Fiction Bestiary and Lustrian Lore

Discussion in 'Fluff and Stories' started by Nazqua, May 21, 2020.

  1. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    === Introduction ===

    Read the title. As of yet I don't plan to organise anything super specifically in this thread, but will most likely post completed articles, spotlights or chunks of information elsewhere in either their own independent area or someplace else.

    Feel free to discuss your own Ideas, feedback on my own or any criticisms. Although, remember this is Fantasy and anyone can do anything they want - Usually In my thinking I take the Idea first, then try to make it as realistic and sensible as I can after, although consistency across all things in universe is an ideal. Another quick note is that my spelling and punctuation is not the best and Im well aware of that.
    --- Map - For my own reference and the one I will be using throughout ---

    From the logbook of Vincenzo Corenzo, Mercenary Capitano out of Tilea.

    --= =----= =----= =--
    More recent and organised entries that are currently in progress:
    - Region Spotlight: The Copper Desert
    - Region Spotlight: The Cursed Jungle
    - Region Spotlight: The Forbidden Jungle

    - City Spotlight: Hualotal - The city of Masks and Chisels

    Most recent update (05/01/2021) (Look here if you want to read anything thats new or recently added):

    - Added additional Information on The Copper Desert's lizardmen, more specifically, the saurus and a handful of legends associated with their armies.

    Last edited: Jan 5, 2021
  2. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    Work in Progress/Unfinished entry's that are on standby:

    --= Creatures =---
    --- Suchusaurian - Sotek's Wolves ---
    Suchusaurian - Sotek’s Wolves.
    Suchusaurians, More commonly known as the Suchurian are large pack-hunting lizards with a distinct crocodilian appearance. One should always be wary of such beasts at both dusk and dawn, for that is when they slink out from subterranean homes to hunt.


    A male specimen Currently being commanded by a Suchara (Skink Oracle).

    Female Suchurian's, identifiable from males by their lack of a crest but also a generally smaller and longer body structure. (These are Chinese Crocodile lizards, lacking the longer snout and facial features of a Suchurian.)

    For movement these reptilian creatures use four muscular legs which generate enough momentum to slug the creature forward at relatively slow speeds, this pace however, is still fast nonetheless due to the creatures large size and even larger gate. In addition during ambushes and hunts these beasts can erupt, launching themselves into frighteningly fast sprints and lunges for short bursts.

    As for propulsion within water, these legs partnered with an incredibly muscular tail allow the Suchurian to swim with extreme power and speed. Their form able to glide through murky swamp waters undetected, that is unless they are male in which case distinctive brightly coloured sails slit through the grimy water’s surface for all to see. In addition to being put to use within Lustrian river systems and swamps the Suchusaurian’s swimming capabilities are also utilized within another of its primary habitats, that being Subterranean caverns and chambers, many of which are often flooded or entirely submerged.

    A prime example of those caverns favoured by the Suchurian.

    Often found hunting during the darker hours of both dawn and dusk it is no surprise that these creatures vision is very capable, it is assumed all Suchusaurians can see and react to colours. Furthermore, Suchusaurians possess a ‘Third-eye lid’ Something often seen within crocodilian species. This allows the Suchurian to retain a certain degree of vision a whilst submerged.

    In addtion to vision, Suchurian’s also possess a very developed sense of smell, allowing them to detect prey, carcasses or other pack members with ease. In addition, these creatures also make use of collections of sensory pits oriented around their snout meaning they can, and will detect the vibrations of most movement in localized water.

    Hunting and diet:
    Stragely, Suchurians are both ambush and pack hunters. When solitary they prey on smaller amphibians, mammals and reptiles. Despite their social nature Suchurians occasionally cannibalize those of another pack or their own dead and wounded.

    Feeding and hunting the Suchusaurian uses a large mouth filled with a variety of teeth. Those placed at the back are larger in size, designed to crush bone and crunch down, whilst those at the forefront are smaller sharper and serrated. Used to slash and tear away from larger mammalian or reptilian prey, often causing it to bleed relentlessly.

    When hunting in large enough numbers Suchurians often take on much larger prey, using what could be compared to wolf-like hunting tactics to bring it down. Surrounding and cutting off prey Suchurians aim for prolonged engagements in which they can slowly wear down and exhaust larger prey, bleeding it out with nips and bites.

    In addtion to hunting, living in packs is beneficial at sustaining the large territories needed by these creatures to locate enough food to feed such large creatures, especially multiple of them. Furthermore, larger apex predators are often deterred from attacking due to both numbers and stand-alone size.

    Like a handful of other jungle creatures, Suchurians are in fact crepuscular, meaning that they are most active during twilight hours, those of dawn and dusk. It is through this that they avoid not only the hottest parts of the day, but also the most active hours of the night

    A jungle as seen during early twilight

    During these active hours is when one should be most alert of spotting such a beast within huge, expansive swamps, submerged forests and low lying/darker jungles. Particularly those areas which house the extensive cave systems, tunnels and grottos which the Suchurian rest, nest and live primarily in. Being of such size it is obvious that certain passages and tunnels cannot be accessed by the Suchurian, although they easily make up for this by their secondary aquatic nature. One that allows them to trek through flooded subterranean areas, being able to go without air for extensive amounts of time.

    An example of one of the immense portals to those huge cave systems present within Lustria

    It is well known that Suchurians Live in tight packs and groups that average at sizes around 3-4, whilst rarer cases range from 9 and onwards, Although as previously mentioned it is not uncommon to find individuals of this species instead living a solitary lifestyle in which they rely more on crocodilian like ambush tactics and preying on smaller animals.

    Despite this however Suchusurians take a more cold-blooded, analytical approach to situations unlike the ‘Wolves’ which these creatures are often compared to, and it is for this reason they lack certain social behaviours. This fact, however, does not make them any less dangerous in a hunt, in fact, some proclaim that it allows them to perform equally as well when solitary.

    Within a pack males often dispute with each other, those that come out on top being those who mate with the packs female. In these territorial displays or male disputes Suchurian’s often open wide their huge mouth releasing deep rumbles. Often these disputes start off with an initial series of deep rumbles or powerful tail swipes, though they can easily devolve into straight out brawls. Brawls which can occasionally result in specific members of a pack being outcast or seriously injured.

    Similarly during fights they extend out their huge sails, flushing them with blood as a display of dominance and intimidation. Those that possess both the largest sail and size often being the one who will win the dispute and mate. Likewise when fearful the creatures will aggressively hiss, making themselves look much larger through the use of this sail.

    Suchurians nest are purposely hard to access, lying within partially submerged caves and flooded underground tunnels where adults can nurture young in the safety of silence and darkness, Giving them the time to grow both mentally and physically before being capable of venturing out and up to the surface. It is due to this reason that Suchurians are so rare amongst lizardmen forces, the beasts eggs being almost inaccessible to skink gathers. And even if they were to somehow reach a nesting ground within some huge underground cavern there would likely be a pack of territorial Suchurians present.

    Relationship with Lizardmen:
    Being renowned for their more advanced intelligence combined with their well equipped physical form it starts to become obvious as to why such creatures would be not only utilized but also feared and revered by the lizardmen. This respect for the creatures is only increased by the sheer difficulty in controlling one. It is not often that one sees a skink chief or handler who wields the will and determination to drag a singular beast to them, let alone a full pack under their control.

    However, more importantly is the fact, or rather belief that skink oracles can tame these beasts. Bending them to their will with ease In such a way that could only reflect that of the troglodon in an equally mysterious way.

    Unlike skink chiefs who struggle to control even one of the creatures, oracles guide vast numbers, gaining a level of control and authority that only the pack alpha is worthy of. And it is due to this that oracles are perfectly suited to controlling Suchurians in times of both peace and war, able to communicate and coordinate orders to a pack within a handful of gestures or calls without the otherwise necessary years of training.

    Another distinctive trait of ‘Trained’ Suchusurians is their lack of riders. This is mainly due to the fact they ignore a rider's orders, following only those of the other pack members and alpha. But also because of the way in which their movements can seem unmotivated, erratic and unpredictable, each singular beast part of a greater whole which gives the skink, or saurian for that matter very little control.

    As for direct use within lizardmen society, Suchurians often accompany larger scouting parties, bolstering their capabilities by several degrees rather than being used directly into forces composed of saurians

    A singular Suchurian, not even mentioning an entire pack can provide a small task force with devastating capabilities. Allowing a singular band of skinks to obliterate separated enemy forces or enact full scale raids, Ripping through warmblood defences with coordinated strikes and destroying key locations and targets with singular orders.

    Within a smaller scale conflict having a singular Oracles, or so-called ‘Suchara’ (A title often given to those oracles who opt to instead control Suchusaurians above Troglodons) aid is a true blessing. For A scouting force including Suchurians is one to be feared, They strike with both speed and tactics, but now raw power. A power capable of turning any skirmish or scouting expedition into a crushing success.

    During those brightest hours of the day Suchurians often retreat back to their subterranean hollows, slinking away unnoticed only to return to their chief or handler before first light or upon darknesses onset. It is suchara’s however who do not dwell within lizardmen cities or settlements, instead following their creatures back and opting to live with them instead. Due to this they are often known to be far more savage than the already savage oracle, returning only to those of their kind for ceremonies and in times of need.

    Occasional plaques tell of specific instances where a Suchara appeared from the jungle to relive a settlement under siege. The singular oracle emerging from the tree’s to cite prophecy in a tongue made animalistic and brutal seconds before a pack of Suchurians 20 strong emerged from all around, charging through both tree and enemy alike with unprecedented coordination and savagery. Only to once again disappear, slinking off before the flying bodies and blood mist could even settle.


    - Twin Raven Miniatures Please check out their amazing lizardmen sculpts and models and consider supporting them on Patreon to get the files! I can't wait to get my hands on the model shown here and to begin painting it up.

    - Chinese Crocodile Lizards A 2008 study estimated 950 crocodile lizards are left in China. Soon this species will be extinct to be forever forgotten, Let us remember them and all do our part to stop species from being removed from this planet by our hand.
    -Photography of these awesome caves, I believe the second photo is of Hang Son Doong, The largest cave in the world.

    --- Gallimimus ---
    Distribution and Habitat:
    As previously mentioned the Gallimimus is adapted to live within large, flat expanses of land. Those primarily being regions of desert, grassland and savannah. Due to this reason, it should come as no surprise that the species’ distribution is weighted heavily for the south of the continent. more particularly those jungless lands found commonly within, many of which trace the Spine of Sotek mountain range. A mountain range which will have no doubt given birth to many of these deserts, it's great peaks large enough to not only divide the continent but to also bend the climate to their own will.

    Out of all these lands the four main regions in which the Gallimimus thrives within are all included under the collective name: ‘The Southern Expanses’. A title which includes, but is not limited to The Copper Desert, Termontane Savanna's, Eastern Peninsula, Nameless Badlands and the so-called ‘Cluchan Plains’.

    Individually, each of these areas earn the right to be placed under this title from the sheer amount of flat, and relatively empty land in which they span. Independent of whether they are covered in sand, dust, rock or grass.

    Distribution of gallimimus:
    Dark Red/Crimson (Most Numerous/Present) > Red > Black

    Last edited: Jan 5, 2021
  3. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    Work in Progress/Unfinished entry's that are on standby:

    --= Regions =--

    --- The Nameless Badlands ---
    The Nameless Badlands:
    View attachment 72027
    It would be an understatement to say that the Nameless Badlands are desolate. And for reason to, A mix of climate and their acidic soil allows little but the worthiest of grasses and flowers to sprout, let alone grow before being crushed back down and buried once more. Stretching across this landscape are great valleys, mounds and rolling hills locked into an eternal battle with the wind, dust and all too uncommon rain.

    A more green region of the badlands as seen before the onset of night.

    As one strays further from the coast and the cities of Kaiax and Xlanzec they leave behind most life, and for that matter, most sanity. For they now unknowingly enter what is known as the Nameless lands. Great monoliths of stonework, some supposedly as large as cities, are scattered across the region in indecipherable grids and patterns. All manor of concentric circles, spiralling walls and great stone disks lie here in the baking sun forgotten. Any etching they may once have held having been deteriorated and worn away a millenia ago.

    Wandering these lands, one will often touch a sublime feeling. Knowing that one is nothing but a grain of sand compared to archaic pillars which stretch past into the clouds and soil, reaching out towards the core of the earth and the stars. As ancient as the lizardmen themselves these structures are occasionally discarded as illusions of the heat, the vast emptiness playing tricks on the mind. These rumours could not however be more wrong. They had stood here since time began, and would stand until its end, Perpetually forced to point upwards, their own shadow an artificial night. Cursing a blackened sky in which no bird dare fly.

    Archaic structures, their every purpose lost to the sands of time still stand waiting for merciful oblivion.

    Furthermore, approaching closer to the mountains craggy hills and rock formations begin to arise, choked in the smoke and fumes from the clutters of pools which they hide. Tucked away the intense smell of sulphur weaves in between a stench of smouldering water and soil released from the great columns of superheated steam which spiral upwards

    Simmering and frothing the water occasionally erupts, roaring upwards in a desperate attempt to escape this unearthly silence. Strange as it is, those creatures which still manage to stray too far and for too long into these badlands, most will end up here. Their collections of festering bones and torn skin moulding in with the charred, calcified rock which surrounds those fetid, scolding lagoons. A terrible, yet strangely haunting place. One that the gallimimus finds its home within, or rather, around.

    Many steaming Hotsprings and boiling lagoons hide, tucked away behind hills and endless swathes of land.

    --- The Culchan plains ---
    The Culchan Plains:
    View attachment 72271

    The Culchan Plains, otherwise known as the ‘Endless Plains’ are cornered between the Sotek’s spine mountains to the West, and by the coast and its swamplands to the east… although, To say ‘Cornered’ Would be wrong, For these plains rival any on the continent, being amongst the few who dare challenge even the sheer vastness of the ocean.

    One will first realise they are entering the region as the dense jungles begins to separate out, opening out to a vast and fertile plain which stretches many hundreds of miles to the southernmost extent of the Continent of Lustria

    Despite covering such a portion of the landmass very little is actually known about these plains named after their primary inhabitants, or rather those that hold the most influence. The huge flightless birds that have come to be known as ‘Culchan’. Holding dominance over much of the region it comes as no surprise that they prey upon the abundant amounts of Gallimimus which share their territory. Regardless of these quarrels, after the jungle initially ceases much of the land remains sprinkled with huge tree’s which decrease in both size and number the further one treks into the endless expanse.


    Continuing over the next handful of miles one will notice as the tree’s slowly get replaced with smaller shrubs and plants better adapted to these now desolate surroundings. For now, all that remains on land, both animal and plant is forced to bow down and swear allegiance to the endless grass. Grass able to claim its throne due to a combination of soil composition and its innate hostility towards saplings. These aspects are then further combined with the fact that Chotec’s rage causes great, region spanning wildfires to occasionally spring up. So large and fierce are such blazes that they plummet everything for hundreds of miles around into a somewhat perpetual darkness where only ash will rain… As a result, any tree hoping to carve out a home here is decimated.

    Even still, eventually the shrubs too start to vanish, leaving grass so tall it can obscure a fully standing skink. It is now past this point where nothing else dare grow, the only remarks of change being shallow dips or rises in the terrain, a silent sky and the winds whispering. Now one is truly within the endless expanse were no lizardmen will stray and only those true of sun and star will help find the way… Even then, Every direction is identical, staying the same for hours… Days even.

    The endless plains are an eerie place. Even feared by lizardmen, more specifically terradon riders set with the job to fly messages, often across the continent... Many a pair of beast and rider has gone missing in the skies above the endless planes never to be seen again. As a result speculations and rumors about such situations run wild through skink populations, creating a certain stigma around this region, a stigma backed up by truth.

    Despite many saying that is both exhaustion, strong winds and riders simply losing their way one cant help but wonder if it is something to do with the latent magic which still hangs within the air, instilling the land with a certain arcane mystery… Or those strange lights which streak and spiral across the skies by night; perhaps some form of fallout from the terrible energies unleashed during the battles of the Great Catastrophe when Oyxl fell to the Daemons.

    --- The Termontane Savanna's ---
    The Termontane Savanna’s:
    Crimson - Montane Savanna
    Brown - Plains and Savanna
    Pink - Wetlands and lightSwamp
    Yet another region within the ‘Southern Expanses’ is the ‘Termontane Savanna’s’. Rather than being a singular entity like those others, The Termontane Savanna’s is instead a collective of expanses and varying biomes. Located East of the Sotek’s Spine mountains and between Xhotl and Subatuun. As this region's name suggests, much of it is covered in Savanna. Although those portions to the East and west respectively are made up of what's referred to as ‘Montane Savanna’ and a mixture of wetlands, varying from fens to marshes and light swamp.


    However, the most striking feature of these drier regions, primarily those central and westward are the huge mounds which cover the terran, an artificial forest of hardened rock pillars more numerous than the scattered trees around them. A haze of spires born from mud and earth so tall they cast out much-needed shade and respite from a steaming sun to all those creatures forced to weave their way between these hall’s, a ceiling of clouds and stars held upon ancient mud pillars.


    The creators of such mounds are none other than the plains primary inhabitant, the ‘Termexyl Savanashia’ - more commonly referred to within the collective name for the many species of Termite which share these lands; the ‘Greater planesTermite’ or ‘Savanna Termite’.

    And thus, this regions name springs up from the constructors of its most prominent landscape features. These small critters, or rather, large critters considering they are a Lustrian species bring arise to huge mounds, some so large they could rather be considered artificial hills. Able to rival entire temples and cathedrals in more than just size and splendour, but also their interior being just as complex, if not even more so. As extensive systems of tunnels and conduits create a complex ventilation system used to help control the climate inside the mound, regulating its temperature, humidity and gas distribution.

    In addition, what one sees from the surface is a fraction of a colonies true scale, for many nests stretch down meters deeper into the cracked earth, spreading out like the roots of a tree. At the deepest points are the more valuable chambers, meters of ground ensuring total security from any outside threat or raid. Whist those less necessary vast

    Whilst the Lizardmen campaigned against the planet, declaring it as their own at the dawn of time these termites intended to likewise claim a portion of this world for themselves. As Saurian armies cleansed the world of all those unworthy Termexyl began to construct their own empire much the same, rising above those creatures which squirmed in the mud and dirt they built fortresses of soil. Bastions of baked earth which would continue onwards to stand in defiance against a roaring sun for millennia.

    Such is Chotec’s rage’s ferocity that it would attempt to bring these column’s down to their knees, scattering the Termexyl’s mounds as rubble and ruin. BUT THEY WOULD NOT FALL, Instead rising up taller than the tree’s to confront such rage head-on.

    Standing since times immemorial the ancient surface of these mounds has siphoned the sun’s power. Searing heats helping to cast and burn soil into rock and clay so hard and durable that it has become both a staple building material for the lizardmen native to the area.

    And now, to this day their empires still stand, having endured the test of time. As one looks out toward the horizon they will see both the grass and trees, but also an infinite array of columns stretching into the morning mist. The fact such a creature has managed to bend the terrain is a true testament to the species of Termexyl’s architecture, engineering and construction, but more importantly, their perseverance.

    Last edited: Jan 5, 2021
    Lizerd and Lizards of Renown like this.
  4. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    wow, that's pretty cool!
  5. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    Im glad you liked it, I have added some work in progress stuff for the Gallimimus
  6. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    I have added the Culchan Plains, One of my favourite places honestly. Sometime Im going to move the regions out of the Gallimimus, that way I can just link/point to them when mentioned.
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2021
  7. JimInk

    JimInk New Member

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    Awesome model, I support twin raven on patreon and cant wait for my resin to turn up. I received my 3d printer at the weekend and want to get printing both their and Lost Kingdoms saurus minis.
    So many great alts to the GW range of lizardmen... so excited.
  8. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    Lately I have been working on the penultimate region of the 'Southern Expanses' - The Termontane Savanna's, Though whilst doing it I got caught up with writing about Termexyl (A species of termite that live within the Savanna's, giving the region its name) But I ended up writing up so much about these termites to the point where Im considering writing a whole new profile for them. Only returning to the Gallimimus once both they and the Southern expanse regions are finished, which will be moved into their own 'Region's' area.

    As for the Gallimimus itself I have several paragraphs written under different area's, though I think many of them need polishing and to be thought through a bit more
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2021
  9. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    wtb updates to this magical post @Nazqua !
    Lizerd and Nazqua like this.
  10. EFHILT 167

    EFHILT 167 Member

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    I would like to note that third eyes on reptiles are simple eyes that only sense light. Pest insects use simple eyes to avoid humans wielding flashlights and pesticide in dark basements, for example, cockroaches. If you mean extra eyeLID, not extra EYE, well, such eyelids are used to protect eye while eye can see out through it. On the other hand, the behavior you suggested is spot on. Many crocodilians submerge themselves with only eyes above surface.
  11. EFHILT 167

    EFHILT 167 Member

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    Also what's that creature on east of map that looks like a sea serpent with tentacles? Someone should try to make one(war hydra plus carnosaur bitz)
    Lizerd, Nazqua and Imrahil like this.
  12. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    Keep it going Naz. Great creation here.
    Lizerd, Sudsinabucket and Nazqua like this.
  13. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    --- Region Spotlight: The Copper Desert ---
    - Rough translation attributed to a saying of Lord Madalla, Mystic of totality - High slann mage priest of the Sentinels of Xeti.

    ---= Location =---

    Crimson - Desert interior / Dust red - Semiarid surroundings / Beige - Canyons and gorges.


    ---= Introduction =---

    The extensive region known as the Copper Desert is the largest and driest desert within the enigmatic lands named Lustria. Despite making up the second largest region within the so called ‘Southern expanses’ these deserts are often forgotten, and yet many a great and equally ancient slann strive out into the infinite dune’s in search of clarity amongst a world of chaos and disorder.

    Little is known about the Copper desert itself, the region often being referred to as mundane and lifeless by outsider’s. These views despite seemingly holding surface value are however easily proven wrong, local inhabitants of the area going as far as to divide the land up into a number of distinct sections and biomes, of which there are three: The true desert, The canyons and finally the semi-arid surroundings - Surroundings which include portions of the coastline along with slope’s bordering the Sotek spine mountains.

    As for the overall region itself its most notable aspect is its aridity, the Copper Desert being so arid in fact that it claims the title of being the most dry non-polar desert in the world, being so arid that many of the nearby Sotek Spine peaks remain free of glaciers and snow coverage throughout the year. - Such a position as this owes itself to a number of factors, among the more prominent being a strong presence of anticyclones along the coast combined with heavy rain shadow from the eastern mountains which stretch deep into the region.

    This region’s significance doesn’t however stop there - for it is also supposedly the oldest region on the planet. A fact that may go to explain the complexity and depth of the landforms scattered across such barren lands... Lands that have witnessed civilizations rise and fall like the tides, empire’s flourish only to then crumble, disintegrating to dust on the sullen wind’s of time - and all the while they have remained here, basking in the dimming light of distant stars for untold millenia, watching as fate silently unfolds.

    ---= Surrounding regions =---

    Whilst the inner core of the desert remains silent, lifeless - As it should be; Thin bands of semiarid shrub land have managed to carve themselves out between the endless conflicts between gargantuan mountains and frothing sea’s against endless copper dunes, expanses which hold the majority of all life within the region. Vast, and empty, these bands can at least boast patches of toughened grass and hardened shrubs, among which a handful of equally unique creature’s make their homes.

    -- Semiarid plateau’s --​

    Gargantuan beasts of rock, their size only exaggerated by the rapid shift from endless, flat expanse to sudden peaks, watch over a number of extensive plateaus with envious eyes. For in spite of the geographic and climate conditions a rich and diverse spread of species, both flora and fauna has managed to not only evolve, but also thrive here - Amounts of snow-melt from the highest peak providing a fleeting sustenance to the bands of hospitable land which stretch out from the base of the mountains, whilst minuscule to the true desert itself in size, these areas make up for their smaller size in diversity.

    Distant shower's upon one of the eastern plateu's, flat semiarid expanses carved out between otherwise rugged landscapes as one nears the Sotek Spine mountain range.

    -- Coastal lands ---​

    Far past the desert interior lie stretches of coast land, which in comparison with the lands behind can only be described as vibrant. At first one wonder’s at how such regions sustain life - For it is only when the moon hangs high and the tide’s gently lap in does the land reveal its secrets, A singular saving grace for the regions life - The ocean fogs. A phenomena which transforms the otherwise barren coast by night. Great banks of marine fog rise from the sea, tendrils of mist slithering out like the roots of a tree to relief blistering earth and scorching sand; Such acts of benevolence accounted to by the god’s, for even this seemingly deserted, forgotten land is not hidden from their view - Tzunki and Chaax, he who coerces the monsoon, alike bringing forth such fog’s into Chotec’s domain in an act both defiance and clemency where all else falters under the sun god’s gaze.

    The scarce coastal vegetation of the copper desert, Tree like cacti loom over the rocky shore line as one expanse shifts into another.

    --- Gorges and canyons ---

    Hidden, Tucked away behind gloomy mountains lie sanctuaries of life. Just as Chotec’s gaze falters lie the many canyons and gorges of the region, Ushered away and hidden from the twisting wind lie many miles of canyons. Etched out between the peaks run these ravines, each and every serving as bastions to all manor of species found no where else on the continent - Of which birds and pterosaurs are the most abundant

    Mercy of the canyons - Flowing water serves much of the regions native flora and fauna.

    Ranging deep enough, many of these canyons access and tap into the ever flowing deep-rooted wells of the continents water table - Resulting in an abundance of springs which trace the gorges, giving life to a web of impressive river’s and current’s, all of which serve to fuel the dense ecosystems therein.

    Yet another rare case in which the land of Lustria gives way providing mercy from the elements through both abundant shade and access to water in an otherwise desolate region.

    One of the largest of such canyons discovered between endless dunes and hostile peaks

    --- The True desert and interior ---

    Any creature, both animal and plant, that dares wander too far will find themselves here, turned to dust and baked soil, hope among them, for none can follow the gentle whisper of the desert wind too deep into the true form of the Copper desert and return.

    Scattered bone’s remind all of their fate, for this is no domain of the living - Only the silent, and the eternal.

    Consisting of a number of expanses; salt flats, plateau’s of cracked earth and dune’s, these lands are best left solitary - All merging into one as the horizon stretches onwards, The terrain itself ragged and flowing, locked into an eternal march towards oblivion.

    Rust coloured sands drift on a wind whose voice is horse and worn out - Forgotten a thousand years ago for it needed not howl when there would be none to hear it. These bronze coloured dune’s and flat’s should, and no doubt will, remain empty until time’s end.

    An insight into the barren, sun baked sands and soils of the copper desert's alien interior. The most arid place on the planet.

    ----= Flora =----

    In spite of the geographic and climatic conditions of the Copper Desert a rich variety of flora has managed to evolve here - Most, if not all species characterized by their tenacity and ability to adapt to such a hostile environment.

    Focused and dense in the semiarid area’s and surrounding coastline’s are the many varieties herb’s, shrubberies and flower’s which coat a sunbaked soil in search of water - A scarce, and much precious resource treasured by clouds above; which would rather remain sluggish, clinging onto every last drop of their rain with what could only amount to pure envy.

    Where humidity allows it occasional taller plants may dare to loom outwards, most notably collections of gnarled tree’s which somehow manage to cling onto the crumbled rockface’s of slope’s and valley’s within the semiarid regions. - Among them being the llaraxunta tree, one of the highest growing wood species in the world, such an achievement becoming a mere necessity of survival. Able to cope with the lower evening temperature’s these tree’s have developed heat retaining bark, allowing them to retain heat from the scorching day. Furthermore, the llaraxunta grows at an incredibly slow rate, making many of the solitary tree’s over 3000 year’s old - Not only an age, but also an endurance and will of preservation to rival many great saurus oldbloods, making these tree’s scared among the ranks of the sauri. A fact that gives rise to a great pilgrimage and tradition among locals of the name ‘Tonatu Kuatu” (See more in ‘Lizardmen interactions’)

    The Copper desert is also home to many cacti, succulents and other plants that thrive in a dry climate. Among them being some of the tallest and most impressive cacti across the planet, most of which are concentrated along the coastal regions and sustained on the previously mentioned marine fogs, the so called mercy of the gods. Such fortresses of spine rise above the otherwise barren landscape as fortresses of spine, reflecting the sharp coastline cliff’s and eastern mountains, able to reach towering heights of 7 meters (23ft)

    Inconspicuous, most of the Copper desert’s flora remains unnoticeable, for the most part fading into the landscape - That is until the scent of rain hangs on an stirring sky. The crackle of lightning heralds such a desert phenomenon known as the ‘Flowering desert’. In a matter of days thousands of flower’s emerge from the baked soil’s to paint the landscape in vibrance and beauty - (‘Lizardmen Interactions’) Often in reflection of the star spotted sky’s above, such once in a life time event’s hold much significance with local lizardmen populations, becoming divine observances; the sudden storms supposedly stirring many a desert spirit forth from the expanses to walk among mortals once more as echo’s of the gods to bring their blessings and good fortune upon the first - Given the name ‘Ihyotl uik in Choloqli’ (Stir of the spirits) - Observance of Potec.

    A mass blooming caused by a rare rainfall event - A once in a lifetime phenomenon signalling the so called 'Stir of spirits' a celebrated observance of Potec in local lizardmen cultures.
    Last edited: Jan 2, 2021
  14. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    ---= Fauna =---

    The climate of the Copper desert limits the number of animals living permanently here, in this extreme ecosystem. Some interior parts so arid, so hot that no plant nor animal can survive, However, as one travels further out into the semi-arid surroundings life begins to seep into the land, following the wake of water.

    - Insect’s and scorpions -
    Sand-coloured grasshopper’s blend in with the pebbles of a desert floor, whilst beetle’s and their larvae scuttle and squirm through the reddish dust - Serving as valuable food sources to the region’s birds, its most diverse and plentiful animal group. Among the insects stalk plated desert scorpions, their carapace and chitin black, black as death, for that is what their stinger promises to deliver. Crawling forth from the desert’s many rocky outcrops, the otherwise silent, cool night allows them to venture out without threat from the heat, preying on smaller insects and a number of sparse more mammalian animals.
    A black scorpion stalk's the cooling rocky ground, emerging from its burrow come night in search of prey

    - Desert Iguana’s -
    Surprisingly few reptile species inhabit the Copper Desert, and even few amphibian species, however of those that defy the heat are a handful of Iguana’s - Which, being able to withstand such high temperature’s are found active for much longer than other lizard’s without being forced into their burrows. Preferring the dry desert scrubland, these lizard’s range across most of the region, concentrated in the more habitable plateau’s and rocky outcrops. All the while feeding herbivorously on a mixture of sparse buds, fruits and leaves.

    A Desert Iguana slither's between area's of shade, seeking partial refuge from a blazing sun as it looks out into the distance, scanning the horizon for movement

    - Desert birds -
    Whilst small in individual size, the Copper Desert’s bird’s are large in number. Soaring through, empty cloudless skies they glide above the barren landscape, dipping down to follow its plentiful canyon’s in search of food. Numerous and diverse, many of such bird’s flock come dusk, rising forth from their nests and burrows which dot the canyon cliff’s in a spill of dazzling pattern’s.

    Whilst some species remain in and around the canyons year round, other’s migrate seasonally to feed on influxes of insects, nectar and flowers. One thing is for sure, wherever plant life has managed to carve out a home - So too have the Copper Desert’s birds.

    A large range of species are present across the region, ranging from the several hummingbird’s and sparrow’s which feed upon on the abundant fog fed cactus and flower’s along the coast, to great flock’s, swarms of starling’s merge into cloud’s of spiralling action, all the while flock’s of Copper Flamingo’s filter the inland salt-flat lakes for fish, plants and algae alike.

    - Dimorpholaterx -
    Amongst the sunburnt skies sail more than just mere birds - For following in pursuit of the great flocks fly the infamous Dimorpholaterx.

    Appearance and locomotion:
    Sailing on leathery wing’s, the Dimopholaterx glides high on desert thermal’s over the canyon regions, reaching unexpectedly fast gliding speeds if the harsh desert winds favour it. Furthermore, Dimopholaterx is relatively small and flat built in appearance, heavily adapted to its environment - For its skin is coated in a matted beige fur that serves to insulate the creature throughout chilly desert nights, combined with sharp claws which help it grip onto the rocky wall’s of canyons and outcrops.

    A male Dimorpholatrex cling's onto the surface of a palm, looking out from its perched position over the canyon's ready to take flight.

    Whilst possessing relatively weak eyesight, a trait unneeded by the Dimopholaterx considering the mostly barren, simple landscape, where prey has little capacity to hide these pteradons make up for it with an enhanced sense of smell and hearing - Some even going as far as to suppose they have a weak form of echolocation, although these claims are doubted. Whilst having smell is no doubt an advantage in the search of prey, its primary function resides in helping the Dimopholatrex locate both mate’s and water - Each individual releasing a distinctive musk and odor easily detectable on the wispy desert wind, which carries it far throughout their territory.

    Hunting and Diet:
    With both front facing eyes and an elongated snout which upon closer inspection is crammed with jagged teeth one can begin to assume Dimorpholaterx diet. For where there is prey, there are predators. First sighting their prey from afar, an easily feat considering the backdrop of monotnous landscape, Dimorpholaterx then close the distance before swooping into bird flock’s in the hope of catching unsuspecting bird’s in their wide mouths. Whilst not possessing the elegance, nor intelligence of other birds of prey which prefer to strike from above with outstretched claws, Dimorpholaterx crude methods are easily just as effective, the pterosaur able to repeatedly attack until it eventually lands a successful strike.

    Furthermore, Dimorpholatrex's diet does not rely on one source alone - A much needed necessity given the harshness of its environment - Among the many other sources it uses to sustain its calorific food intake are the deserts many nectar producing flowers, bats and the abundant insects which buzz and hum through the arid air, all the while Dimorpholaterx finds an additional source of sustenance through often raiding defenseless cliff-side nests for chick’s and egg’s inorder to bolster its chances of survival.

    A female Dimorpholaterx awaits any bird's hoping to feed from the desert's sparse plants in an attempt to strike an ambush

    Behavior and social:
    Communicating with one another in a series of high pitches squealing not dissimilar to Lustria’s many bat like creature’s Dimorpholatrex’s often strike out singularly, only grouping during the variable mating seasons. Unlike creature’s elsewhere, the Copper Desert’s inhabitants cannot afford to waste precious time, having to spend the majority of their activity hunting between the two extremes of scorching midday and freezing night. And as a result Dimorpholatrex is most active at dawn and dusk, spending its time otherwise resting or tending to juvenile’s within hijacked cliff-side burrows.

    As mentioned previously, Dimorpholatrex’s begin to group and consolidate come the mating season - A variable event triggered by influxes of heavy rainfall which allows the lands to not only sustain larger group’s, but also provides infants with the highest chance of survival.

    During these short period’s tensions rise higher than the region’s temperature, Territorial displays and fights breaking out between male’s, their neck pouches turning a hot red/pink. Not only do Dimorpholatrex’s fight for dominance and breeding rights, but also for survival - For as a result of so many being within the same area at once food reserves are often depleted, meaning only the strongest to endure and survive.

    Relationship with Lizardmen:
    Dimorpholatrex’s keep their distance from the roving lizardmen population’s of the Copper Desert and for good reason - If the opportunity presents itself saurus and skinks will not stray away from the prospect of quickly striking the creature’s down. Caught Dimorpholatrex’s are first skinned and stripped of their fur and hide - Which can be used as clothing, before the rest of the animal, wings and wall is hung above a fire for food, which although unpleasant and dry is a welcomed meal given the necessity.

    Not only that, but if nest raiding skink’s manage to come across a hijacked cliff side burrow Dimorpholatrex’s egg’s will be the first to be looted, treated as a nutritious delicacy split many ways when cooked, boiled or poached.

    However, Despite this many lizardmen value the signs of a healthy Dimorpholatrex population within an area, often using these creature’s as indicators of an area’s worth - For where there are Dimorpholaterx there are birds, and where there are birds, here are flower’s and edible’s plentiful. Whilst in a more sparing region the lizardmen population would allow such creature’s to go undisturbed, here there is no such option, for their hand is forced by necessity.

    - Mammals -
    Due in part because of the desert’s lack of stable food and extreme aridty only a few specifically adapted species are able to survive in the Copper Desert - Within their number being a handful of leaf-eared mouse species feeding on the desert’s fruits and berries. While in the less arid parts of the desert are small, yet no less adapted foxes - The role’s of these species are however insignificant compared to that of the Huanaco, The Copper Desert’s largest terrestrial mammal.

    - Huanaco’s -
    Small clouds of dust trickle down the steep hillside’s that criss cross the semiarid terrain which surrounds the desert’s interior - Their producer being a small herd of Huanaco’s as they graze upon all manor of dried shrubland and grass, whilst seemingly inconsequential compared to some of Lustria’s other lumbering beasts, these mammals endurance and ability to cope with such extreme’s can’t help but demand to be witnessed.

    Appearance and locomotion:
    Standing high, Huanaco’s can weigh from 90-140kg making them the largest terrestrial mammal native to the region - A feat most impressive considering the extreme conditions they survive in through a number of specific adaptations. Whilst mundane compared to other animals within the region, Huanaco’s still posses drab coats of wool, something often sought after by local lizardmen. This fur in combindantion with area’s of thick skin on their necks help to insulate them against the below freezing temperature’s of the desert come nightfall, whilst also allowing them to trek up into higher altitudes boarding the mountain ranges and serving as an additional layer of protection from any predator attacks.

    Furthermore, Huanaco’s are most numerous in the many steppes, scrublands and more mountainous area’s across the region, therefore making it no surprise they are excellent climbers, able to race over steep and rocky terrain

    Populations of Huanaco often directly correlate with the amount of forage availability, the creature’s feed during the daytime on a number of shrub’s and grasses before retreating higher up the slopes during nights. Throughout non-mating season’s most herds remain distributed somewhat evenly around area’s seasonally irrigated by melting snow, before trekking down into the heart of the desert scrubland where fresh water is less sparse throughout the cooler months.

    If one was to translate the more primitive saurian of the local lizardmen populations it would come to be ‘Desert forager’ A name which matches their ability to graze through coastal landscapes, stripping down all manor of cacti, flower’s and lichen.

    Bolstering the need’s of their diet, many Gauanco’s often lick common stone’s and rocks which are rich in salt.

    Behavour and social:
    Huanaco’s are very shy animals, easily around by intruders mainly due to their extraordinary hearing among other things - Despite this however most females have otherwise calm temperaments when there is no sign of a threat being present.

    Living in family-based groups, Guanco herd’s are often composed of 10-15 females and their young along with a dominant male, each group having its own territory which fluctuates depending on the availability of food..

    A curious herd of Huanaco's alert and ready to bolt if danger presents itself.

    When threatened, Huanaco’s alert their herd to flee with a series of high-pitched bleating calls, the male usually running behind to defend as the herd scatters across the rocky landscape, kicking up dust across the jagged, rocky terrain.

    Mating season occurs between the cooler months, during which male’s strike out, fighting violently to establish dominance and breeding rights. Many months after which mothers give birth to a singular young, any male’s being chased off from the herd after around one year of age.

    Relationship with lizardmen:
    The female’s docile nature combined with the value of their soft wool it is no surprise that local lizardmen populations often domesticate herd’s, subduing the dominant male before begging to acclimatize the individuals to life among the nomadic lizardmen populations.

    Local Lizardmen often wear Huanaco fur, harnessing its insulating properties whilst also using the herd’s as emergency food is necessity will’s it, demands which conflict with the lizardmen’s appreciation and care both herd’s both domesticated and wild - Skink shepherds caring deeply for the conditions of their creature’s, being among the few to posses the skills to sheer Guanco’s, sparse knowledge which is passed down generations.

    An isolated Huanaco searches the backdrop of shrubbery in order to reunite with its herd.

    - Borelodon -
    Appearance and locomotion:
    Hunting and diet:
    Relationship with lizardmen:

    ---= Lizardmen interactions and presence =---

    [More information coming here]


    Already finished:

    -- Location ---
    --- Intro ---

    --- The semiarid bands ---
    - Semiarid plateau’s -
    - Coastlines -

    --- The canyons and gorges ---

    --- The true desert ---

    --- Flora ---

    --- Fauna ---

    More update's and information coming soon, including but not limited to:

    ---= Lizardmen interactions and presence =---

    ---= Notable landmarks and areas of significance =---

    As always, feedback and criticisms are highly appreciated.
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2021
  15. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    I was really hoping fot a update!
    Of course, i am interested in how the lizardmen interact with the desert and the dinosaurs presence in it. :)
    Lizerd and Nazqua like this.
  16. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    Done a huge update to the 'Copper desert' Region spotlight, Splitting it up into more neatly organised segments whilst also adding lots of additional information and introducing a 'Flora' Section, 'Fauna' will be coming soon.

    As always open to criticisms and feedback, Should I put a spoiler on the Images to make them less obstructive?
    Lizards of Renown, Imrahil and Lizerd like this.
  17. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    Last edited: Jan 2, 2021
    Lizerd likes this.
  18. Lizerd
    Skink Priest

    Lizerd Well-Known Member

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    Im loving this, honestly the old army books never really fleshed out lustria to a satisfactory extent, and seeing someone doing that and in such a detailed fashion is awesome. Right now im really taking to the copper desert, and its a good taste of more stuff you have in the works

    also curious if a certain red reptile might get coveredo_O:D
    Paul1748, Imrahil, Nazqua and 2 others like this.
  19. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    Loving the create here Naz. Keep up the good work.
    Nazqua, Paul1748 and Imrahil like this.
  20. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    You can feel the passion put in it. :)

    I like them as they are. It helps in breaking the wall of text.
    Imrahil, Nazqua and Paul1748 like this.

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