Discussion Meta data for Past Short Story Contests

Discussion in 'Fluff and Stories' started by Scalenex, May 1, 2020.

  1. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    This is a WIP. I'm just playing cause I'm addicted to indexing.

    First Contest, January-February 2015, "Recovery of Sacred Artifacts"

    1st Place: No Title By Lordkingcrow
    2nd Place: "Redemption" By Lordkingcrow
    3rd Place: “Cold Commerce” By Spawning of Bob
    "Broken Oath" By Lordkingcrow
    “Completely Anonymous Entry” By Scalenex
    “Under the Temple” by Essmir
    4th Place: "Hey bill!"By Madrck
    “The Spine of Sotek” by ASSASSIN_NR_1
    5th Place: "Cities of Gold" By Lordkingcrow
    “The Return” By Spawning of Bob

    First Time entrants: ASSASSIN_NR_1, Madrck, Lordkingcrow, Spawning of Bob, Scalenex, Essmir.
    Record for Most Entries: Lordkingcrow*

    Second Contest, April-May 2015 "Chameleons"

    Completely Anonymous Sequel: Spawning of Bob (2)
    Final Entry: Slanputin
    Business Raptor in the Realm of Chaos: Slanputin
    The Betrayer: Spawning of Bob (2)
    The Southern Heat: Qupakoco
    Chameleons in the City of Mists: Scalenex (2)
    Around the Fire: Essmir (2)
    Stranded: Assassin_NR_1 (2)
    Rogue Skink: Pendrake

    First Time entrants: Pendrake, Qupakoco, Slanputin
    Record for Most Entries: Spawning of Bob*

    Third Contest, July-August 2015 "Man vs. Nature"

    Lone Survivor: Infinity Turtle
    Untitled Seraphon Piece: Oldblood Itzahuan
    The Naturalist: Spawning of Bob (3)
    First Contact: bora-boka424
    New Nature: Slanputin (2)
    Reborn: ASSASSIN_NR_1 (3)
    Comic: Essmir (3)
    Monsoon Season: Tlac'Natai the Observer

    First Time entrants: bora-boka424, Infinity Turtle, Tlac'Natai the Observer, Oldblood Itzahuan
    Record for Most Entries: Spawning of Bob*

    Fourth Contest, October-November 2015 "Spirit of Horror"
    1. Fear: Spawning of Bob (4)
    2. Tunnels: Essmir (4)
    3. Trial of Cuezaltzin: DrakisKier
    4. The Ghosts We Have: Oldblood Itzahuan (2)
    5. The Days of Terror: Oxytol
    6. Rat Poison: Bowser
    7. In the Serpent’s Eye: Hyperborean
    8. Fool’s Gold: Trociu
    9. Midnight Chase: Infinity Turtle (2)
    10. Whispers in the Wind: Nahualpiltzintli
    11. The Last Slann: Scalenex (3)
    12. Secrets of the Southlands: Spawning of Bob (4)

    First Time entrants: Bowser, DrakisKier, Hyperborean, Nahualpiltzintli, Oxytol, Trociu
    Record for Most Entries: Spawning of Bob* (Essmir entered every contest but only entered once per contest).

    Fifth Contest, January-February 2016 "Continuity and Change"
    Story One “The Fractured Line” by Y'ttar Scaletail
    Story Two “Out of Formation” by spawning of Bob (5)
    Story Three “A Day in the Life of the Temple City” by Essmir (5)
    Story Four “Blasphemy” by thedarkfourth
    Story Five “The Seraphon Legend” by Bowser (2)
    Story Six “The Loom at the Threshold” by Slanputin (3)
    Story Seven “Changing Times” by Xholankha the lost one
    Story Eight “Sunblood” by Oldblood Itzahuan (3)
    Story Nine “Certainty” by discomute
    Story Ten “The Monument” by pendrake (2)
    Story Eleven “Sun Turns the Gears of War” by Tlac'Natai the Observer (2)

    First Time entrants: discomute, thedarkfourth, Xholankha the lost one, Y'ttar Scaletail,
    Record for Most Entries: Spawning of Bob* (Essmir entered every contest but only entered once per contest).

    Sixth Short Story Contest April-May 2016 "Anti-Heroes"
    Story One: "Watching Things Burn" by Scalenex (4)
    Story Two: "The King of Lustria" by Hyperborean (2)
    Story Three: "Eyes on the Sun" by Tlac’Natai the Observer (3)
    Story Four: "Pirates of the Dragon Isles" by Warden
    Story Five: "Snow Saga" by Essmir (6)
    Story Six: "The Fireblade’s Challenge" by Lady Tor’tl LIaz
    Story Seven: 'The Coward' by Killer Angel
    Story Eight: "Harvest" by Spawning of Bob (6)
    Story Nine: "A Memory?" by Y’tarr Scaletale (2)
    Story Ten: "The Forgotten Slann" by Slanta Clause
    Story Eleven: "The Bounty" by Bowser (3)
    Story Twelve: "Trinity" by Discomute (2)
    Story Thirteen: "Serpent’s Brew "by Slanputin (4)
    Story Fourteen: "Chosen" by thedarkfourth (2)
    Story Fifteen: Paranoia by Otzi'mandias

    First Time entrants: Lady Tor’tl LIaz, Killer Angel, Otzi'mandias, Slanta Clause, Warden
    Record for Most Entries: Spawning of Bob* (Essmir entered every contest but only entered once per contest).

    Seventh Short Story Contest July-August 2016 "Conjunction and/or Choices"
    Story One: “The Great Game” by Pendrake (3)
    Story Two: “Food for Thought” by thedarkfourth (3)
    Story Three: “The Spawn” by Essmir (7)
    Story Four: “The Rat and the Serpent” by Bowser (4)
    Story Five: “The Project” by Spawning of Bob (7)
    Story Six: “The Weight of Our Actions” by Killer Angel (2)
    Story Seven: “Strength and Conviction” by Discomute (2)
    Story Eight: “Hexoatl, the Induction Ceremony” By Otz’mandias (2)
    Story Nine: “A Story in the Stars” by Y’tarr Scaletail (3)

    First Time entrants: None
    Record for Most Entries: Spawning of Bob* (Essmir entered every contest but only entered once per contest).

    Eighth Short Story Contest October-November 2016 "Freedom and Slavery"
    Story One. “Slave to the Sword” by Y’ttar Scaletail (4)
    Story Two, “Never Lie to the Samurai” by Warden (2)
    Story Three, “The Waning Moon” by Discomute (3)
    Story Four, “Size Really Does Matter” by Slannta Clause (2)
    Story Five, “The Butterfly Effect” by Killer Angel (3)
    Story Six, “The Slave’s Name” by Bowser (5)
    Story Seven, “Kin and Master” by Slanputin (5)
    Story Eight, “Freedom and Slavery: 3000” by Wolfwerty33
    Story Nine, “Slaves to Our Daemons” by Essmir (8)
    Story Ten, “Cell Duty” by thedarkfourth (4)
    Story Eleven, “In Pursuit of Freedom” by Scalenex (5)
    Story Twelve, “Jurt, Scaley, and Manfred’ by Pendrake (4)

    First Time entrants: Wolfwerty33
    Record for Most Entries: Essmir

    Ninth Short Story Contest January-February 2017 "Hope and/or Vengeance"
    Story One: "Hope Is In Order" by SlanntaClause (3)
    Story Two: "Those Left Behind" by Y’ttar Scaletail (5)
    Story Three: "Hammer of the Lost" by Kai-Otl
    Story Four: "A Whimper" by Discomute (4)
    Story Five: "The Next Generation" by Bowser (6)
    Story Six: "Sacred Duty" by Qupakoco (2)
    Story Seven: "Sacred Spawning" by Warden (3)
    Story Eight: "Call of the Stars" by Carnikang
    Story Nine: "Purpose" by LordKingCrow (2)
    Story Ten: "The Ritual of Words Yet Unvoiced " by thedarkfourth (5)
    Story Eleven: "Commune" by Slanputin (6)
    Story Twelve: "Warlord of Sorrow" by Lady Tor’til Llas (2)
    Story Thirteen: "His Own Hands" by Scalenex (5)
    Story Fourteen: "Duty and Hatred" by Wolfwerty33 (2)
    Story Fifteen: "Vengeance’s Fire" by Spawning of Bob (8)
    Story Sixteen: "Hope for the Sun" by Essmir (9)

    First Time entrants: Carnikang, Kai-Otl
    Record for Most Entries: Essmir

    Tenth Short Story Contest April-May 2017 "Man vs. Self or Cold Blooded Honor"
    Story One “The Awakening” by Shinzawai
    Story Two “Blood for the Blood God” by Killer Angel (4)
    Story Three, the Knife by Y’ttar Scaletail (6)
    Story Four “Castoff” by Wolfwerty33 (3)
    Story Five “Freedom Part Two, The Name” by spawning of Bob (9)
    Story Six “Into the Starlight” by Bowser (7)
    Story Seven “Duty” by Stormscales
    Story Eight, “Torn” by thedarkfourth (6)
    Story Nine, “Heartbeats” by Essmir (10)

    First Time entrants: Shinzawai, Stormscales
    Record for Most Entries: Essmir

    Eleventh Short Story Contest July-August 2017 "Time and/or Fire"

    Story One: “Techpriest” by Essmir (11)
    Story Two: “The Conductor” by Y’tarr Scaletail (7)
    Story Three: “The Hunter” by Killer Angel (5)
    Story Four: “Curse of Flame” by Lady Torti’ Llaz (3)
    Story Five: “The Secret Fire” by Wolfwerty33 (4)
    Story Six: “A Song of Fire and Rice” by thedarkfourth (7)
    Story Seven: ‘The Fires of Cataclysm” by Kcibrihp-Esurc

    First Time entrants: Kcibrihp-Esurc
    Record for Most Entries: Essmir

    Twelfth Short Story Contest October-November 2017 "The Rat and/or Serpent"
    Story One: The Order of Things by thedarkfourth (8)
    Story Two, Rats in the Walls by Killer Angel (6)
    Story Three, Insects by Y'ttar Scaletail (8)
    Story Four, Rat Dynasty by Essmir (12)
    Story Five, Regards by Wolfwerty33 (5)

    First Time entrants: None
    Record for Most Entries: Essmir (12)

    Thirteenth Short Story Contest January-February 2018 "Power of Music"
    Story One: "Song of Freedom" by Scalenex (6)
    Story Two: "Drawn to the Beat" by spawning of Bob (10)
    Story Three: "A Time to Remember" by Killer Angel (7)
    Story Four: "The Instrument" by Infinity Turtle (3)
    Story Five: "Dirge" by lordkingcrow (3)
    Story Six: "Splashing of Spawning" by thedarkfourth (9)
    Story Seven: "Here Comes the Sun" by Essmir (13)

    First Time entrants: None
    Record for Most Entries: Essmir (13)

    Fourteenth Short Story Contest April-May 2018 "Beast and Master"
    Story One: "Cold" by Y'ttar Scaletail (9)
    Story Two: "What Really Counts" by Essmir (14)
    Story Three: "Big Brother, Little Brother" by Hyperborean (3)
    Story Four: "The Beast Within" by Infinity Turtle (4)
    Story Five: "The Huagerdon" by Scalenex (7)

    First Time entrants: None
    Record for Most Entries: Essmir (14)

    Fifteenth Short Story Contest July-August 2018 "Food and Drink"
    Story One, "Big Eaters and Little Eaters" written by Scalenex (8)
    Story Two, "The Hunger" written by Y'ttar Scaletail (10)
    Story Three, "Heart of Darkness" by Killer Angel (8)
    Story Four, "Khazâd ai-mênu" written by spawning of Bob (11)
    Story Five, "Itxi" by thedarkfourth (10)
    Story Six, "One Man’s Meal is Another Man’s Poison" by Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl
    Story Seven, "The Wisdom of Coberne and the Shrine of Toxl-Chokta" by pendrake (5)
    Story Eight, "Essence of Lustria" by Infinity Turtle (5)

    First Time entrants: Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl
    Record for Most Entries: Essmir (14)

    Sixteenth Short Story Contest October-November 2018 "It Came from Above"
    Story One: “It Came from Above” by spawning of Bob (12)
    Story Two: “Orders are Orders” by WhenTheSkinksMarch
    Story Three: “The Visitor” by Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl (2)
    Story Four: “A Dispatch in the Night” by King Dust
    Story Five: “A Brutal Life” by TheCrazyKhorneGuy
    Story Six: “Excitement” by Scalenex (9)
    Story Seven: “Looking for Limza” thedarkfourth (11)
    Story Eight: “To Escape Fate” by Y'ttar Scaletail (11)
    Story Nine: “Fallen Leaf” by Paradoxical Pacifism
    Story Ten: “Starlight and Shadows” by Infinity Turtle (6)
    Story Eleven: “The Darkest Hour” by DeathBringer125

    First Time entrants: DeathBringer125, King Dust, theCrazyKhorneGuy, Paradoxical Pacifism, Whentheskinksmarch
    Record for Most Entries: Essmir (14)

    I have not idea why this contest had so many first time entries. It's probably dumb luck, but if anyone figures out something contrary I'd like to know.

    Seventeenth Short Story Contest January-February 2019 "Glyph Forty-Three on Plaque Twelve of the Third Chamber of the Sacred Archives of Oyxl' or 'Interpretations of Prophecy' "

    Story One: "The Unmoving Smile" by Y'ttar Scaletail (12)
    Story Two: "Stricken with Prophecy" King Dust (2)
    Story Three: "From Age to Age" by spawning of Bob (12)
    Story Four: "The Zombies of Itza" by thedarkfourth (12)
    Story Five: "The Holy Snake" by Scalenex (10)

    Story Six: "Déjà vu" by Paradoxical Pacifism (2)
    Story Seven: "The Chittering" by WhenTheSkinksMarch (2)

    First Time entrants: None
    Record for Most Entries: Essmir (14)

    Eighteenth Short Story Contest April-May 2019 "Doom and/or Destruction"
    Story 1, "Been There Done That" by Killer Angel (9)
    Story 2, "Knee-Deep in the Dead" by King Dust (3)
    Story 3, "The Flying Saurus" by Paradoxical Pacifism (3)
    Story 4, "The Doom of Vanir Rockfist" by Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl (3)
    Story 5, "A Long Journey" by Scalenex (11)
    Story 6, "A Final Tail" by thedarkfourth (13)
    Story 7, "The Extermination of the Fimir" by Warden (4)
    Story 8, "Tlatlacolli" by Y'ttar Scaletail (13)

    First Time entrants: None
    Record for Most Entries: Essmir (14)

    Nineteenth Short Story Contest July-August 2019 "Magic and the Mundane"
    Story One: "The Polar Warpgate" by DeathBringer125 (2)
    Story Two: "Kroxigor's Magic" by Paradoxical Pacifism (4)
    Story Three: "A Friend for Hard Times" by Killer Angel (10)
    Story Four: "Got Your Gear" by WhenTheSkinksMarch (3)
    Story Five: "The Coward's Weapon" by thedarkfourth (14)
    Story Six: "Peals of Thunder" by CalebTheNomad
    Story Seven: "Two Strengths" by Y'ttar Scaletail (14)
    Story Eight" "Tzlatoc and the Gate Warden" by pendrake (6)
    Story Nine: "The Mythology of Ghur" by Warden (5)

    First Time entrants: None
    Record for Most Entries: Essmir, Y'ttar Scaletail, thedarkfourth (14)

    Twentieth Short Story Contest October-November 2019 "Alternate Settings"
    Story One: "The Wendigo" by Scalenex (12)
    Story Two: "What's All the Fustria About Lustria" by thedarkfourth (15)
    Story Three: "Reunited Once Again" by WhenTheSkinksMarch (4)
    Story Four: "The Twisted Reflection" by Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl (4)
    Story Five: "Madness" by Paradoxical Pacifism (5)
    Story Six: "In the Grim Darkness" by Killer Angel (11)
    Story Seven: "The Skink With No Name" by Warden (6)

    First Time entrants: None
    Record for Most Entries: thedarkfourth (15)

    Twenty-first Short Story Contest "New Beginnings and/or Rebirths"
    Story One: “New Beginning” by Imrahil
    Story Two: “Red Thing in the Desert” by Tk'ya'pyk
    Story Three, “Alone in the Dark” by Carnikang (2)
    Story Four “The Strange, Strange Skink” by Paradoxical Pacifism (6)
    Story Five “Second Chance” by Infinity Turtle (7)
    Story Six "The Message Repeats" by Lizards of Renown
    Story Seven "The Visitor’s Revenge" by Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl (5)
    Story Eight “Brothers to Remember” by Scalenex (13)
    Story Nine “A Reason to Live a Reason to Die" by Killer Angel (12)
    Story Ten, “The Little Things” by thedarkfourth (16)

    First Time entrants: Imrahil, Lizards of Renown, Tk'ya'pyk
    Record for Most Entries: thedarkfourth (16)

    Story One: “Bowl of Blood” by Warden (7)
    Story Two: “Abomination” by thedarkfourth (17)
    Story Three: “Awīak” by DeathBringer125 (3)
    Story Four: “Lost and Found” by Lizerd
    Story Five: “Return of the King” by Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl (6)
    Story Six: “Fire of the Old Ones” by Infinity Turtle (8)
    Story Seven: “Prayers for Vengeance” by Scalenex (14)
    Story Eight: “Tipping the Scales” by Lium
    Story Nine: “Praying for Reasons, Praying for a Purpose” by Paradoxical Pacifism (7)
    Story Ten: “The Ritual” by Lizards of Renown (2)
    Story Eleven: “Blooded Water” by Carnikang (3)
    Story Twelve: "The Bloodswamp War (part 1)" by Sudsinabucket
    Story Thirteen: "Ask and It Will Be Given" by Killer Angel (13)
    Story Fourteen: "Tzeentchian Rituals" by Tk'ya'pyk (2)

    First Time entrants: Lium, Lizard, Sudsinabucket

    Record for Most Entries: thedarkfourth (17)

    23rd Short Story Contest "Technological Advances"

    Story One: "The Engine of Chotec" by Deathbringer125 (4)
    Story Two: "A Kroxigor's Dream" by Paradoxical Pacifism (8)
    Story Three: "The Long Game" by Lizards of Renown (3)
    Story Four: "Getting Ahead in the Railroad Business" by Scalenex (15)
    Story Five: "The Machine" by Infinity Turtle (9)
    Story Six: "The Knowledge of Tlaxtlan" by thedarkfourth (18)
    Story Seven: "Wrapped and Seated by Imrahil (2)
    Story Eight: "Of Scales and Sigmarite" by Y'ttar Scaletail (15)

    First Time entrants: None
    Record for Most Entries: thedarkfourth (18)

    Story One: "Fish out of Water" by Lizards of Renown (4)
    Story Two: "An Old Friend" by The Great White Lizard
    Story Three: "The Fate of Haerhost" by Y'ttar Scaletail (16)
    Story Four: "The Raiders" by Tk'ya'pyk (3)
    Story Five: "Out of the Air" by thedarkfourth (19)
    Story Six: "Incomplete" by Killer Angel (14)
    Story Seven: "Claw in Mouth" by Carnikang (4)
    Story Eight: "Muddied Legend" by Paradoxical Pacifism (9)
    Story Nine: "Halls and Mountains" by Imrahil (3)

    First Time entrants: The Great White Lizard
    Record for Most Entries: thedarkfourth (19)
    Last edited: May 31, 2021
  2. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    Point of View Character

    First Contest, January-February 2015, "Honor or the Recovery of Sacred Artifacts"

    Hey Bill: Saurus
    Synopsis: Two saurus argue over who gets the best sun rock
    LM vs. LM

    "Cold Commerce": Human
    Synopsis: An Estalian entrepreneur negotiates selling artifacts back to the Lizardmen
    LM antagonist

    "Broken Oath": Dwarf
    Synopsis: A Slayer seeks his noble death battling Lizardmen.
    LM antagonist

    "Redemption": Saurus
    Synopsis: Dishonored warhero seeks redemption through valorous battle against the Warriors of Chaos.

    "No Title": Kroxigor
    Synopsis: Nakai's first step into becoming a legend. WINNER

    "Completely Anonymous Entry": Ensemble Cast (Lizardmen)
    Synopsis: Two Sauri, a Skink priest and Kroxigor have wacky misadventures paralleling Bob's fiction work of the time.

    "The Return": Saurus
    Synopsis: A Scar Veteran is warned of the coming of something awful.
    LM vs. LM

    "Spine of Sotek": Third person omniscient
    Synopsis: Grand plans are made for many great heroes to reclaim many sacred artifacts

    "Under the Temple": Skink
    Synopsis: A lowly Skink attendant does what he can to help when the city is under a massive siege.

    First Time entrants: ASSASSIN_NR_1, Madrck, Lordkingcrow, Spawning of Bob, Scalenex, Essmir.
    Record for Most Entries: Lordkingcrow*

    Second Contest, April-May 2015 "Chameleons"

    "Completely Anonymous Sequel": Ensemble Cast (Lizardmen)
    Synopsis: Two Sauri, a Skink priest and Kroxigor have wacky misadventures paralleling Bob's fiction work of the time and make a lot of chameleon puns.

    "Final Entry": Human
    Synopsis: An Empire explorer writes a journal entry about his last moments on a disastrous Lustrian expedition.
    LM antagonist

    "The Betrayer": Chameleon Skink
    Synopsis: A Chameleon Skink struggles between duty and self preservation and he plots how best to oppose an army of approaching Beastmen.

    "The Southern Heat": Human
    Synopsis: Kislevite treasure hunters find themselves shadowed by Chameleon Skinks.
    LM antagonist

    "Chameleons in the City of Mists": Fimir
    Synopsis: A Fimir impersonates Skink priest in order to sneak a look at sacred plaques of prophecy.
    LM antagonist

    "Around the Fire": Chameleon Skink
    Synopsis: A Chameleon Skink reminiscences on bitter sweet memories of his fallen comrades.

    "Stranded": Human and Skink
    Synopsis: Alternating vignettes between the last survivor of an Empire treasure hunting expedition and the Skink Troglodon rider tracking his movements.
    Dueling Protagonists

    "The Rogue Skink": Chameleon Skink
    Synopsis: Chameleon Skink Terradon rider puts down a Saurus who has gone mad. WINNER
    LM vs. LM

    Third Contest, July-August 2015 "Man vs. Nature"

    "Lone Survivor": Human
    Synopsis: The lone survivor of a failed treasure hunting expedition struggles to survive.
    LM antagonist

    Untitled Comic: Skink
    Synopsis: A hunting party stalks and kills a beast for food.

    Untitled Seraphon Piece: Skink
    Synopsis: A Skink on a scouting patrol against Nurgle forces draws the attention of a feral Salamander

    "First Contact": Human
    Synopsis: First hand account of a Lustrian expedition being destroyed.
    LM antagonist

    "The Naturalist": Human/Skink
    Synopsis: A human naturalist tries to study a captured Lizardmen. A Skink naturalist tries to study a captured human.
    Dueling Protagonists

    "New Nature": Saurus
    Synopsis: A Saurus warrior is tempted by a Slaaneshi daemon.

    "Rebirth" Saurus
    Synopsis: An Saurus tames a Carnosaur in a very spiritual way.

    "Monsoon Season": Skink
    Synopsis: Desert Lizardmen fight Coyote Beastmen during a massive storm. WINNER

    Fourth Contest, October-November "Spirit of Horror"

    "Fear": Saurus COWINNER
    Synopsis: A wounded temple guard is left behind after a major battle

    "Tunnels": Skaven
    Synopsis: Skaven patrol a tunnel for the first time after Lizardmen attacked it.
    LM Antagonist

    "Trial of Cuezaltzin": Skink
    Synopsis: A Skink unsure of himself finds his purpose in battle.

    "The Ghosts We Have": Human RUNNER UP
    Synopsis: Human describes how Seraphon saved his village from undead legions.
    LM Third Wheel

    "The Days of Terror": Human
    Synopsis: A human exploring Lustria becomes a bystander in a war between Lizardmen and Daemons.
    LM Antagonist

    "Rat Poison": Saurus
    Synopsis: A Scar Veteran faces a subversive threat he does not know how to fight.

    "In the Serpent's Eye": Human
    Synopsis: A human recounts his escape from a sacrificial altar and how the trauma followed him afterwards.
    LM Antagonist

    "Fool's Gold": Human
    Synopsis: A Lustrian raider is captured and experimented on.
    LM Antagonist

    "Midnight Chase": Human
    Synposis: A human village becomes a battleground between Daemons and Seraphon. The Seraphon are not here to save the humans.
    LM Antagonist

    "Whispers in the Wind": Human
    Synopsis: Empire relic hunters accidentally awaken a Slann and his servants.
    LM Antagonist

    "The Last Slann": Slann
    Synopsis: A Slann is the last survivor from his doomed world and he makes his way to a new world.

    "Secrets of the Southlands": Human COWINNER
    Synopsis: Comic story where human explorers get a premonition of their dark fate.
    LM antagonist

    Fifth Contest, January-February 2016 "Continuity and Change"
    "The Fractured Line": Saurus
    Synopsis: A group of Saurus warriors vigilantly guarding a spawning pool must repel an attacking force of Skaven.

    "Out of Formation": Saurus
    Synopsis: A Saurus warriors battles the forces of Chaos while trying to cope with his transformation for Lizardmen to Seraphon.

    Story Three “A Day in the Life of the Temple City”: Skink
    Synopsis: This is literally a snapshot of a rank and file Skink's life on a normal day in the Temple City.

    Story Four “Blasphemy”: Skink
    Synopsis: A young Skink priest and an older Skink priest have a theological debate which becomes a metaphor for their lives and ends with a stunning revelation.
    LM vs. LM

    Story Five “The Seraphon Legend”: Varied warmbloods
    Synopsis: An elf, dwarf, and human swap campfire stories about what the Seraphon are really like.
    LM are the third wheel

    Story Six “The Loom at the Threshold”: Skink WINNER
    Synopsis: A group of Lizardmen do not wish to transform themselves into Seraphon.
    LM vs. LM

    Story Seven “Changing Times”: Third person omniscient
    Synopsis: Lizardmen and Warriors of Chaos gear up for battle. Narration changes POV often.
    Dueling Protagonists

    Story Eight “Sunblood”: Saurus
    Synopsis: A legendary Saurus warrior is reborn as a Seraphon warrior for the first time.

    Story Nine “Certainty”: Saurus
    Synopsis: A Saurus war leader finds his once unshakable faith in the Slann giving way to nagging doubts.

    Story Ten: "The Monument": Chameleon Skink
    Synopsis: An introspective Chameleon Skink decides it's his duty to learn the blowpipe crafting lore of his people's greatest craftsman so the knowledge may be passed on to younger spawnings.

    Story Eleven “Sun Turns the Gears of War”: Skink
    Synopsis: A young Skink priest eager to proves himself in a desert campaign discovers some harsh realities.
    LM vs. LM

    Fifth Contest, January-February 2016 "Continuity and Change"
    Story One “The Fractured Line”: Third person omniscient
    Synopsis: A unit of Saurus warriors keep eternal vigil over a spawning pool regardless of the losses endured.

    Story Two “Out of Formation”: Saurus
    Synopsis: A Saurus Oldblood looks back on his birth, growth, and finally rebirth as a Seraphon.

    Story Three “A Day in the Life of the Temple City”: Skink
    Synopsis: Narrative description of a typical day for a Skink and the satisfaction it gives him knowing he is part of a continuing legacy.

    Story Four “Blasphemy” by thedarkfourth: Skink
    Synopsis: Two Skink priests preparing for a religious ritual get an unusual surprise.
    LM vs. LM

    Story Five “The Seraphon Legend”: Multiple warmbloods
    Synopsis: An elf, a dwarf, and a human swap campfire stories about what Seraphon are really like.
    LM third wheel

    Story Six “The Loom at the Threshold”: Skink
    Synopsis: A group of Lizardmen refuse to transition into becoming Seraphon.
    LM vs. LM

    Story Seven “Changing Times”: Slann and Human
    Synopsis: A Tzeentch sorcerer and Slann lead their armies against each other.
    Dueling Protagonists

    Story Eight “Sunblood”: Saurus
    Synopsis: A Saurus Oldblood looks back on his birth, growth, and finally rebirth as a Seraphon.

    Story Nine “Certainty”: Saurus
    Synopsis: A Saurus warrior reflects on the battles he fought at the behest of the Slann and how yesterday's ally is today's enemy.

    Story Ten “The Monument”: Chameleon Skink
    Synopsis: A chameleon skink becomes a Terradon rider.

    Story Eleven “Sun Turns the Gears of War”: Skink
    Synopsis: A desert skink chief wants to become a priest and takes the Trials, and finds more than he bargains for.

    Sixth Short Story Contest April-May 2016 "Anti-Heroes"
    Story One: "Watching Things Burn": Skink CO-WINNER
    Synopsis: A skink chief and a skink priest discuss the internal problems besetting the temple city during a Chotec ritual.
    LM vs. LM

    Story Two: "The King of Lustria": Dread Saurian
    Synopsis: A Dread Saurian is summoned by a Slann to battle the forces of Chaos

    Story Three: "Eyes on the Sun": Skink
    Synopsis: Desert Lizardmen try to form an alliance with the local elf tribe.

    Story Four: "Pirates of the Dragon Isles": Human
    Synopsis: Human sailors are overtaken by scaly pirates.
    LM antagonist

    Story Five: "Snow Saga": Human
    Synopsis: A cursed human reluctantly takes up the call to aid the locals wheras the Seraphon have failed.
    LM third wheel

    Story Six: "The Fireblade’s Challenge": Saurus
    Synopsis: An outcast Saurus is tempted by a Skaven mystic.
    LM vs. LM

    Story Seven: "The Coward": Dwarf
    Synopsis: An dishonored dwarf seeks an unorthodox way to help his people.
    LM third wheel

    Story Eight: "Harvest": Human CO-WINNER
    Synopsis: A human tries to open dialogue with the Seraphon to enlist their aid against the demons
    LM third wheel

    Story Nine: "A Memory?": Skink
    Synopsis: An elite Skink assassin runs across an unusual situation.

    Story Ten: "The Forgotten Slann": Slann
    Synopsis: A lone Slann is separated from his brethren and has to figure out by himself how to serve the Old Ones' plan.

    Story Eleven: "The Bounty": Saurus and a Skink (LM ensemble)
    Synopsis: A Saurus Oldblood and Skink priest disagree strenuously on how best to fight the Beastmen.

    Story Twelve: "Trinity": Saurus
    Synopsis: A Saurus warrior is corrupted by a magic sword.

    Story Thirteen: "Serpent’s Brew": Skink
    Synopsis: A Skink does a very questionable thing to complete his potion for Sotek.

    Story Fourteen: "Chosen": Slann CO-WINNER
    Synopsis: Lord Mazdamundi goes through a period of doubt and then recovers.

    Story Fifteen: "Paranoia:: Skaven
    Synopsis: A Skaven tries to use Lizardmen to remove a rival for him.
    LM third wheel

    Eight Short Story Contest July-August 2016 "Conjunction and/or Choices"

    Story One: "The Great Game": Kroxigor
    Synopsis: A kroxigor and Skink discuss life event over a board game.

    Story Two: "Food for Thought: Saurus WINNER
    Synopsis: A Saurus llama herder struggles with her life's purpose.

    Story Three: A Chaos spawn reflects on his mutation: Human
    LM third wheel

    Last edited: Jun 3, 2020
  3. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    Point of View Character

    First Contest, January-February 2015
    Lizardmen Protagonist: 5
    LM vs. LM: 2
    Lizardmen Antagonist: 2
    Lizardmen Third Wheel: 0

    Saurus: 3
    Skink: 1
    Kroxigor: 1
    Human: 1
    Dwarf: 1
    Third Person Omniscient: 1
    Lizard Ensemble: 1

    Thoughts: The winner was a story about a Kroxigor. The plurality of the stories were Saurus based. A lot of the stories either had a comedic or martial theme. That was par for the course with most of the fluff pieces we got around this time before contests became a thing.

    Second Contest, April-May 2015 "Chameleons"
    Lizardmen Protagonist: 5+4
    LM vs. LM: 2+1
    Lizardmen Antagonist: 2
    Lizardmen Third Wheel: 0
    Dueling Protagonists: 0+1

    Saurus: 3
    Skink: 1+1
    Kroxigor: 1
    Chameleon Skinks 0+3
    Human: 1+2
    Dwarf: 1
    Third Person Omniscient: 1
    Lizard Ensemble: 1+1
    Human/Skink: +1

    Thoughts: Who would have thought with a theme liked "Chameleons" that lots of people would write a Chameleon Skink protagonist? This contest set a precedent for many future contests. Stories about human treasure hunters in Lustria facing horrible fates became very common entries.

    The winning piece was a Lizardmen versus Lizardmen story. Something that is fairly uncommon in these contests.

    Third Contest, July-August 2015 "Man vs. Nature"
    Lizardmen Protagonist: 9+5
    LM vs. LM: 3
    Lizardmen Antagonist: 2+2
    Lizardmen Third Wheel: 0
    Dueling Protagonists: 1+1

    Saurus: 3+2
    Skink: 2+3
    Kroxigor: 1
    Chameleon Skinks 3
    Human: 3+2
    Dwarf: 1
    Third Person Omniscient: 1
    Lizard Ensemble: 2
    Human/Skink: 1+1

    Thoughts: This piece had a fairly even vote spread, but the well deserved winner was "Monsoon Season." From here on out, I became extra focused on any first time entrants. This wasn't just his first contest entry, but it was Tlactol's first posting on L-O period.

    Hard to find general meta commentary. This was the first contest where I, Scalenex came up with the theme and I happy with the results. This contest had a lot of pieces with personal growth.

    Fourth Contest, October-November "Spirit of Horror"
    Lizardmen Protagonist: 14+3
    LM vs. LM: 3
    Lizardmen Antagonist: 4+7
    Lizardmen Third Wheel: 0+1
    Dueling Protagonists: 2

    Saurus: 5+1
    Skink: 5+1
    Kroxigor: 1
    Chameleon Skinks 3
    Human: 5+7
    Dwarf: 1
    Skaven: 0+1
    Slann: 0+1
    Third Person Omniscient: 1
    Lizard Ensemble: 2
    Human/Skink: 2

    Thoughts: This contest's theme changed the meta data substantially. I chose the theme "Spirit of Horror." This unsurprisingly lead to a lot of pieces where Lizardmen were the antagonists. This makes sense, Lizardmen are scary.

    This contest theme also lead to a lot of human protagonists. This also makes sense. Horror to humans is easier to related to. This was our first tie, between Y'ttar and Spawning of Bob. I wish Y'ttar won. This contest made me begin to think that it is unfair to pit a comic story against a written story. Visual pieces usually draw disproportionate votes. Sadly, attempts to make solely visual contest usually fall flat.

    The "Ghosts We Have" almost made it to the winner's circle, but it had the largest legacy. Lots and lots of future stories were centered around Seraphon swooping in from the sky to save a human village or in some cases, not save it.

    At the time, I expected more than one story from the Skaven point of view. Maybe I'm personally biased because I enjoy reading the fluff pieces on Under-Empire. Much later when the contest theme was "The Rat and the Serpent" I expected it would draw a huge crowd of writers and it in fact was one of our smallest contests to date.

    Fifth Contest, January-February 2016 "Continuity and Change"
    Lizardmen Protagonist: 17+6
    LM vs. LM: 3+3
    Lizardmen Antagonist: 11
    Lizardmen Third Wheel: 1+1
    Dueling Protagonists: 2+1

    Saurus: 6+4
    Skink: 6+5
    Kroxigor: 1
    Chameleon Skinks 3+1
    Human: 12
    Dwarf: 1
    Skaven: 1
    Slann: 1
    Third Person Omniscient: 1+1
    Lizard Ensemble: 2
    Warmblood Ensemble 0+1
    Human/Skink: 2

    The Contest theme, Continuity and Change basically invited people to write about very aspects the transition from Lizardmen to Seraphon, but this never stopped. For years to come, many future stories involved different story aspects of this change and I, personally, have yet to grow tired of these stories. There is much rich literary potential in it.

    By this point it was clear that each contest had a noticeably increase in quality from the last. The Short Story Contests had truly become an institution on Lustria-Online. At this point I haven't figured out a clear pattern on which pieces are most likely to win and that's a good thing. Variety is good.

    This contest had the fewest stories with a non-LM POV characters of any contest, but the one story that did stem from the view of non-lizards had three colorful and distinctive narrators which is lovely. I'm kind of sad that piece didn't get more votes.

    Note that in the previous four contests we had three LM vs. LM stories. In this contest alone we had three LM vs. LM. Art imitates life. At this time, we the moderators of Lustria-Online had to step in and moderate because opinions were so divided on the new Age of Sigmar release that some people devolved into making personal attacks. Something that was virtually unheard of on Lustria-Online before this time.

    Sixth Contest, April-May 2016 "Anti-Heroes"

    Lizardmen Protagonist: 23+7
    LM vs. LM: 6+2
    Lizardmen Antagonist: 11+1
    Lizardmen Third Wheel: 2+4
    Dueling Protagonists: 3


    Saurus: 10+2
    Skink: 11+5
    Kroxigor: 1
    Chameleon Skinks 4
    Human: 12+3
    Dwarf: 1+1
    Skaven: 1+1
    Slann: 1+2
    Third Person Omniscient: 2
    Lizard Ensemble: 2+1
    Warmblood Ensemble 1
    Human/Skink: 2

    Dread Saurian 0+1

    Our biggest contest yet, a nice wide variety of takes on this theme and a wide variety of protagonist. Three co-winners (I was one!). We had two Slann centric stories which is something we don't see often.

    Other than that, it's hard to make sweeping generalizations here, this was a very diverse contest.
    Last edited: Jun 3, 2020
  4. thedarkfourth

    thedarkfourth Well-Known Member

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    You've truly outdone yourself, oh Indexer. This is your masterpiece. Your legacy.
  5. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    ...an everending task!
  6. Imrahil

    Imrahil Thirtheenth Spawning

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    Very impressive!

    I see you counted Most Entries as in Most Competions entered.
    Else Spawning of Bob would tie with thedarkfourth ;)

    I spotted a small error: you counted both the entries of Spawing of Bob in the sixteenth and seventeent as his 12th

    Grrr, Imrahil
  7. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    I can only do this in spurts because I can only stay focused on data crunching for so long, but I'm curious as to what protagonists are most commonly used.

    I haven't counted yet, but I think Skink POV are the most common entries and Saurus POV are disportionately represented by the winners.

    It's also interesting to see what contest themes create. We've had over 21 contests and Chameleon Skinks are rare POV (they aren't the point of view because they are hard to view). Obviously we had a lot of Chameleon protagonists when the theme was "Chameleons."

    What's more interesting is when the theme was "Spirit of Horror" we had a huge uptick in human POV characters and a huge uptick in stories where Lizardmen were the antagonist.

    When this is all done, I hope some people will enjoy using the synopsis to do a guided tour of past contests.

    I was never comfortable with the multiples entries. I saw the rules technically didn't forbid multiple entries but I thought it was implied. I didn't fight it at first because I figured more stories is better than fewer stories.

    I also wanted to give Essmir his due for his long support for the contests in their early days. English is not his native language and he used these contests to practice writing. There is a huge improvement in his grammar, spelling, and syntax between his early and late entries and he always had a good instinct for storytelling though he never won the most votes.
  8. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    I got all the metadata and my analysis done for the first five contests. I'll take a break from this for a while and then work on the next couple contests.

    I hope my commentary is enjoyable.

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