Pathfinder-ish Campaign...

Discussion in 'General Hobby/Tabletop Chat' started by Tk'ya'pyk, Apr 10, 2020.

  1. Lizerd
    Skink Priest

    Lizerd Well-Known Member

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    As the sun rises Garutis rejoins the group at the table, still dragging the thigh of the cow thingy. As he waits he begins to eat the thigh, waiting for whatever the group has planned
  2. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    And not a few moments after that thought passed, Garutis arrived into the tavern, lugging a large portion of his previous kill with him as he did…

    Almost instantly the atmosphere feels somehow more alive.

    Despite not normally caring for trivial greetings Ohmen, who still remained as a human welcomes him over, with a light smile and soft voice. ‘I am sure the others will arrive soon.

    ‘And, if I might add, what an impressive Kill. I am sure it tastes even better when it's your own work and sweat. Have you put all of the beast to use?’
  3. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    Shiro strode up the gangplan of the ship, a light headache beginning from the frustration of the morning.

    Having spent at least two hours from dawn until this time going through the town to talk to its inhabitants, he resolved that the Orcs are either running a reign of terror or the populace genuinely didn't care that Orc marauders are operating on flying ships in their vicinity. He had been stonewalled from the first moment, entering a cobbler's store to find him curiously close-mouthed. The Fletcher next door had been the same, as with the Smith, the Butcher and all of the stores. He ended up skipping stores to see if it was just the area that he was in, but everyone seemed to have no idea.

    Or something was stopping them from talking. He could not tell what without pressing them more firmly.

    Shaking his head, he went down belowdeck to check on Eugene. After checking that his charge was safe and not moving off the ship for the time being. He washed his face and headed out again. He needed breakfast and supposed that the tavern would be the best place for it.
  4. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    Shiro spots the large... man? that he helped rescue the night before sitting in front of a young woman who he remembers from the table the night before.

    Reminding himself that he would get a feel for all of the members of the party. He asks if he can join them at the table.
  5. Lizerd
    Skink Priest

    Lizerd Well-Known Member

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    Garutis nods, show his acceptance, for a friend of Eugene is a friend of his
  6. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    Slipping into the seat beside Garutis (carefully avoiding the blood still dripping from the dismembered section of Bisonic creature), he looks again at the woman across the table and bird near her.

    Didn't he see that bird last night?

    "Greetings and may Law find you a way... I will be frank with you, I am looking for my next path in life as the bodyguard work for Eugene was only ever a temporary affair. Are you adventuring with Drakk, Garutis and Izema?"
  7. TheCrazyKhorneGuy
    Chameleon Skink

    TheCrazyKhorneGuy Well-Known Member

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    Drew awoke, groggy and tired, mostly from all the laughing and drinking he did after saving Garutis from under a tree. it was really funny to see the big man under a tree, and the best part was when Garutis tried to kick the tree for revenge. Drew decided to make his way to the tavern to see if any of the group were there. he walked in the door and saw Shiro, Garutis, Ohmen, and Wisdom all sitting at the table, well, Wisdom wasn't really sitting. Drew headed over to them, glancing warily at Shiro because of the almost catastrophe with the waitress last night, and sat down with the group.
  8. DeathBringer125

    DeathBringer125 Well-Known Member

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    Drakk shakes Shiro's hand as he enters the Tavern and motions him over to a seat by Drew and Garutis. Sitting down he says "Hello Shiro! Nice of you to join us. Since we may be working together soon, it will be great to get to know one another! How have you been? And do you know much about this town? I have yet to explore it really.".
  9. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    Looking towards the approaching figure Ohmen notions towards a nearby seat.

    ‘Yes, Yes shiro, Of course take a seat. Good morning, even with this light I suppose.’

    They shed a quick chuckle and light smile, Noting as the man sits down with a somewhat saddened expression, If that would even be the word to describe it.

    Leaning on one hand the initial silence over the table is heavy. And heavy it would be until Wisdom hops up to the table’s centre with a crooked, yet somehow soft word. ‘S-So?

    Almost immediately Ohmens attention is drawn to Shiro as he talks…. And now, taking wisdoms word, he begins to weave it into a string, and then craft his web.

    Besides, there seemed to be much more to this man than would seem. The longing in his eyes whispering stories, each and every word carrying the burdens of his past.

    Time would have to be passed, so what better way to spend it than learning about another, what burdens they bore, what victories they claimed, what haunts them, what they love… and what… what they f-fear.

    ‘I believe so Shiro, I believe so.. So long as we can find work soon enough, I will travel with them, for now.’

    She says, returning a smile before continuing, asking the man about himself.

    A temporary affair… How did the two of you come to be? For the money? For the purpose?’

    And as her words began to fade, giving Shiro the opportunity to speak, Wisdom suddenly talks, their words warping whatever response he had ready

    “p-Paths before you, W-What enD is it you Seek SsShiro? A Purpose upheld on the System of LAw? Rotten supports. Wavering beams. Puppets no different.’

    Meanwhile, both Drew and Drakk began to arrive in, similarly taking a seat and welcomed.
  10. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    "Well, on another planet in this system, I was between mercenary work and I happened to come across Eugene being attacked. He was in a dark robe and being beaten by those who should have known Law, so I dealt with them." Shiro's eyes darkened briefly.

    "Afterwards, I spoke with Eugene. I am a good judge of character and never take a book by it's cover." He pauses for emphasis while looking up at Ohmen. "I could see that he was a good soul and so offered my protection to him."

    Shiro leans back on the chair and sighs.

    "Mine is a bit of a complex tale and not one for idle chatter. But know this, should we work together I will relay my life's synopsis to you. For now, be content that I was brought up a follower of the Law Elementals and still ascribe to their ideals and Law. Eradication of evil above all." He stops and smiles bitterly for a moment. "Wherever it may be found."

    "I have been doing choice mercenary work, mainly when I know it will protect the innocent or eradicate some evil. I will not take a job I don't believe in. I have a feeling these Orc's are such an evil which is why I was questioning the townsfolk".

    Turning to Drakk, he answered him: "Greetings friend. I know little of the surrounding town. Only what I found out when questioning people about the Red Orc's Eugene referred to yesterday. Do you know of them? No one will speak of them. It is as if they have an hidden influence on this settlement..."
  11. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    Tarkaz, you are surrounded by... well, given that they're mostly kobolds, and given how they're dressed, you suspect they're the evening staff of the tavern. You have a vague memory of being the last patron in the bar last night, and sharing your drinks with the staff before all of you came up here to sleep it off. Bleary-eyed, you wonder for a moment where your money is, but soon find it tucked in a hidden pouch in your armor. Rolling up the slab of ham, you stuff it into your mouth and chew, thinking to yourself that it is probably mutton-ham and not pork. Part of you wants to wake your fellow partiers up, but the rest of you just wants to sneak downstairs with your money and your dignity.

    The rest of you are finding this to be one of the nicer places you've stayed at. As a general rule, the kobolds don't care if you make a mess. Garutis' normal mess isn't even drawing a blink from anyone, and as long as you toss the bones into the firepit they innkeeper doesn't care.

    Izema, the sun that slowly starts burning off the morning mist wakes you from a deep sleep. You're actually in the water, having fallen asleep in the nice, cool shallows near the woods off to the "south" of town. Getting up, you retrieve your catch from the little mesh net-bag you keep for that purpose, and indulge in some raw fish for breakfast. As you chew your food, your gaze wanders over the docks. About halfway through your second fish, you have an epiphany. You're in a spelljamming port. Instead of asking the townsfolk, why don't you ask some of the other ship captains and crew?
  12. Erta Wanderer

    Erta Wanderer Well-Known Member

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    Izema stretches and starts jogging down the pier. it's still early but there should be people up tending to business he approaches several ships with the pretense of needing work (he does). when asked about what he can bring he says he has training as a ship man(he does) a look out and has resent experience repelling pirates(during witch he makes a habit of droping the fact that some of them where red orks).
    he is keeping a sharp eye our for the reactions to this fact and if any of the people seem open for sharing more
  13. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    Rather than leaning back, the traveller leans in, speaking soft flowing words.

    To never take a book by its cover is wise. Wise Indeed Shiro… Though, What authority do I have to say such? None.

    Likewise. Please, tell me, Who Defines Your ‘Evil’? Is it all that goes against you? Goes against your beliefs condemned to be included in such?’

    The traveller stares at Shiro, almost unnervingly despite the innocence and sparkle in their blue eyes.

    “I hate to say it Shiro, but the eradication of all ‘evil’. It is a foolish endeavour, an unobtainable one at that.”

    Says the fool” the phrase hammers into Ohmen’s head. Forcing him to close their eyes for a moment.

    “To remove, Destroy and utterly extricate all evil, that is to reduce all lands to ash and dust… Yourself included. And even then, One could argue time itself is evil. Deciding to flow against ones rule. Unheeding to their shouts and commands."

    Ohmen breathes for a second, an empty stare before returning...

    "I am sorry if I came across as a little aggressive there... hiding behind meanings and words, that is all…"

    Her face clearly twitches, with that last statement before she continues.

    "And about these law elementals, I have heard little… Would you care to insight me with the rules and ideals that you follow?"

    "And, let me tell you, I have much respect for those with who pursue what they desire with true effort. Much respect indeed."
    Last edited: Jun 28, 2020
  14. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    Shiro shakes his head, a genuine smile on his face. "You remind me of Master Arishowa, my philosophy teacher. He was constantly barraging me with questions about right and wrong, good and evil in an attempt to teach me to think for myself. That part at least worked."

    Shiro snorts a breath out. "All I can tell you is that I have dedicated my life to finding evil. I am an educated man, I know the forces of darkness and stand against them. For others, I am able to evaluate circumstance and data to appraise whether I consider I should stand against or protect those I find. Such was the case with Eugene; others may have condemned him out of hand due to his race and their own prejudice. I evaluate the man, his motives and more importantly his actions. He has switched his entire diet so that he may no longer feast upon the wits of others! With everything I know about him, I deem him good and thus I took on his job offer of bodyguard."

    Shiro leans back again, the sardonic smile on his face yet again, as if there is an in-joke which you are not aware of. "You say this is a fools errand? I agree with you. I am a fool, thrice over and because of more than you know. But it is fulfilling and is the foodstuff of my soul. If we travel together, maybe I shall tell you of my past and burdens. It is not something I share lightly. I mean no offense, but we shall have to leave it at that for now". Shiro smiles at the woman to take any sting out of the words.

    "For now," looking at both Drakk and the lady, "I believe that something is afoot with the Red Orcs and their raiding."
    Last edited: Jun 28, 2020
    Lizerd, TheCrazyKhorneGuy and Nazqua like this.
  15. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    Similarly, as before, the naivety in her voice is vacant, yet the soft tone and mannerism still remains.

    'Too many drift through their lives mindlessly. Following what they are told. Their thoughts barely scratching the surface reality, never thinking about something on a deeper level... Though I suppose in many ways it can be both a blessing and a curse..."

    "I-Ignorance. Ignorance is bliss. O-Or so they say." The raven whispers, loud enough to interrupt the conversation.

    "Ethier way I am glad fate decided you worthy of a master willing to teach what is valuable"

    “Though, To dedicate your life to a singular cause. That is commitment unseen. Whether that is wise or not, I cannot say. But commitment nevertheless.”

    “And I have no doubt of the weights you carry. But have you bore witness to true evils... The kind no man is comparable to… Above hate. Above maniacal ravings and frenzied attacks of mortals... I talk of Wickedness.”

    At that moment she gives a dead serious glare. Speaking in a whisper, as if they were being watched with a shiver.

    “True Wickedness… “

    “Malice Untold.”

    The last word hisses, burning in the suddenly silent air for a second before she quickly changes the tone and pace of the conversation.

    ‘'likewise, I too respect that you question all and its intentions... The result of motivation, consequence… One should indeed question why another changes their ways… For example, a change in diet, Is it out of Benevolence? Or rather out of necessity? One must ask themselves… For alas, the veil between many can, and will never be lifted."

    They stop for a second, gesturing to all those sitting around with a raise of the hand.


    There is a heavy silence on the table for a second, meanwhile, the commotion of the tavern continues to act out.

    “Given your position, I am sure you are already aware. But listen. Listen to the mumbles, conversations and bickerings of all these voices… Every sentence assigned to a different person, Each one of which, they bare burdens and memories that they would never tell another soul… It makes you wonder, Does it not? If only there were… Some miraculous way to 'encourage' them... You deal in truth no?"

    "Oh and No offence taken Shiro, Know I am thankful for your words... And yes, do not let your burdens and past slip from your grasp. it can, it will wait.

    At that moment Wisdom looks up from where the bird pecked at the table. 'Keep your secrets SsShiro. But do not let them feSster. B-Burn inside. Gnaw, Peck away at the soft, human mind.'

    Similarly, the traveller gets up. Allowing their words to emanate and sprial within Shiro for a time until returning to the table with a bowl of steaming porridge, to the sight of which the raven hops over, clacking their beak.
    Last edited: Jun 28, 2020
  16. Lizerd
    Skink Priest

    Lizerd Well-Known Member

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    Garutis nods towards Ohmen. Garutis points to some new items of his, namely his squirrel pillow, fur hat and new boots liner. Garutis has also used the bones to create various sharp projectiles to use in traps or hunts. Even the inedible parts of the carcass are being used as bait for some unsuscpecting predator.
    "Me use good" is all garutis says to Ohmen
  17. DeathBringer125

    DeathBringer125 Well-Known Member

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    Drakk listens intently to Shiro's words. He definitely seemed like a good guy, perhaps if they traveled with Eugene, Shiro could join them afterwards. Upon hearing the mention of the Red Orcs, Drakk perks up a bit and says "I agree, our ship was attacked a few days back. Maybe we should do some asking around about them? We may be able to find the answers we seek."
  18. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Tarkaz begins to gather his weapons, gold and otherthing one may need on the road carefully to not awaken anyone. As the minotaur tip-hooves around he looks for his small companion, did harm come to the mimmoth? Locking up all the food stuffs and other things he plans to leave behind, he does one final look around for Lil'usk. Whincing towards the far corner he notices a large pile of seeds and nuts, and in the middle of it a passed out mimmoth. Smiling Tarkaz notices that her stomach seems extra plump, "Must have given her..extra..." he chuckles silently.

    Scooping Lil'usk up and whisking away downstairs Tarkaz pays for his first night and leaves a generous tip and says he'll be staying again, "The service was extraordinary"

    Looking around he begins to look for any familiar faces, Lil'usk in her little harness stands next to Tarkaz on the floor. Tarkaz looks at Lil'usk and asks her where everyone went, as if the small mammoth would know. Shrugging to the small pachyderm Tarkaz takes them outside of the Tavern to search for anyone or any sign of where they might be
    Tk'ya'pyk, Lizerd, Nazqua and 2 others like this.
  19. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    "I agree" Shiro shakes his head slightly, "but we will need someone a little more... persuasive than I. A smooth talker. I have... skills in forceful induction of cooperation, but it is something I would not use on an innocent. Do we have someone like this?"
  20. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Hearing voices he knows Tarkaz turns back and heads into the tavern once more. Seeing those he recognized he sits down but in such a way that he can hide his face from those he participated gluttony with the night before...his horns however give him away

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