Pathfinder-ish Campaign...

Discussion in 'General Hobby/Tabletop Chat' started by Tk'ya'pyk, Apr 10, 2020.

  1. TheCrazyKhorneGuy
    Chameleon Skink

    TheCrazyKhorneGuy Well-Known Member

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    Drew smiles with relief to see his little companion. He thanks the guard and hurries over to Drakk, "Where have you been? I haven't seen you since yesterday, and you didn't report back to the ship." even though Drew still didn't trust the whole ship fully yet, he could see Drakk was as much an open book as anyone could be. Drew didn't want to admit it, but Drakk's excited joyfulness was growing on him.
  2. DeathBringer125

    DeathBringer125 Well-Known Member

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    Drakk confusedly turned around, almost dropping his books in the process. When he noticed Drew he motioned for them to walk over to a less busy area where Drank started stowing his books and scrolls away whilst talking. "Munt nêodfrêond! Hwæt−hwugu hæfde êow yfelian?..... Oh that's right you aren't a Kobold.. Anyways.... Hello Drew how have you been? Sorry for not visiting the Spelljammer this morning, I woke up quite late... Umm I had some business to attend to last night. I could tell you some more later, i do not know if I want to elaborate here.". Drakk shakes Drew's hand before you can tell he is quite eager to be on his way to explore some more.
    Lizerd, Nazqua, Sudsinabucket and 2 others like this.
  3. TheCrazyKhorneGuy
    Chameleon Skink

    TheCrazyKhorneGuy Well-Known Member

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    Confused and a little annoyed at Drakk's abruptness, Drew said, "I think I'll accompany you. I'd like to stop by the Blacksmith if they have one here. and maybe if you'd like, I could buy you a few more spellbooks?" Drew's last comment was to lure Drakk into coming with him so Drew could drill him with more questions. "I have a lot of money that I would never use for myself, so I'd be willing to get you something, assuming its within a reasonable price range."
    Lizerd, Nazqua, Sudsinabucket and 2 others like this.
  4. DeathBringer125

    DeathBringer125 Well-Known Member

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    Drakk stares out at the market, stares back at Drew, and then looks at his empty coin purse. Drakk saw this as an absolute win! Looking at Drew, Drakk said "Thank you! Lead the way, though I would like to look into getting some uncut gems to work on.". After saying this, Drakk followed Drew.
    Lizerd, Nazqua, Sudsinabucket and 2 others like this.
  5. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    (DM's aside: Sounds like Drakk will be sleeping on the ship from now on? Likewise, books selling spellbooks are fairly simple to find, but there is a catch - Drakk is a sorcerer and cannot learn spells that way.)

    With Drew leading the way, the duo head off into the market to look for stuff. A blacksmith's shop is fairly easy to find - just follow the sound of ringing metal!

    Meanwhile, Tarkaz is roaming around the, um, smellier sections of the marketplace. There are four shops selling pets, two selling more livestock-type creatures, and one that sells... well... they're creatures, but beyond that it is a mixed bag. They have a few cats, lots of different dogs, birds, and some unusual 'rodents.' Lizards are present, but not very common. The livestock pens are mostly full of sheep, sheep, sheep, and more sheep. As for that last shop, they've got some kind of winged cat, a miniature griffon of some kind that looks like it is part pigeon, and other things.

    Ohmen, in the shadows, watched as Drew tracked down the kobold, a little surprised. Something seemed different about Drakk, but the enchanter wasn't sure what it was.

    As for Izema and Garutis, they're still on the dock at the moment...
    Lizerd, TheCrazyKhorneGuy and Nazqua like this.
  6. DeathBringer125

    DeathBringer125 Well-Known Member

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    Drakk and Drew travelled throughout the market place gazing at the various items. Drew spent some time primarily in the blacksmith browsing the various weapons and armor available and Drakk sat outside gazing off into the marketplace. Suddenly, a thought occured. Drakk immediately sat up and started pacing around pondering something. Drew glanced over to see what Drakk was doing but eventually continued to browse around with a shrug. Drakk had thought of a way to get money, and better serve his people here at Silgis, he would perform as Magician! Drakk hadn't noticed many things to do with the arcane and guessed wizards and sorcerer weren't quite as common on Silgis as in other places. With a quick message to Drew that he was going to go try something, Drakk was off racing through the marketplace.

    Drakk ran until he noticed a rust colored guard with shimmery scales. Approaching him Drakk asked "Excuse me good sir, I am interested in showing off some of my talents. Is there perhaps some sort of stage or public forum to do so? Do I need some sort of license to perform? I am a travelling magician and would like to perform a show for the fine denizens of Silgis.". The guard pointed over towards a fairly large stage near the center of the market and said "That is our open air public forum. You are free to perform a bit however just make sure not to do anything illegal or dangerous, we had another so called magician who just tried to levitate the coins out of peoples pockets....". Drakk thanked him and made his way over to the stage.

    Drakk ascended the podium before nervously announcing "Hello citizens of Silgis, my name is Drakk and today I will be demonstrating the powers of the arcane Arts!". Suddenly a flash of light follows by a puff of smoke appeared above Drakk. Drakk continued saying "Thank you for your time, the show will now begin!". Drakk quickly sat down his pointed hat (to collect potential donations) and stepped back.

    Drakk clapped his hands when they began to glow a blueish color. Throwing his staff into the air, it almost crashed down into the crowd before it started levitating and flittering around the audience before returning to his hand in a shower of sparks. Laying his staff to the side, Drakk held out his empty hands before all of a sudden, a small blue orb appeared in his right hand at the snap of a finger! The orb started floating around his head for a few moments before it vanished in a puff of smoke, only to appear in a nearby observers hand. The show continued like this for around fifteen more minutes before Drakk bowed, grabbed his hat, and stepped of the stage.

    This was the most fun Drakk had had in years.
    Last edited: May 9, 2020
  7. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Looming around Tarkaz enters the extoic animal area and a winged cat creature cstches his eye but so does the small griffon type creature. Being a Minotaur he wants something a little bit bigger but keeping in mind what the captain said about the air he ponders how big each of these species would end up getting. A smaller normal looking cat also catches his eye, in actuality he isnt necessarily looking for a fighting companion but rather an animal companion to be with on the ling voyages while on the ship.

    Walking up to the Kobold seller he first begins asking about the first two creatures, winged cat and griffon pidgeon.

    "Hello there! I am Tarkaz, I am looking for a companion for long voyages. I had seen these two exotic fliers and was wondering a few things if you have a moment? How long do they take to grow and how big do they get?" His first set of questions escape his mouth, though he holds in a gag as he begins to taste the air with each word
  8. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    Having headed away from the docks Ohmen had indeed stuck with Tarkaz for a time. Arriving into the market the atmosphere could only be described as ‘Bustling’ it was as if the place itself could burst into movement. Fabrics, woods and rock all shivering with noise almost as if they felt nervous by the presence of so many.

    Fumes of incense, fire smoke and the sounds of simmering food weaved in an out of constant talking. most, if not all of which Ohmen could understand. This being due to the fact he was a practitioner of both Draconic and Goblin, to name a few of the many languages and tongues under his belt.

    Being closer to Tarkaz violent squarks, lazy grunts, excited chirps and a whole host of other curious noises started to become apparent, most of which made Wisdom uncomfortable to say the least…

    Unlike others, this place was truly worthy of the title ‘Market’.

    Seeing both his birds distress but also his own interests Ohmen split off from the minotaur discreetly. It wasn't long after this that he did indeed spot Drew and Drakk far off. Their familiar faces struggling to keep afloat in a sea of those foreign. Perhaps, if it was within his advantage, he should have approached to check if the pair were doing alright, particularly the kobold who had seemingly not arrived at the docks this morning… although seeing them is all the evidence he really required. Especially knowing that Drakk was a kobold there would be no doubt that he would be far more suited within this environment and for that matter… So would Ohmen…

    Looking down are sheets of icy, grey silver scales wrapped in a cloak which had seemingly shrunk and warped to better suit this form. Such was the appearance of his scales they did very much reflect the moon surface, getting split with streaks and lightning arcs of canyon colour.

    A sharp, draconic confidence in his eyes Ohmen now continued around the market's side. It was not that he was cautious to plunge into its heart but rather the fact he initially had a handful of specific shops in mind. Some of such shops he did not intend to buy from, and others much the opposite one of which was the Apothecary. He had been meaning to give it a visit ever since his arrival, he had however once again been robbed by time… Ohmen himself was a firm believer that one should not allow gold to sit and rust in some darkened vault or veil, instead its power recognized and utilized, whether on materialistic goods or other practices.

    Having ordered Wisdom to locate the Apothecary Ohmen began to make his way toward it, all the while not being scared to spark up a conversation with some of the locals. His draconic skills were still a bit rusty, especially in the morning.
    Last edited: May 9, 2020
  9. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    Ohmen: Truly, the marketplace is a cesspit of funk. Especially the market near the sheep pens. Luckily for you, the apothecary shop you are looking for is far, far away from here. You begin wandering through the marketplace, trying out your Draconic language ability, but you still seem to be missing something. That gesturing component that the locals use. You just don't seem to be getting the hang of that part, and since Drakk doesn't use it, you're pretty sure it is some local invention. Meanwhile, you begin to mull purchase ideas over in your mind. Alas, that isn't very simple for you, as your mind isn't exactly focused all of the time...

    Tarkaz: The kobold shopkeep looks you over and nods. "Greetings, minotaur. It is rare to see one of the great horned ones in my shop, or indeed, even in town! How may I be of service?" When you ask him about the pigeon gryphon and winged cat, he nods slowly. "Well, the winged cat is known as a Tressym. They are from far, far away. This particular one is about as big as it will ever get. She is also the shop's ratcatcher, rather old, and I have become quite attached to her. I am afraid I do not have any Tressym kittens available at the moment, but I am working on fixing that issue. As for the pidgeygriff, it is young and will almost double in size before hitting full growth. Like a normal pigeon, it eats seeds, and can be trained to do simple tasks, but be warned that they tend to, well, crap everywhere," he admits. "Perhaps you would be interested in a trained wargi, a minature giant space hamster, or a mimmoth?"

    Drew: Making your way to the first blacksmith's shop you find, you discover something important: Blacksmiths specialize. This one appears to make the heavier parts for ships and siege weaponry. Nearby you find six other smithies, each of whom makes different things. The next one over sticks to tools and has racks displaying prybars, hammers, and farrier's equipment, another is more armorer than blacksmith, and one mostly makes house fittings like hinges and handles. You do finally find the bladesmith you're looking for, but the half-dragon working the forge doesn't have any punch daggers for sale. Looking at the ones you brought in, he hums and makes clicking sounds with his tongue before shaking his head. "I suppose I could improve on these," he tells you. "This is nice work. I've seen better, mind you, but these aren't bad. If you desire, I could make you a new pair, but they would not be cheap and it would take me three or four days."

    Izema and Garutis: Eventually you get bored watching the ship being unloaded. For a few minutes, you look over the new cargo that is to be loaded: packaged bundles of pine and fir boards wrapped with burlap and tied with heavy ropes. The boards aren't very interesting, so you decide to head out into the market and see what you can see.

    Drakk: While there isn't a huge crowd, you do attract a couple dozen onlookers, both locals and travelers! They seem to enjoy the show, and a few of the younger onlookers ask for more! All told, you make about 3 gold in mixed coins. Not what you were hoping for, but better than nothing. Sounds like you'll be sleeping in your berth on the ship.
    Lizerd, TheCrazyKhorneGuy and Nazqua like this.
  10. DeathBringer125

    DeathBringer125 Well-Known Member

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    Drakk is grateful for the three gold pieces, not much, but he had fun doing it so he didn't lose anything. Drakk hurried back to Drew to tell him what happened. He knew he couldn't keep Drew waiting, Drew always worried about Drakk when he was missing. Drakk figured that Drew must be a bit insecure, probably just channeling some childhood trauma. Drakk of course tried to help him through it, Drakk was always the mature one of course. Nonetheless, after going through a few smithies, Drakk located Drew and told him all about his show.
  11. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Bowing to the Kobold Shopkeeper Tarkaz shoes his respect, "It is an honor to be here and around your people, clearly there is much for me to learn. How much would a Tressym kitten be when or if youre able to acquire some? Perhaps the gryph wouldnt be the best option even though it does seem like it would be very useful...can it be trained well...crap over the side of a ship?" He laughs a loud laugh

    "What exactly is a mimmoth? Are Wargi able to be trained for useful things as well or more of a shoulder companion? I love all that I dee in here!"

    Tarkaz barely holds his excitment in at the idea of acquiring a new companion after his desert cat had died years ago
  12. TheCrazyKhorneGuy
    Chameleon Skink

    TheCrazyKhorneGuy Well-Known Member

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    Before Drakk came to him, he asked the smith how much it would cost to have his punch daggers improved. As the smith is thinking his question over, Drew sees Drakk running towards him. Drew smiles and said, "how much did you get?" Drew had followed Drakk for a little while until he saw what Drakk was doing, and then Drew went back to the smithies. "You are good."
    Tk'ya'pyk, Nazqua and Lizerd like this.
  13. Lizerd
    Skink Priest

    Lizerd Well-Known Member

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    Bored, garutis challenges Izema to a headbutting competition. Whoever passes out first loses
  14. Erta Wanderer

    Erta Wanderer Well-Known Member

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    that... is a incredibly dumb idea if you want a contest of strength fine but im not for blunt head trauma
  15. Lizerd
    Skink Priest

    Lizerd Well-Known Member

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    Garutis challenges you to thumb war!
  16. Erta Wanderer

    Erta Wanderer Well-Known Member

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    sure why not
  17. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    Eyes drifting from face to face, individuals speech patterns and hand movements, even their posture and the way they walked. Ranging between market stools, shops and stands and the items they sold or even the general layout of the area and notes of its different alleys and routes.

    As dealers and stand owners call out to him he often replied. Not due to an interest in the product they ere selling but rather the prime opportunity to practice and excise his newly found draconic tongue.

    Merging in with crowds seamlessly as one of their own it isn't long before Ohmen reaches the apothecary doorstep. Even if he had to enlist some directional advise from Wisdom he had made it regardless.

    Quickly looking either side of him the Wizard checks the routes and streets before Wisdom hosp off his shoulder in order to scan from the rooftops above. Stepping inside and through the door Ohmen is allowed a rest from the constant commotion of outside, giving him a chance to take in a few heavily scented breaths of air.

    Slowly looking over a few initial shelves the Kobold gains the attention of the shopkeep. Being a lively and young kobold he doesn't wait to join a conversation and approach him with a handful of requests smothered in a healthy layer of small talk and compliments. “Good morning sir! Good morning! *Sigh* This really is a relief from all those crowds outside… If you don't mind me saying all these mixtures, elixirs and concoctions are really something, You must be proud to work within such a shop. Just hearing one voice rather than ten thousand outside really is a pleasure.”

    His words mostly, if not all correct Ohmen makes up for the lack of hand gestures by constantly scurrying around the shop inspecting different elements of it. All the while maintaining a facial expression of sheer, youthful wonder and interest.

    Letting the shopkeeper speak the Kobold listens with intent, savouring each of their words as if listening to someone of great knowledge and expertise.

    “Oh, yeah actually, apologies for my lacking in this general draconic, I'm not really from around these parts.. Really sorry if I get some words mixed up or confused with a different subtype…”

    He begins to walk toward a central rack of shelves, looking up and down with ripe curiosity.

    “Hmm, Sir I was actually wondering if there was perhaps something that could help with my Insomnia? Having travelled and all its been pretty bad recently to be honest… Could you get a good sleep last night? Damn wind seems to screech and cry out down here in the canyons” *Sigh*

    However, before giving the other kobold ample time to reply Ohmen rushes over to a different part of the shoop, his attention-getting caught by something.

    “Oh wow! Would you look at these! They must have taken ages to prepare…”

    Eyes glimmering the younger kobold quickly snaps his attention back to the shopkeep, patting him on the shoulder to continue.

    “Oh sorry, Go on Go on.”

    A few minutes later Ohmen drives himself toward a collection of jars.

    “Actually, Now that I think about it, I was wondering if you had any sort of ‘Flammable’ Powder in here? Wait… Is the word ‘Flammable’? Is- Is that how you say it…”

    Slowly and seamlessly the kobolds words do indeed start to stumble and trip on themselves until only a handful of recognizable words were riddled within.

    *Casts - Charm Person Target - Shopkeep. (Ohmen has the conceal spell trait -*

    Patting him again Ohmen quickly apologises for his slip up before continuing “Anyhow, In case you're interested, I'm actually going to be performing some really fancy tricks later for a small event… its nothing crazy, just between me and some friends, Something like that could really help me get my act together you know. I don't want to end up with people laughing and nothing to show after stepping up…”

    “Some Big Bright Flames! Oh wow, that would be amazing, with those ones no one would dare to make fun of my performance, especially when I tell them of the great shop I got it from.”

    Listening to what the Kobold has to say Ohmen begins to giggle, quietly at first but becoming uncontrollable until he is forced to explain himself.

    In Between catching small breaths, he murmurs something about “Anti-invisibility powder!?". Clearing the voice and regaining posture he continues. “One, One of my friends actually has an invisibility act planned, I would really be interested in getting some sort of sticky powder. I'm sure you know the kind I'm talking about! I need to get him back from a couple days ago, It could really do the trick!”
    Lizerd and Tk'ya'pyk like this.
  18. TheCrazyKhorneGuy
    Chameleon Skink

    TheCrazyKhorneGuy Well-Known Member

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    Drew looks at the price to improve his daggers and says, "I don't have that on me right now, I'll go back to the ship to get my gold." Drew returns with the total amount of money being 760 gold pieces. Drew inwardly thinks this to be a little high, but he agrees to pay it because having better daggers will make his life and means to get more gold much easier. Drew makes sure the smith needs nothing else from him, and goes to find Drakk again. Once Drew finds his friend, Drew asks him what spellbooks he wants and tells Drakk his budget is 20 gold. Drew explains that he found a smith to improve his daggers so that is why he could not spend anymore than 20.
  19. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    Ohmen: You test out the limits of your charm spell and quickly realize that the shopkeeper has not been affected by it! Lucky for you, he doesn't seem to have noticed your attempt to ensorcell him, or you'd be in trouble! The shopkeep does have some smoke powder for sale - six different colors. Drop it into fire and you get colored smoke. For anti-invisibility - and you have to struggle not to laugh about this - he sells you a box of fine flour for 1 cp. Toss a handful in the direction you think an invisible thing is in, and the flour will stick to it. Likewise, they have flash powder - same idea as the smoke powder, but it makes a bright flash of colored like, like a miniature firework. As for a sleeping aid, he offers you a bottle of something called Tincture of Poppy, 20 gp for a bottle with 20, 1 teaspoon doses. Meanwhile, the shopkeep lets you ramble on and on, mostly ignoring your babble.

    Tarkaz: Wincing, the shopkeep shakes his head. "Tressym kittens tend to cost a thousand gold. They are very rare, and have to be adopted early to imprint properly as a pet. I have never heard of anyone training a pidgeygriff to crap over the side of a ship. As for a mimmoth," he explains, bringing a small cage up from under his desk, "this is a mimmoth." It stands about a foot tall, but otherwise it is essentially a tiny, shaggy elephant! "These are reasonably common, like to chase mice, and don't require a lot of upkeep. They'll eat pretty much any kind of grain or grass, and like nuts of all sorts. Five gold to adopt one." Leaving the cage on the countertop, he beckons for you to follow him. "As for a wargi," he begins, leading you over to a pen near the side of the shop, "that would be these!" Inside the pen are four... well... they're not quite dogs, maybe? You've seen a warg before. This looks like a tiny warg with short legs, so you're pretty sure a wargi is to a warg like a corgi is to a collie?
    Lizerd, Nazqua and Sudsinabucket like this.
  20. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    Drew: Nodding, the half-dragon smith takes your money and gets to work. He makes you wait until he takes some measurements of your hands before making a pair of wax imprints to ensure the grip will be comfortable. As you leave, he asks you to check back in a few days so he can double-check the grip.

    Izema and Garutis: ...seriously? A thumb war? Well, finding an out of the way place to do this is pretty easy. There's a small wooded area set aside as a park with several tables and stout wooden benches for you to sit on. As you begin your thumb war, you are actually attracting a crowd!

    Drakk: You feel like Drew is actually getting a better deal on his new weapons than he realizes! Normally such weapons could cost half again that much for a matched pair! You feel like you should talk to him about this...
    Lizerd, Nazqua and Sudsinabucket like this.

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