hello I'm new at playing warhammer and of course at this forum I would like to know how to begin a 1 k army
Well, you've come to a great place for the info you will need. Start out by getting yourself a box of skinks, you will find them useful in any army you build. You can start assembling and painting them, as they are fairly simple models and will be easy to start with. You'll want to also get the Lizardmen army book, if you haven't already. And finally, on July 10th you should get the 8th edition warhammer rulebook. Once you start getting some models completed and have read the books, post some ideas for a 1000 point list and some of the forum members will give you some feedback as to what is effective and some tweaks you may make. It can be an expensive hobby... but well worth it once you get addicted.
i can also recommend the battalion set, it has some nice units and is cheaper than if u buy it all separate