Hey all. Just started working on my oldblood today, managed to get him assembled! Please take a look! any constructive criticism would be awesome! Also, sorry about my lack of skill with both green stuff and the camera! but i honestly tried my best :)
Looks like the sword from the Tomb king/prince. Looks nice. Quite simple, but effective. I approve. Cheers!
Looks good. Is that sword an intrepetation(english isn't my main language okay) of the Scimitar of the Sun.
Hey thankyou all for the comments. The sword is meant to be a Blade of Realities. Might need to do a little extra conversion work on it as well as an appropriate paint job to get that across
Hmmmm A Blade of Realities look... I always think of it as a black blade with little stars shining on it ) It will be pretty interesting to see how you paint it yourself!
mmmmmm Must level to 58 so I can travel to Outlands and kill all the void walkers... Or I can just paint ) Yeah, I see it transparent and the color of the night sky (maybe purple or black or it could even fade from one to another) but I always liked the idea of stars in it so it looks like galaxies are hidden in it and other dimensions
Yeah im thinking like a glittery kinda silver with an ever so slight pink tinge but maybe fading into solid gold at some parts.