AoS line of sight

Discussion in 'Rules Help' started by Erta Wanderer, May 29, 2020.

  1. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    Yeah, that's probably why terrains as awakened wyldwood explicitly negate los in their rules

    Basically, there are only 2 ways in which a model is out of sight:
    - rules for terrains / endless spells that dictate so
    - the model cannot effectively be seen because it's behind a tower or something similar
    LizardWizard likes this.
    Skink Chief

    ILKAIN Well-Known Member

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    there is no such thing as "partial" line of sight. either you can see it or you cant.
    LizardWizard and Imrahil like this.
  3. Canas

    Canas Ninth Spawning

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    I'm fairly certain there was a F.A.Q, developer commentary or white dwarf article describing how you shouldn't be too strict about LoS; e.g. things like the very tip of a weapon poking out, although RAW make the model "visible" probably shouldn't be viewed as actually making the model visible due to that being a tad stupid as the models are merely basic representations of the creature and a reasonable assumption can be made that someone hiding behind a wall for cover isn't going to be standing with his sword raised into the sky trying to be taller than the wall for no particular reason. Assume they do things like crouch slightly, or at least try to hide behind cover if they can even slightly help it (e.g. a starpriest won't stretch out his hand when hiding behind a column, but a lord of change isn't going to be able to hide his wings as easily when hiding in the same manner)

    The general advise was something along the lines of:

    Torso clearly visible -> Clear LoS.
    Only an appendage (partly) visible -> be practical, half a fraction of a nail on an outstretched hand, like our starpriest has, probably shouldn't count, seeing half of of a lord of change his wing would count as clear LoS.
    Just a weapon, or a bit of decorative (but useless) armour like our starpriest feather's visible -> blocked LoS.
    ILKAIN, Imrahil and LizardWizard like this.
    Skink Chief

    ILKAIN Well-Known Member

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    correct and agreed, however right now, even taking the DC into consideration, whether you use the 40k 51% visible rule, the kill team torso rule, or any other rule to determine whether or not its visible, (as long as its consistent and fair to both players, or pre-determined by the TO) there is no distinction for partial line of sight. either its blocked or its not. 40k rules give big guys the cover save if a certain portion of their body is behind the terrain. THAT is (to me) a partial LOS rule... one that says well you can see it and attack, but there's gonna be interference. the closest to this we get is "look out sir", but that doesn't require the screening unit to be closer to the shooting unit than its target is as the cover rules do for 40k.

    if you thought I meant something else, I apologize for the lack of clarity espoused in the brevity of my previous response
    Imrahil, LizardWizard and Canas like this.
  5. Canas

    Canas Ninth Spawning

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    ah, thought you meant that you're either completly hidden or not, and that things like weapons poking out thus "count". Sorry for misunderstanding :p

    And yeah, I think I like the Lotr LoS rule best for partial LoS/Partial cover, for any object that's in the way and is at least ~50% of the targets size roll a dice, on a 1-2-3 you hit the obstacle whatever that may be, roll independently for every single obstacle. It's perfect for horde armies, and would help with protecting important units that aren't heroes in AoS and thus don't benefit from look-out sir (e.g. skaven weapon teams). Plus, even a single obstacle has a massive impact on accuracy this way, which makes it way easier to protect the super squishy support heroes from being annihlated whereas -1 to hit can be relativly irrelevant (let's be honest, what's -1 to hit going to do when 40 skinks shoot at you and you only have 5 wounds to begin with, however a 50% change of just flat out avoiding the attacks will have a massive impact :p...)
    ILKAIN and Imrahil like this.

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