AoS Help fighting ogors

Discussion in 'Seraphon Tactics' started by Avatar of Mork, May 6, 2020.

  1. Avatar of Mork

    Avatar of Mork Member

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    Hi, Im facing ogors in the third round of our quarantine tournament. Scenario relocation orb.

    My list is still starborn fangs of Sotek: kroak, seer, starpriest x2, skink Priest, terradon chief, 40x2 skinks, 10 skinks, 3 salamanders, 9 terradons, bound geminidis, vortex.

    His list: 2x frostlord on stonehorns, hunter, Butcher, firebelly, 8 ironguts, 2x2 frostsabers, 8 frostsabers, skal battalion.

    He chooses turn order. I guess I need to to prepare for either option by putting the army a bit back in deploymemt. But what to target first? Should I teleport suicidal attacks? Dropping them stones on what?
  2. Erta Wanderer

    Erta Wanderer Well-Known Member

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    the frost lords are the dangerous things in his list take them out and he will fall apart. just be careful of the frost saber bomb not really scary but it can hurt the first turn it falls out of the sky so plan accordingly
    Nart, Lizerd and LizardWizard like this.
  3. Avatar of Mork

    Avatar of Mork Member

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    My plan is to unable his first turn charge with anything but ambushing sabers. That will force him to give me first turn. I buff the terradons with extra move, + to hit and extra charge dice and poison. Then hopefully I could reach a frostlord and take it out. One of the 40 skink units bubble wrap the whole army and the 10 screens. Question is, should I teleport something too?
    Lizerd and LizardWizard like this.
  4. LizardWizard

    LizardWizard Grand Skink Handler Staff Member

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    I would buff one of the units of Skinks with the Starpriest, Priest, and Starseer and run it in range of his stonehorn/s while casting a wide net to steal a turn of movement. Make sure you position your Skinks to all have range on a Stonehorn while also being withing 12-16" of each other. Save your teleport to get a skink hero in range of the unit to make use of the FoS command ability during his charge phase. If you manage to roll well enough on the Skink Hero movement then I would teleport the Salamanders in range to shoot the Stonehorn. Provided both the Skinks and the Salamanders have Serpents Staff on them it should be enough to over kill one Stonehorn by a single point of damage on average with their shooting. This will leave your opponent down a major hitter of their army and will diminish their movement on their frist turn, one of the greater strengths of OMT. You will also get to shoot with your Skinks during your opponent charge phase, and if you are lucky you might even get to run away.

    Save your Terradons as a counter attack. It is always better to drop the deadly cargo in the movement phase when possible than having to rely on getting a good charge roll. Alternative, if you want the Terradons in turn one then you can use your teleport to jump your starseer forward to give your Terradons the 3d6 charge and move your Skink Priest buff over to them. I would still maintain a Serpent's Staff buff on your 40x Skinks and try to shoot some Ironguts or Support Heroes instead.

    With either methodes of attack you will want to make sure you leave a strong positioning behind with your other units. You don't want to get wrecked by a double turn, OMT other great strength.
    Lizerd and Erta Wanderer like this.
  5. LizardWizard

    LizardWizard Grand Skink Handler Staff Member

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    During deployment you will need to play like your opponent is going to take first turn. He might be doing the flying 32" movement stonehorn build. If this is the case assume you will have to sacrifice one unit of Skinks and use your Terradons as a counter attack to kill his forward Stonehorn. Also, the Ogors really can't make good use of the RSE. So Definitely place it in one of the battleplans deployment zones. Any turn in which you go second your main focus needs to be the Orb. You only need two rounds of scoring the objective second if you opponent has always gone first to win the game.
    Nart, Lizerd and Erta Wanderer like this.
  6. Avatar of Mork

    Avatar of Mork Member

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    Thanks for the advice LizardWizard! To totally avoid getting 1st turn charged by stonehorns i need to deploy 2,6" behind the deployment border. That however will result in my units starting 26,5" from the stonehorns (assuming be deploys at his bordet. Even with sotekmove all the blowpipes have problem with reaching with a threatrange of 27" for the ones in the front row. I could use the Priest run/ shoot ability but thats 3+.

    Hi cant fly. His extra Artifact is etherial amulet. I agree that the RSE could be useful but Im thinking of putting it close to the middle. With that and some high mountins I could make it hard to reach me by putting the 10 man skink unit between them. Not being able to move over a garrison is gold.
    LizardWizard likes this.

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