7th Ed. Yet another post-game analysis of 8th ed!

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Discussion' started by Eagleblaze, Jun 25, 2010.

  1. Sotek

    Sotek New Member

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    I found out about this one in the last game I played. It was 1500 points vs warriors of chaos. At the end of the game, he had 3 models left on the table:
    -His Lord(in combat with 2 blocks of Saurus, 1 in front, 1 in flank, for at least 5 rounds of combat and still unwilling to die)

    -A single Chaos Knight from a unit of 6

    -A single Chaos Warrior from a unit of 20-ish

    When it came to tally up VPs, I was figuring that I'd have somewhere between 1100-1300 VPs, since everything left was below half strength(one wound left on the lord)...I ended up with about 650. Thankfully all he managed to kill was my scar-vet, 10 skink skirmishers, and 5 chameleon skinks, so I still won by about 300VPs. If he had been able to rout one of my Saurus blocks, however, the game could have totally ended in a draw. Apparently pick on something till it's dead is the new MO.

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