Pathfinder-ish Campaign...

Discussion in 'General Hobby/Tabletop Chat' started by Tk'ya'pyk, Apr 10, 2020.

  1. Lizerd
    Skink Priest

    Lizerd Well-Known Member

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    Garutis flings another rock at the same target, and it scores a heavy blow! Garutis shouts some profanity at his foe before drawing his axe and preparing to fight in hand to hand combat
  2. TheCrazyKhorneGuy
    Chameleon Skink

    TheCrazyKhorneGuy Well-Known Member

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    Drew fired his crossbow and the bolt glanced off the side of one red orc's head. From Drew's standpoint, he thought he might have clipped the ear of the orc-like creature, but he wasn't sure.
  3. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    As Izema stands guard at the starboard rail, Tarkaz takes advantage of a moment in time to lob a blessing his way, hoping that it will give the brawler an edge in the coming fight. Then he pulls his crossbow out and loads it, easily pulling the string back one-handed. Drew, standing on the aftcastle next to the minotaur, sights down his crossbow and wings one of the boarding marines with his shot. It is hard to tell from here, but you suspect he managed to give his target a new piercing in his ear. Further along the deck, Garutis hefts another, much larger rock than he'd been throwing around, and takes aim at the much closer enemy ship. It sails through the void and strikes the same red-skinned larger orc he'd hit before, but this time his target goes down and stays down!

    A few feet behind Izema, Ohmen hides in the shadow of the mainmast, and takes aim with his staff. The fire-gem mounted in the staff's head glows with an inner flame before a burst of energy flies out... missing everything. Swearing, he preps to cast another spell, but Captain Naresh, getting to her feet, suddenly shouts like a being possessed!

    "Brace for IMPACT!!!"
  4. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    As the scorpion-ship strikes Moonsister amid-ships, the sound is deafening! Between the shouts of the enemy, the crunching of splintering wood, the cracking of beams, you have never heard such a din! Ohmen is knocked flat to the deck from the impact, while Izema and Garutis manage to keep their feet. Drew, agile rogue that he is, somehow manages to ignore the impact and shoot his crossbow at his previous target... piercing the orc's other ear. Now he has a matching pair of holes...
  5. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    Growling in anticipation of his prey, Izema braces himself as the scorpion-ship rams into Moonsister. Standing his ground, he prepares to repel boarders the only way he knows how. But before he can act, he hears an odd whistling sound! Up on the forecastle, the two halflings are taking pot-shots at the attackers, even as the goblins on the opposing ship are doing the same! Goblin archery isn't much to write home about, but that doesn't stop arrows from grazing and even hitting people on your side. One goblin falls to a halfling arrow, another to a thrown weapon of some kind from Seek.

    But the star of the round is the halfling with the staff-sling. Reaching into the bag at her feet, she pulls out an unusual pouch, loads it into the staff-sling, and lets fire. It flies across the void, lands on the deck of the opposing ship, and suddenly tanglefoot! Half a dozen crew-members are trapped in the gooey, sticky mess, unable to charge onto the boarding ram! Grinning, she reaches for another bag...
  6. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    As a second tanglefoot bag arc high in the air to land on the opposing ship's deck again, Izema braces himself, then grunts in pain. A dozen goblin arrows shot towards him, and all but one were stopped by his shield. That one hurt, but beyond that he just has a shield that looks like a pincushion. Off on the aftcastle, Drew takes aim with his crossbow again and finally kills the orc he's been shooting at for two rounds.

    While he's busy removing arrows from his shield, a group of hobgoblins with curved swords and round shields make their way down the claw-ram towards Moonsister, intent on boarding the ship! Flinging the last arrow aside, Izema laughs, sweeps out a leg, and trips the leading two. It is considerably more effective than he was counting on, as his targets lose their balance and fall overboard, dropping down to the gravity plane!

    Grumbling about how hard the deck is, Ohmen gets back to his feet, glares at the archers, and starts casting a spell. While he is doing that, Seek taps his two rods end to end. With an odd clicking sound, he is suddenly holding a long, chain-linked three-piece-staff! Grinning like only a vanara can, he swings it out and knocks another hobgoblin prone! This one manages to stay on the ram, but his fellows are forced to step over him to continue their attack. Sandy has other plans. Taking that dragonscale shield in hand, she knocks her sword against it three times, then aims the face at the opposing ship. A blinding flash of light flares across its surface, making most of the goblins and several orcs flinch away, temporarily dazzled by the light!

    It is at that moment that Ohmen's spell goes off. A sudden burst of wind, seemingly from nowhere suddenly rips across both ships starting at Izema's feet! Goblins are flung across the deck into the tanglefoot fields, orcs are stunned or knocked down. Weapons are blown away, and at least three humanoids are knocked overboard by the blast of air!
  7. Erta Wanderer

    Erta Wanderer Well-Known Member

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    hmm123noblood(....meat...)sofarthatsgoodseeknearkeepsafepainisignored123sandynearkeepsafefightingnowhealinglatter(meat)bloodmistnothearyetfreands nearkeepsafe123
    the dance has started and izema is in his element he laughs the hobs fly off "is this violent enough for you seek?!"
  8. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    Whilst the chaotic burst of mystic flame that had been emitted by his staff fizzled off into the infinite blackness of the void Ohmen spoke aloud. The faint glimmer of distant stars, those who are forced to endure an eternity of solitude, witnessing each word.

    Having Hammered his staff into the ground, Ohmen steadied himself...

    “Ypkrity hasdulq pyparuyw. Szyid zmyur kryizm, farty zmyp za zmyur clyyw!” (Embrace Howling memories. Steal their breath, Force them to their knees!)

    His words were instantly whipped away on howling winds which blasted fourth to tear through the vessel’s deck. Sending several of the smaller enemies sprawling to the floor whilst some smaller loose items and debris on the ship deck are whisked away. Whilst three figures are ripped from the ship entirely, cast out into infinite nihility.
  9. TheCrazyKhorneGuy
    Chameleon Skink

    TheCrazyKhorneGuy Well-Known Member

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    Drew watches his crossbow bolt fell the ear-less orc, he knows he doesn't have time to shoot again because the hobgoblins, goblins, orcs, and the weird red creatures are already boarding the ship. Drew sees his group standing together and fighting off the green and red skinned menace, and a smile of pride crosses Drew's lips. He moves to stand beside Izema and Garutis with is punch daggers ready to stab the foes off their ship.
  10. Lizerd
    Skink Priest

    Lizerd Well-Known Member

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    Garutis readies another rock, preparing to hurl a last time before he closes in the melee!
  11. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    Laughing, Garutis lobs another rock into the melee, smashing another orc to the ground. Back on the aftcastle, Tarkaz sights his loaded crossbow. Taking aim at one of the prone goblins, he aims, fires, and pins the goblins' throat to the decking! That's one goblin who won't be getting up anymore!

    In the meantime, the hobgoblins on the claw-ram are the only opponents still active! They try to speed up a little, stepping over their fallen comrade, but that brings them within reach of Izema. The other opponents are struggling to get to their feet...
  12. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    Speaking of Izema, he stands, waiting, until the trio of hobgoblins approach, then lunges forward. One, two, three, he strikes them all as they move into his reach. Two die instantly, the third only lasts a moment longer before Seek's three-piece-staff clocks the humanoid in the back of the head, killing him. Sandy grumbles under her breath about kill-stealing glory hogs. Thinking for a moment, she opts to sheathe her sword, and picks up a boarding axe from a rack near the aftcastle stairs. Venturing out to stand a bit in front of Izema, she asks the brawler to cover her and starts hacking at the claw-ram holding Moonsister captive.
  13. Lizerd
    Skink Priest

    Lizerd Well-Known Member

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    Garutis charges towards the orcs, finished with throwing rocks. He finds the biggest and fattest of the orcs and lunges, he strikes down, ready to cleave his foe in half!

    he also forgot to eat lunch so hopefully the orcs can give him a pointer
  14. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    Meanwhile, Garutis has finally gotten fed up with throwing rocks. Getting to his feet, he hefts his axe and leaps forward! Not bothering with the claw-ram, he takes a running start and leaps across the void, easily clearing the distance and planting his feet on the scorpion-ship's deck, just past their ruined ballista! He lets out a blood-curdling, hungry roar, takes a step forward, and proceeds to kill the first orc he comes across! This also happens to be the fattest orc on the enemy ship. His swing not only killed the orc, but also chopped off it's arm! Growling, the neanderthal picks up the fallen orc's arm and takes an enormous bite out of it!

    All around him, enemy boarding marines and archers, still half-blind from the flash attack and stunned by Ohmen's wind-blast, stop what they're doing and stare at Garutis in shock and horror!
  15. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    A moment later Garutis frowns as the deck under his feet begins to shudder. Over on the claw-ram, Sandy stops her axe-work and backs away. "Hey, big guy, you better back up! I think the orcs are pulling back!"

    Indeed, a moment later Moonsister gives a lurch as the claw-ram disengages from her hull! Some of the crew start to cheer, but most are focused on lifting the broken spar still. Drakk, you have been momentarily stunned from the impact. Apparently, the helm has some kind of sympathetic magic built into it, as you felt that claw-ram hit the side of the ship as if someone had struck you in the side! As it pulls out, you can feel a kind of gaping hole in "your" side, but you are no longer trapped to the scorpion-ship!

    In the meantime, Garutis puts two and two together and realizes that his ride home is leaving! Dropping the orc's severed arm, he backs up to the scorpion-ship's railing and pulls out a rope! But before he can do anything, the goblins get to their feet and draw daggers and short swords...
  16. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    Luckily for the neanderthal, goblins (at least those with basic training) aren't good warriors. They cannot penetrate Garutis' armor, and he takes no damage from their attack. Somehow, despite being actively attacked, he manages to throw his rope directly towards Izema! Trusting that the shark-man has caught the rope, he jumps ship. It is the work of a moment for Izema, with Seek's help, to pull Garutis in.

    Back on the ship, the crew are finally able to lift the fallen mast from their fellow, with the help of Drew and Tarkaz. Unfortunately, the fallen steersman did not survive the hit. His body, covered by a scrap of sailcloth, lies in state on the aftcastle deck. The broken mast has been moved off to the side of the main deck. Captain Naresh asks Tarkaz and Drew to carefully remove all of the metal fittings from the broken mast so the undamaged ones can be reused.

    Besides the mast, there is some damage to the helm room, where a ballista bolt smashed the starboard-side window before embedding itself in the port-side wall. But the real issue is in the galley. Between the ballista bolt that destroyed Sandy's cookstove and the claw-ram smashing through the wall, the galley just isn't there anymore.

    But that's not all!

    Having retrieved Garutis, you notice that the crew, already leery around him, are now avoiding him like the plague. Even Captain Naresh is casting odd looks in his direction. Distracting him with a leg of mutton, he is directed back to his taaaaaaarp, as the ship limps onwards towards Vyapor...
  17. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    Forced to steady himself Ohmen leans heavily onto his staff. The bones of his legs physically aching as the tremors from the enemy ship’s disengage ripple through a somewhat splintered deck.

    The changeling’s whole body is wracked with the tension of battle. His eyes. His skin. Everything burns with fleeting fury.

    Deep breath…

    Gritted teeth. Sharp malice on a twisted tongue. If only he could see those goblins burn.

    Deep. Breath.

    Ohmen watches as the ship fades away, its image burned into his vision. Behind Wisdom nervously flutters down, cautious to ensure that the ship was in fact fleeing.

    With the raven at his side Ohmen's anger slowly vents and fades with each passing breath. Closing her eyes Wisdom speak’s, slowly and calmly.

    “The R-Rage, The B-Bitterness of b-battle. They are afflictions, Do not f-feed them Ohmen.”

    “Fog before the sunrise. Clouds in the mind.” Ohmen spits.

    “Passion and Judgment. Pursue them instead, Seek Clarity Among ChAOS.”

    “Eclipse of focus over emotion.” The changeling replies, the whole time not turning to face Wisdom. His eyes instead still watch as the ship fades, the emotions of battle with it.

    Slowly turning around Ohmen Pulls his cloak’s hood back up. Not shedding a glance to Izema or the others he begins to walk past the fallen crewmate. Only returning to kneel by the dead man's side convinced by Wisdoms longing, fascinated gaze and softly spoken words of both the beyond and death.

    Sitting for a few seconds he need not speak, For silence was the language of all, both dead and alive. Whilst to his side the raven insists on taking one of the candles, scrawling some strange symbols into its wax before setting it aflame at his feet with wishes of guidance and peace.

    Eventually, the changeling gets to his feet, returning the captain's glare with one of his own.
    Last edited: Jun 20, 2020
  18. DeathBringer125

    DeathBringer125 Well-Known Member

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    Drakk clutches at his sides, it felt almost as if he was pierced when the claw latched on. Drakk calls out to Rasmus "Hey Rasmus! We set to go? Or does the ship need repairs first?".
  19. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    "Whether we like it or not," he replies, "we are going. We do not have the supplies on hand to enact repairs ourselves," he tells you. "We are close enough to Vyapor to limp into port at our destination, so we will continue on our way as expediently as we can." Surveying the damage, he shakes his head and leans heavily on the table. "The damage is extensive. I do not think we will be leaving Vyapor for a long time."
  20. DeathBringer125

    DeathBringer125 Well-Known Member

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    Drakk nods to Rasmus before accelerating the ship and turning it to Vyapor. Drakk could wait for his shift to end, he was quite exhausted and would love to dig into some of the star charts he got! Not to mention the crystals, he would definitely investigate them for any strange properties. As Drakk was thinking something hit him suddenly.... If he had an uncle who was a Dragon, that would make him 1/4th Dragon! The thought of finally struck Drakk and he grew very excited, at least he would have some energy to pilot the ship!

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