7th Ed. Stegadons in 8th

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Discussion' started by Skrox, Jun 19, 2010.


How would you build a stegadon for 8th edition?

  1. Regular stegadon

    6 vote(s)
  2. Ancient stegadon

    10 vote(s)
  3. Regular or Ancient stegadon with a Chief and warspear

    9 vote(s)
  4. Ancient with Priest and Engine of the Gods

    7 vote(s)
  1. msinosic

    msinosic New Member

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    Exactly! As you suggest a base with a rock works wonders or some other sort of raised something...

    But back on track to the question... I did not know which would be the best option for Stegadons in 8th Edition which is why I went the path I did. Modularity!
  2. hellbreaker

    hellbreaker Member

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    I'm just thrifty. :D

    Well then, only about a week left until we all know how well Stegadons fair in 8th, for the meantime that is.

  3. Gavrock

    Gavrock New Member

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    Before I suggest my point, I'd like to add that I only own 16 Saurus and a Slann and have recently moved over from 40k to Fantasy for the release of 8th. All of my idea's are theory based upon what I've learned from 40k.

    Now, I plan to run a Slann Ethereal Powerhouse (assuming the errata doesn't change the disciplines much), and in addition I plan to run an EotG with him. Now I only plan to run the Engine with a vanilla Lvl 1 priest. I don't plan to cast anything with my priest (unless I'm using the Slann to control the priest) unless it's a gamebreaking situation. Now for 80pts more than an Ancient Steg, I get:

    - 1 extra attempt at Channeling one Power Dice.
    - Hero slot Ancient Stegadon without Blowpipes.
    - Portent of Warding.
    - Burning Ailsement for when I'm close.

    Now is the bubble not alone worth the extra 80pts? Outside of this I've only really thought about running a Scar-Vet in a Saurus block. Am I over valuing the bubble for the points cost? Was the EotG only worthwhile running in 7th because the Miss-cast wasn't so bad? Any help will be appreciated!
  4. MI_Tiger
    Temple Guard

    MI_Tiger Member

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    The EotG is very good, and it will probably be just as good in 8th, but it comes at a much higher cost.

    Its not just a question of the EotG being 80 points more than an Ancient; you have to consider what those points count against. In 8th, each unit type is limited by a percentage of total points, not a number of slots. Since an EotG is considered a mount for the Priest, it counts against Hero points (25% of total). Taking an EotG will really limit how many other heroes you can take. At 2000 - 2500, you will likely only be able to fit in one additional hero (Scar Vet or Chief), depending on how you equip him.

    As much as I love the EotG, I just don't think I'll have enough points for it anymore unless I use an Old Blood for a Lord. If my Lord is a Slann, I want those hero points for some Scar Vets to give me some close combat punch.
  5. Gavrock

    Gavrock New Member

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    I understand where you're coming from, but where my thoughts lie with this is here: Are Scar-Vets/Skink Chief's really *that* worthwhile? I've never played, so I have little knowledge of this. To me, if I can fit in a Scar-Vet, great. I just see the EotG being able to produce more versatility than one hero in a block of infrantry. Is it my lack of Fantasy knowledge or can you not make a strong infantry block without a hero/character/lord?
  6. Caneghem

    Caneghem New Member

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    They're different enough choices that you don't need to compare them. If your EotG gets into combat you are probably going to lose your skink priest, him being T2 and a weakling. Once you lose him, you lose all the extra benefits of the EotG. So the engine works best avoiding combats and using the engine powers to blast away at things. The scar vets are for close combat punch, pure and simple. Just depends on what you need.

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