Pathfinder-ish Campaign...

Discussion in 'General Hobby/Tabletop Chat' started by Tk'ya'pyk, Apr 10, 2020.

  1. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    Shiro laughs. This Sharkman had an easy camraderie about him that was infectious. Chuckling to himself he follows him, his eyes still constantly assessing for threats and his will still held rigidly against internal threats...
  2. Erta Wanderer

    Erta Wanderer Well-Known Member

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    izema steps back out onto the street the next target is not as easy to find tailors there are in plenty but he is looking for one that weaves more then cloth.
    in a little shop that is more then it first seems he finds it a deep read cloak that seems to eat the light around it. he turns to shiro "this is important so head me.this is a cloak of resistance not easy to make. it has magic woven threw every strand and is far tougher then you would thing. the main purpose is to protect the mind and body, it might even help with your current problem" izema give him a meaningful look and then look he leans closer and whispers into his ear.
    Tk'ya'pyk, Lizerd, Nazqua and 2 others like this.
  3. Erta Wanderer

    Erta Wanderer Well-Known Member

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    Izema laughs and claps shiro on the back "it shall not come to that. but enough of dark things you have a charge to take care of and i have not had a swim in far to long. if you need me i am here to help" that said he takes his leave and heads for the harbor
  4. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    Shiro head back towards the Inn, mind still reeling from the revelation. His deepest secret, plucked from his mind as a Merchant would toss an item off a shelf.

    A tiny hope begins to blossom within him... Redemption? Probably not... But hope... That spark was now a small flame.

    He would tend that flame.
  5. Lizerd
    Skink Priest

    Lizerd Well-Known Member

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    Garutis gets up from his seat and walks out, muttering something about needing to hunt something tasty
  6. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    Walking to the tavern’s door the traveller waves a sweet goodbye to those inside before moving out into the fresh air with a certain softness in her step. Taking a heavy, somewhat longing, breath of evening air filled with the scent of night and thin smoke on the soft breeze, they follow behind the pair of both Shiro and Izema at a slight distance.

    Though upon seeing the direction the pair are travelling in Ohmen makes it clear that 'she' is going to take another route after wishing them well.

    Walking away, the traveller splits her concentration between the intricate signs and signals that littered the walls and market pathways. Whilst also having her deep, blue sparkling eyes dance between each person they pass. Getting a general feel for the area and its people. And working out where they needed to head in order to find a shop or stall that sells herbs and other similar natural remedies and ingredients. Not necessarily because there were certain items Ohmen wanted, but rather a desire to feed their recent interest in such. and as a result, seeing if there were any herbal books for sale among other things was one of the priorities, a notion which Wisdom most certainly agreed with, she who had taken to the sky. Weighed down by a full stomach, the raven weaves between air currents. eyes gliding softly above to study the layout of the town, and how its buildings give way to the docks and then open sky and a red horizon.

    The pitter-patter of feet against cobbles and sound of voices mumbling between each other paint a backdrop Ohmen thinks as he walks... With the illithids offer standing, he probably wasn’t going to be staying in this place for long... if he were to take it of course, which seems like the logical thing to do… Eugene, well Eugene at first glance gave an impression of benevolence, though, more most, Ohmen knew how deceptive both appearance and words could be… One able to twist anothers perception of them as certainly as the cycle of day and night
    Last edited: Jun 25, 2020
  7. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    Shiro re-entered the tavern to find Eugène still in conversation with Drakk. Shifting his shoulders inside the new armour, he thinks his question to him: “Are you ready to return to the ship?”
  8. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    When Shiro asks, Eugene nods. <I suspect I will be fine for a while. This island is one of the few places I deem truly 'safe' in this sphere. The other is Kithmali. Do your shopping, I will be fine.> Turning to Drew and Drakk, he lets out an odd sigh. <I do not mind people asking. The majority of my people are... not... the nicest people. Do you see this fungus?> he asks, pulling a piece of the purple cauliflower-looking mushroom from his pouch. <This is something a god showed us, to keep my kind from feasting on his people. Bellum-flower, it is called. It has similar taste, texture, and nutrients as, well...> Looking a little nervous, he glances around for a moment. <Do you truly know nothing of my people?> Waiting for your answer, he finally continues. <Brains,> he finally admits. <My people are, for lack of a better term, intelli-vores. We eat thoughts, memories, and brains.> Gesturing with the fungus, he pops a piece into his three-jawed mouth. <While not perfect, the bellum-flower is a close enough substitute. But once a people know about the whole brain-eating thing, well, my people are not usually trusted, let alone liked.>
  9. TheCrazyKhorneGuy
    Chameleon Skink

    TheCrazyKhorneGuy Well-Known Member

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    Drew's eyes widened in slight panic, "understood." Drew regained his composure a little, and said, "well I'm glad you don't do that anymore, seeing as we might be hitching a ride on your ship. Thank you for telling us."
  10. Lizerd
    Skink Priest

    Lizerd Well-Known Member

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    Garutis hears something near the woods, licking his lips garutis draws his axe and readies to hunt whatever he may come across
  11. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    Knowing that Eugene was safe and with basically no-one left in the tavern (given the time of night), Shiro pushed the external door of the tavern open and stepped into the night.

    The outside was cool, with a wind that stirred the edges of his newly acquired cloak.

    As he leaned on the side of the building and looked up at the multiple moons, he realized that the cloak's influence was easing the internal pressure on his mind.

    While still great, is meant that he could focus more attention outwards. He made a mental note to thank Izema again for his help.

    Standing amidst moonbeams, he looked out on the town. Peaceful with his thoughts he waited for Eugene to finish and return to the ship for the night.
  12. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    Thinking for a while, Eugene shrugs. <I will be honest, I am willing to hire the lot of you as guards for a short while, but I do not really have need for adventurers. But I know someone who does! I could take all of you to Kithmali, on Tayrik! There is always adventure to be had there!> He pauses, thinks a bit longer, and then shrugs. <Of course, you want to be careful not to get on the bad side of the Border Reivers or the knollosi, but still, if you want adventure, Kithmali is the place to be.>
  13. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    Wandering outside, Shiro notes how unusual these floating islands truly are. Up, high above his head, in stark contrast to the setting sun, he can see another, smaller island. Nothing supports it, and yet somehow it stays aloft. Kind of like a spelljammer ship, really. As the sun begins to set - well, as it begins to pass towards the other side of the planet, anyway, it dims to twilight but you suspect it will never truly be dark on this planet. Such a strange concept, but without the bulk of the planet hiding the sun's light away from your eyes, it never truly becomes night.

    Off in the woods, Garutis is doing his thing. The others tried to talk him into eating something called 'stoo,' whatever that is, but after several days of mutton, the neanderthal really wants something that didn't go 'baaaaa' in his stomach. Finding some unusual tracks, he follows them to a herd of... well, he's not sure what they are. They look like shaggy cows, only... smaller?

    Ohmen finishes his meal and considers what to do next. He knows he has things he must buy, but wandering around town doesn't seem like a good idea this time. Instead, he asks the innkeeper. But to his disappointment, the innkeeper explains that there isn't an herbalist in their town. Or there wasn't until Eugene and Kia arrived. Both have been here before, and are known as traders in herbal merchandise, among other things...
  14. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    Crouching down, Garutis looks over the small, shaggy, cow-like things. They are not in a wood-border-thing he was told is a 'fence,' so they do not belong to someone. Though how animals can belong to people is confusing. They have hooves, like a cow-thing. They have horns... that curl and twist in weird ways... their poo looks like that of a cow-thing. They even sound like cow-things! Shrugging, he creeps closer, pulls out his axe, and throws it at a cow-thing!

    whush-whush-whush-whush-TH-WHACK!!! Scratch one cow-thing! Only... uh oh... that is not right... The moment your axe hit the cow-thing, the rest of the... herd?... anyway, all of the other cow-things suddenly turn as a group and charge you! Odd little cow-things look at you with little brown eyes like glass beads, lower their heads, and rush you as a group! Thinking fast - well, fast for Garutis, anyway - you climb a tree! Turns out cow-things are very good at smashing things though. As a group, they run towards your tree, and while most go around it, a bunch of them ram the tree in the process!

    The herd runs by, vanishing into the distance, but something still is not right. A moment later, you know what. Before you can jump down, the tree you climbed falls, landing on top of you!

    Garutis is pinned under a tree.
  15. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    Back in the tavern, Eugene suddenly stops what he is doing and concentrates. Then he starts laughing. <Oh, this is amusing,> he tells anyone left at the table. <Garutis tried to attack a bisonic herd. They charged him, and now he is stuck under a fallen tree! I suppose we should go help him out from under it...>
  16. Lizerd
    Skink Priest

    Lizerd Well-Known Member

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    Cursing loudly garutis tries to figure out how he can get out from the tree.. he can see his lunch not far off but if only he could get out from under the tree.. he reaches for the kill and grabs it, dragging it towards him and eating it as he considers his options...

    Stoopid cow things.
  17. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    Hearing Eugene's message, Shiro shakes his head and puts his head in the tavern.

    "Shall we go retrieve the hungry one?"
  18. DeathBringer125

    DeathBringer125 Well-Known Member

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    Drakk turns to Eugene and chuckles, I should have known he would go hunting and get himself into trouble. Drakk stands up and replies "Well, I guess we should hurry then, wouldn't want him to chew his leg off like an animal!". Despite the fact that Drakk had said this as a joke, he nonetheless could definitely see Garutis doing that.
  19. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    Shiro smiles. He likes the Kobold. "Come then friend and hopefully Garutis has not managed to eat anything attached to himself"
  20. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    "Eugene, where is Garutis?" Shiro asks, one hand on the door frame.

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