Since I now have the rulebook, I thought I would answer any questions people have about the new edition.
As far as I can tell, there is no light or heavy cavalry. And cavalry have no rule that stops them from marching. So I believe they can march at all times.
I'm interested in any changes in the monster rules. Do shots still randomize between stegadons and the skinks on their backs? What about templates and stat tests against them?
Shooting is still randomized. 1-4 Monster, 5-6 riders. Templates hit both the riders and the monster, even if the template only touches the monster. For templates with a high-Strength hit, the high-Strength hit is randomized.
For monstrous infantry supporting attacks.. do they get a max of 3 from the second rank or can they just fight as normal?
Is the rule in there that if strength or toughness is ever reduced to 0, then the model automatically dies? I know it's a rule in 7th ed, but it seems like they must have taken it out. That could really mean some of the Shadows spells are broken...
Yes, if Strength, Toughness, or Wounds are reduced to 0, the model is slain. However, for the Shadow spells, the reduce Strength, but to a minimum of 1. For example, the Enfeebling Foe reduces Strength by D3, to a minimum of 1. So those clauses keep them from being broken.
skirmishers wander around in whats called a loose brick formation, just imagine a brick of skinks with 1/2 inch between them all instead of B2B. when they get charged/charge, they brick up in a standard brick. this means they have a front/rear, and a flank, it also looks like they wheel as normal, i didnt read too much into the stores copy yesterday. alsy they can march and shoot, at a -1 to hit(for moving and shooting) but thrown weapons(javs) ignore the penalty. just thought id help out, i was reading the book today and it looks so cool.
Fast Cavalry have Vanguard which means they can move 12" at the beginning of the battle, but with this move cannot come within 12" of the enemy. They cannot declare a charge in the first turn, if their army goes first, though. They are allowed to reform as many times as they wish during their move, even if they march. They have the Feigned Flight rule, which looks similar to the one they have now, and they can now Fire on the March, at a -1 to Hit Modifier. There is also a little blurb at the bottom which says it may be given to troop types other than cavalry, but the rule does not change the model's troop type to cavalry. Skirmishers rank up before they charge, so it seems like they follow all normal rules once they flee.
There's a spell in lore metal that switches the armour and toughness of a unit, correct? Can it be cast on models/units that don't have an armour save to outright kill them all? Cheers!
Nope, just javelins. They are now 12", Quick to Fire, which means they can always stand and shoot, and take no -1 to Hit for moving and shooting.
Does the wording of supporting attacks say something to the effect of: "...models behind fighting models gain a supporting attack" or not? And does it state anywhere in the weapon rules that you must recieve a charge to use spears?
The wording states that a model can make a supporting attack if it is directly behind a friendly model that is itself fighting an enemy in base contact. And, no, you do not need to receive a charge to use spears. The fight in extra rank with spears does not apply when the unit with spears charges however.
1)anything on salamandras can thay march and shoot? 2)is it true that armour save cant be better than 1+? 3)great weapons have any restrictions exept the ASL? something like fight only with 2 ranks? 4)dudes with bows shoot ant my saurus and they are behing skinks, do the bowmen get any penelty? 5)magic terrain: about wood we know, how about water? what random efects does it have? and what other type of terrain is given in the BRB? 6)magic, i have a slann with lore of life and he knows all spells. and i have another slann with lore life aswell but he doesnt know all spells, does he get to roll spell randomly or he can only take basic spell?? IF the second slann could generate randomly spells and get them, can the same spell be casted twice? realy thank you for answering
1) Can skirmishers march and reform like fast cav? 2) What is the "float" rule? 3) Can magic resistance be used against miscast damage (EG Slann micasts, TG has MR3)? 4) What troop type is the Slann?