Hey folks, does anybody has any experience with zenithal priming and Contrast paints? As far as I've read you'll need those satin finish basecoats (Wraithbone or Grey Seer) for Contrast paints to work with. According to that the only option would be a first basecoat of Grey Seer, followed by a second one slightly done with Wraithbone. But what about a first layer of Chaos Black followed by a slight layer of Wraithbone? Has anybody tried that yet? Thanks a lot for sharing your experience!
You don’t have to stick to those colours for primer.... I don’t have experience myself as I don’t have any contrast paint yet anyway but Ive watch people on YT use it on a zenithal with great results.... Go for it start at a small scale and test a few and see what you like Perhaps someone else can chip in with there actual experience
Wasn't sure if it was just the regular GW marketing talk or if it really impairs the paints. It's just that I'm preparing an order for a bunch of new paints for a project and I don't want to spent money for things that won't work well.
You just have to remember that you won’t be able to use a light contrast paint over a dark primer but been zénithal as long as it light enough or that you want shadow that dark it’s fine.... in the end you’re the one that’s got to like the look but yeah it will work. It’s marketed as a easy to transform a grey army into a painted one for nine painters... not it’s only limitation ... Actually just look at GW painting video for the iron golem if I’m not mistaken they are painting one of there contrast red over gold!!!
It's been a while since I've last swung the brush, so I figured Contrast paints would make it easier for me to get into it again. That's a cool effect! I was planning the metallic parts to be just gold, but maybe a green or blue hue would be nice...
I have no experience with zenithal prim9ng, but I've been using contrast quite a bit. First, I will note that Black Templar over black primer gives a good approximation for black. Second, it doesn't need to go just over Wraithbone or Grey Seer. It can go over any primer, although if you want to use it more as a shade, it helps to dilute it with GWs contrast medium. I haven't experimented with it, but I suspect that the lighter colors would need to be diluted less. Regular paints also go well over them. Hope it helps.