Pathfinder-ish Campaign...

Discussion in 'General Hobby/Tabletop Chat' started by Tk'ya'pyk, Apr 10, 2020.

  1. Lizerd
    Skink Priest

    Lizerd Well-Known Member

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    Garutis looks at Eugene, and at Drakk. He has never heard the word "tav-urn" seems like fun. Garutis and Eugene get up and follow follow Drakk to the inn. These people seem to know where the best lunch can be found
  2. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    Getting to his feet, Eugene nods and gestures with one of his three-fingered hands towards the tavern. <Yes,> a voice suddenly echoes in everyone's head, <let us do that! Shiro!> That last mental shout is directed away from you, but you can still hear it. A moment later an olive-skinned man with black hair walks slowly down the gangplank. He is wearing unusual armor. Horizontal strips of leather, with a long, metal-reinforced leather skirt, shoulder- and arm-guards of stiffened leather, leather greaves, and a broad, conical leather hat. All of the armor has an oddly tarnished look to it. Like it used to be a lighter color, but is now an almost uniform dark brown, almost black color. A pair of swords are belted at his waist. One long curved blade, and one shorter curved blade. He walks down the dock towards you and takes up a bodyguard position next to Eugene.

    <This is Shiro, my bodyguard. My people are not well liked in, well, anywhere,> the mental voice explains. <So I keep Shiro with me to fend off anyone with less than polite intentions.>
  3. Lizerd
    Skink Priest

    Lizerd Well-Known Member

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    Garutis nods at his buddy and offers to shake Shiro's hand

    "Ah frined of Eugene is a frined of Garutis"
  4. TheCrazyKhorneGuy
    Chameleon Skink

    TheCrazyKhorneGuy Well-Known Member

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    Drew nods respectfully to Eugene and Shiro before asking, "If you don't mind my asking, who are your people?" inwardly, Drew is still a little bit confused at how Eugene is talking inside of Drew's head
  5. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    Shiro appraises the monster of a man before him. He considered himself a man of excellent perception of people, but even more than that he feels a strange kinship to this man,

    “Greeting Garutis, May Justice find you a way”
  6. Lizerd
    Skink Priest

    Lizerd Well-Known Member

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    "Ju-st-ice?" Garutis looks puzzeled. "Me never heard dat wurd"
  7. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    Eugene seems to be trying hard not to laugh. <Just-ice, Garutis. That cold stuff you put into beer to make it more cold.> Turning to the rest of you, Eugene seems to pause for a moment, glances over at Shiro, then seems to sigh. Reaching his hands up, he pulls his hood down, and you all take a step back. Well, everyone except for Garutis, who is used to this. Under his hood, Eugene has a large, bald head, small, beady black eyes, and a half-dozen wriggling tentacles surrounding a three-point beak!

    <Yes,> says... <I am an illithid. Technically, my name is Aeyudjiin. Eugene is close enough, though. Before you ask, my people used to, um, well...> For a tentacled monstrosity from the deeps, he looks quite embarrassed. <Let us just say that his people used to be on our food chain. But a long time ago their god kind of, well, my people - at least in this sphere - eat a special kind of fungus these days. I met Garutis a long time ago, in his home territory. There are certain herbs that only grow in that area, that, well...> Grinning with that weird tri-shaped beak, he waggles his pipe.
  8. DeathBringer125

    DeathBringer125 Well-Known Member

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    Drakk turns back to Eugene and says "Hmmm I've read about Illithids but never seen one in person!". Drakk reaches out to shake Eugene's hand and continues saying "Do you own this ship? And if so, do you need a crew?"
  9. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Walking down the road Tarkaz can smell food in the air, and in front if him the Tavern. He had paid little attention to much of what had been going on, very focused on finding a room to put his belongings safely in. He did however look down at his Mimmoth who he had decided to name her "Lil'usk" for the little tusk that had begun to show recently.

    Lil'usk walked gleefully on her leash with Takraz, she looked side to side taking in the busy scene about her. Carts, vendors, strange things.....the little mimmoth didnt know what to make of her new surroundings.

    Tarkaz couldnt help but smile

    Looking around he noticed Ohmen and the raven
  10. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    <Does anyone truly own a ship?> the illithid asks. <Hah, just kidding. Yes, Spinrifter is mine! Crew? Hmm. Yes, I don't really need a crew, as per se. My ship has some interesting modifications that permit me to fly her without much of a crew. Really, it is just myself, Shiro, and some puppets I use as boarding defenders. But that said, if you need to go somewhere, I am open to taking on passengers! No charge since you are friends of Garutis!>
  11. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    As Tarkaz walks down the street, a few kobolds spy his mimmoth. To the minotaur's delight, the kobolds think his mimmoth is adorable and seem genuinely happy to see it!
  12. DeathBringer125

    DeathBringer125 Well-Known Member

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    Drakk smiles at Eugene and exclaims "I will definitely keep that offer in mind! It was a pleasure to meet you.". Turning to Garutis and Drew he says "Sorry for the delay, but I would like to talk to the group before every scatters. If you are willing, I say we head to the Tavern with Tarkaz and Ohmen and get a nice meal and discuss continued work.". Drakk then starts heading the same direction Ohmen went to the Tavern.
  13. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Tarkaz smiles at the Kobolds and then walks into the Tavern and walks uo to the counter, "Is this where I find lodging?"
  14. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    Shiro watches the disparate group head towards the tavern. Even though they are different in size, statue and manner he senses a common thread running through the entire party. It feels like an echo of his former life, among his family, his faith...

    Adjusting his sword belt, he resolves to feel out the members. Instinctively scanning the surroundings for threats to his charge, he thinks his question to Eugene.

    "Are we joining them? They seem a motley crew, but with a thread of honor running through them like a seam of gold through stone."

    His hand rests lightly on his Tachi as he makes no eye contact with his employer, his gaze outwards and sense honed for movement.
  15. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    Having sent Wisdom to inform the others Ohmen enters the tavern with one last breath of fresh air. Almost immediately he is consumed by its dense atmosphere, one that was as alive as his own mind… and it was barely 5, evening and darkness yet to come.

    Walking with purpose he arrives at the counter, resting his hands on its sticky surface patiently. It is clear people are somewhat reluctant to serve him, but they eventually come round and ask what he needs.

    Tossing them a copper coin Ohmen asks for a large glass of water, and a smaller bowl for his bird. Working on the Assumption that animals were allowed in such a building, especially, if they were just a harmless Raven? He would buy a hot meal when the others arrived… If… If the others arrived…

    ‘Why wait in the first place, He had no allegiance to them? What good would they bring to him?’

    The questions of an overactive mind began to roll in as he took a seat on one of the larger round tables tucked into the room's corner.

    Despite the fact there was only a single person, soon to be two when Tarkaz had finished up, sitting on a table for around 10 no one insisted on asking the silent, tall cloaked figure to find seating for a smaller amount, for obvious reasons.

    Placing his drink down, so that its noise was somewhat pronounced, Ohmen sits. Thinks. Waits. Even whilst the tavern atmosphere flickers and dances around him, he is silent. Still.

    ‘You wait for others you do not need’

    Ignoring the voice he continues thinking, besides, it was only a common goal and a common end that bound them… yet, here he still was…

    Rather suddenly he jolts up from his seat and as a result a few of the people nearby are somewhat startled. Slowly he begins to walk away from the table... and doesn't return.

    A few minutes later, however, a singularly striking young adventurer arrives at the same table. sitting down neatly upon the same seat, breathing in the atmosphere before picking up the water from where they had left off.

    If he was to learn of this place, what better way to do it than talk to its peoples?

    This human adventurer, she wore a much simpler cloak. Its colour was a neutral ochre, which went well with soft, pale skin. Likewise, they had high boots, the kind any self-respecting adventurer would, and a tattered bag upon their side with no visible weapons.

    There is a certain spark of innocence and youth in her blue eyes. Furthermore, a slight smile painted on a ruddy, warm face which is surrounded in a small sea of wavy brown hair that cuts to around the shoulder.

    Having told the others directions and a location, Wisdom returns. As expected, the birds entrance into the establishment stirr’s movement behind the counters… though before any could act the Raven gently flutters over to the younger adventurer, drawing much attention to them.

    As strange as it was, Wisdom could see through those innocent eyes.

    Its dark feathers contrasting greatly with pale skin and light cloak, the raven perches upon the edge of the table. Moments later, Ohmen, or rather the adventurer, slides the small water-filled bowl towards the bird, who gently sips at it, the water giving Wisdoms beak a glossy sheen.
    Last edited: Jun 23, 2020
  16. Lizerd
    Skink Priest

    Lizerd Well-Known Member

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    As the group sits at a table Garutis makes it clear why he is hear
    "U guys have led me to da best lunches I got in while" Coming from Garutis this would mean that he would be willing, but also eager to accompany the party on further adventures.
  17. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    It doesn't take long before Garutis is noticed, primarily from the commotion he brought with him, which only further added to the heavy atmosphere. Perking up, the adventurer quietly stands, having gently pushing her chair back in before approaching the neanderthal with a slight smile.

    As to not confuse him, they first signal towards the presence of both Tarkaz and Wisdom, the familiar bird who now perched upon the table's curved edge. Hoping that Garutis would understand, the traveller neatly draws out a chair, inviting him over.

    After a few nods, as to imply they were listening, they get up, walking over to the counter. And as they do so their bright, simple clothing gently flows with them and each step.

    Taking note of the several signs and lists they approach, standing a few moments before speaking. Their voice is soft and somewhat shy, despite that each word seems to loop into the next.

    “Er, Excuse me.. Could you remind me of what meals and beverages you serve here? And for what cost? Thanks”

    Ending with a preemptive thanks she quietly waits, glowing warmly as the tavern atmosphere dances around her. It would be interesting to see how, or if at all the response differed from the one she, or rather ‘He’ had got earlier.
  18. DeathBringer125

    DeathBringer125 Well-Known Member

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    Drakk takes a seat at a fairly large circular table with Ohmen, Izema, Tarkaz, Drew, and Garutis. After everyone gets seated and has their food delivered Drakk gets right down to business. Looking around the table Drakk says "Me and Izema have worked together for a long time together, we have been through alot of companions in our time.... But none of them have fought like you did on the Moonsister. While we are not employers ourselves, we try to recruit mercenaries to help do jobs. Essentially you join us, me and Izema hunt out work, and we all reap the benefits since most people are looking to hire larger groups that know each other. The better we work together, the more reputation we get, the more reputation we get, the more work we get, and the more work we get, the more money we make! Heh we call ourselves Maxim 37, a nod to an old mercenary code my mentor gave me. It basically means, there is no overkill, there is only open fire and reload! Always got a chuckle out of that. Now before you answer, there are a couple of minor terms for joining. Firstly, no in fighting in the group.... Or random acts of violence... (Drakk looks at Garutis). Secondly, the job must be completed, no slacking off when there is work to be done. And finally, no stealing or pretty much anything else that might anger your fellow companions. All pretty obvious rules, but failure to comply could result in permanent and immediate termination. Now I'm sure you may want to think, so let me treat you all to a round of drinks!". Drakk waves the bartender over and orders a tankard of decent beer for the group, excluding himself. And continues to eat his meal while the party mulls it over.
    Last edited: Jun 23, 2020
  19. TheCrazyKhorneGuy
    Chameleon Skink

    TheCrazyKhorneGuy Well-Known Member

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    Drew looks around at the weird assortment of characters in their little group, and found it ironic that the smallest of them was doing all the business. Drew looks at Drakk and nods slightly, a small smile on his face, "I think I'll stick around with this group, at least for a little while."
  20. Lizerd
    Skink Priest

    Lizerd Well-Known Member

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    Garutis has forgotten why he was hear, and differs all judgment to Eugene. He begins to tear into the half cooked leg of a goat he got for throwing shiny rocks at the bar tender

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