Lizardmen RPG - Accepting new players

Discussion in 'General Hobby/Tabletop Chat' started by Nazqua, Nov 24, 2019.

  1. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    Tik winced as the healer broke down into a coughing fit. "Zuztle, are you going to be all right? If you need me to help you, I can talk to the Starseer and see if I can stay..."
  2. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    Trying to slightly regain his composure Zuztle allowed a sort of solemn, sorrowful look to leak into his expressions whilst he tried to grasp onto the feeling of joy and excitement with all his strength. “Y-Yes, yes, I think I will.. I will cope. I must. Y-You are needed now more than ever Tik, And you know what the answer is going to be…”

    “Y-Your efforts are appreciated but there is no other way… I agree with Izqux with every old bone in my aged body, j-just try to keep everyone safe out there, and for the love of the Oldones make sure you keep yourself intact both mentally..”

    “And physically” He sort of lets out a chuckle at the last word trying to ease the tension in the room and sorrowful atmosphere.


    Chameleon skinks were ideal, no, Made to be lizardmen scouts.

    With a flicker their skin can so subtly change to whatever colour is needed within a particular situation. Likewise, their eyes can both move individually simultaneously making sneaking up on an alert chameleon skink an almost impossible task whilst also allowing for the most pinpoint accurate ranged skills or perfectly delivered blows.

    Whilst Chameleons are known for a fierce, stealth and ambush based fighting style they also share the quick witts and even quicker speed of skinks allowing them to travel through jungle terrain in a blur.

    Making haste Xlauax recalls to were the beast handlers was located, even with a fractured mind his memory as a skink and previous scoutmaster was impeccable, although, this was both a blessing and a curse given the chameleon's tragic past…

    Scurrying around between pens looking for Uykar Xlauax suddenly hears commotion… Hears Xolek-Zi’s voice…


    The commotion of the camp faded away, not because it was no longer happening but rather Xolek-Zi’s focus was worlds away from it, instead being placed upon his own and Xiuhcoatl’s safety.

    In a singular movement the salamanders sluggish body swerves around before letting a slight hiss sit in the air once noticing that there were now two skinks within her pen, a pen now claimed as her own territory, a territory she had to protect.

    Xiuhcoatl’s tail was a crisscross of scratches, scabs and gashes, some of which looked as if they had scarred the skin long before any lizardmen had encountered with her all coated in a raw reddish skin. Despite these seemingly bad injuries Xiuhcoatl was a wild animal, and had no--doubt delt with such before, though perhaps helping her or disinfecting some of the wounds wouldn't go amiss, the process however, would be hazardous at best.

    With Xolek-Zi standing in front, his very presence almost soothing the salamander, the older handler to his side began to make his intentions clear before walking across to the beast's side and inspecting its wounds from afar.

    Now noticing that parts of the tail fins were ripped or torn, small trickles of dried blood staining their normal orange colour…

    Standing painfully still it is clear Xiuhcoatl is holding it in as her wild eyes meet with those of the oracle.


    With but a glance from his eyes Tezka was able to coordinate the handful of saurians to begin working on a small, but effective stopping camp. The distance was less than had been initially planned but it would certainly do, One of the most difficult parts would be the assembly of everyone and the initial few miles of the journey.

    With time to spare the saurus dug smaller trenches in a sort of circulatory shape around the set up camp that could be used in order to give the main band either a small break or ensure that all equipment and individuals were without problems before setting out for a much longer travel period before rest.

    Finishing up the camp quicker than expected many of the saurians now grouped to rest in a central area. Rather than ‘Sleep’ they instead sat or stood as is suspended by some unseen force regathering their strength, stamina and energy for the soon to come hardships. Meanwhile, Tezka hauled himself up a tree creating large scratch marks and deep gauges that could only rival some of the territorial marks of the larger Lustrian creatures.

    Pushing away faces full of leaves a group of birds scatter as the saurus emerges from the canopy. Looking around he can see that in the far distance south the land became shallower which in turn allowed the nearby coast water to seep into the soil and create vast mangrove swamps or bogs which plagued a majority of this land. Thick with jungle it was clear this terrain was going to be hard to traverse. Though, if any Lizardmen would be the most suited and ready to take on such a journey through both their physical traits and mental capacities nevermind the fact their bodies were perfectly adapted to these environments.

    Meanwhile below Qrakul, who had previously left the camp for a brief moment, returned with a small, fur-covered mammal dangling within his left arm. The creature’s borrow was obviously no match the saurians grip and determined digging…

    With a guttural cough like grunt the saurus alerts the others of his return before preparing to skin the creature ready for direct consumption. In desperate times one could have eaten it whole there and then, but the saurus had time to wait before the rest of the journey would catch up so why not spend it on preparing a small meal.
    bOdziO Wolf, Tk'ya'pyk and Lizerd like this.
  3. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Sensing that Xiuhcoatl was both calming but also holding in something Xolek makes a subtle hand gesture towards the handler to come a bit closer to the head of the salamander first. The idea Xolek thought was if Xiuhcoatl could see him better the less concerened she would be making her less prone to lunge, and if she did he would jump infront of the handler knowing what the outcome would and could be.

    Now not only placing his hands on her skull he also put his forehead to hers, closing his eyes he tried to soothe her even more, feeling her movements before they even happened. So in tune he was he could feel every breath, little or small, her heart beat and any sudden change...every muscle he could feel twitching or resting...the bond was growing and both could feel it.
  4. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    Saying goodbye to Zuztle, Tik asked the old healer to take care of himself and get some rest of his own while he could. Sotek knows, with everything happening in the camp lately, nobody has gotten much rest in the last three or four days. That done, he headed off to join the gathering group prepping to leave the camp...
  5. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    A similar nerve building up within himself the handler quickly regards Xolek-Zi’s movements, backing away slightly before placing himself within her full view and continuing with the analysis of Xiuhcoatl’s many wounds some of which were clearly festering.

    Whilst the handler to his side continues Xolek pushes back any fear, placing his trust into the silent and still beast. Kneeling down so close he can feel the salamanders hot, smouldering rotten breath on his scales the oracle leans in even closer to the point where his head made contact with Xiuhcoatl’s which still lay unearthly quiet.

    Drastically Xiuhcoatl’s eyes flickered open before frantically darting around despite her body remaining motionless… Seconds later Xolek began to experience feelings of the ground beneath him shivering, small pieces of dirt or mud rolling slightly until the tremors started to become more aggressive after each heavy dull

    Suddenly a deep rumbling vibration like grunt belched out from nearby as the thuds got louder and quicker as if they were caused by some great beast in motion. And that they were… Heavy breathing disturbed the swirling air... Sizzling, sun-drenched backplates coloured with a gritty earth like chitin brown… As the sound of a final snorting grunt followed by a light spray of saliva which dampened the cracked starving ground coming from outside of the pen was bellowed Xiucoatl snapped back to reality in a rush of overwhelming senses.

    Knocked over by a thrashing head movement and battered aside by a kick Xolek’s body was sent sprawling a few feet away as the cornered salamander whipped around shoving the beast handler to the floor. Hissing, Xiucoalt retreated behind the larger rocks before backing up to the point where half of her body was now clinging to the side of the wall.

    Dazed and reeling Xolek could hear an almost high pitched guttural sound as the salamander leaned back. Throat sack swelling the beasts steaming nostrils flared as it gaped wide its mouth letting streams of dribble and froth form a small smoking puddle below whilst a flicking tongue within aggressively hissed with heat.


    Stopping his swift movements between pens Xlauax is forced to flick around, bringing the monstrous Ahuatli suddenly into view. It could only be worded one way, the beast was an absolute unit. It had been too long since the chameleon had witnessed some of the lizardmen’s harnessed great beasts let alone in purposed movement...

    The creatures' gritty backplates were sprawling with huge, skink tall bony spines and protrusions coloured in a dirty light brown and subtle orange hue’s, colours which contrasted greatly with the brighter beige hide which stretched across its underbelly and legs below.

    Releasing effortus grunts with each step the beast dragged itself forward, its tail behind practically touching the floor such was its extreme weight, a weight held up by leg muscles literally the size of Xlauax himself. Taken by surprise Xlauax watched as the beast was guided by none-other than Uykar himself between other beast pens and toward the central plaza.

    Already shadowy and dark from the black jaguar fur cloak which wrapped around his body Uykar was cast into even more shade by the Ahuatli’s huge shining carapace which stretched out from either side of its head making his already concealed features even harder to pick out. Above the beasts carapace glared with reflected white light as it steamed, It was clear midday was practically upon the camp and the journey was expected to leave soon after, hence the beast now being brought forth.

    Manoeuvring the beast carefully between several temporary stone enclosures with a reasonably large, thick rope loosely tied to one such spine Uykar made his way closer to both Xlauax and the central plaza which he was headed to. Such was the creature's weight and bulk it would be no surprise that if the beast was to charge or plough through the pens that there would be little resistance other than the poor creatures held inside, Xiuhcoatl amongst them. Furthermore, there was no doubt, even from a kroxigor, that with but a flick of the head the beast could easily tether the rope which Uykar used to shepherd it and send the skink flying to his doom, However, the bond between the chief and the Ahuatli evidently had no need for stronger physical bondings or connections for the one they possessed was mental and burnt into the creatures own instinct over years of training from birth. Even clearer than this was the known fact that the Ahuatli, in this case, the greater Ahuatli of this region held some form of distant relation to the bastiladon, and likewise were supposedly blessed by similar Old Ones such as Amyra. However, these beasts were still very different from the bastiladon in a variety of ways, starting with being physically slightly smaller and faster yet having more territorial and aggressive behaviour. Behaviour mitigated by Uykars presence, he was both a great hunter, scoutmaster, beast handler and an invaluable asset to the camp much like its honoured priests.

    Atop the ancient beasts back was a sort of howdah constructed from carved wooden support beams and other materials, Its primary function was devoted to the storage of the many artefacts and supplies which the journey had been organised for. Although this function did not stop what looked to be two or three skinks from climbing up and working atop the beasts back, each and every one clinging tightly to at least one of the beasts protruding spines to prevent them from stumbling over, or worse falling off each time the beast legs thudded against the ground.

    As its shared purpose was to be used to carry the many of Kara’s artefacts, like the ones which Xlauax had now interacted with and held witness to their extreme power and potency, a power which still flowed through him as if it were dormant and waiting for night to once again return the Ahuatli’s howdah was covered over by thin sheets of fabric held up on a mix of spines and bronze rods physically hammered into its hardened back.

    Perhaps if the opportunity was to arise the beast could also carry portions of the caravan’s skinks, giving them a chance to both rest and escape from rain whilst still on the move...

  6. Lizerd
    Skink Priest

    Lizerd Well-Known Member

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    Tezka still sat in the tree, looking around for other lizardmen. However he nearly fell out of the tree when he heard Texcoco growling. The carnosaur smelled something, and usually that meant something was amiss. Tezka slid down the tree and ran towards his steed. The carnosaur knew something was wrong, and Tezka was going to find out as quickly as possible
  7. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Seeing the danger that Xiuhcoatl posed to the handler and himself, Xolek did the unthinkable: Ran infront of the Salamander. Heat radianted drom her mouth as it was open, Xolek however had a furious look on his face, whatever was outaide inturupted the calm within her. He could feel his magic coursing through him, his eyes ablaze once again, Xolek with a dominant glare meet the angry and threatened gaze of Xiuhcoatl, "Still your fire! We are no threat!" Raising both his hands into the air Xolek tries to show his dominance in both tone and gesture slowly lowering his hands to the ground to command her to be still. "Xiuhcoatl by the will of Itzl you will calm your flame and mind or I will make you" not moving Xolek instead plants his feet into the ground, soil rising up between his clawed feet. "You will heed my command, I AM YOUR ALPHA" glaring deeper still into the frenzied beasts eyes he waits for some kind of signal to either evade an oncoming flame or to move closer to again try and calm here one way or another.

    Unsure if it will work the handlfer takes this moment to get closer to the door.
  8. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    Looking down toward the other saurus which now stood nearby a small, spitting fire recently birthed into existance by a few strikes from a flint and steel partnered with dried leaves and bark featherings Tezka could hear the sound of Texcoco’s growl… Something was going on…

    Similarly to the saurus Oldblood within the tree above the saurians felt a similar feeling, not of unease or nervousness for saurus lacked any sense of that emotion, but instead one of being watched in between the sounds of quicky scurrying and light feet crunching down on leaves…

    Texcoco’s growl increasing in aggression and loudness the feeling abruptly subsides seconds before what looked to be a skink, no, a chameleon skink carefully emerged from a handful of bushes. his skin seamlessly fading back to a standard green the skink made his presence known as to not provoke Texcoco but to also gain the awareness of all the saurians.

    In appearance, the chameleon’s stature is somewhat crooked and his body is slightly smaller than average, this size difference exaggerated greatly by the presence of the saurus. Allowing as much bare skin to show as possible the skink wears little but a ragged few scraps of cloth some of which had sorrowful looking feathers, which had long curled up covered in coats of mud.

    Though more notable than the rest of his body the chameleons face, one almost as cold as the warriors around him, was covered in warpaints which drew attention to a small golden trinket seemingly hammered into his forehead, the scales around it having grown in such a way to now incorporate it into his skull and flesh and adopt it as their own.

    “Saurus, Qrakul, Ixtep” The chameleon's voice is high-pitched and heavily accented, to the point where it is almost hard to hear his words clearly. As he speaks the words seem to drag on with an emphasis being placed on particular letters.

    “I, Oamotl, am in charge of the primary scouting expeditions, even more so with Uykar back at camp. Im honoured to be within the presence of other warriors.”

    Almost coughing out the syllables Oamotl’s tongue flicks aggressively in wild shapes as he talks in a similar nature to that of his tail. Savouring each word the chameleon speaks as if he has large amounts of phlegm or saliva at the back of his throat. It is clear this individual spends little time talking, a trait saurus could respect.

    Whilst not only saurian eyes burnt into him but also those of a carnosaur the chameleon steps further forward with an unexpected speed, covering the distance between him and the group within a blur. Now leaning against a smaller tree the Chameleon swallows before performing a gesture with his tail…

    Instantly another two skinks emerge from seemingly obvious positions. “Tocht, Otztil, My scouting companions.”

    Grunting with a nod of the head the saurus continue to glare at Oamotl.

    Casually Chewing with bony needle-like teeth Oamotl opens his large mouth revealing some sort of unfortunate dragonfly crushed under the chameleon's extremely muscular tongue which now coils around the creature before flinging it aside.

    Rubbing the crumpled insect's body into the soil with his tail the chameleon continues breaking the silence “We travel here from camp to get some ground” He looks back at the other two skinks who now walk to his side.

    Now more visible the two skinks bodies became clearer, allowing Tezka to see they were laced with huge broad leaves and their crest covered in war-paint markings as to both obscure the more vibrant colour but to also highlight their glowing yellow eyes with black, almost imitating that of a large feline. Within both hands, they wielded well-constructed blowpipes nearly their own height…

    As if with the very mention of a feline a shadow seems to move, transforming into a panther, one known well amongst the camp, even to the Saurians who had fought alongside it many a time. It was Uykar’s ‘Mētstli Tlawīli’, more well known as Huancli or Midnight Breeze’

    As the panther crawled forward still in a stalking, watching position a skink gently stroked its back, easing the creatures tension which had obviously been caused by Texcoco previous growls, growls which now grew louder as the carnosaur eyed the feline who released a sharp hiss before letting out a snarl.


    Already aware of the panther's presence the chameleon continues on “We will be both behind and in front of the main caravan, Any threat or terrain we will first assess and see.”

    “It is our role to inform both Uykar but also you, Our warriors, Of any threat.”

    Hearing the word ‘Warrior’ one of the saurus sharply lifts his head bellowing with yet another grunt of approval.

    The disjointed and irregular words coming from the chameleons stopping for a second Oamotl’s tongue almost slithers to the forefront of his mouth. pouncing outwards the tongue stretches down to his waist before receding up to his arm clutching a large bone dart within an iron grip. Drawing the attention of the saurus the tongue hovers above the chameleon's upturned wrist, a wrist that had a still very much living frog bound to it with several tight pieces of string.

    Having Thoroughly Scraped the dart across the frogs colourful back to the point where it now drips with an eye-stinging liquid, one that could only be potent poison Omatl guides his tongue toward the blowpipe clutched within his tail, inserting the dart before curling it back into his mouth.

    As if nothing had happened the chameleon now returns to his one-sided conversation “I have been responsible for mapping out our greater routes amongst other duties, I have thoroughly scouted our path until the Chalchiutl Akaxim (Veridian Pools) We plan to make it there initially.”

    Unlike the other skinks around him, Oamotl’s face was strangely twisted into what could be perceived as an attempt to make a facial expression. As both a chameleon and scout it looked as if he had never stopped moving for his entire life… His trouble with socialising obviously evolved from this, but also a more strange and deep routed reason… One that only saurus could understand.

    This chameleon was a veteran fighter, the kind which would employ horrible ambush tactics and attrition warfare at the slightest command. Traits that could be gathered from a glance at the groups of scars which crowded his face for room but also his beady, scheming eyes.
  9. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    Grumbling about the unfairness of his lack of rest, Tik finished stowing the last of his gear as he walked towards the meeting site. So far, the only arrival was a handful of the saurus who would be accompanying them on their journey. Frowning, he asked one of them where Tezka could be found. As usual, their answers were somewhat vague and non-committal, but eventually he was told that the Oldblood had gone ahead to scout out their initial trail.

    Since he had nothing better to do, Tik decided to head in that direction. He walked for quite some time before eventually coming across what he had to assume was the Oldblood's trail, as the Carnosaur tracks were the right size and heading in the correct direction. He was a little more cautious as he followed the trail, worried that he might be walking towards a loose, untrained juvenile instead of Tezcoco, but soon his fears were put to rest. He found Tezka speaking with some Chameleon Skinks he didn't personally know, but there were a lot of lizardkin in the camp and Tik couldn't possibly remember all of them...

    Waiting until they were finished talking, he made himself known to the Oldblood. "It appears I will be joining this expedition as guidance and sometimes healer. Hopefully this journey will be less eventful than the past week has been..."
    Last edited: Apr 23, 2020
  10. Lizerd
    Skink Priest

    Lizerd Well-Known Member

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    Tezka looked at the skinks in front of them. These individuals clearly had fought many times, and Tezka as well as the other saurus respected that. Hearing the chameleon’s stating their role, Tezka nodded
    “Thank you.” He said to them. Just like the skinks, he wasn’t used to any significant amount of talking. Simultaneously Tezka attempted to calm Texcoco, now that the source of his aggression was revealed. This panther clearly was a deadly and competent fighter, and like the skinks Tezka respected it.

    hearing Tik, Tezka turned to face the skink healer. Listening intently, Tezka pondered the skinks words before replying.
    “Let’s hope the journey is uneventful. For once, I’m not looking for battle.” These words were surprising to the skink, but Tezka was also a surprising saurus
    Last edited: Apr 25, 2020
  11. DeathBringer125

    DeathBringer125 Well-Known Member

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    Xlauax slowly approaches Uykar, so as not to scare the Ahuatli. Drawing close, Xlauax says "U-Uykar, Izqux t-told me to s-speak with you about s-serving as a Sc-scout. It's b-been awhile since I have d-done recon w-work, but I think I st-still know h-how.". With this final word, Xlauax starts twitching nervously while waiting for a response.
  12. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    Seeing the chameleon now approach him the skink chief intently listens to Xlauax’s crooked words all whilst further guiding the immense beast behind him.

    “A chameleon. You, You are built to Scout… Yes.. yes you can scout for us, for me. We have a long journey ahead of us, only fractions having been recently scouted by a handful of individuals.”

    “Your help would be much appreciated and of use to us Chameleon. Come with me, But first I must begin this travel”

    Without giving the chameleon adequate time to respond the skinks quickly motions him to follow before the chief enters the central chamber and begins preparations before reciting out toward the camp’s skinks, sauri and kroxigors.


    All around him was movement, Skinks shuffling to the side, chitters and chirps filling the air as to does the thick billowing smoke of randomly dotted campfires. The air was alive as if it was feeding off the atmosphere of anticipation, becoming yet another onlooker to the brawl now fought between the scents of simmering rice and incense… Quas was within the centre of it all, he was within the plaza.

    Overwhelmed, Quas watches around feeling the fast pulsing of his heart, a fast pulsing that is soon met by the steady stomp of a beasts feet. Seconds later another tide of commotion surges between the skinks as a band of kroxigors and saurian warriors laced between them, enter the plaza weighed down by both responsibilities but also the objects they held.

    More prestiged skinks held various golden plaques, the shining surface baked and simmering in the sun. One in particular holding a huge cloak constructed of what looked to be a handful of feathers such was their size and extravagance… Each and every individual one of them screaming, whispering and ordering of colours so intense and vivid they could cause almost any sane creatures mind to see:

    Blazing Crimsons like Ashax’s Fury within the Spitting serpent.

    Luminous Amber’s like Chotec’s Rage rising above the Clauachan plains.

    Gleaming emeralds like the avarice leaves of creeping jungles.

    Swirling Ceruleans like Tzunki’s Aquamarine water that pools within salamander bay.

    It was truly a wonder to believe such a cloak existed, let alone laid bare before you in a skinks hands.

    Nearby handfuls of saurus clasped onto fine weaponry and tools of iron… Forests of Obsinite spears, Plates of crudely forged armour consisting of many metallic plates hammered together. A singular brass shield formed from what looked to be huge sheets of chitin, so towering and heavy it had to be held up by a singular individual. Carved within the shields centre is an intricate, yet deadly jade scorpion… A scorpion Quas recognised all to well from his struggle down amongst the vaults days before… That's when it struck him… This ‘Journey’, this whole ordeal was about one singular thing…

    As if hearing his very thoughts, or rather what could alternatively be interpreted as causing Quas’s thoughts, Two kroxigors lumbered forward, each of them releasing effort grunts as they walked barely being able to hold up the immense weight above them. Whilst also being physically heavy, this burden was not of that nature but instead of the raw, unsurpassable magical power and veneration by their kin for millennia placed within the individual their muscles burnt and limbs threatened to give way for… For they lifted up an ancient palanquin with all their strength, lifting it high up above the crowds where it deserved to be, deserved to be not because of itself, but rather because of the individual, it supported within.

    Preserved within the palanquins ancient, long worn away embrace is the remains of a mummified slann. Not some skink priest or venerated saurian warrior, A slann.

    Eons of Authority. Archaic presence. The unfiltered gaze of the Infinite, Untouched, Unbeing. Eternal knowledge, as if a mind could read through the library of Babel with but a fleeting glance. This was raw, almost eldritch power. This was the Slann.

    The creatures huge body looked to be preserved ever so delicately in collections of neat bandages and casts save for its face and skull, a skull bloated with such knowledge it once held within life. Upon its face was an almost mockingly simplistic death mask clasping two dark stone jewels, as dark as the void itself, as dark as death.

    Being near such a presence, even if the presence had been void for centuries caused Quas’s mind to blank and body to tremble. And tremble it would upon seeing the golden plaque clasped within the slann’s hands.

    Large sprawling characters and symbols form some kind of message. Ever alien and misunderstood, this message was written in a time now ancient to even the ancient ones. Each and every character invoked an emotion or sense, Even the ones long worn away by aeons of silence still left a residual sense that they were once present and would continue to be so long after the world had turned to dust…

    A world to dust this plaque would witness, for encrusted at the very top of it is a huge crystalline eye.

    Physically its pupil is a slit of black-diamond with an iris of pure green, materials which swirl and slowly undulate with a magical power that rhythmically pulses out from it. The physical characteristics, however, are nothing compared to the indescribable sense it imbues within a person.

    As if crafted by the oldones themselves the eye sits omnipotent, watching out to all those who have ever looked upon it, binding them to it as if some purpose awaited them, some mission left unfulfilled...

    Aggressively Quas shakes his head and regains balance. How long had he spent looking into that hole in reality, that so-called ‘Eye’...

    Vision unblurring the kroxigor can realise it has been more than a minute for both the slann, the plaque and those that carried it had passed onwards having placed the slann’s palanquin atop the Howdah of some great beast, a beast known to him and the camp as an Ahuatli.

    Before having further time to analyse his moved surroundings a voice booms out, sharp yet silent. Its presence felt in other ways than the volume at which the message it conveyed was spoken, a voice that could only be recognised as Uykars.

    As he shouted, his words echoing throughout the camp a nearby skink continued to ring out a large chime as to summon all who had been called to make the journey.

    “Ready yourself now Skinks, Sauri and Kroxigors.”

    “Gather now to me.”

    “Gather now to Izqux’s orders, Gather now to the Slann’s will.”

    “Gather now and March forth as one! REPEAT WITH ME NOW!”

    “We shall not return to this camp until our mission is complete”

    “We shall guide and protect these artifacts with our life”




    Kroxigors roared to the sky. Saurians hammered down spears and shields repeatedly into the ground. Skinks cried in a waterfall of cheers and chants. It had begun.

    As the last words echoes continue to boom as if aided by some magical amplifier, or more, Uykars sheer will and determination Quas found himself getting swept up in an exodus of skinks and kroxigors who followed behind Uykar who had now already exited the camp’s borders after having passed on the Ahautli’s guidance to a handful of fellow beast tamers.

    Knowing all too well that the lizardmen behind him would have to keep a steady pace for hours Uykar restrained from leaning into the immediate rush, instead slowing down the advance to a more manageable, yet nonetheless swift walk in order to reserve the caravans energy but to also not exhaust all spirit within the first hundreds of meters…
    Lizerd, bOdziO Wolf and Tk'ya'pyk like this.
  13. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    At first a strange feeling comes over him, second, He knows. The echoes of Uykars voice bounds toward him and Zuztle’s chamber as if they were one of his jaguars… The time had come for the journey to embark, a journey Kuoteq would find himself ordered to be a part of.

    Last edited: Apr 24, 2020
    Lizerd, bOdziO Wolf and Tk'ya'pyk like this.
  14. Khemrian Slann

    Khemrian Slann Active Member

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    After hearing the Words that chew thruogh the jungles thick air Kuoteq'eko chirped enthusiastic and some other Skinks joined his call. When some Kroxigors eventually started to roar it became ground shaking like a Earthquake. Then the crowds of Skinks began to move towards the Uykar and Quas. Kuoteq who shouted out loud with the Tide the words of Unity and Fury saw how Saurus joined in with deep and dump wardrums . He started running up to the tip of the crowd where Uykar lead it. He arrived there a mere moment before the surge of moving bodies crashed into the jungle path where it became a endless line of waving spears and shields, transport Ahuatlis and myriarda of waving colorful feathers and Crests. Tlaxtlan the City of the Moon and one of The Four pillars of the Oldones plans was the destiny of this caravan and now Kuoteq'eko was a part of it and he was proud about it. He now realised that this was the third of the great cities he would have seen in his short life and from the small seed of Proud a tree of unmatchable excitement arose in his heart. All he knew about the Templecity was gathered from his own collection of plaques which consisted also of the Prophecy of the Fallen Sky. This was a very sad one, it was about The Falling stars crushing all what was Left of the Plan of the Old Ones by that time and the ratmen conquering the most holy land and corrupting it. It was extracted out of a study in the great asrtolabium of Tlaxtlan, The Temple of the Eclipse which observed the Chaosmoon who shone in a dark green. Rembering these Stories his Enthusiasm was crippled and his Heart grew cold again......
  15. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    Xolek was not glaring into Xiuhcoatl’s eyes… He was glaring into his own… no… He was glaring into those of…. Those of… Itzl.

    Staring for seconds… minutes… an eternity.

    The echoes of his words bound off dilapidated buildings, more victims to the fire, as if they were no longer his own, but instead distorted to become those of the jungle itself.


    Thunder, roaring sky... No, that was the other day... Inexplicably the oracle's mind is suddenly flung forward and propelled into the jungle, its sickening momentum ever increasing. What could be determined as tree’s blurred past faster and faster until they could be recognised only as some amalgamation of green hue’s let alone something complex or living. These Green hue’s however eventually faded to white…


    Lightning, talking sky… Events both one cycle of the moon before and now fade into one… Xolek’s mind suddenly screeches to a silent halt. It takes a good second for colour to bleed back into the word and for the oracle to catch up to his mind, or rather this stream of images conveyed to him.

    Jungle everywhere. Tree’s, water and behind them more tree’s and then an endless sky. A sky with no colour, no blue, just… just a black void so similar yet foreign to the one within Xiuhcoatl’s pupils, the type in which one would expect to see stars. There are however none. Almost as if something has ripped them out of reality leaving nothing, not even dust. This was the fate for all except one singular object, that object being the silvered one, its rock turned to endless coils wrapped into some sort of serpent.

    This void seems to cast a strange, shadowless and static shading onto the world. Xolek’s mind, however, was not cast upwards, or even anywhere but a singular point… The dilapidated, Dead ‘Altar’ or ‘Temple’ below him, its surfaces of crudely cut stone blocks their every surface smothered in vines and moss out of focus. Out of focus and hazed in the same way as the water drenched swamp surrounding the temple in which small fireflies endlessly buzzed without purpose.

    Xolek-Zi’s focus was instead placed on the treeline, more specifically a gap between such treeline... An archway between the walls of impenetrable forests where only shade lied obscuring all.

    Suddenly the oracles head throbs and ear’s ring with what sounds like a heartbeat but is instead a huge metal gong being rung. A sound Xolek was not intimately close with, yet he seemed to somewhere deep down know of such a noise and what it meant… It was one of the immense instruments, so large they could only be rung by several kroxigors, that sounded out when sacrifices had been tied to attract Itzl’s great creatures out from the infinite jungle to feed.

    Sounding out three, no four times the gongs echo charges through the endless tree’s as if the sound itself was pursuing prey, or rather called out to something…

    Blindingly fast a thick, inescapable fog consumes the world, suffocating out everything but a few feet in front of him to the point where Xolek can barely see the stone he stands on. Then, out of it all... A blinding light so silvery hot it illuminates each and every sparkling particle of the mist. partnered with the light some sort of ‘call’ replies to the gong...

    Previously being too high pitched to be detected by the oracles still stinging ears the call suddenly turns into the roar of thunder, the light turning into the flash of lightning.

    As if in slow motion Xolek can feel his body collapse backwards, the impact playing out painfully slow as his body smashes into the earth throwing up a cloud of dust… and then darkness.

    Dust and grit now settling to the floor or getting whisked away on the wind around him Xolek can see, or rather feel the warmth of Xiuhcoatl nudging him in the side as if she were forcing him back awake and conscious…

    Whilst a huge portion of his vision is devoted to a hazy, orange blob in the rest the oracle can see the almost paralyzed and shocked skink beast handler watching unblinking.
  16. DeathBringer125

    DeathBringer125 Well-Known Member

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    Xlauax felt uncomfortable by the large parade that had now formed. Suddenly he felt extremely smothered by all the members of the camp, and wished to be out in the forest. Looking to Uykar, Xlauax asks where he should head to serve as a scout.
  17. bOdziO Wolf

    bOdziO Wolf Well-Known Member

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    Quas was more than happy to fulfill the task and now upon completion we was marching with inner joy in his own heart. A change of environment also meant a change of diet and it was his mind that was now occupied with new possibilities to cook and prepare meals. Not only that was the source of cheer, but also the sight of his brother in battle Kuoteq'eko which he greeted with a humming, guttural, but pleasant sound. Not a long wile after he took some time to remind their encounter at the vaults with his slightly broken, slow form of speech.
  18. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Opening his eyes to the nudging and heat of Xiuhcoatl's muzzle, the handler across the enclosure with a frightful expression could bareky be made out.

    Hazy and weak Xolek puts a hand around Xiuhcoatl's neck and staggers to his feet before leaning up against the rock.

    The many visuals that overcame him made a few things clear: Some force or call, whether it be Itzl or another was calling him out to the jungle to a specific spot, Kara had more secrets to unconver, and that the caravan at some ooint may be in danger from either the natural Fauna or another force, perhaps it was a warning of the impending danger?

    Looking back to Xiuhcoatl Xolek smiles, "Thank you" he says but for a brief moment it was not his own voice but rather a anamalistic voice that the Salamander could understand before going back to the Oracles natural voice. Frieghtened by this Xolek staggers backwards, "Glory that is Itzl, what is happening?" If this was indeed a warning he would need to tell the Seer, after that he would head out into the jungle in search of whatever he was being pointed to, the caravan wasnt too far off yet, another skink could perhaps be sent with the warning? Questions raced through the Oracles mind

    Slowly walking to the entrance of the enclosure Xolek motions for Xiuhcoatl to stay, "When I return we will be going out into the wilds, you will not be confined here forever. Your wounds need mending, allow this skink to see to you" again the animalistic voice comes out but more fluid.

    Turning to the handler Xolek says he will be back but must go see the Seer first and that he should be able to tend to the Salamander with relative saftey

    Xolek leaves rhe enclosure and makes his way to find the Seer, first heading to his quarters
  19. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    Knowing they will be leaving soon, Tiqxoltiq hunted around for a comfortable place to rest while he waited. A small part of him was nagging for the priest to get up and see if he could find more herbs, but Tik didn't want to miss the caravan when it set out. So he forced himself (not very reluctantly) to stay put for the time being. After all, running to catch a caravan wasn't exactly dignified, and while that ship has kind of sailed already he had to at least try to retain some of the dignity of his office...
  20. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    Thoughts racing through his mind, Some flickering by like a flashing light whilst others tried to burrow into his head Xolek-Zi stood dizzy and shaking. His senses were on fire for he could feel the warmth of Xiuhcoatl who crawled to his side, he could feel the rush of air entering his lungs, spreading out within, the touch of his feet against the cracked ground and the light breeze against his crest…

    Supporting himself from tumbling back down again the oracle recollects himself with handful of deep breaths before signifying his truest thanks toward the salamander at his side…

    As he spoke however, the voice was rough, guttural and itchy… Clearly a result of the harsh fall, yet it felt like something more…

    Despite his voice’s hard to understand and determine nature Xiuhcoatl seemed to almost acknowledge the oracle’s message through his gestures, expression and above all else his very will and thoughts.

    Now more aware of his own mind, surroundings and memory Xolek-Zi rapidly attempts to piece together what was conveyed in front of him… Was it an omen of danger? A call of Itzl? A call of a place? Or nothing at all but a figment of his own imagination?

    Shaking his head, one thing above those before came clear to him, He had to seek Izqux.


    Rushing toward the head of the exodus Xlauax quickly arrived to Uykar’s side who was easily distinguishable from the fact he both lead the caravan but also the oversized cloak he wore which dragged, or rather bounded behind as if it were running in a sort of distorted motion.

    Nervous and twitchy, especially with so many skinks chitters in the air, but also the fact that the Ahuatli was mere meters behind Xlauax stepped toward Uykar before asking in a quick and simple sentence.

    Replying back Uykar speaks in a weirdly calm, sharp and collected tone despite the commotion. Continuing to walk at a swift and nimble pace the chief does his best to concentrate on the chameleon and give him a devoted portion of his attention despite his obvious responsibilities but also the fact he was clearly distraught by the burnt jungle around him, its once lush canopy made ash by Chotec’s rage.

    “Initially we have well mapped the first leg of our journey, our knowledge fading once past the so-called Veridian pools… I would suggest you stick with us centrally until later… then we can equip you and you should split off to either support another scouting group ahead, behind or individually checking for more convenient and safer routes…”

    “as a scout watching perimeters whilst others rest is a high priority, though our saurian warriors are more than capable of handling that”

    “However above those things, one must remember to always be alert, always listening, always waiting. Portions of these jungles are not safe, I know it. We must however enact this journey, there is no other way.”


    Making one's way through the camp was no easy task. Skinks rushed around frantically, many in pursuit of the now leaving caravan whilst others attempted to continue their normal day to day tasks and jobs infused with both excitement, urgency and stress.

    Quickly cutting through the most central of the camp’s area’s Xolek sticks to its edges and sidelines before the starseers hut eventually comes into view.

    Wasting no time the oracle rushes toward it, his eyes however did not spot a normally obvious saurian guard… Even Quelionxi, Izqux’s designated protector was missing… Strange…

    With no guardian to stop him from entering Xolek does so unheeded, bursting through the unnaturally light ribbons and fabrics which made the doorway into a room cast into both darkness and light simultaneously.

    Instantly the recent memories of previously being in the room rush back to him from the second the cool, smooth burning air begins to cleanse his lungs and refresh his entire body with unnatural vigour.

    Sending Strings of incense smoke highlighted from crystaline orbs and spheres seemingly projected onto the wall by some unknown force fleeing in his wake it takes a matter of seconds before the oracle can indeed see that the starseer, and his palanquin are not within the room… now knowing the lack of Izqux’s presence

    Opening the tents almost silken doorway Xolek enters a familiar world of still, refreshing cool air, its scent that of heavy incense that burned and cleared the lungs.

    Looking around however Xolek can see all but a Starseer and his palanquin. Shelves and everything left as they were…. Now knowing Izqux was elsewhere the ambient room temperature within the room suddenly drops to an unbearable chill, to the point where Xolek can almost feel thin layers of ice crystals gathering on his arms and back… Where in the Oldones was the Starseer!? Especially with the caravan to Tlaxtlan setting out right here and now.

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