7th Ed. Forest Fight

Discussion in 'Battle Reports' started by Dalkarius, Dec 29, 2008.

  1. Dalkarius

    Dalkarius New Member

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    Battle in the Forest

    I played a game against Wood Elves last night, I'll do my list, then his list, then turn by turn reports.

    My List:

    Oldblood on Carno with LA, Enchanted Shield, Burning Blade, Gleaming Pendant, Glyph Neckalce, Quetzl, and Sotek.

    Skink Priest: lvl 2, Cube of Darkness, Mark of the Old Ones

    Skink Priest: lvl 2, x2 Dispel Scrolls

    Skinks x18 w/ javes
    Skinks x18 w/ javes
    skinks x20 w/ javes

    3x Salamanders

    Kroxigors x4 w/ Ancient
    Kroxigors x4 w/ Ancient

    Chalmeleons x10 w/ Stalker


    WE list

    Highborn with Alter Kindred (9 Mvt, 9 I, and +1 Attack, 5 total)
    Spirit Sword (all hits auto-wound and enemy and him roll a die and add there ld, whoever loses suffers the number of wounds that they lost by with no saves allowed)
    Enchanted Sheild
    Amaranthine Brouch (3+ Ward save against non-magical attacks)
    Light Armor

    Two Spellsingers, both level 2 with 2 dispel scrolls

    Branchwraith Lvl 1
    Cluster of Radiants (extra dispel di)
    A Pageant of Shrikes (1 Str 4 shooting attack that always hits on a 3+)

    10 Glade guard
    10 Glade Guard
    10 Dryads
    10 Dryads

    10 Wild Riders FC with a banner that takes away a di from opponents fleeing from combat

    10 waywatchers

    6 wardancers


    That's the terrain and deployment, thw big splotches on my opponents side are dryads in the center and on the right while the splotches on the left are Wardancers. The splotches in the center are Waywatchers. The Wild Riders are the cavalry unit in the back right. The Treeman is the big model next to the Red Highborn. The wizards are plus signs on his side, the one with the Dryads is the Branchwraith. The lines are the Glade Guard.

    On my side, the plus signs are skinks, the Kroxigors are obvious, the Stegadon is the biggest mark and the Carnosaur is behind it a little. The Priest are the splotches on my side and the chameleons are the plus signs next to the forest. The Salamanders are also obvious.

    The terrain is as follows, the blue piece is a swamp, all green pieces are forests, the light brown is scattered boulders and the dark brown is a rocky crag with the red line being the only passable side. The camo green piece is tangled scrub.

    On to the battle!

    Turn 1

    WE's go first.


    My opponent advanced his Lord and Treeman into that forest, the Waywatchers advance to attempt to snipe my Oldblood, the Glade Guard scooted up a few inches and the Dyrads and Wild Riders on the left advance south, the Wild Riders making it into the woods next to the chameleons with the Dyrads a number of inches behind. The Dyrads next to the Treeman advance past the forest.

    Magic: Only spell that went off was a Tree Singing that advanced the Lord and Treeman 2".

    Shooting: The waywatchers attempted to Killing Blow the Oldblood, and were in range of their killing blow, but failed to do any harm. The rest of the shooting missed with the exception of the Branchwraith's Pageant of Shrikes that did one wound to the Stegadon.

    CC: None


    Movement: Stegadon charges Waywatchers who flee and escape. The skinks and salamanders in the center advance towards the fleeing Waywatchers, the Kroxigors on the far left advance towards the Wardancers. The skinks on the Swamp advanced towards the Dyrads for a potential shooting phase. The regular and Chameleon skinks advanced on the Wild Riders and the priest moved so he could see them. Carnosaur moved next to Stegadon and the Krox's formed up behind the Steggy.

    Magic: Second Sign went off and gave me one re-roll I never used and that was all.

    Shooting: A very succesful for Skinks. The salamanders opened fire on the Waywatchers, reducing them to one man who couldn't rally any longer. The skinks on the left threw their javelins at the Dyrads to no avail. The skinks and Chameleons on the right, however, piled a large number of shots upon the Wild Riders, reducing the 10 man unit to 4.

    CC: None

    Turn 2:


    The Lord charges the Stegadon and the Dyrads charged the skinks nearby. The Wild Riders charged the Chameleons who stood. The skinks charged by the Dryads stood and took out two with shooting. The Treeman moved off to the rest nearby the Kroxigors and the glade guard advanced more. The Dyrads on the right moved towards where the Wild Riders were.

    Magic: Nothing of true value occured, one spell singer miscasted and took a wound ending the phase.

    Shooting: The Wood Elves strike back with the Treeman's strangle roots wounding a Krox and the Glade on the left adding two more allowing the Panic test that sent the Krox's off the table. The Glade guard on the right killed a good number of skinks that decided to stick around.

    CC: In the Dyrad vs. Skinks the skinks lost by a long shot and fled but got away into the swamp. The Wild Riders surprising didn't eradicate the Chameleons but defeated them regardless and pursued next to the Priest. In the Lord's fight, he inflicted three wounds, leaving one wound on the Steggy, after which his Spirit Sword kicked in. Being Ld 10 vs. 5 the odds were not in my favor, but the dice decided to spare my army and gave my opponent a one and me a 6, inflicting no further wounds. The Stegadon did no damage in return but held his ground.


    Movement: The Carno charged the Lord and that was it for charges. The Skinks in the swamp rallied although they blocked the Kroxigors from doing anything useful. The Salamanders made a beeline for the Glade Guard before them and the skinks beside the Salamanders climbed the crag to fire at the passing Dryads. The massive skink unit on the ground headed for the Wild Riders and the Priest backed away quickly.

    Magic: The Priest by the Wild Riders got a lucky irresistable force with Forked Lightening on the incoming Dryads and killed two.

    Shooting: The big skink unit after the Wild Riders didn't have a good day and missed or didn't wound at all. The skinks upon the crag shot and brought down two more Dryads. The Salamanders coughed up scaly fireballs upon the Handlers killing 6 while only taking out 2 of the Glade Guard.

    CC: The Oldblood swiftly dealt out the Highborn and overran into the Dryads while the Steggy sat there.

    Turn 3

    Movement: The Treeman charges the Steggy who fled and got away then redirected into the Kroxigors. The Dryads charged the massive skink block without taking any casulties from javelins. The Glade guard advanced more and the Wild Riders towards the Priest.

    Magic: Casted one spell and I activated the Cube of Darkness, rolling a 5 to end the magic phase immediately.

    Shooting: The Glade guard killed another Skink and did one wound to a Salamander. The Glade Guard on the left finished off the weakened Skink unit.

    CC: The Dryads against the Carnosaur went very quickly and fled though were caught and the Oldblood pursued near the Wardancers. The Stegadon fails to rally and leaves the fight. The Treeman obliterated the Kroxigors, quickly sending them packing, leading the Treeman into the Priest hiding behind. The Skinks on the right side fought desperately against the Forest people but failed and broke somehow getting away and being sandwhiched between the Wild Riders and Dryads.


    Movement: Due to being Frenzied, the Carnosaur charged the Wardancers. the salamanders moved towards the Glade Guard. The Skinks on the right failed their rally test and ran into the Wild Riders, this caused the Skink Priest to Panic and flee to his death. The skinks on the crag hurried to join the Salamander.

    Magic: Nothing

    Shooting: The salamanders made up for their past mistake and left only one man and a wounded wizard standing amongst ashes.

    CC: The Wardancers used their Always Strike First Dance but fell to the Carnosaur anyways. The Carnosaur caught them as they fled and ended up a little ways behind the full strength Glade Guard unit. The Treeman, obviously, stepped on the Priest.

    Turn 4

    Movement: The Wild Riders move into the rocks to capture a table corner and sit there for the rest of the game. The remaining Dryads did the same moving towards the top right corner of the table. the wizard with the lone Glade Guard came to his senses and made a break for the forest. The other Glade Guard turned to aim at the Salamanders.

    Magic: Fury of the Forest is cast and kills the remaining Handlers, though the Salamanders decided the didn't care much for the Skinks anyways.

    Shooting: The Glade Guard fire and wipe out one of the Salamanders, leaving only one.

    CC: None


    Movement: Carnosaur turns to target the larger Glade Guard, the skinks advanced towards the lone archer, and the Salamander took off towards the intelligent wizard hiding in the woods.

    Magic: All wizards are dead

    Shooting: The lone Glade Guard elf is skewered and the hiding Wizard meets the fiery welcome of a Salamander.

    CC: None

    Turn 5:

    Movement: The Treeman moves where the Carnosaur would end up if he defeated the Glade Guard. The remaining wizards heads for the woods.

    Magic: A try was made for Tree Singing but the army Dispel dice halted it.

    Shooting: Shoots were fired at the Salamander with the Glade Guard, wounded but did not kill.

    CC: None


    Movement: The Carnosaur charges the Glade Guard and the Skinks along with the Salamander advance for the Wizard.

    Magic: No Priests left

    Shooting: The Salamander deftly roasted the Wizard.

    CC: The Carnosaur cleaved through the Glade Guard, pursuing right in front of the Treeman.

    Turn 6:

    Movement: The Treeman charges the Carnosaur.

    Magic: Ashes can't cast magic...

    Shooting: None

    CC: The Treeman wounds the Carnosaur twice, only to recieve 5 wounds from the Carno and many flaming blows from the Oldblood, ending the game.


    Claim table corners.

    In the end the points were at a 459 difference, giving me a Minor Victory. Hope y'all enjoyed, more to come.
  2. Dalkarius

    Dalkarius New Member

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    Does anyone know who to get a Paint picture to show on this site? It's important for this report and I don't know how to do it.
  3. Gannon

    Gannon New Member

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    first upload the picture on a site like imageshack and then do same like u did now with the

    be sure to use the link it gives to you and all should be fine ;)

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