Pathfinder-ish Campaign...

Discussion in 'General Hobby/Tabletop Chat' started by Tk'ya'pyk, Apr 10, 2020.

  1. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    Now having been a halfling for a more considerable amount of time Ohmen’s moves and actions are almost indistinguishable from what he was attempting, or more, becoming to imitate.

    Rubbing his small, grubby fat hands together the halfling takes a step forward before looking back at the other two with a light wry smile highlighted by the warm glow on his cheeks. Instead of the normal cautious slow steps forward and reluctant attitude to help those he didn't trust Ohmen instead skips with a jovial confidence before speaking in a more high-pitched yet boisterous voice.

    “Rasmus, Rasmus, Rasmus Always remember a halfling is the one for the job!”

    With the voice coming out louder than expected the halfling proceeds to pat Rasmus on the shoulder before cracking his knuckles and grabbing the now oversized mage’s staff with one hand, the two gemstones within the enlarged raven skulls eyesockets atop it gleaming as they watched Ohmen shift into yet another persona.


    To see such a sinister character as Ohmen form perfectly into the halfling with such ease down to the very thoughts, personality and slightest of details was more than downright spine chilling… Especially when considering this couldn't have been the first time he had shifted into a halfling for an altogether different, and possibly more nefarious reason.
    Tk'ya'pyk and Lizerd like this.
  2. DeathBringer125

    DeathBringer125 Well-Known Member

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    Drakk takes a step forward and exclaims "Ummm.. perhaps Rasmus it would be best if I try it first. I'm very intrigued by these star charts here and I'm not familiar with many of these stars or planets. Ohhh I've never seen a chart that goes past the Ah'besh Nebulae! Uhh no matter, if you don't mind I think it would be best if I tried first, my colleagues here have had a rough day, I kinda slept in a bit too late and thus I have a good amount of energy yet to spare.". With this Drakk walks nearer to the Chair inquisitively. As he does this, Drakk props his staff up against the wall where he hopes it won't fall, and looks towards Rasmus for guidance.
    Tk'ya'pyk, Nazqua and Lizerd like this.
  3. Lizerd
    Skink Priest

    Lizerd Well-Known Member

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    Garutis was not paying the slightest ounce of attention to Rasmus or the captain. His thoughts were on the weird chewy thing that smelled like plants. It went down easily but it had a funny taste..

    gazing out the window Garutis began picking his nose, wondering when they would be setting sail. Hearing the captain snapping at the wizard, Garutis jumped and turned around. He heard something about “sailors” and “experience” (neither of which he understood) Garutis wiped his booger on the back of someone’s sleeve then piped up.

    “me know how to float wood good. Me very smart.” Garutis then looked around, seeking further instructions
    Last edited: Apr 19, 2020
    Sudsinabucket, Tk'ya'pyk and Nazqua like this.
  4. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    Rubbing his stubby, barely a beard the halfling sheds an inquisitorial look at Drakk with squinted eyes before standing straighter almost in an attempt to make oneself look slightly taller. Young eyes becoming wide the halfling grins before stepping toward the Kolbold and generously slapping him on the back several repeated times and letting loose a chuckle

    “Ahh my friend! That is where you are mistaken, I enjoyed a particularly large and hearty full ‘Pre-Breakfast’ but a few hours ago
    Siltaniously to speaking the halfling scratches out a small unidentifiable lump of hopefully something edible from his beard before tossing it up and catching it within his mouth.

    Even if this halfling before the group was ungenuine all knew the meaning of a ‘Full’ halfling breakfast…

    As if to back up his point Ohmen begins to list all the components of his meal on sausage-like fingers “The eggs, The Meat, The beans, No wait, I had double portions of beans today” before supposedly realising they were getting off point “Anyhows. The halfling precedes to deliver another much more cheerful and enthusiastic slap onto Drakk’s back “All Im sayin is you don’t want no dragon wanna be messin up your ship!?” He now positions himself between the Kobold and Human, blocking Drakk out with his girth before sending a charming halfling wink toward Rasmus.

    “I reckon the reliable, trustworthy, and if I don’t mind sayin, Han'some halflin is your man for the job, After all, I only have the energy from a full meal every two hours, So you better use that energy quick before its used on someone else's work? Im always need'd else places so listen here an I will get this magic toy workin' real nice, just for you.”

    To hear the words ‘Reliable’ and ‘Trustworthy’ coming out of Ohmen’s mouth was almost sickening, that however went unnoticed by all around…
    Last edited: Apr 19, 2020
    Sudsinabucket, Tk'ya'pyk and Lizerd like this.
  5. DeathBringer125

    DeathBringer125 Well-Known Member

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    Drakk glares menacingly at the Halfling in front of him. He looks towards Rasmus before exclaiming "Well I say we let Rasmus decide, after all he is the Helmsman of this fine vessel. Does he want a Halfling to pilot this vessel, or an expert in Celestial Studies. From my knowledge on the subject charting the stars is quite important on the seas as it serves as the only method of ascertaining direction. However I think you should decide.". After saying this, Drakk waits for a response.
  6. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    Greeting Drakk’s response with an even wider, more mischievous smile the halfling almost jigs about before spluttering “Celestial studies? This lile tiddler can’t even fly! As a bleedin dragon!” He coughs out a volley of laughs. “Look at those titchy wings! My lunch is bigger than one of em!” The halfling now reaches out, though barely tall enough he does manage to attempt stretching one of Drakk's wings out wide
  7. DeathBringer125

    DeathBringer125 Well-Known Member

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    Drakk growls in anger as the Halfling tries to grab his wings. Glaring at the Halfling Drakk exclaims "Whether I am a dragon or not is of no consequence to my knowledge. And you better keep your grubby, filthy hands to yourself or you may find yourself on the wrong end of my ire. Dragon or not I am a formidable foe.". With that last word Drakk seems to snap out of his anger and look towards Rasmus apologetically.
  8. TheCrazyKhorneGuy
    Chameleon Skink

    TheCrazyKhorneGuy Well-Known Member

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    Drew looks on in mild irritation, anxious to be on the journey, but says nothing. even though the argument is wasting precious time and is kind of annoying, it is also rather hilarious to watch a small dragon thing barking at a small halfling.
  9. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Towering over both of the two squabbling magic users in front of him Tarkaz doesnt move a muscle nor make a noise. It is not that he is unwilling or unable, but rather he prefers to assess from a far first before action. Through the many years of his Mercenary work he has learned that patience is key, and being the first to volunteer can get you killed in more ways than one, such as being turned into a chicken and being eaten.

    A small laugh does come out eventually, though it sounds like a thunderclap compared to a human laugh, the minotaurs horn rings clatter against another with each laugh as the halfling and kobold argue and test one another.
    Tk'ya'pyk, Lizerd and Nazqua like this.
  10. Lizerd
    Skink Priest

    Lizerd Well-Known Member

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    Garutis looks down at the two squabbling little things, they wouldn’t last an hour in the woods. Garutis pounds his chest and bellows at the two little things.
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  11. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    Before the argument could get any more complex, Drakk found himself being drawn to one of the star charts on the port-side wall. He found it fascinating, and for some reason one of the constellations called to him. It looked like a long, sinuous dragon, and was indeed called the Dragon. One of the stars on the constellation's "neck" seemed to draw his gaze, and before he could break away, the halfling was already in the chair.

    While Drakk was distracted, Ohmen stepped forward and touched the chair. The second his hand hits the arm of that odd chair a wave of vertigo washed over him, forcing his hand away. He dropped to his knees onto the decking but managed to keep his "second breakfast" where it belonged while he brought himself back to his senses. Slowly, he got to his feet and glared at Rasmus. "What the heck was THAT?!?"

    "I did warn you it would be disorienting at first!"

    "You didn't tell me it would make me want to throw up!"

    "Regardless, you don't have a bond yet. Do you want to actually sit in the chair? It does take a bit to form a bond before you can activate the helm, and the captain would like to get underway."
  12. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    As the two mages argue with each other, the unnamed crewmember introduces himself. "Well, that is a thing," he mutters, rolling his eyes at the bickering spellcasters. "I'm Ardur, in case it matters. Steersman for when the captain is sleeping or indisposed. How about the rest of you join me back on deck while they figure out who is doing what?"

    Leading the way back outside, he leads you on a quick tour of the ship, showing you the galley (in the cargo hold next to those weirdly stacked up blocks of stone), the equipment lockers, and giving you a brief overview of how the ship's rigging is set up. "Now, the final thing you need to know," he says as you end up on the aftcastle, next to the biggest crossbow any of you have ever seen! "This," he says patting it with one hand, "is a ballista. The kind that shoots really big spears," he adds after a second, "not the rock-throwing ones some countries use. During a fight, it will be your job to help defend the ballista and her crew from anyone boarding the ship. Before you ask, no, you cannot use this to backstab anyone. Someone asked us that once for some reason, and the captain decided on the spot to make that a shipboard rule. No backstabbing people with the ballista." Now, are there any questions?
  13. TheCrazyKhorneGuy
    Chameleon Skink

    TheCrazyKhorneGuy Well-Known Member

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    Drew is amused that anyone would even think that backstabbing with the ballista would be possible but he told Ardur, "no questions from me."
  14. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Looking at the ballista Tarkaz large water buffalo like head shows a smile, "I have used one of these before" he says, "To see your enemy skewered by one is something everyone should see at least once". Tarkaz looks over the ballista, it looks to be in good shape and well maintained.

    Looking at Ardur the minotaur grunts some but not aggressively but more to clear his throat, "I would be honored to defend such a beautiful weapon and crew with my life" taking his large slate blue fist he puts it over his heart.
    Lizerd, Tk'ya'pyk and Nazqua like this.
  15. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    Ruffled up the halfling regains his composure after a few dazed seconds before patting his stomach and giving Ramus a large bow “Halflin at ur service, Allow me sir”. Turning to the kobold a smug sort of grin and lift of the eyebrows fills his expression for a few moments before it suddenly turns cold and motionless. Acting as if possessed the halflings whole body stands perfectly still despite the rocking of the ship except one singular arm which pulls the cloak hood far over his head.

    Shiver. Twist. The creepy, yet silent sound of morphing flesh.

    “Ohmen has returned for you all.” The voice is grating and muffled Almost like rusted metal scraping against chilled ice. The kind that causes the ears to sort of shudder as if they were hearing a mix of both high and low-frequency noises far above and below the audible range simultaneously as the cold voice.

    His cloak now draping out in all its entirety many find themselves looking upon it and its ever twisting colours and forms before the slender figure held within bows once again almost in a sort of mockery of the one previously performed by the halfling. Now returning to a silent stone vigil, One that was unmoving yet simultaneously gave a sense of eyes watching from within the cloak’s black reams Ohmen steeled himself before sitting down upon the chair.
    Lizerd, Sudsinabucket and Tk'ya'pyk like this.
  16. Lizerd
    Skink Priest

    Lizerd Well-Known Member

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    Garutis looks curiously at the ballista. He has never seen anything quite like it ever, and is interested in it’s function. However as the crew member says “fight” Garutis immediately unsheathes his axe.
    “Garutis like fight! Where fight! Garutis fight!”
    Sudsinabucket, Tk'ya'pyk and Nazqua like this.
  17. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    As the chair's magic activates, Ohmen stiffens. Vertigo washes over him again, but now that he's expecting it he isn't fazed at all. Planting his hands on the chair's arms, he waits. It takes a moment, but soon enough he feels the chair activate properly. A voice speaks in his head, causing his eyes to go wide under his hood! Well, a changeling? What has the world come to? None-the-less, you are here, and if you are here, then you must be doing this on purpose. Ohmen shivered as magic washed over him, engulfing his mind and senses for a moment before the helm began to radiate a smug air. Oh, you're a groundpounder on top of that? Oh, this is going to be fun!

    Having made his bond with the chair, there is a moment of silence before Ohmen's senses are instantly overwhelmed! For a split-second he wants to scream before his brain manages to bring everything into focus...

    And when I say everything...

    I mean EVERYTHING. As the magic settles in, Ohmen begins to sort through what he is feeling and sensing. He can see everything, from the contents of the room he's in, to everything outside the hull of the ship! The viewpoints are a little odd, but he's got one set of "eyes" in the helm chamber, another set ringing the mainmast, a third set centered on the keel under the ship, and a fourth set somewhere around the ship's wheel! It takes a bit of work to filter those images out, but with a moment's work he can flick between those viewpoints with but a thought! Obviously, the one under the keel can only see water at the moment, but the others give him a panoramic view of the sky, the sea, and everything on the ship's decking!

    He can also feel the ship! Not intimately, mind you. It almost feels like a second skin about his body. He knows where the hull is in relation to his own physical body, and how the ship is performing and feeling! But more importantly, he feels an odd kind of 'ring' about the ship's midsection. It sits level with the ship's top deck, and seems to spread all about the ship. Creaking and shifting noises from below that line come as the cargo in the hold resettles, and the reason for the unusual method of packing the hold becomes apparent. Gravity in the hold has suddenly inverted! Down is now up, and vice-versa! The reason for those unusual hammock mounts in the helmsman's quarters has also become apparent as the hammocks rotate to align with the new orientation!

    Rasmus's voice seems to come from a distance as he talks, and filtering out his voice from those standing on the aftcastle takes a moment to learn, but Ohmen quickly gets the hang of it. "Good. Now that you're attuned to the ship, the fun can begin." Turning towards a speaking pipe on one wall, he calls up to the aftcastle where the captain is standing next to the wheel. "Ship's alive, captain!"

    "Excellent," she calls back from above, her voice tinny through the tubing. "Take us up, Mister Rasmus!"

    Turning back to the changeling, Rasmus crosses his arms over his chest once more and smirks at you. "Well, you heard the captain. Take us up."

    Confusion washes over the mage until that innate voice speaks up again. He isn't joking, newcomer. I allow the ship to fly, with your control! Now, to do that, all you have to do is... As it whispers instructions in Ohmen's head, the ship shudders and slowly lifts from the water!

    On the aftcastle deck, the rest of the party watched in a kind of boredom as the ship shuddered a little. Everything still seemed as normal, but then the Moonsister gave a lurch and began to rise out of the water! A section of the ocean came with her, filling the bottom of a sphere that seemed to be centered around the ship! As Moonsister rises, higher and higher, the water begins to spill out from the edges of that sphere, draining away back into the ocean below! It drains from the bottom up, taking a couple of confused fish with it until all of the water has drained away!

    A couple of you grip the railings in reflex as Moonsister heads skyward. Behind those on deck, captain Naresh smiled and nods. "That's good. Nice and easy! Mister Rasmus," she shouts into the tube. "Set us on a course for Admon Port on Tilgis!"

    As you hear those words, several thoughts go through your minds. Mostly confusion, but Drakk feels an overwhelming sense of excitement! The party wanted adventure, and this is about as big an adventure as they were likely to find!

    Because Tilgis... is a MOON.
    Last edited: Apr 20, 2020
  18. Lizerd
    Skink Priest

    Lizerd Well-Known Member

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    As the ship rises Garutis stops his mad bellowing. He doesn’t know what to think (if he could think to any useful extent). His mind racing Garutis bolts, shoving by crew members and knocking over things on his mad rush. He finds a large alcove and hides under it, his mind totally out of its element.
    Nazqua and Tk'ya'pyk like this.
  19. DeathBringer125

    DeathBringer125 Well-Known Member

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    Drakk was in complete awe, he didn't even know what to do with himself. He started to shake with excitement. He tried to vocalize words but all that came out was a confused, happy garble. After about 5 minutes Drakk finally asked Rasmus "W-would you mind if I b-borrowed these charts? I have m-much study to do. I would be e-eternally grateful if you could lend me these. I p-promise I will return them in m-mint condition. Please f-forgive me, I am quite pleasantly surprised by these events.". With that word Drakk fumbled for his staff and continued to gaze at the charts.
  20. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    "I am sorry, no, those have to stay in this room. You are welcome to stay in here to study them, but they are necessary for Celestial Navigation."
    Lizards of Renown, Lizerd and Nazqua like this.

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