6th Ed. New to WFB and to Lizardmen

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Army Lists' started by Zoglug, Apr 25, 2020.

  1. Zoglug

    Zoglug Member

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    Good evening all!

    My current gaming group, which is mainly a Blood Bowl league are branching out and trying to get enough people together to play some regular 6e games (they tell me it is the best version of the game!). I have shown some interest and all of a sudden I have been passed rule books and army books galore!

    Having recently played Lizards in my last league, and with loving Lustria as a region I am going to piece together a Lizardman army.

    At the start, points will be capped at 1k whilst people put their armies together and learn the rules, but the aim is to get up to 2k games. From a very quick look at the book and with very little WFB experience from around 15 or so years ago (sorry if this is awful). Initially, I am likely to be up against Empire and Skaven.


    Scar Vet, Great Weapon, Light Armour, Shield, Aura of Quetzl
    Skink Priest, level 2, Dispel Scroll


    Skink skirmishers x 10
    Skink skirmishers x 10
    Saurus warriors x 13, full command, spears
    Saurus warriors x 14, full command, spears


    Salamanders x 3

    The warriors form a core through the middle, with the skinks trying to harass any enemy artillery and essentially just being a nuisance. I thought about Cold One's but stupidity at such a small point value could be a game changer.

    Happy to consider any and all suggested changes.


  2. Gary_M

    Gary_M Well-Known Member

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    I have to say I'm a bit of a novice 6th ed player, but my view:

    You don't have any Special troops.

    Kroxigor are great in this edition - If you can get the charge off, as chargers always hit first, regardless of initiative (unless someone has ASF of course).

    Chamo skinks can be VERY effective.

    I like cold one cavalry, but that might just be me! Stupidity has never been an issue for me. Although I remember using them in an 8th ed game many years ago, I rolled stupidity 3 times in game. Anyway, I take them. Rule of cool! Sometimes they sweep all before them, other times, not so much.

    Terradons can also be good.

    Possibly one more salamander for a 2k army. Two units of 2 to increase target saturation.

    At 2k you can take either an Old Blood or Slann as a hero choice. I've usually opted for the former as my Slann wasn't painted until very recently..

    Get the Lords/Heroes mounted to give them extra +2 A/S.

    I'd probably recommend at least one more Skink Priest too for the larger games (assuming you don't take a slann).

    If you're playing against Empire, you will need to deal with their artillery, so Chamo Skinks / Terradons.

    Basically, buy/get the stuff in the book you don't already own, plus get a bit more of some stuff you do own!
    Zoglug and Lizards of Renown like this.
  3. Zoglug

    Zoglug Member

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    Cheers for the tips @Gary_M ive been browsing eBay and facebook and have managed to pick up some extra bits so will have some Cold One's, Camo Skinks, Krox etc which I can use in a 2k list.

    For my 1k list for the initial games, I have tweaked the above a little bit. By taking a unit of Saurus and dropping a Salamander, it has allowed me to give my General a mount and get 4 terradons as well. I can also scout both units of skinks too.

    My list for 1k is as follows:-


    Scar Vet, Great Weapon, Light Armour, Shield, Aura of Quetzl, Blessing of Itzl, Cold One
    Skink Priest, level 2, Dispel Scroll


    Skink skirmishers x 10, scout
    Skink skirmishers x 10, scout
    Saurus warriors x 20, full command


    4 x Terradon


    Salamanders x 2

    I quite like it, gives me a variety of models to use and learn the game with.

    Thoughts and criticisms welcome!
  4. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    Don't know 6th (in WHFB i've played only 7th and 8th)… but welcome to Lustria!
    Imrahil likes this.
  5. Gary_M

    Gary_M Well-Known Member

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    No worries. Hope what Ive said helps.
    I find terradons work best in units of 3, but give 4 a go and see how it works.
    Scar Vet looking good now. Be prepared to give the scar vet a magic weapon though. If you are ever up against Vampire Counts (or anything else that has ethereal units) you can only hit them with a magic weapon (or magic itself of course).
    For 1k points, I think that looks pretty good.
    If you were to keep the scar vet on foot and in the saurus, consider the item that allows him to move 9". An unexpected 18" charge can be very hard for some to handle!
    Other than that, just keep playing with different options until you find something you like.
    Lizards of Renown likes this.
  6. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    I wish you luck with your gaming group and am very jealous you have one playing the older editions!
  7. Zoglug

    Zoglug Member

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    Thank you, im looking forward to this lockdown relaxing and finally getting to play some games.

    My 1k list and my 1.5k list are now complete, I am just having to paint them. I am keeping my eyes out for more Kroxigors, a Slann and some Temple Guard which will give me variety at 2k.

    That being said, for the campaign that is being planned, I am tempted to run a Southlands list, which once I buy some more Kroxigors, I should have the models to field.
  8. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    Sounds pretty cool. Alas, my experience with oldhammer starts with 7th, so i don't know anything about 6th.
    Zoglug and Lizards of Renown like this.

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