still sealed with blood and ooze which danced with the risk of infection, either way, there was no doubt they were causing pain and suffering…

    Through the innate bond from which the oracle had somehow formed with this beast he could indeed begin to sense a fractured picture of her condition…

    Xiuhcoatl - (M2 On land, M5 In water) WS0 BS? S? T0 W1.2-1.6 I1 A1 Ld?


    His stomach appeased and tastebuds still lit alight Kuoteq’eko sits deep in thought about the fractured replica palm-sized plaques he had gathered across his many journeys… His judgment, however, may have been clouded from both the commotion beside him and the feelings which the food he had just eaten invoked. To dare criticize or label a plaque as Wrong as a mere skink priest was misguided at best and downright heretical at worse. Only the almighty slann had the power, authority and intellect to even start scrutinizing the plaques and their higher meaning, a meaning mortals had no business meddling with.

  15. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Looking at the handler Xolek-Zi could understand the fear of dealing with such an aggressive and dangerous creature, especially when they are young making them more prone to defend themselves. The Oracle thought on this and made a compromise,

    "If I go in first and subdue and calm her, would you then be willing to look over her even from a distance or have a few more handlers come in? If her wounds are still at risk of disease then she will need bandages and disinfecting of some kind. Is it not your role in The Great Plan to aid and care for our beasts, burden and war alike?" The Oracle tried to not sound annoyed, but it hung subtly in every word. Handing the Beast Handler the ripe banana, Xolek Smiled and waited for a response, if the handler would not then Xolek would find another more willing and fit for the task, this needed to be done for the health of the salamander. Xolek showed his patience as he calmly without blinking waited for a response or an action from the handler.
    bOdziO Wolf, Nazqua and Lizerd like this.
  16. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    (Oh right, knew I was forgetting to do something last night! Oops!)

    Once the meeting was over, Tik moved quickly. It didn't take more than a moment to touch base with the gatherers, herders, and hunters, and then he was off, back to Zuztle's tent to have his arm looked at again before gathering up his own supplies and equipment. "Ugh, so much work," he muttered when he thought the old healer wasn't listening. Tiqxoltiq should have known better.

    "W-well yes," the old skink shot back with a snort of laughter. "What d-did you expect? The w-w-work of a p-priest isss never d-done! Why d-do you think ssssssso many of your fellow p-priests head off into the j-jungle to meditate in sssolitude?" Tik had to smile at the healer's words. Zuztle was obviously in a good mood. He only drew out his sibilants like that when he was trying not to laugh. "At any r-rate, I have the anti-v-venom completed." Adding the jar of preventative to Tik's pile of belongings, Zuztle carefully laid out instructions for use. "N-now the key thing to r-r-remember isss that this isss a p-preventative, n-not a curative. T-t-take it b-before you need it!" Adding a second, smaller gourd-flask to his pile, Zuztle smirked at his assistant. "That sssaid, sssssomeone will likely n-need a curative, sssso t-t-take that with you as w-well."
    bOdziO Wolf, Nazqua and Lizerd like this.
  17. Lizerd
    Skink Priest

    Lizerd Well-Known Member

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    Tezka lifted his arm, and in response the marching saurus halted. It was time to pitch camp. Using their cruelly sharp weapons they hacked down thick foliage. Then they dug a trench, 1 foot in depth. Behind this trench they prepared a stockade for sharpened stakes, carved from the felled trees. Then, at last the saurus were allowed to rest and sleep.

    Tezka, not feeling fatigued in the slightest, climbed up one of the trees in camp, and gazed around, prepared for what would come their way.
    Tk'ya'pyk, bOdziO Wolf and Nazqua like this.
  18. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    Gratefully taking the sugar-infused fruit handed to him the skink stashes the food within a pouch before his head angled forward, now looking directly at Xolek rather than the well-trodden, crusty earth of the ground.

    Allowing a vague insulted look to slip past into his expression the handler squints his wrinkled face and old eyes. “Y-Yes it is Indeed, it is my duty to care for Itzl’s great beasts, I will however not sacrifice my life and put that of those a-around me in danger to some… some wild beast subdued only by Magic” Saying the last word with a slight hint of disdain the handler stumbles closer forward and eyes Xolek before once again taking a glance into the pen. “A-A strenuous bond at b-best, one that is all too temporary f-for me and my other companions…”

    “W-We should not even be keeping y-Your creature here amongst the handlers where it possesses a threat t-to our other better-trained beasts, W-We should not be k-keeping it here upon ashen ground already wrought by fire, a fire this, this salamander can unleash without notice..” The hander now steps up closer to Xolek and gives him a half attempted bow showing that he does indeed both respect and accept what he is saying.

    Now within arms reach the many scars and other marks upon the skink's body become clearer as he talks to almost highlight them. “I-I Have been doing this for far longer than you think, I-I don't need other H-Handlers, Best we not scare the salamander”

    Now standing up a little taller the skink shakes his body and ruffles his deflated crest that had withered from both long exposure to the sun and old age. “Go forth, Calm her Oracle. I will follow.” he grunts clutching the handling stick within one arm slightly tighter than before and angling it toward the salamander. It was clear the skink was nervous, both from the shortness of his breath and the way his other hand shivered whilst it unstrapped several smaller pieces of equipment from his belt.

    With one hand Xolek-Zi gently pushes down the handling tool, the least he would want to do is corner and scare the beast…


    Pressing the small vials into Tik’s hand Zuztle smiles nodding down to a slight reflective glimmer coming from a cold, metallic object hidden between two of the flasks.

    Running his finger across its silver, cool surface Tiqxoltiq can now see it in its entirety, A small, subtle charm shaped into an image of a skinks palm and carved within said palm a coiled serpent… This was one of Zuztle’s prized healing charms…

    Surprised the priest looks toward the older skink and now notices a small gap between the many dangling trinkets, laces and beads which lined up across his left arm.

    “I wish you all of Amyra’s power within me Tik, You will have to serve as healer on the journey you have been assssigned to… I must ssstay…” Zuztle nods his head toward many still slumbering patients and burn victims.. “Im… I-Im not as good out on the field as I used to b-be... “ He then stares deep into Tik’s younger eyes, forcing the priest to look into his own. What once would have been perfect reflections were instead covered with puddles of cataract and blindness. Time had taken its toll dearly.

    “I can however let the t-teachingsss I have ssshared with you still aid others through your hands…” “Oldones bless you and your purpose Tiqxoltiq.” the healer struggles to speak before quickly changing the subject and allowing the more jovial aspect of his emotion once again begin to take over.. Skinks were communal, social creatures, Zuztle a perfect example. When within an atmosphere of buzzing excitement and movement they couldn't help but let emotions overwhelm them and have the feelings of others wear off on themselves.

    Struggling to move on the healer now points to individual vials naming them in quick succession knowing Tik would understand their purpose and usage. Next Zuztle now singled a smaller highly concentrated mixture out from the others. “I-I prepared the Dusk shadow early this dawn. Use it carefully and wisely as I would. It is extremely potent…” As if to reinforce his point the healer now sputters out a handful of dry coughs

    Tik - Items Gained:

    M6 WS2 BS2 S2 T1 W0.8 I4 A1 Ld5. 5 -MAX skill points, 4 battle, 6 Magic
    Weapons/tools: Staff, Blowpipe

    + Heal Stone: (Item)
    - Description: This silvery stone has been shaped into the image of a skinks palm which holds a carved coiled serpent within, A lesser-known sigil of healing, rest and medicinal knowledge amongst lizardmen society.

    Upon closer inspection one can see that the skinks hands surface is smoothed outworn, its sharp edges dulled to softer curves, It is clear whoever previously owned this valued it dearly and handled it tightly whenever in doubt of an operation or medical procedure.


    - Effects:

    Passive: Wearer now grants an additional 10% regeneration (3 Hour Effect time) to all those that they heal.

    Active: Pressing the charm lightly against an injured ally will infuse the stored power from the charm into their body, This power takes the form of memories gathered by witnessing many healing feats and guided recoveries, Whilst most end well, occasionally some treatments are almost destined to fail…

    - +15% Max health instantly recovered to a chosen nearby ally (With Exception)
    - 3/3 Uses available, Uses may be regenerated by making 3 full and complete healing acts.

    (Cannot cure disease or infection. Cannot revive allies at 0 wounds. Will not wake unconscious)

    1 X Quetzl Grass (Consumable)

    - Description: Blazing like battle’s fury and Quetzl’s ever-watchful protection This supposedly blessed grass is resistant to all forms of plant disease and denies the wind even the ability to move its stoic blades, each one like the sharp end of a sword or spear. Made up of thick, fibrous strands interweave with each other like a shield this chewy grass is usually boiled or cut down into a form of tea before use.
    When ingested a strange feeling is induced upon the user first instilling a resilient resistance to pain before providing them with seemingly unnatural reserves of strength and vigour whilst also helping to stimulate and bolster the user's abilities with their weapon, almost guiding strikes towards vulnerabilities and weak spots in the enemies defences
    - Effects: (Duration: 1 Minute)
    20% Chance to regain a battle point after using one.
    +1 Toughness
    +1 Strength
    +1 Weapon Skill


    + 1 X Concentrated and Processed Dusk Shadow(Consumable)

    - Description: Elusive and rare, these renowned mushrooms are known for their deadly toxins. Hiding in the shadows and shade of trunks or caves the arrival and of these mushrooms often predicts and prophecies the soon death of the healthy tree, or even whole grove they Leetch off.

    Known to be carefully collected Dusk shadow’s renowned toxin can be refined and diluted into an undoubtedly potent tranquillizer that if ingested or admitted to the bloodstream can cause the recipient to fall unconscious within near minutes. If otherwise received in two high of an unrefined dose they risk falling into the never-ending slumber of death or even worse lapse into an unending Coma of twisted delirium.

    - Effects:
    Now Processed this medium can force unconsciousness onto beasts or creatures it is admitted directly to the bloodstream or digestive system through various methods such as coating darts, injection or baited food.


    + 1 X Frog Toxin Curative (Consumable)

    - Description: Used in minor amounts this mixture of liquids specially prepared by expert hand can be used to mitigate a fraction of the effects from common frog toxins only if taken quickly, including the toxin produced by the renowned Mikoapāhtli Tekuani.


    + 2 X Frog Toxin/Anti-Venom Preventative (Consumable)

    - Description: Used in minor amounts this mixture of liquids specially prepared by expert hand can be used to mitigate a fraction of the effects from common frog toxins and other Toxin/Venoms If taken within hours before the toxin entered the body. (Duration: 3 Hours)


    Active effects:

    Spells unlocked:

    - Glittering scales (1 Magic point) This spell will cause an allies scales to turn as hard and as strong as steel for one minute , allowing them to absorb blows and strikes with little to no effect.

    - Plague of rust (3 Magic points) This spell will cause three enemies armour to deteriorate and rust with extreme speed, small chunks flaking off into the wind and entire plates turning to dust.

    -Storm of knives (2 Magic points) This spell allows the caster to throw two floating knives of sharp metal into nearby enemies
    Last edited: Apr 18, 2020
  19. DeathBringer125

    DeathBringer125 Well-Known Member

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    Xlauax departed from the crowd of gathered skinks. Heading over to Quas he asked the lumbering Kroxigor for a bowl of rice with some meat inside. Xlauax was starving and hadn't eaten in quite some time. Limping over to a nearby tree, Xlauax slumped back on the ground before eating his meal.

    Xlauax breathed a heavy breath as he watched the camp. The hustle and bustle of daily life tormented him. He felt he had a duty to serve, a duty he had sought for so long to forget. After finishing his meal, Xlauax reached for his trusty staff, just to yet again realize he did not own one, something was amiss and he would have to talk to Izqux later. Nonetheless, despite Xlauax's disdain for the concept of serving the same kind who abandoned him all those years ago, Xlauax would enjoy scouting with Uykar. And with this thought, Xlauax set off towards the great hunter's location.
  20. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Realizing that he may have gone too far with what he said Xolek before going into the enclosure gave a gracious bow out of a sign if ultimate respect towards the handler.

    "I do not doubt your skill in the capture, care, taming, and training of the Itzls children, perhaps I went to far with my words. She is dangerous, even I know that, to expect anyone but myself to go in alone is foolhardy." Xolek said hoping to mend any ill will or contempt he may have brought on from the seasoned skink.

    "I plan to take her with me back into the jungle and swamp lands, but to do so I need her as healthy as possible...she will soon no longer be your burden or danger, but mine alone." Xolek tried to reassure the handler with a smile

    "Perhaps a more cautious and non aggressive approach would be best however?" Xolek says as he gently pushes the handlers stick downwards.

    Entering the enclosure Xolek slowly approaches Xiuhcoatl, her scales soaking up and glistening in the sunlight. Turning her head towards the Oracle and now the Handler behind him, Xiuhcoatl flicks her tongue and gives out a reptilian grunt as if to say hello. Xolek puts his hand out, both palm and Xiuhcoatl forhead hand print begin to eerily glow as they had before, showing the connection that had been forged days later.

    Looking briefly at the Salamanders tail Xolek notices the wounds the handler spoke of, some had scabs and were healing, others indeed however had some puss oozing from them. Claw marks on her side also showed but did not seem deep and were mostly healed showing the battle scars.

    Both skinks edged forward, Xolek finally reaching Xiuhcoatl began to calmly talk to her, feeling her own unease melt away as the handler got into a better position to first assess from afar before deciding what needed to be done.

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