7th Ed. 2000 Point Skink 8th Army.

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Army Lists' started by Scotch1, Jul 8, 2010.

  1. Scotch1
    Jungle Swarm

    Scotch1 New Member

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    This list is a 2000 point army fluff first competative second list. I find though skinks are still very competative. This here is an example of my anvil/ tar pit unit/ Hammer. The Unit only costs 409 and the Slann in it costs 480 so it is a bit pricey but it plays better then temple gaurd. Let me know what you think about it.

    So I know everyone in this forum will think I am crazy. But I will say Skink Krox Unit with a Slann in it is the best Anvil Tar Pit Unit there is. I run a unit of Skinks 40 large with 4 kroxigors and a Slann. The Slann is the BSB, Sun Standard, Cupped Hands, Extra Die to Cast, Etheral and Knows all of Life.

    This unit can become toughness 6 skinks, toughness 8 Kroxigors, Ld 9 Stubborn with a re roll, with the ability to have the unit healed from every successful life spell cast plus Regrowth. And it is -2 to shoot at the unit from both close and short range, with the ability to parry. And if your in combat longer then one turn you start to take 2 D6 strength 3 hits from a weak spell in Life.

    Now The rules state that every model base to base get a supporting rank to fight with. Now even though Kroxigors are in the second rank due to long reach they count as being in Base to Base. So when units charge I stand and shoot with 12 Javs. Cause Fear ( which isnt huge but is something ). But when the unit is charged I get 18 Skink attacks due to horde rule, 12 Krox Attacks because they support each other and I believe it is 4 or 2 stomp attacks. And one Slann Attack. The unit is very very tank. And since it is a skink army I still can field a lot of stuff. I still have 2 Stegadons and 3 Salamanders in play and many many more skinks.

    Skink Krox Units are awesome I have yet to lose the unit in 6 games and I am 5-0-1. For a Visual of the unit it looks something like this:

    SS_______ KK
    SS = Slann KK = Kroxigor s = Skink

    s s s s SS s s s s
    s s KK SS KK s s
    s s KK s s KK s s
    s s KK s s KK s s
    s s KK s s KK s s
    s s s s s s s s s s

    This is just something I have created using the rules I have read and interpreted in the rule book and Lizardmen book. The unit might be FAQ because I think it is prety broken. Please let me know if I have mis read the rules so I can improve on this unit because this is the unit so far that will not die.

    Slann Mage Priest
    Sun Standard
    Battle Standard Bearer
    Cannot be damaged by non magical Attacks
    Knows all of 1 Lore
    Extra Dice for every spell
    Cupped Hands
    Points 480

    Skink Chief
    Light Armour
    Sword of Might
    Points 109

    Skink Priest
    Level 2
    Points 100

    Skink Skirmishers
    Blow Pipes
    Points 70

    Skink Skirmishers
    Blow Pipes
    Points 70

    Skink Unit x35
    Mus, and Std
    Kroxigors x 4
    Points 409

    Skink Crew
    Points 235

    Skink Crew
    Points 235

    Terradon Riders
    Points 90

    Cammo Skinks
    Points 72

    Salamander x 2 (Separate)
    Skink Handler
    Points 150

    Any Advice would be very appreciated. Thanks.
  2. Caneghem

    Caneghem New Member

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    I don't think the Slann can be where he is in the unit. They changed how units of varying base sizes work in mixed units. Since slann's base size is 50 and skinks are 20, he can't be where he is but will instead be moved to the side of the unit.

    As for ways to make it even more invincible, give the Slann the MR3 item for 45 points. 4+ ward against magic for that whole unit!

    I will say that it is a very weird unit and I don't think it is all that effective to reduce the speed of your skrox, which is one of their advantages. Also not entirely sure about the krox, will have to see in the FAQ if they are allowed to do that. If they are allowed to give more supporting attacks, you can bet I will make a very deep skrox unit for tarpit (prob leave the Slann out though).

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