After the tigers evolved enough defenses, pandas stopped preying on tigers and switched to preying on bamboo. It runs a lot slower and fights back somewhat less.
Any cat owner has been here. Usually the highly intelligent cat waits until you are one or two pieces away. And then strikes.
@NIGHTBRINGER (and anyone else who cares) Check out the Key and Peele skit "Your Mama has Health Problems"
That's so cute I think I got a cavity. I kind of want one. Though as cute as they are I kind of don't want a dachshund or hybrid dachshund. They have a lot of health problems, especially back problems. I really like bull dogs and pugs That was a funny video but it hit awfully close to home. I can compartmentalize, so I still enjoyed it, but I am legitimately worried about my mom with the CCP virus. I have unsubscribed from a youtube channel for making a tasteless cancer joke. Anyway back to dachshunds. so I don't break the tone of this thread. I may not be able to enjoy cookouts but I am eating bratwursts soon in isolation so I can think about weiner dogs. Here are some weiner dog memes. And to end it, one of my favorite dad jokes of all time.
Ah. Sorry about that to anyone else who felt the same way, maybe I should have rewatched the video before suggesting it. Loved the Daschund pics, even though it is true they have a lot of back/leg problems they are pretty flipping cute.
So true!!! My dog is ecstatic that her humans are at home (she is a human-herding Biton and gets very anxious when her humans disappear). The cats are very unimpressed to say the least.