Pathfinder-ish Campaign...

Discussion in 'General Hobby/Tabletop Chat' started by Tk'ya'pyk, Apr 10, 2020.

  1. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Thanking the Kobold for his knowledge on the posions and the tea leaves, "I will take 3 bags if the tea leaves, and a mixture of the eloxirs you mentioned totaling up to 20gp, I do not mean to insult if thst is not enough" Tarkaz tries to be as friendly as possible knowing his kind are not well liked in many places
  2. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    For 20gp you get: Enough tea for 10 uses, 5 uses each of: Insect toxin, plant toxin, sleeping drug, elf-stun toxin, and goblinoid-stun toxin.
  3. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    Beyond food, drink, and exploring, the evening passes fairly uneventfully, in theory. Garutis, Drew, and Izema aren't as lucky. A barfight breaks out. Garutis takes 5 damage and has to pay 1 gp to fix a chair. Drew takes no damage (rogue - go figure) but loses 6 gp, source of loss unknown. Izema takes 2 damage and gets to explain to a kobold judge why a punch from him is capable of sending someone through the WALL instead of the window. 10 gp fine for damages.

    Ohmen's evening is full of exploration and learning. He gains enough knowledge of Draconic that he can understand what they're saying now. The only thing of interest centers around some higher-up priestess who happens to be in town for some reason. Can't get much concrete info on her though.

    Tarkaz obtains what he wishes, and gets to the bar in time to see Izema being questioned by the local watch, while Drew helps Garutis find the rest of their meal (which got knocked to the floor - Garutis will likely eat it anyway).

    Regardless of all of this, all of you get to your beds and have a reasonably restful night. In the morning, you all meet up again briefly. All except for Drakk, who is nowhere to be found...
  4. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    "Seems I missed the action!" Roars the minotaur in a thunderous laugh, "Ah well, I need dinner, what is good here?" He asks himself as he sits down at a table away from the ithers not wanting to be thrown out by the judge and other security kobolds

    Waving down a waitress the minotaur asks for a full rack of lamb or mutton seeing that was served to the others, "do you also have potatoes and cooked carrots? A personal favorite...especially in the juices of the meat...a stew perhaps?" The minotaur is eager to try the local fare, "and your STRONGEST drink!"

    Tarkaz's mouth begins to water at the thought of the delicious food
  5. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    Tarkaz: 5 gp gets you a nice meal, a bed for the night in the room the other three will be using, and a tankard of some kind of earthy-smelling liquor. You are VERY glad you got the food to go with your drink, as it packs a serious whallop! By the time you are done eating and drinking your fill, it is all you can do to get up the stairs to your bed before passing out stone cold.
  6. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    *Tarkaz passes out with his and Garutis gold coins securley under him as he sleepa stomach down*

    (340gp back on the ship, 50gp of his own on hand + 15gp that belong to Garutis)
  7. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    Having called in Wisdom Ohmen did indeed pick out that there was a so-called ‘Higher-Up priestess’ around town. As as well as many other trivial facts, Some of which included a small amount of general knowledge about the settlements layout.

    Whilst the Raven had soared through the sky he had however taken a Kobold form. A form that aided much in mixing in with crowds and conversing, somewhat, with stall owners and passersby. In fact, most of what he had done was an exercise of the tongue and his ever more fluent skills in Draconic. Although this could not last forever, and the time did indeed come when many individuals departed leaving the streets eerily empty just as ‘Night’ gripped the moon if it could even be called that….

    The hours of silence soon to come were first signified by throbbing headaches and tired limbs. Ohmen had indeed begun the constant struggle with his night time tormentor. Insomnia.

    Muffled steps through empty streets Ohmen cold feel icy chills on his back whilst his eyes struggled to keep focus on twisting lanes and melting buildings. Lost in a crisscross of alleyways, a Labyrinth of carved stone. Each and every side street leading to infinitely quieter places. Slowly, And I do mean slowly, Ohmens attention is turned toward the warm, sickly glow of a lantern which gently swung back and forth as if rocking him to sleep by a non-existent breeze…

    Lights dance on rotten cobbles. Candles Whisper to his ears, Hushed voices entice him.

    Deliriously Ohmen pushes aside a thick wooden door splattered with bolts and chains to reveal a run down and strange Inn… It only became clearer now that he was in a rough part of town.

    A light haze of what looked to be incense and smoke hung tight to low ceilings. A handful of Kobolds and other creatures lurked within shadows or around dimly-lit tables shoved against the walls. What looked to be a group of larger goblinoids snored loudly, their faces harshly pressed against the table. Their mid-sleep mumbles however were still a welcome change from that dreadful silence found outside, even if obnoxious and irregular. The goblins breathing, Sounds of Snorting Kobolds or spluttering coughs created what could only be equivalent to a noise not un-similar to that of a twisted tavern band.

    Entering further into the establishment only now did the stronger scents of heavy alcohol and thick tobacco which stained the air begin to swirl around the wizard as if they were performing some sort of welcoming.

    Slowly walking toward the central counter Ohmen is spared from spiteful looks and glaring, raw eyes for he was labelled amongst the other ‘Creeps’. Placed amongst those who would be found around this part of town let alone at the dead of night…

    Placing both hands down on the sticky, liquor saturated wood Ohmen converses with a handful of shady figures. A few low grumbles followed later by the metallic ringing of coins getting tossed quickly decapitates the interactions. Having been given little more than a lazy hand gesture from some hooded figure assumed to be the room dealer the changeling shuffles into a minuscule alcove.

    Despite the scent of what could only be described as rotting fish as well as the door’s bolts having been ripped out from their sockets Ohmen still dragged himself onto the bed. Having ungripped a sleeping Wisdoms claws which had firmly dug into his shoulder Ohmen proceeded to collapse into a heap of swirling cloak… Sleep. Claim. Him.
  8. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    Ohmen does, indeed, pass the night tossing and turning before eventually letting sleep take him. The others have much more restful sleep than he does. Tarkaz, Drew, Izema, and Garutis wind up sharing a room in the inn they were eating at. Garutis wound up asleep on the floor in front of the room's fireplace. The other three used the provided beds. Their respective breakfasts were griddlecakes of some kind, flavored with fruit compote.

    As mentioned, all of you gather back at the docks a little later in the day. All of you except for Drakk, that is. Ohmen arrives looking like a kobold, but something is a little off about his kobold-ness. Part of the issue involves something the enchanter hadn't picked up on during his trek through the town the night before. There is a visual component to the local Draconic tongue. Almost every rust-kobold, and all of the ones of higher station, punctuate their speech with a complex web of hand gestures. It appears to be a local thing, as you don't remember Drakk doing that.

    As you all approach the docks, sans Drakk, you can see Captain Naresh directing the unloading of Moonsister's cargo of green-tinted marble. Each block is lifted from the hold using a large, timber-formed A-frame crane before being swung over the dock and loaded onto a waiting barge. The Captain seems annoyed for some reason, but unloading is progressing in a timely manner.
  9. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Eyeing the unloading process Tarkaz can see nothing amiss in that respect, slowly walking up to the Captain the minotaur stops next to her. Crossing his arms, a loud snort comes out, "Anything wrong captain? May I be of service?" The minotaur asks, trying to gauge the situation
  10. DeathBringer125

    DeathBringer125 Well-Known Member

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    Drakk woke up late that morning, after getting dressed he went downstairs in the Inn and got some lunch. The Innkeeper said "Weallan êow must sîe twihynde strengan sl¯æpere!" (Well you must be a heavy sleeper!). Drakk smiled and responded "Yfel myne!" (I wish!). Then Drakk settled down to some mutton pot roast.

    After his meal, Drakk set out back into the town to the markets. He browsed around but tried to keep and eye out for star charts or gems especially.
  11. TheCrazyKhorneGuy
    Chameleon Skink

    TheCrazyKhorneGuy Well-Known Member

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    Drew also asks the Captain whether she needs his help with anything.
    Lizerd, Nazqua and Tk'ya'pyk like this.
  12. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    Tarkaz, Drew, Izema, Ohmen, Garutis: Noting the group approaching, Captain Naresh shakes her head. "Actually no," she replies to the question Tarkaz and Drew pose. "This is going more smoothly than normal for some reason. Apparently some big-shot priestess decided to expedite my cargo." Idly, she scratched her chin and frowned. "Kind of unusual, to be honest. I have been coming here on this trading run for almost half a decade now, and never got treatment like this. Not that I'm complaining," she adds hastily, glancing over at the kobolds operating the crane. "Still need to line up something extra for the next leg of the run, but things are progressing nicely otherwise." Glancing at each of you in turn, she smirks wryly. "Go out, check out the market, wander through town and explore. Or," she adds with a smirk, "here's a thought, go spend the next four days drunk off your collective asses. As long as you're back here and reasonably sober in 5 days, I don't care what you do."

    Drakk: The market is much more active now! It is a few hours before noon at the moment. The sun is high in the sky, which is good since if it was any lower the cliff walls would blocks a large amount of the light. Between permanent shops and the open-air markets, it looks like almost anything you could want is available!
  13. TheCrazyKhorneGuy
    Chameleon Skink

    TheCrazyKhorneGuy Well-Known Member

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    Before Drew leaves the Captain, he asks, "Have you heard any word from Drakk? We haven't seen him in a while."
    Lizerd, Tk'ya'pyk and Nazqua like this.
  14. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Tarkaz nods at the captain before going down to his locker to pull out even more coin, "Wonder what else I can find here..." pulling out 100gp (240gp remaining in locker, 150gp on hand + 15gp of Garutis) he smiles, "Think maybe an exotic pet if they have any that catch my eye". He locks his bag back into the locker and begins to make his way off the boat, "Going to the market and the row of shops I saw, And then back to the tavern for food" he looks back once before heading out to see if anyone was following
  15. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    Captain Naresh calls you all of you before you head out into the market. "After we're done loading the big stuff into the hold, you can go back to sleeping in your cabins on the ship if you want to save the money. I just don't like having anyone underfoot while they're moving the blocks of stone." Glancing at Tarkaz, she frowns. "Be careful what you try to buy in the market for pets - not everything they're selling as a pet is a pet! At least, not unless you're a kobold. Try to remember that your storage lockers aren't gigantic! Whatever you buy has to fit in there. We're also taking on another crewmember, just to warn you."

    "Wait, Drakk? Hmm, can't say that I have..."
    Lizerd, TheCrazyKhorneGuy and Nazqua like this.
  16. TheCrazyKhorneGuy
    Chameleon Skink

    TheCrazyKhorneGuy Well-Known Member

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    Drew nods to the Captain, confused and a little worried about the little wizard. Drew decides to go back to the Tavern and see if he can get some info on where a Kobold might go when in search of a goddess, knowing that was the last thing Drew had heard from Drakk.
    Lizerd, Nazqua and Tk'ya'pyk like this.
  17. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    "Another crewmember?" Tarkaz raises a brow, And then also asks what type of creatures to look out for or any that are not allowed on the ship
  18. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    Meanwhile, Drakk is wandering through the marketplace looking at, well, everything. Including the street lights! To his surprise, he quickly realizes that they're not actually lamps! Instead of gas vents or lanterns, they have six-inch crystals mounted in them that glow! The darker the area they're in, the brighter the crystals are! Curious, the kobold wonders if he could fit one into his staff-socket and what effects it would cause, but when he tries to appraise one with his lapidary skill, he quickly realizes that he has no idea whatsoever how much such a thing would be worth or how it would cut! Frowning, he resolved to find an expert.

    That resolve lasts all of five minutes.

    His resolve and coin are lost in a sudden burst of spending as he walks past a shop selling star charts, navigation journals, and other spelljammer-navigation texts! He is now the proud (and overly excited) owner of 6 new star charts, 3 old navigation logbooks full of notes, a book that claims to explain the basics of spelljammer travel, and maps to 8 things called 'crystal spheres.' It turns out that a 'crystal sphere,' or just 'sphere,' is a planetary system! One of his sphere charts is for your home sphere.
    Lizerd, TheCrazyKhorneGuy and Nazqua like this.
  19. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    Gesturing for the minotaur to come closer, Captain Naresh outlines the limitations on pets. "First off, it has to be small. We don't have a lot of extra air on a spelljamming ship. Not space, AIR. The more people there are, the faster we use it up! Try to get something the size of a medium dog or smaller. Wolf-sized at biggest, and I mean a normal wolf, not one of those warg-things or a dire wolf! A wargi would probably be fine. Second off, nothing that breeds like" she says something that sounds like 'tribble,' but you have no idea what that is, so she corrects herself a moment later. "Rabbits. Nothing that breeds like rabbits. Unless you're planning for the crew to eat them. Also, remember you have to bring food aboard for them! Try to get something that doesn't eat, say, gold, or whatever I'm hauling as cargo!"
  20. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    Drew: It doesn't take you long to retrace your steps back to the tavern, but there's a problem. Drakk wasn't at your tavern last night! In fact, once he left the ship, you have no idea where he went! A little worried, you decided to try strolling through the market. After an hour of wander, and on a whim, you ask a guard if he's seen a kobold fitting Drakk's description. He points behind you and says, "that him?" Drakk is emerging from a bookshop of some kind with an arm-full of books and scrolls!

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