AoS First AoS game

Discussion in 'Battle Reports' started by Toxitrixx, Jun 7, 2020.

  1. Toxitrixx

    Toxitrixx Member

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    Hi all ,

    First , i dont know know if it is the good place to post a short resume of my first warhammer's game.So sorry if i am not in the right place.

    We played with my new seraphon's army versus cities of sigmar (with some olds models that a friend gave me) . It was our first game so we have probably done some misstakes.
    I played CoS .

    Seraphon :

    Koatl's Claw

    Leader :
    -Saurus oldblood (110)
    -Skink Starpriest (120)

    Units :
    -20 saurus warriors with clubs (180)
    -10 saurus warriors with clubs (90)

    Total : 500

    Cities of sigmar :


    Leaders :

    -warden King (110)
    -runelord (90)

    Units :
    -10 freeguild guard with sword and shield (80)
    -20 longsbeards with ancestral weapon and shield (220)

    Total : 500

    The battle plan was first blood.

    Resume :

    I though it was an easy match for seraphon but big Victory from CoS.
    The freeguild guard were useless (they protect my longbeards from the saurus charge at turn 1 and all died ) but the longbeards were really strong . with all buffs they got 3+ save , hit on 2+ with the artefact The twinstone , reroll wound roll of 1 , got rend -1 with the runelord and fight two times in a turn with hammerhal ability. They were just stronger than the saurus warriors.

    I did not expect that , so maybe we did misstakes (was our first game) Do you have any advices for the saurus warriors ? Anyway we both enjoy the game and next time we will try a 750 points game !

    thanks for reading :)
  2. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    Yes, this is certainly the right place for your batrep given that it's AoS! Thanks for taking the time to discuss your first game! :)

    The Sons of Grungni are victorious! Evidently they still have some fight in them despite attempts by the Empire to claim them as a protectorate :joyful: (I play Dwarfs as well as Lizardmen so I'd have been happy with either side winning :oldman:)

    As for advice, I think I would have ditched the Starpriest and replaced him with 10 extra Warriors in the second Saurus unit, as in a Koatl's Claw list you rely upon pulverising the enemy with your Saurus rather than silly Skink spamming and teleportation. A Starpriest just isn't that helpful in such a list, especially when you're up against Dwarfs who have Runelords that are especially good at unbinding magic. Given that GW still made Saurus a horde unit with the new book, 2 units of 20 Saurus would have been a lot more effective as you would have the same amount of hitting power from both units, rather than having one weaker unit that gives the enemy a vulnerability to exploit. You could have placed the two units on either side of the Longbeards, caught them in a pincer movement and surrounded them after running over the State Troopers, allowing you to get as many attacks in as possible and giving you a lot more chance of winning I think. Also I would have tried getting the Oldblood into combat with his Runelord if possible to get rid of the rend buffs, as the Oldblood would easily be able to take him down in a one-on-one fight.
    Imrahil and Toxitrixx like this.
  3. Toxitrixx

    Toxitrixx Member

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    Hey ,

    Thanks a lot for your complete answer !
    We will apply that in our next game at 750 points .

    Thanks for your time :)

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