Hi all, hope everyone is safe in the big bad world. Im looking for the the best paint scheme to get that kind of grey stone look the skin starseer sits on or the astrolith bearer holds. Really like the thought of keeping it as normal as possible.i love the thought of ancient civilisation grey/silver stone, hieroglyphics and gold and jewels. Ive gt citadel dawn stone and rune fang steel paints. Not sure for a base coat but these could possibly be a nice dry brush. Any tips guys? Thanks
Ey man! Here is my Suggestion, which I use on my Stones: Base: Mechanicus Standard grey Shade: nuln oil Drybrush: dawnstone and then administratum grey to make it even older and worn out, use diluted brownish shades, like Seraphim sepia or Agrax, in random spots For the silver, use the base silver, a shade and then runefang only for the lights
My stone recipe is similar: - base medium grey - shade dark - drybrush light grey And if it is supposed to look moss covered or dirty - shade a few spots with green for moss - shade with sepia or brown for dirt