AoS Sud's Thunder Lizard Rules - With Testing Now!

Discussion in 'Seraphon Discussion' started by Sudsinabucket, Aug 17, 2019.

  1. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    I have no issues with you playing around and sharing your ideas:)

    I really like the garrison idea, though I'm confused about the skink priest master, I'm assuming it would work the same way as the Stegadon or am I misinterpreting? How many points would she now cost? Has she lost her command abilities?
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  2. Egres

    Egres Well-Known Member

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    Yeah the SPM would work similar to the steg.... TL she’s just a big beast/tank/truck .... out of every other monster unit the only one not having a rider is the DS and well idk who’s stupid enough to ride that thing lol ....
    The SPM would just tell the TL what to do and what not I’m thinking the SPM ride her throne when there just walking about but when there going to war she pop up by her head to be closer and have better control etc...

    Point wise who knows haven’t gone that far yet...

    And well she probably lost her command ability but the SPM would just pick it up idk yet I was just to tired last night to keep going lol so I posted what I had done so far!!

    I try to rewrite some stuff closer to what it’s been writing now a days and simplified it a little.... she got lots of text lol.... and realizing it’s not easy but lots of fun!! Hehhe
    Lizerd and Sudsinabucket like this.
  3. Egres

    Egres Well-Known Member

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    She is depending what you equip her with worth 5-7 steg so ..... now I’m thinking since she got 2 EoTG she should have a similar roll table or something since on top of that she’s equip with a gigantic bearer banner!! Damm now I forgot about those in the description
    Lizerd and Sudsinabucket like this.
  4. Egres

    Egres Well-Known Member

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    Cosmical Engines:

    The Engine of the Gods is an
    ancient device, so powerful that
    it is capable of disrupting the
    natural laws of the universe.

    In your hero phase, you can make 1 cosmic engine roll for 1 model with this ability. Roll 2D6 for each EotG that the TL is equip with. If there is a friendly Slann within 12" of this model, it can flex its will to better control the engines; roll one additional dice, then discard dice down to 3 and consult the following table.

    *Do all affect twice if model is equip with 2 EotG, once from each howdah.

    Roll Effect

    2-3: The Engine of the Gods shakes violently as the universe resists its pull.

    This model suffers D3 mortal wounds.

    4-8: The Engine thrums furiously and a brilliant white light shines forth.

    Heal D3 wounds allocated to this model and each friendly Seraphon unit wholly within 12" of this model howdah (roll separately for each unit).

    9-13: Bolts of azure energy shoot from the Engine and engulf the foe.

    You can either pick 1 enemy unit within 24" of this model howdah that is visible to it and its suffer D3 MW, or roll 1 dice for each enemy unit within 12" of this model howdah that is visible to it. On a 4+, that unit suffers D3 mortal wounds.

    14-17: A sudden pulse of starlight heralds the manifestation of new SKINK unit.

    You can set up 1 unit of SKINK (no MONSTER) wholly within 12" of this model and more than 9" from any enemy units, or you can garrison the unit, and add it to your army.

    18: Time crawls to a halt around the mighty ThunderLizard.

    After this turn, you can immediately take another. You can only have this effect happen once a turn, any other subsequent effect count as having rolled 14-17 instead.

    Ok here is what i came up with so far for EotG equip TL

    im thinking everything thats equip on the howdah should be limited in some ways to the howdah distance etc from there howdah... when you look at a steg for exemple its only got the one howdah and well it cover the hold steg sow from model make sense now this beast of TL wouldnt work making everything reach the complet board by been in the middle and that not right if there a bow of the left side it cant shoot right ?!? to me anyway lol.

    now point wise since not everyone can or will build the same size TL with the same amount of howdah etc im thinking point should be split per items equip on the TL.

    this is ruff here and ive not think about it for to long just free styling the point here as im typing down lol

    TL : 1000
    big howdah: 80
    small howdah: 40
    bow: 50
    sunfire: 50
    EotG: 70
    bearer: 30

    limiting 2 equipement per big howdah and 1 for small howdah, 8 crew per big and 4 for small, 10 wound capacity for the big and 5 for the small ones

    with what you got setup youre looking at 1600 point for your TL

    now something for the bearer.....
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  5. Egres

    Egres Well-Known Member

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    A Skink Oracle on ThunderLizard is a single model armed with a Celestial’s Staff and Celest Bolt.

    This model’s ThunderLizard attacks with its Crushing Jaws, Titan Stomps and Armoured Tail.

    GAIT: This model can gait; When this model makes a normal move, it can pass across models with a wounds characteristic of 9 or less, as well as terrain pieces that are equal to or less than 6", in the same manner as a model that can fly.

    CREW: This model has a skink crew that attack with Meteoric Javelins and the following weapon options: Skystreak Bow; or Sunfire Throwers. For rules purposes, the crew are treated in the same manner as a mount.

    Howdah: This model include Howdah’s on its back and sides, Big Howdah and Gigantic Howdah. ThunderLizard Howdah’s are very versatile from transporting units to carrying weapons and ancient device; Skystreak Bows, pairs of Sunfire Throwers, Engine of the Gods (Max 2 per model) and Gigantic Astrolith. All distance are measure from the howdah the device/weapon is attach too, everything must have line of sigh from there respective howdah.

    Aztec Transport: This model can be garrisoned by friendly Seraphon models with wound characteristics of 8 or less even though it is not a terrain feature.

    Halve this model’s Move characteristic and it cannot GAIT if its surpass its normal capacity in its garrison. Units cannot join or leave this model’s garrison if it has made a move in the same phase (they can join or leave before it does so). Models in the garrison are not counted towards gaining control of an objective.

    An attack made by a weapon that is in range of this model can target either this model or a unit in its garrison. If this model is destroyed, before it is removed from play, roll 1 dice for each model in its garrison. On a 1, that model is slain. Set up any surviving models wholly within 3” of this model and more than 3" from any enemy units.


    Attacks Characteristic:
    All attack characteristic will be for one single unit of its kind.


    Celest's Herald: At the start of your hero phase, roll 2 dice for this model. On a 4+, you receive 1 command point.

    Celestial’s Staff:
    At the end of the enemy charge phase, you can pick 1 friendly SERAPHON unit wholly within 18" of this model. That SERAPHON unit can shoot or attack.

    Thunder Conduit: If this model is equip with an Gigantic Astrolith, Add 1 to casting rolls for friendly Seraphon Wizards while they are within 12" of any models with this ability. In addition, add 6" to the range of any spells cast by friendly Seraphon Wizards while they are within 12" of any models with this ability. (Add 2 to casting rolls for SKINK that are garrison and this model)

    Gout of Sunfire: Do not use the attack sequence for an attack made with Sunfire throwers. Instead, roll a number of dice equal to the number of models from the target unit within 8" of the attacking model. For each 5+, the target unit suffers 1 mortal wound.

    Armoured Neck:
    Ignore negative modifiers when making save rolls for attacks that target this unit. In addition, roll a dice each time you allocate a wound or mortal wound to this unit. On a 6, that wound or mortal wound is negated.

    Imposing Statue: Subtract 1 from the Bravery characteristic of enemy units if they are within 12" of any friendly units with this ability.

    Crushing Fall: If this model is slain the controlling player picks anywhere on the battlefield within 4" of the this model, any units within 4" suffer D6 Mortal Wounds.

    Thunderous Gait: Roll 1 dice for each enemy unit that got gait, in addition roll 1 dice for each enemy unit that is within 1" of this model when this model finishes a move. On a 2+, that enemy unit suffers D3 mortal wounds if it is a Monster or D6 mortal wounds if it is not a Monster. Subtract 1 from the Bravery characteristic of enemy units that suffer damage from this ability.

    Thunder Engines: At the start of your shooting phase, you can make 1 thunder engine roll for 1 model with this ability. Roll 2D6 for each EotG that the TL is equip with. If there is a friendly Slann within 12" of this model, it can flex its will to better control the engines; roll one additional dice, then discard dice down to 3 and consult the following table.

    Roll Effect

    2-3 The Engine of the Gods shakes violently as the universe resists its pull.
    This model suffers D3 mortal wounds.

    4-9 The Engine thrums furiously and a brilliant white light shines forth.
    Heal D3 wounds allocated to each friendly Seraphon unit wholly within 12" of this device howdah (roll separately for each unit).

    10-14 Bolts of azure energy shoot from the Engine and engulf the foe.
    You can either pick 1 enemy unit within 24" of this device howdah that is visible to it and its suffer D3 MW, or roll 1 dice for each enemy unit within 12" of this device howdah that is visible to it. On a 4+, that unit suffers D3 mortal wounds.

    15-17 A sudden pulse of starlight heralds the manifestation of new SERAPHON unit.
    You can set up 1 unit of SERAPHON of 10 CCP or less wholly within 12" of this model and more than 9" from any enemy units, or you can garrison the unit, and add it to your army. If your model is equip with 2 EotG you can combine the affect and put down a 15 CCP unit instead.

    18 Time crawls to a halt around the mighty ThunderLizard.
    After this turn, you can immediately take another. You can only have this effect happen once a turn, any other subsequent effect count as having rolled 14-17 instead.

    Do all affect twice if model is equip with 2 EotG.


    This model is a Wizard. It can attempt to cast 2 spell in your hero phase and attempt to unbind 2 spell in the enemy hero phase. This model knows the Arcane Bolt, Mystic Shield and Comet’s Call spells.

    Comet’s Call:His consciousness soaring up to the heavens, the caster summons a cluster of comets before casting them into the enemy’s ranks.

    Comet’s Call has a casting value of 7. If successfully cast, you can pick up to D3 different enemy units anywhere on the battlefield. Each of those units suffers D3 mortal wounds (roll separately for each). If the casting roll was 10+, pick up to D6 different enemy units instead of up to D3.


    Look Out Savagery:
    At the command of Skink Oracle the ThunderLizard lets out a loud below that drives nearby seraphon into deep focus.

    You can use this command ability in the combat phase. If you do so, pick 1 friendly Seraphon unit wholly within 24" of a friendly model with this command ability. Until the end of that phase, if the unmodified hit roll for attacks made by that friendly Seraphon unit is 6, that attack scores 2 hits on the target instead of 1. Make a wound and save roll for each hit. A unit cannot benefit from this command ability more than once per phase.



    Alright guys

    Let me know what you guys think!! Anything that could be mod etc...

    Sudsinabucket I did a few change it should suit you better now she’s let into skinks now and more Seraphon overall!!!

    Lizerd and Sudsinabucket like this.
  6. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Ok! So, finally gonna sit down today and get working on these, been busy building and planning the model

    One cool idea that was brought to me by a friend was the idea of having some sort of payload attached to the Howdah to defend her more vulnerable underside. In his words:

    "OK, well the underside is it's weak point, correct? Well as defense how about a terrordon tactic? It could have defensive stones, salamander saliva pouches (liquid fire) or troglodon spit pouches that skinks could cut for a bomb like effect thats a one time uses per pouch. Have them hanging and Skinks cut the pay loads rope/vine"

    I thought this was a super cool idea and even if not a rule will likely sculpt a few saliva/spit pouches to hang from underneath regardless.

    Going to reread the rule suggestion above today alsontonrefresh my memory!

    Thanks yall!
    Lizerd likes this.
  7. Egres

    Egres Well-Known Member

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    It’s indeed a nice ideal.... i mean there would already be the skinks javelins.... oh wait yeah I didn’t include there melee profil well cause there all the way up there but with that in mind umm we could have its 1in attack back, I like it...
    Lizerd likes this.
  8. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    They dont need a melee attack honestly I dont think? I doubt anything is making it up to the howdah except flying units

    So I dunno, thought this could be a cool mechanic and just a fun thing to add to my own personal lore.

    Both either way would be easy to implement
    Lizerd likes this.
  9. Egres

    Egres Well-Known Member

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    i try incorpering the "pouches" as mention let me know what you think.... i cant put any lore any where as there is no space unless one do it in 2 sheet put i still need to make another one for the building rule howdahs etc...

    Attached Files:

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  10. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    First thing I noticed are the names....which for your own rules are fine, but ill have to chsnge all of them as my TL has a name already

    Going to look over the rules again after dinner!
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  11. Egres

    Egres Well-Known Member

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    That’s fair I didn’t expect you to take said name!!

    Going with the flavour and all I put one in there for fun and it’s better then XXXX hehehe maybe it would be easier if it was XXXX to change it in the futur oh well!!

    And please go trough the rules and let me know how I manage!! If I please you sir or not hehehe ( I know I wasn’t at first with all skinks abilities heheheh)

    And well the last one aka venomous pouches was writing on the spot I wanna find better working for it anyway.

    Enjoy reading!!

    Lizerd and Sudsinabucket like this.
  12. Egres

    Egres Well-Known Member

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    i dont like how the EotG effect is written for summoning... im reworking that part....

    im thinking 2 option

    #1: gave it 10 CCP per EotG and combining them when doing the drop aka you could drop a unit of 30 skinks with 2 CCP left or like a unit of 10 saurus guard.

    #2 gave it 12 CCP per EotG and combining them as well... which you could then do a unit of 40 skinks or drop a unit of Krox and 10 skinks or like 5 camo skinks with 20 skinks

    now that im writting this i got

    #3 gave it 11 CCP ..... which would allowed you to drop a unit of 15 CCP and 10 skinks, so like a starpriest with 10 skinks friend....
    Lizerd likes this.
  13. Egres

    Egres Well-Known Member

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    Here's what I came up with fora more refind VP, I think I like the affects, not too sure about the name itself but thats a easy fix!!

    Venomous pouches:

    If the unmodified hit roll for an attack made with this model’s crew is 6, that attack inflicts 1 mortal wound on the target in addition to any normal damage. In addition, subtract 2 from the save roll for enemy units while they are within 1” from this model.

    now what im thinking for the order of listing the items

    Aztec Transport
    Attacks Characteristic


    Helios's Staff
    Armoured Neck
    Thunderous Gait
    Imposing Statue
    Crushing Fall
    Venomous Pouches
    Thunder Conduit
    Gout of Sunfire
    Thunder Engines

    Command Abilities: (the system doent allowed me to put magic first)

    Look Out Savagery


    Comet's Call

    Now a few names that im not too sure about, anyone with a better suggestions please do so.
    some I believe came from the original warscroll some I made up.

    Armoured Neck (I change that one a little not too sure i like it, its similar to the Dread Saurian)

    Imposing Statue

    Venomous Pouches

    Thunder Conduit;Thunder Engines ( both these I change to first name to thunder, im thinking maybe Helios instead ?!?)

    Look Out Savagery ?!?!

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  14. Egres

    Egres Well-Known Member

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    Alright guys,

    Work on it once more today got some surprise for you guys!!!

    I change a few names and adjusted a few numbers here and there... there still a few mistake I can see and the web site didnt wanna work with me and frankly didnt wanna do it all over againt but will have to at some point anyway...

    I made a building rules set as well that got the point cost and all on it and capacity.

    and a couple extra warscroll for someone that wanna have a campaign from a single Skink finding a egg to full grown ThunderLizard.

    Hope you guys enjoy it!!!

    Attached Files:

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  15. Egres

    Egres Well-Known Member

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    Helios’s Staff: A Oracle's staff contains the power to reverse the flow of time.

    #1 At the end of the enemy charge phase, you can pick 1 friendly SERAPHON unit wholly within 18" of this model. That unit can attack with all of the missile weapons it is armed with, or make a pile-in move and attack with all of the melee weapons it is armed with. A unit cannot benefit from this ability more than once per phase.

    #2 In your hero phase, you can pick 1 friendly SERAPHON unit wholly within 18" of this model. That unit can attack with all of the missile weapons it is armed with, or make a pile-in move and attack with all of the melee weapons it is armed with. A unit cannot benefit from this ability more than once per phase.

    Roll Effects

    A sudden pulse of starlight heralds the manifestation of new Seraphon unit.

    #1 You can set up 1 unit of SERAPHON of 10 CCP or less wholly within 12" of this model and more than 9" from any enemy units, or you can garrison the unit, and add it to your army. If your model is equip with 2 EotG you can combine the affect and put down a 15 CCP unit instead.

    #2 You can set up units of SERAPHON (no MONSTER) wholly within 12” of this model and more than 9” from any enemy units, or you can garrison the unit, and add them to your army. You receive 10 CCP point worth per ENGINE OF THE GODS.


    Savage Thunder: better for mix weapons options aka missiles

    You can use this command ability at the start of the combat phase. If you do so, pick up to 3 friendly SERAPHON unit wholly within 24" of this model. Until the end of that phase, if the unmodified hit roll for an attack made by that friendly SERAPHON unit is 6, that attack scores 2 hits on the target instead of 1. Make a wound and save roll for each hit. A unit cannot benefit from this command ability more than once per phase, and a unit cannot benefit from this ability and the Saurian Savagery ability in the same phase.

    Coordinated Assault: better for melee weapons options

    You can use this command ability at the start of the combat phase. If you do so, pick up to 3 friendly SERAPHON units wholly within 24" of this model. Until the end of that phase, add 1 to the Attacks characteristic of melee weapons used by those unit. A unit cannot benefit from this command ability more than once per phase, and a unit cannot benefit from this ability and the Ripperdactyl Assault or Coordinated Strike ability in the same phase.

    here a few option i came up with i realized that the command abilities i gave it was the scar vet one

    in order i prefer

    #1 allowed you to hit first regardless of who start turn one

    #2 allowing you to option of dropping essential anything except Monsters and to drop 30 skinks in one turn if someone would like to lol

    the command abilitie is a big toss up between the two idk i kinda mention in both what i like about them

    Thoughts anyone ???
  16. Dread Saurian

    Dread Saurian Well-Known Member

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    i welcome all who might think they are worthy to attempt to guide my rampage to my stomach
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  17. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    With the custom Rules thing that just came out took a shot at it but kept some of the old stuff in. Need to redo teh command abilities so I left them out for now

    Any Insight and Help would be much appreciated! Thunder Lizard Rules.jpg
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  18. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    updated slightly, mainly edits of mistypes...its 315am here, so there may be more :) Anyway, let me know what you think! survivablity, balance, fun, etc...!

    Currently pricing around the 550 point mark(?)

    Thunder Lizard Rules2.jpg
  19. ILKAIN
    Skink Chief

    ILKAIN Well-Known Member

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    hey brother, in your description where it says what its equipped with, those terms MUST be specific and match the actual weapons name. instead of "single model armed with crater creating feet..." it should read "single model armed with Titan Stomp..." etc
    Sudsinabucket and Imrahil like this.
  20. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Gotcha! Thanks so much! Hope you're doing well
    ILKAIN likes this.

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