List your top 10 STAR WARS characters!

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by NIGHTBRINGER, Jun 21, 2020.


    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    I haven't created very many threads of late, so I figured it was about time. Why not tackle another Star Wars topic? ;)

    The task is simple... create a top 10 list of your favourite Star Wars characters (1 being the best and 10 being the 10th best).

    This is not a list of the most important characters or most influential characters or most popular characters but rather simply your ten favourites. They can be a mix of minor or major characters as you see fit. You can select the characters from novels, comics, movies, shows, video games, etc. Characters can be selected from both current day canon as well as legends (EU). If you only like a character from a particular set of films or story, that is okay, list the character if they had a significant enough impact on you. For instance, I like Darth Vader, but I'm not a huge fan of Anakin in the prequels... so I can still list Vader. Also, don't double up on characters... meaning don't list both Anakin and Vader. Once again, your list should be nothing but your personal subjective preferences.

    Let me start the thread off with my top ten:
    1. Darth Bane
    2. Yoda
    3. Darth Vader (but not prequels Anakin)
    4. Han Solo
    5. Darth Maul
    6. Grand Admiral Thrawn
    7. Qui-Gon Jinn
    8. Obi-Wan Kenobi
    9. Luke Skywalker
    10. Leia
    Honorable mentions: Lando, R2-D2, Sidious/Palpatine

    Second string honorable mentions: General Grievous, C-3PO, Chewbacca, K-2SO
  2. ravagekitteh
    Skink Chief

    ravagekitteh Well-Known Member

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    1. Kit Fisto
    2. Embo (+Marrok)
    3. Rex
    4. Ahsoka Tano
    5. Thrawn
    6. Maul
    7. Obi-Wan Kenobi
    8. Doctor Aphra
    9. 0-0-0
    10. BT-1

    Honourable Mentions: Plo Koon, Shaak Ti, Sugi, Hera Syndulla

    Second String Honourable Mentions: Mister Bones, Bossk, Vader, Yoda, Padmé
  3. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    My tastes run towards the expanded universe novels.

    10. Grand Admiral Thrawn
    9. Exar Kun
    8. Xizor
    7. Chewbacca
    6. Leia Organa
    5. Han Solo
    4. Luke Skywalker
    3. Emperor Palpatine (the only prequel character I really liked)
    2. Darth Vader (minus the prequels)
    1. Dexter Jettster....kidding Yoda.

    Honorable Mention to Admiral Ackbar, Kyp Durron, Keyan Farlander, Obi Wan Kenobi, Boba Fett, Admiral Daala, and Bevel Lemelisk.

    Also, I was tempted to put Mando and Baby Yoda on the list but I'm not sure where they'd fit. They are cool but they don't do much.
    Last edited: Jun 21, 2020

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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  5. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    As much as I am not pleased (stupid Wesley Crusher Ahsoka :sour::grumpy::shifty:), at the end of the day it’s @ravagekitteh’s choice, and I’m not going to stand in his way if that is his decision. Anyway, he put some better characters above her so it’s not all bad.

    Now my turn... my top TEN Star Wars characters... hmm, let me think about this...

    1. Obi-Wan Kenobi (both Prequels and OT - Ewan McGregor and Alec Guinness were both great)
    2. Qui-Gon Jinn
    3. Sheev Palpatine
    4. General Grievous
    5. Satine Kryze
    6. Prequels Yoda (he’s OK in the OT but I prefer his Prequels scenes by far)
    7. Count Dooku
    8. Captain Tarpals
    9. K-2SO
    10. Chirrut Imwe

    Honourable mentions: Jar-Jar (he amuses me even if he doesn’t amuse anyone else), Mace Windu, Nute Gunray, Cassian Andor, Jyn Erso, Jango Fett, Grand Moff Tarkin, Bodhi Rook, Baze Malbus, Director Krennic

    Second-Tier Honourable Mentions: Anakin/Vader, Padme Amidala, Chewbacca, Jabba the Hutt, Snoke (principally because Andy Serkis was so good playing him and he had such potential for his backstory, which Disney buggered up but never mind, can’t change it now)
  6. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    But if you can accept someone liking Ashoka I can accept someone liking General Grievous.
  7. Just A Skink

    Just A Skink Well-Known Member

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    Well, I'll have to look past all of those PT characters.:p My list will likely be boring to several of you.

    1. Yoda (OT mostly)
    2. Darth Vader (not PT Anakin)
    3. Luke Skywalker
    4. Han Solo
    5. Princess Leia
    6. R2 & 3PO (really almost one character, but if pressed R2)
    7. Chewbacca
    8. Obi-wan Kenobi (OT & PT)
    9. Darth Maul (PT)
    10. Kylo Ren (at least FW and the first bit of LJ)

    Honorable mention: Lando, Wedge, Boba Fett, Emperor Palpatine, Qui-gon Jin, Rex, Ahsoka (sorry ha ha), the principles from Rogue One, the principles from Rebels

    2nd honorable mention: Mace Windu, all of the Empire bounty hunters, Ackbar, Jabba the Hutt
  8. bOdziO Wolf

    bOdziO Wolf Well-Known Member

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    1. Jar Jar
    (now lets be more serious, shall we?)

    1. Darth Vader
    2-10. His Storm Troopers

    I haven't seen SW in a long while and whatever came recently didn't really please me so my list is pretty focused, haha.
  9. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    I am too lazy to order them.
    There are so many characters or character ideas (sometimes the execution was bad) in Star Wars that I like. IMO Star Wars is too big for a definitive top10 list.
    Some characters only get a short time in the spotlight, but are quite nice (Finn, Phasma, Satine, Saw Gerrera, Beckett, Chewie, one or two from Rogue One and a few from the old and new EU) while others get a lot of screentime and have some awesome moments, but also a lot that sucks. (One of the worst is Anakin/Vader, especially in the comics/books. But almost all OT characters qualify because the old EU had a lot of time to create crappy stories with popular characters)

    But my #1 overall is Obi-Wan.

    Others I like a lot:
    - Qui-Gon Jinn
    - Kyle Katarn
    - Yoda
    - Old Luke (I never was a big fan of young Luke, but I admit that I at least somewhat like him in the movies. The old EU was what mainly ruined him for me)
    - Kylo Ren
    - C3-P0 (underdog bonus)
    - Thrawn
    - Finn
  10. Lizerd
    Skink Priest

    Lizerd Well-Known Member

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    Here is my list

    1. jar jar binks
    2. jar jar binks
    3. jar jar binks
    4. jar jar binks
    5. jar jar binks
    6. jar jar binks
    7. jar jar binks
    8. jar jar binks
    9. jar jar binks
    10. and of course, how could i forget jar jar binks

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    Are you trying to outdo @Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl ?

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    While General Grievous is a simple character, he does have a sort of cool factor to him. A poor man's Darth Maul.
  13. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    Maybe in the Clone Wars animated series, but movie characters should be able to stand on their big screen presence alone. In the movies he was poorly presented.

    General Grievous name is really stupid.

    He had no appearance at all in episode 1 and 2 and in episode 3 he was THE villain. There was no explanation for why the heroes knew which ship he was on. There was no reason given for why the heroes had to capture him and not just blow up his ship. If Grievous was the McGuffin there was no reason Anakin and Obi Wan had to go after him by themselves. If Grievous was so important there was no reason Anakin should take a detour to a save an expendable clone trooper.

    Also, General Grievous name is really stupid.

    It was bad CGI when Grievous did a bunch of lightsaber waving near Obi Wan and he didn't react it all. It was bad CGI when Obi Wan didn't take advantage of the five second opening to stab him. Every action scene with Grievious looked bad.

    Also, General Grievous name is really stupid.

    The only thing I liked about Grievous is that together, Dooku, Darth Maul, and General Grievious collectively foreshadowed Anakin's transformation to Darth Vader.
    Lizards of Renown and Lizerd like this.
  14. Lizerd
    Skink Priest

    Lizerd Well-Known Member

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    2001 grievous was incredible, i feel like the version of him portrayed on big screen really does not represent the character
    NIGHTBRINGER and Scalenex like this.

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    That is a fair criticism. You really had to watch Genndy's Clone Wars to understand Grievous' placement in Episode III. Like you said, the movie should stand on its own.

    Disagree, that name sounds pretty awesome.

    I would hardly classify him as THE villain. Sidious was the primary villain of the movie, followed by Anakin/Vader after his transition. Grievous was just a secondary or tertiary villain whose role was to get things moving along until the primary villains took over.

    And most importantly, without Grievous we wouldn't have one of the greatest Star Wars meme templates of all time...


    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    Agreed. That whole series was fantastic!
  17. ravagekitteh
    Skink Chief

    ravagekitteh Well-Known Member

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    Of course - why on earth would we be able to recognise the flagship of the military leader of the faction we’re currently at war with, what with our powers of precognition and sensing and everything? And once we do find it, well yes the leader of our entire faction and government is on board, but you know what? F*** it, let’s blow it up! When it comes to getting to it, the command centre of the entire attacking force (so no way it would be well protected) we can obviously rely on the basic soldiers of our army to be just as good a pilots as said precognitive telekinetic warrior monks with enhanced reactions and senses, and for said privates get in there with them and survive the onslaught (and given an enormous attack is being launched against our main population and seat of government, we’re obviously going to have loads of forces free and ready to devote to attacking that specific ship, because it’s not like they need to defend the civilians or anything). But the worst part is, it’s just so out of character for the maverick Jedi who breaks orders to indulge in compassion and attachment to disregard his mission and orders like that to compassionately save one of the troops under his command! :p

    That being said though, I do see some of your points with regards to Grievous. Certainly compared to Star War’s other villains he was not particularly well done in the film. However, I think it’s unfair to judge Grievous as a character entirely based on his on screen performance - he was after all created several years before the films came out and the bulk of his appearances have always been outside of them. In those, he is actually presented as a legitimate threat - the only people to really give him trouble in combat are Obi-wan (who winds up killing him), Kit Fisto (a council member considered to be one of the best swordsmen in the order and whose form is particularly suited to multiple opponents/lightsabers) and Asajj Ventress (also trained by Dooku with the added advantage of force powers), plus Mace Windu if you count 2003 Clone Wars. Your criticisms of him in the films still stand, but only of his portrayal in the films themselves - as said before, as a character predominantly outside the films, to judge him entirely on them in such a manner as “well he’s a rubbish character” is a bit unfair I think

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    How could one not count the 2003 Clone Wars? That is where Grievous was created. That would be like not counting A New Hope when talking about Luke or Vader.
    Last edited: Jun 26, 2020
  19. DeathBringer125

    DeathBringer125 Well-Known Member

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    Hmmm I can't rank them but I will list off ten characters I really like.

    Immortal Emperor aka Darth Vitiate aka Darth Tenebrae aka Valkorian (he had alot of names)

    Jedi Master Odan-urr

    Arc Trooper Echo

    Captain Rex

    Commander Cody

    Anakin (primarily clone wars)

    Obi Wan (basically every appearance he's cool but especially clone wars)


    Baby Yoda (sooooo cute)

    Boba Fett (especially due to his appearances in Clone wars and his book series)

    Btw I have watched Clone wars recently which may or may not show based on who I picked lol
  20. ravagekitteh
    Skink Chief

    ravagekitteh Well-Known Member

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    To give some more detail to my picks:

    1. Kit Fisto’s always been my favourite Jedi; it’s a combination of his cool design, personality and abilities. He may not have the most focus of any character, but he combines a likeable personality with the skill to back them up (the sole Star Wars fan-theory I subscribe to is the one that turns a gaffe made in the Mace Windu/Palpatine duel into proof that he survived). If I had to pick a favourite character, it would probably be him.

    2. Embo’s a slightly more recent favourite for me but he’s definitely still up there, both as my favourite Bounty Hunter and as probably my second favourite character overall. Apart from Grievous, he’s the only non-force sensitive character I can think of that could reasonably take on a Jedi without the aid of any gadgets apart from his hat (feel free to fill me in on any others though). The fact he has a pet dog/Anooba called Marrok doesn’t hurt either, and for me he comes as part of the overall “package”!

    3/4. In the same way that for other people the OT or PT resonates most with them as the Star Wars they most associate themselves with, for me, The Clone Wars is *my* Star Wars, and so my equivalents of Luke/Leia/Han etc are Ahsoka and Rex. Of all the “main” characters they probably get some of the most development (which I recognise a significant proportion of such stems from the fact they got a seven series tv show to do it in whereas the others had to make do with just a trilogy of movies). Really, I would have probably ranked them both equally, but given the necessity of the ranking, I stuck Rex above Ahsoka as an acknowledgement to the sheer batsh*t insanity of Dee Bradley Baker’s voice acting for all the Clones (voicing every single one of them and giving them all unique but still recognisably the same voice, in a series called The Clone Wars no less, is nothing short of incredible). If I had to pick my favourite major Star Wars character(s) it would be these two.

    5. Vader might be the most iconic and definitive Star Wars villain (possibly movie villain in general) but for me at least, Thrawn has to be the best, if you can separate such things. In terms of how he’s written and the threat he poses, I would say he goes far beyond the others, and is the one that’s most likely to make you want to root for the bad guys. It has been explicitly stated that had he not been indisposed before the main part of the Galactic Civil War, the Empire would have won. I have still yet to read the original Thrawn trilogy - I generally like to stick to Canon stuff with my Star Wars consumption, and although I am aware that there are many strong parts of Legends, it is still a very mixed bag from what I’m aware and the Canon continuity just feels so much cleaner - the advantages of having a dedicated story group to ensure cohesion. However, from his portrayal in Rebels and Timothy Zahn’s new trilogy, he has already won me over as my new favourite villain.

    6. Thrawn is probably the best villain and is definitely my favourite, but there’s still very much a strong argument for Maul being the coolest. His participation seems to be almost a defining trait of all the best lightsaber duels in Star Wars, and despite only making an appearance in the later seasons he can also be debatably seen as the main villain of The Clone Wars, making him my equivalent of Darth Vader. Furthermore, if I had to nominate one Star Wars actor for an Oscar/Emmy/BAFTA etc, it would probably be him and Baker, with him having the advantage of a single character to base it off.(somewhat ironic for a character whose original appearance gave him about three lines). Sam Witwer’s acting is easily up there with the best in the franchise, and is a huge part in changing from a kind of cool looking duel and die villain into definitely one of the most nuanced villains of the franchise.

    7. Of all of my choices, Obi-wan probably needs the least description; I would say all of the cool parts of him are self evident given his presence on pretty much everyone's list. Of all of the main movie characters he is my favourite, and Ewan McGregor, James Arnold Taylor and Sir Alec Guinness’s portrayals are all spot on.

    8. Doctor Aphra has got to be one of the best new characters introduced in the new Canon. Along with her droid companions she’s probably the most “obscure” of my main picks, but that doesn’t stop her from being a very interesting protagonist and having a very strong argument for her and her supporting cast being the funniest thing in Star Wars at the moment. I would highly recommend checking her series’s out - she’s introduced in Marvel’s Darth Vader before getting her own self titled series, all of which is well written and hilarious (funnily enough, the author of both - Kieron Gillen - is currently the writer in the new upcoming Marvel 40k comic, which if it’s at the same quality as the others, will definitely be worth checking out, even if it is about the Smurfs).


    9/10. 0-0-0 and BT-1 are my other “obscure” pick and are from the same series’s as Aphra. They should really be a single choice in the same vein as C-3PO and R2-D2, but splitting apart makes my life easier. There isn’t too much to say about them that hasn’t already been said about Aphra, but the best way to describe them is C-3PO and R2 if they were a pair of psychopathic homicidal murderers. Good, wholesome fun!


    As for my honourable mentions: Plo Koon and Shaak Ti are my other two favourite Jedi, and Sugi and Bossk my Bounty Hunters. Yoda and Vader are iconic enough characters to need no description, and while both Padmè and Leia are good characters, I think Padmé (Catherine Taber not Natalie Portman) would be easier to get along with. Hera Syndulla is kind of indicative of the whole Rebels cast - if I had to pick a favourite it would probably be her but really they should all be on there. Mister Bones is another obscure pick - probably the best of the “novel exclusive” characters introduced in the new Canon, because what’s not to love about a singing dancing murder droid?!


    And now, you may enjoy the precedent I have set for overly long descriptions of the characters we’ve picked! :p

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