7th Ed. 2000 pts Lizzies vs Chaos Warriors

Discussion in 'Battle Reports' started by Aparach, Dec 30, 2008.

  1. Aparach

    Aparach New Member

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    My army was:

    Slann 2nd.gen. : Plaque of Tepok, battle standard, war banner 525 pts
    "Xzul-Xeltza, defender of the Blood Pyramid"

    Skink Chief: Staff of the Sun, scout, shield, light armor 104 pts

    Skink priest: Cube of Darkness 105 pts
    "Tzatenq of Aymara Swamps"

    3 Jungle Swarms 180 pts
    14 Temple Guard full command 273 pts
    10 Skink with javelins and shield 60 pts
    10 Skink with javelins and shield 60 pts
    10 Skink with javelins and shield 60 pts

    5 Kroxigor 290 pts
    3 Terradon 105 pts

    1 Stegadon 235 pts

    = 1.997 pts

    and he got something like:

    Tzeentch Sorcerer lev 4 on disc with 6 power dices and +1 on the power cast(don't know the magic items)

    A lev 2 Nurgle sorcerer and an exhaulted champ

    5 marauder horsmen with flails

    2x 5 knights

    2x 5 chaos hounds

    1 chaos spawn

    1 unit of 15-20 marauder with great weapons

    2x 10-15 chaos warriors with great weapon and extra handweapon

    The Ex. Champ was joining the warriors with great weapon(and I think he was equipped with a helm who grant ASF...), and the Nurgle Sorcerer joined one unit with marauders.

    An importent terrain chose of mine was a pound who was put at the very center of the table(and it had a major impact when it came to manuvering (praise thouse aquatic skinks and kroxis :D )

    When choosing spells, I deffinetly whanted some armorpiercing magic missiles so I went straight for Lore of Metal and aimed for the Spirit of the Forge spell. Time to Die Knights!
    Must admit I got a bit nervous cous only got thet spell on my 5th and last pick of spell... hmmm not so well, but I should have enough power dices to get it of a couple of times me thinks ;) Other than that I can mention I got all the Metal spells but the 4th spell (the 2D6 S4 hits magic missile)

    Deployment: Lizards
    from left: skinks, stegadon, temple block(6 models wide) with slann and skink priest behind,2 units of skinks with 5 kroxis behind, swarms, terradons. My scouting chief was put in the pound.

    Deployment: Chaos
    from (my)left: marauder horsemen, marauders with nurgle sorcerer, knights, chaos hounds and marauders behind, chaos warriors with exhaulted champion, Chaos Sorcerer on disc, chaos houns and warriors with extra hand weapon behind, chaos spawn, chaos knights.

    1. Round
    I won the roll and chose to begin. My left flank moved forward at a steady trot. I had put my highest strenght on that side and my plan was to refuse the other side and let him chew on my swarm for a few rounds, letting me outnumber him on the left side. My center, beeing The Slann and the Kroxies, moved slightly to the left and one of the screening skink units jump to join the chief in the pound. My chief then moved to the edge of the water, just in range to harass some warriors, and my priest took cover behind the slann and the Temple block. He only had the deafult spell, Portent of Far anyway, so I held him near to use later for any needed line of sight.
    My major plan for the Terradons was to march block one of the chaos warrior units, but my opponent had countered that with the presence of the spawn. How Anoying.. so they flew 20" to the left and ended up behind my kroxies to get another go at something else later in the game.

    My Swarms moved enough forward to draw some attention but out of reach for the knights first turn.

    Over to Magic:

    I kicked of Rule of Burning Iron, killing a Knight. I then casted Spirit of the Forge on something like 19! but it got dispeled with a scroll.

    Shooting didn't go bad either. My Giant Bow penetrated a bunch of Marauders, killing 4 of them, and my chief got 2 wounds on the badest warrior company.

    1. Chaos turn

    Basicly he moved all his unit forward, but I think he sensed my intension as he tilted some of his troops over to the left side of the table as well.

    Magic: Damn, Chaos magic is destructive :shifty:. Don't remember much of his turns, but remember that his 10 powerdices was dificult to stop and was a pain for my kroxigors..

    What turned the game in my favor was in my third turn, when my skinks got charged by some chaos hounds. They won the combat and they fled, but right through the warrior unit including the ex. champ. Then they fled, and continued the next turn off the table :) At the same time I drew out enough dispel dices to get spirit of the forge cast on the night, them all before they entered combat.

    My kroxies had charged the marauder block but they kept the kroxies at bay, occupying them for 4 turns.

    My Terries charged the General (Lev 4 Sorcerer) at one point and died(of cours) but they served their purpose nevertheless: draw his army in the wrong direction. None of his warriors got a single melee turn, and his spawn never caught my chief who jumped into the water as soon as anybody was declaring a charge at him :smug:

    My swarms got their asses kicked when the other knights chrashed into them on turn 2 or 3, but they held out one turn, and that was just as much as I needed. In my 4th or 5th turn, I turned around(my priest had succumbered for some reason I don't recall..) and once again my slann did short work of those knights killing all but one who fled the table.

    Oh, yeah my steggi and kroxies combi charged the marauders and took out everyone in one single turn! leaving only the nurgle magician to fight back :D

    any he suffered 3 misscasts during the fight :rolleyes:

    I the end it was a solide victory to the lizardmen.

    At the end, it can seems like my temple block was a bit overpowered. (they never got in the fight either). But I don't think I will change them. I just got lucky to panic thouse warriors early on, and besides Its good to have a bunch of bodygards since I rely so much on my general.. I mean... half my points were spent in that unit.. But on the other hand: if they had been put up in CC, they had a basic CR of 6 to outnumbered units... A stubborn unit to relly on ;)

    The only change I has done to the list befor the rematch(tomorrow) is: out goes one kroxigor, cube of darkness and the chief. In goes two new priests, and all three are equiped with a dispel scroll.

    So what do you guys think? I realize I got lucky with my spell casting, and had been in deep trouble if I had bumpe into some warroirs. But all in all I think my plan(or atleast to a dregree) worked out well.
  2. Dalkarius

    Dalkarius New Member

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    Over all a great game, I heavily agree with the reduction on the Kroxigors and the getting rid of the Chief. Chaos, much to my sadness, tends not to be a squishy army so the Chief has a hard time being effective. From what I read he was only useful because there was a water feature right smack middle in the board.

    However, you do have a strong advantage because your opponent has no shooting, giving you a very important phase for lizards that he won't benefit from. I personally would suggest taking out the Stegadon for Salamanders. In this fight, the Salamanders can wreak havoc quickly, hiding in water features, being hard to catch, and killing LOTS more people in destructive shooting phases. On that note Salamanders would would also be good because they can easily burn up those marauder and chaos warrior units.

    Best of luck,

  3. bryanabbo

    bryanabbo New Member

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    mauraders cant have great weopen and chaos mortals cant have great weopen and extra hand weopen they can choose between the two but great game check mine which was a solid vic to the chaos
  4. Aparach

    Aparach New Member

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    I've been gone for a year or so, but thought of doing some post again and get updated :)
    Tomorrow I'm doing a final match in a friendly torney and once again the opponent is Chaos, but this time I'm being double team'd by warriors and deamons!
    I surely will give the sallies a go this time, and if I remember I'll write a short battlereport also for you guys to go all balistic over in the aftermath ;)

    As far as your com goes "bryanabbo", this topic is over a year old, and there might have been other codecs in play at that time... But thanks for pointing out. I will check it with my friend tomorrow.

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