Old WHB returning to Lizardmen for AOS

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by Delta_Chameleon, Jun 24, 2020.

  1. Delta_Chameleon

    Delta_Chameleon Active Member

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    Hello everyone,

    I am looking to get into Seraphon (Lizardmen) for AOS with some friends. It is my first time diving into Age of Sigmar, and my first Warhammer miniature gaming of any type in 8 to 9 years.

    I have some experience with both Warhammer Fantasy and 40K through older editions. I first played Lizardmen when they came out in 1997 (I believe?), and still have some of my original models. I continued playing WFB until the start of 7th edition, however by the start of 6th edition I had built a large army of Warriors of Chaos, which had become my primary army. The last time I played Lizardmen would be 5th edition of WFB. I have also played 40K (Space Wolves and Necrons) from 4th through 6th edition.

    So I am looking for advice about a few things:
    - Starting AOS for the first time
    - Playing Seraphon in AOS
    - Advice for getting into miniature wargaming/Warhammer again after nearly a decade long break. It seems like a lot of things have changed in those 10 years (I just finished reading End Times, finishing the story of the Old World). Modeling, painting, strategies, play styles, etc... all seem to have changed a good amount within the last ten years.

    My old group of gaming friends have gotten back together to give Age of Sigmar a try. We are trying out a rule within the group that we all started with a Start Collecting boxed set, and wont buy/add new units until our current models are completely assembled and painted. We are shooting for a goal of only playing painted armies when possible, even if that means our armies grow a little slower.

    So here are the models that I have to start building an army out of:

    Original 1997 Miniatures (all have been re-based onto their appropriate AOS bases)
    - Slann (converted into a floating paladin instead of being carried by temple guard)
    - 20x Saurus warriors with spears and shields and full command
    - 30x Skinks with bows (will count them as blowpipes)
    - 2x Kroxigor (I know they need to come in units of 3, this is just what I have for now)

    New models (from the Start Collecting Seraphon boxed set. Thank you to the board for the help getting the most out of this boxed set)
    - Old Blood on Carnosaur
    - Old Blood on foot
    - Scar Vet on Cold One
    - Astrolith Bearer
    - Skink Priest
    - 7x Saurus Knights with full command
    - 10x Saurus Warriors with full command

    About half the army is now fully painted (I will post pictures soon in the painting thread).

    Really looking forward to trying these guys out. I know the other armies in the group that I will be playing against to start are Gloomspite Gitz, Orukk Warclans and Nighthaunts. I'll be the only Order army among the group.

    Thank you everyone for welcoming me to the board. I am really excited to learn a new game and get back into the hobby.
  2. Erta Wanderer

    Erta Wanderer Well-Known Member

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    welcome to the jungle glad to have you here
    we have a bunch of resorses for new players we have a bunch of per built lists by a terny veteran
    a few basic walk threw of our tactics
    and a few you tube channels that do good work one that does unit break downs
    and (shamless self plug) one focusing on helping new players

    or you can ask questions their are a lot of us who would be happy to help
  3. Imrahil

    Imrahil Thirtheenth Spawning

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    Welcome along!

    Great to see(read) that you get back into it along with your Friends, this should keep you motivated ;)

    Do your Friends also have older models to field? What armysize (pointwise) will you be playing at first?

    Good luck with the only painted miniatures rule, but I like it :cool:

    Grrr, Imrahil
  4. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    Welcome to Jurassic Park!

    I also came back to the hobby over the last 8 months after a long break (also the last time I played as in 1998). I have not embraced AoS and continue to play 8th with my friends.

    That said, there are tons of helpful users on the site who can help you with rules, modelling and collecting ideas. There are literally no dumb questions, feel free to post away!

    Have a good look through the Age of Sigmar area of the forum and you'll find the points you need.

    Have fun and welcome back!

    Delta_Chameleon and Imrahil like this.
  5. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    Welcome back!
    Lizards of Renown likes this.
  6. Delta_Chameleon

    Delta_Chameleon Active Member

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    Thank you everyone for the responses and the kind welcome to the community.

    Imrahil, as far as I know, my friends are all starting from scratch with their armies. A couple friends have never actually played Warhammer before (however they have played some of the 40K RPGs so they are aware of GW and Warhammer in general), so they have a brand new army. The older gaming friends in the group all sold their fantasy armies back around the End Times, so they are also starting with a brand new army. I was the only one that held onto my old armies/models (I also kept my Warriors of Chaos army, however those are staying on their square bases. WOC will be my WFB army, while the Seraphon will be my AOS army), as i had a nostalgic memories of my armies and wasnt ready to sell them. Glad I didnt. So I have a little bit of a head start, although those old lizardmen took a lot of work and repairs to get them table worthy again.

    Basically everyone chose an army that they liked the theme/playstyle/models for, and bought the Start Collecting Box for each army (except the Nighthaunts player, who bought the Soul Wars starter set, so we also have some Stormcast floating around for anyone in the group to play). We have decided to learn the game and start playing with just the start collecting boxed sets as we get started. So our initial games will be quite small. I think we are looking at starting with very small games about 550-650 points.

    For the first couple games, I will probably keep to the theme of playing only the start collecting boxed sets. For my first game, I am looking at fielding the following:

    Army: Coalesced
    Constellation: Koatl's Claw

    1x Old Blood on Carnosaur
    - With Eviscerating Blade on his Sunstone Spear
    1x Scar-Vet on Cold One
    5x Saurus Knights (with Celestite blades)
    10x Saurus Warriors (with Celestite clubs)

    This comes out to 550 points. If my friends need to add more points to fit their boxed sets, I would probably add some of my old Saurus Warriors with spears as another unit.
  7. the dark wanderer

    the dark wanderer Well-Known Member

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    I was in a similar situation with friends about 2 years ago. We solved this in such a way that with the help of a campaign we were able to build up our armies slowly and motivatingly.
    Warden and Lizards of Renown like this.
  8. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    Sad day, at the very least they will be able to start over fresh!

    Glad you kept your old stuff, and welcome :vulcan:
  9. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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