Pathfinder-ish Campaign...

Discussion in 'General Hobby/Tabletop Chat' started by Tk'ya'pyk, Apr 10, 2020.

  1. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    “Vision, Knowledge… and ahhh… The sweet embrace of control. Of Power… Such petty things amongst mortals.” Ohmen emphasises the word power almost tasting it before sipping in another breath of air like nectar until being forced to suddenly spit it out as the whole ship lurches forward as if almost purposeful in order to shake up the changeling’s thoughts…

    Steadying himself with both hands the lower half of Ohmen’s draping cloak seems to almost seep down, its shadowy tendrils splaying out across the floor like the roots of plant. Out of all the ships inhabitants, Ohmen could relate to the feeling of a second skin the most… One might say it was a feeling he had gotten used too, However tragic and twisted that sounded even for a changeling.

    Voices in his head. Were they his own? No.. Not, not droning enough, not suffocating enough. The thoughts within Ohmens mind would normally fight his conscious for even the briefest moments where they could occasionally grasp control like they were struggling for air, asphyxiated by the weight of his past… The ‘normal’ voices were unrelenting, beyond Ohmen’s control as if they were a fragment of the personalities he took fighting back in the name of thier previous owners. This voice, this voice was unlike them… It allowed Ohmen to think, to act clearly whilst also giving its own indirect input…

    The strain on his mind was nothing he wasn’t used too, making it all the easier for him to decipher and focus on the conversation between Captain and Rasmus.


    Ohmen had scraps of Celestial knowledge lying around within him, usually, the byproduct of taking on some ulterior Clestialy oriented personality for his own, He, however, had knowledge of other, more questionable Cosmic entities and outer spheres that one could perhaps find useful.

    Once again clenching his teeth Ohmen strengthened his will to both prepare for moments ahead but to also deny the ship, or whatever this thing, this conscious was, the ability to plumb the depths of his knowledge which held countless, unnamable things even Ohmen had wished to never see. He had once tried his best to shove them to the back of his mind as to not let them fester, However, it is clear that those attempts were given up years ago, leaving him with a more fractured, more ‘Unique’ intellect as those simular to him would describe.
  2. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    As Tarkaz feela the ship lift out of the water he feels a bit of inease as he firmly plants his hooves against the hull under him and regains his balance, "A flying ship!? Well this is a first! I've been on flying war beasts before, but never a ship! And to the moon? Strange, very strange! This however is very exciting!" The minotaur can barely hide his excitement, somewhere he had not been before, unknown enemies to smite, allies to prtoect and innocence to be saved.

    "This adventure has all the potential to be a life in a life time event!" A large smirk comws to his face

    Seeing Garutis take off the Minotaur deems it necessary to go and see if he can calm him, such strength could cause issues if the mind left unchecked and panic sets in.
  3. TheCrazyKhorneGuy
    Chameleon Skink

    TheCrazyKhorneGuy Well-Known Member

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    Drew was surprised as the rest of the group when the ship started flying and seeing the barbarian humiliate himself by hiding, Drew made sure his balance was firm and he went to find the kobold, thinking that Drakk would be ecstatic at the notion of going to space. Drew was going to pick Drakk's brain about what Drakk knew about space. Drew liked knowing all he possibly could about a place before he went there.
  4. DeathBringer125

    DeathBringer125 Well-Known Member

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    Drakk immediately sunk himself into pouring over the star charts, he ran back towards his bag to get some paper before bumping into Drew. Drew began to ask him a bit about space only to find out Drakk didn't know much of how they would survive the ordeal. Drew learned of terrible things, space has no air and is unimaginably cold. Unfortunately for Drew, Drakk was quite distracted and the information he got from him, was none of the good information. After this small discussion, Drakk grabbed his bag, latched it to his tool belt, and ran back to the charts. Drawing his Inkpen and some paper, he frantically set to work copying every detail, and studying it.
  5. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    Shaking his head slowly, Rasmus cleared his throat. "If it helps, I can answer any questions you might have about wildspace, travel, spelljammer ships, helms, and that sort of stuff. Well, in between navigating and plotting our course, anyway." He was leaning over that odd table with the glass dome. Instead of being dark, it had lit up with what appeared to be a real-time map of space! Nearby planets (and their orbits) were delineated on the surface of the dome, with different planets showing up in different colors. Moons showed up orbiting those planets that had them, and other celestial bodies were indicated as well! As the elderly mage worked, he would bring up a hand and gently press a finger into the glass dome in one location or another, then mutter under his breath. To Drakk and Drew, it sounded like he was making calculations of some kind.

    Topside, Ardun was laughing softly at the sight of Garutis running off. "Well, there's one that's going to be a long time getting his spacelegs!" Hearing the minotaur's comment, the steersman nodded and gestured after the fleeing warrior. "That isn't a bad idea. I'd hate for him to suddenly go crazy and try cutting a hole in the ship or something!"
  6. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    With Tarkaz and Garutis gone, and Drew down in the helm room with Ohmen and Drakk, that left Izema by himself on the aftcastle with the kenku, Kia. Bobbing his head, the crow-kin let out a chirruping laugh and gazed out over the water. "Mmm, up into the skies again we go! Long have I wished to take another such trip, and now I do so on accident!" A loud squak emitted from his beak as a form of laughter, and he turned to the steersman. "Tell-speak me, beyond the moon will we go? I have wanted-wished to visit Vyapor since the first time I was blessed-graced with this form of travel!"

    Nodding, Ardun gestured skyward with one hand. "Indeed, master crow! On our voyages throughout this sphere, we have visited 5 of the 7 planets, and numerous places in the asteroid belt and the shell-gates! Haven't been through one of the gates in several years, but there is enough trade in-system to keep the Coster busy! We'll be visiting Tilgis first, then making our way out-sphere towards Zilarya. It will take us several months to complete our trading run, and we will make plenty of stops along the way!"
  7. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    As Tarkaz follows Garutis he also looks over the ship as it passes him by, he is still memorized by the fact that it was flying.

    Coming to the alcove that Garutis was hiding under Tarkaz looks at him, "why are you hiding? Where is your honor and self respect?" The Minotaur made a fist on his chest and thumped it, "Come, we can look at the ballista and see how it works" Tarkaz noticed how enthralled Garutis was with the weapon. Continuing on the Minotaur tried to stablize the wild mind infront of him, "The captain or crewman may have orders for us" he says standing back up and begins to walk aeay slowly, looking back Tarkaz motions for him to follow showing him thst the ship was stable and balance could be found
  8. Erta Wanderer

    Erta Wanderer Well-Known Member

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    Izema watches wile the docks disappear behind the ship this isn't the first time he has been off of Tilgis but the last time is barely a memory. well he will see it again so it's no cause for worry, he will have to keep an eye on the captain this lack of information has not in garnered trust.
    regardless seeing as he is not needed he heads out onto the deck he has duties to perform.
    when on the deck Izema makes sure that he isn't in the way and then he starts to perform his kata. he starts out slow, painfully slow in self imposed slow motion he isn't perfect this is hard even for masters and Izema is not that. he stumbles several times and there are a few moves that he can't hold for the full motion but he continues in smooth deliberate and precise movements 1... 2... 3... left 2... 3... in steady rhythm. the fist set takes a full half hour once done he kneels down clasps his hands together and prays... then he starts again this time faster 1..2.. 3.. right 2..3..
    Each set faster then the last each move leading into the next each set ending in prayer. he makes less mistakes as he gets faster as it gets closser to how he will need to move in battle, and the faster he moves the less it looks like fighting and the more it seems like he is dancing. dancing with the grace borne of years of hard practice, dancing without a partner with out a target. sweat coated muscles strain with the effort of keeping the Kata perfect no mistakes can be made, not at this point not when he is performing 123jab123 she may not be here but she might be watching and he will not fail when he performs for her.
    but Izema is mortal he can not keep this up forever he slows and then he stops ending his final set as always on his knees his pendant glows softly she is pleased with his progress and is glad he is doing well.
    having completed his morning duties he returnees to the ship and volunteers for look out duty
    Last edited: Apr 20, 2020
  9. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Looking at the still cowering Barbarian Tarkaz lets out a sigh, "If you wish you may come join me in Meditation, it helps ease the mind, bring focus and center to ones self. I will be near the Ballista".

    Tarkaz turns and begins to walk back, still taking in all that was around him.

    When reaching his destination where no one was around for the moment he looks outwards. Below him the once close water was getting smaller and smaller, soon it seemed the whole ocean would be visable, "what a divine sight" taking in a deep breath he closes his eyes and begins a rhythmic breathing pattern until it gets so shallow that one without knowing would assume he was dead. For the next hour he would draw upon the power and grace of his deity, preparing spells for the day that may be needed for unforeseen events.

    Spells prepared:
    Air Bubble - Creates a small pocket of air around your head or an object.

    Bless - Allies gain +1 on attack rolls and saves against fear.

    Barbed Chains x2 - Hellish chains attack and cause a target to become shaken.
    Last edited: Apr 20, 2020
  10. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    Uncomfortable Ohmen continued to allow the ship to seemingly draw out magical ability from his very veins between gritted teeth and clenched fists… It was unlike his ‘Usual’ Self to volunteer, let alone for some form of magic machine with wondrous mind-altering implications. Yet again, this was a result of his own doing. Finding himself settled within a new halfling form he had gotten so totally absorbed into it that he had stepped forward in order to both further strengthen the halfling’s personality but to also increase its believability, that however was out of the question considering that those around him already knew of his changeling ways.

    Perhaps it would have been a more ‘Tactical’ Move to allow Drakk to instead harness the ship, for he had experiences and knowledge of the outer Clestia Ohmen very much lacked, Though in time… He too would attempt to comprehend and learn a handful of the universe's secrets.

    Although, His willingness to be of use to the ship and its inhabitants made clear by his supposedly eager attempts to come forward could help him earn the trust of those individuals… and as Ohmen has learned over many years, ‘Trust’ is a powerful tool, one that can get you far if used correctly and carefully.
  11. TheCrazyKhorneGuy
    Chameleon Skink

    TheCrazyKhorneGuy Well-Known Member

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    Drew felt worse after his conversation with Drakk than before. So instead of seeking out more bad news he decided to go back near the Ballista. He thought that the Minotaur, Tarkaz, seemed calmest of everyone in the group. So maybe Tarkaz knew something the rest of them did not.
  12. Lizerd
    Skink Priest

    Lizerd Well-Known Member

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    The meditating bull man confused Garutis. Weren’t these things supposed to be wild and aggressive? Garutis crawled out and attempted to copy Minotaur. Breathing deeply in and out, his breathe released an unholy stench. After a few minutes, Garutis calmed down and looked around. He went back to the ballista, only to see Drew standing nearby. Garutis stride behind him in a manner totally unexpected for a man of his size.

    “Hello” he grunted
    Tk'ya'pyk, Sudsinabucket and Nazqua like this.
  13. TheCrazyKhorneGuy
    Chameleon Skink

    TheCrazyKhorneGuy Well-Known Member

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    Drew raises an eyebrow at the barbarian and says, "greetings Garutis, i take it you do not like the idea of space? Me neither. But I would like to know why the Minotaur is so calm."
  14. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    An hour later after having prepped his spells and meditation Tarkaz opened his eyes and took a deep breath as if life had been breathed back into his lungs.

    Looking around he sees both Garutis and Drew at the Ballista, seeing them talking he begins to walk towarsa them but then pass them, not to ignore them but to inspect the ballista again.

    "Gorgeous, I wonder what its range is, most can fire atleast 500 yards..." he says to himself. Turning around he looks for a crewmember or the captain for orders beyond defending the ballista, hoping to put some of his skills to use, though if someone stopped him he wouldnt ignore a good conversation.
    Tk'ya'pyk, Lizerd and Nazqua like this.
  15. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    Ardun, still standing nearby when Tarkaz finished his meditation, nodded. "Depends on the kind of ballista. This one is in the mid-range of size options for such devices. Within 40 yards, your aim will be true. It becomes more difficult past that, but I have seen skilled crew land hits at up to 200 yards or more." As the ship lifts up to the cloud cover, the bubble of air surrounding the ship becomes visible, mist playing across the surface of what Ardun calls an 'air envelope.' "Once we leave the planet's gravity well, you could, in theory, shoot that ballista's bolts from here to the edge of the sphere, as long as it does not hit anything along the way." Thinking for a moment, the steersman's brow furrows. "You seem to know a good deal about siege weaponry. Might you have some skill in engineering or weapon repair?"
    Lizerd, Sudsinabucket and Nazqua like this.
  16. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Looking at Ardun the Minotaur gives a large smirk and a slight chuckle, "I do have some expertise in both engineering and seige weaponry, not to mention bladesmithing....if you would deem it necessary I could maintain and even possibly upgrade them in time? Disc throwers attached to both the port and starboard sides could also add added defense against boarding or aid while boarding....assuming we will be partaking in such events..." a larger smirk let out from him.

    Looking at the man infront of him Tarkaz continues, "with your and the captains permission of course. Weaponry fascinates me...perhaps seige or other crossbows for the crew in time? It would be my honor to outfit the ship if approved"

    Tarkaz shifts a little uneasily, had he said too much? He waits for a reply in earnest
    Last edited: Apr 21, 2020
  17. DeathBringer125

    DeathBringer125 Well-Known Member

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    Drakk pauses in his copy work, he had just finished a depiction of a star known as Ekh-dihr. But wait a second, THEY WERE LEAVING ORBIT? Drakk's mind went numb, how would they breathe? Wouldnt they suffocate? Drakk staggered out on to the main deck and grasped the railing, only to realize just how high in the sky they were, the clouds seemed but a distant mist. Staggering over to Rasmus Drakk exclaims "Umm Rasmus, I hate to be a bother but how exactly does this work? As in.... Well..... How will we live through this? I'm sorry for the questions, but unfortunately I'm not quite used to this, if you get my meaning.". After this, Drakk nervously waits for a reply.
  18. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    Up on the aftcastle, Ardun casts the minotaur a smile and nods. This is a merchantship, not a warship, so the extra weaponry is not necessary at this time. Besides, we haven't got the free materials or equipment on hand to make such a thing! But if you wish to tend to the upkeep and maintenance of our current weaponry, we would appreciate the efforts!" Before Ardun can say more, the captain speaks up. "Aye! We haven't had someone skilled in maintaining siege weaponry on-hand since we left old Delgar back with the Moonstrider! If curly-horns here wants to tinker with the ballista, I'm all for it!"

    "Well, there you have it," the steersman replies with a smile. "I have to tend to my own duties, so I'll leave you to look her over!" Having said his piece, he wanders off below-decks. Approaching the ballista for a closer look, Tarkaz begins to frown. It doesn't look like the ballista has been used recently, but it hasn't been maintained, either. Ropes are frayed and wearing, it hasn't been unstrung or any of the stay-bolts oiled, and the trigger mechanism, when tested without a load, is binding. Repairs are definitely necessary, and right up your alley. Before you can ask, Captain Naresh calls to you over her shoulder. "If you need any parts, there's a weapons locker in the storage room next to the helm room (area 11 on the map on page 1 of this topic)."

    Drakk, meanwhile, is trying not to let a sudden rush of panic over-whelm him completely. When he sidles over to Rasmus and begins to voice his questions, the elderly mage stops him with a gesture. Shaking his head ruefully, he asks the kobold to calm down. "You have excellent questions, my young friend, but I have not the time to answer them in depth at the moment," he says, speaking loudly enough that Ohmen can over-hear as well. "Permit me to answer in short. We will not run out of air as long as we stop periodically to replace that which is in our air envelope. The air envelope is a bubble of force surrounding the ship. It lets physical things through, but not gasses or air. That is why the clouds slide off the bubble and why the air is kept inside but the water poured out when we lifted off. Now," he adds gently, "I need to return to plotting our course. Should you have other questions, head down to the galley and speak to Sandy. She can answer any other queries you have." Having said his piece, he returns to studying the magical table's domed viewer.

    Garutis, meanwhile, has been struggling with his inner demons. The minotaur is willing to wander the ship, and off to one side he can see Izema doing some weird kind of dance, like he is trying to swat bugs with his hands for some reason. Truly, Garutis is lost.

    For his part, Izema has attracted a small audience during his practice and meditation. He is not surprised to find the crew split about evenly between man and woman, but the diversity of the crew causes him to pause. Aside from their own party, the crew numbers 8. Ardun, the captain, and Rasmus are human. But two crew members - one male, one female - are halflings, one appears to have elven blood, and one - a strange, small being that appears to be a monkey of some kind - actually climbed down the mainmast on all fours to watch! Curious, he wonders who and what the 8th crewmember is?
    Lizerd, Nazqua and Sudsinabucket like this.
  19. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Turning from a peaceful expression to a low rage Tarkaz meets eyes with the captain, "Thank you...I will go look in and see what there is in the locker, Ill have the ballista in working shape and ready for firing soon." His tone convey his rage but he stays any actions that any other would have been at the receiving end of for such a slur.

    His tribe being a smaller one of a minority sub species of minotaur was used to other minotaurs of the more common bull variety using the name as an insult, to them a sign of weakness. It was also used by Ogres long ago when his kind were enslaved by them, the insult ran deep, but he let it go for the good of the ships atmosphere and comradery.

    Seeing that the string has not been unstrung in some time the first thing the Minotaur does is loosen it, allowing the rope some slack. "No wonder the ropes are frayed and wearing, not to mention it doesnt seem to have been waxed in sometime" he says to himself, "You cant just keep it cocked the whole time or unwaxed..." shaking his head he looks over the other parts making mental note. Turning round after making note of the repairs needed the Minotaur begins the decent down the stairs and towards where he was told the locker would be.

    Reaching the locker he opens it, inside there are indeed repair equipment and parts, perhaps just enough to get it to a proper state again. Grabbing oil, rope wax, and the needed tools to apply both the oil and wax along with thankfully even some extra thick rope used on the Ballista. He decides that the trigger he will deal with after getting the rest of the weapon taken care of.

    Heading back up, he sets the supplies down and gets to work
    Last edited: Apr 21, 2020
    Tk'ya'pyk, Lizerd and Nazqua like this.
  20. DeathBringer125

    DeathBringer125 Well-Known Member

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    Drakk makes his way down to the galley to speak with Sandy, he had alot of questions over this newfound change of events. Walking past Izema, who had gathered quite a large crowd, Drakk shook his head, the warrior did this all the time, though it is quite interesting to watch. Drakk had to ask a crewmate where the galley was located, but then was on his way again. As he got below deck, he saw a woman who he guessed to be Sandy. Approaching her, Drakk began to speak "Umm excuse me Miss but are you Sandy? If you are I have a few questions about our heading and exactly what makes this ship work. If you wouldn't mind I would be very grateful for some information."

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