Yes, Games Workshop's own website would be a good starter. If needed choose your language, and then go to Gaming whereby you go to Erratas and FaQs and choose the Warhammer Fantasy one. Note that they're not up yet though. Cheers!
I don't remember. It was a good few days before the 10th though. Personally I never saw the point in releasing them before the book, stores got copies for in store demos anyway.
The new 8th edition errata's are up (apologies if it's already been posted)
In terms of lizardmen stuff there is not much that is new. Most of the FAQ is the same as 8th, some stuff I found cool Gor Rok now counts as defending on obstacle, so dangerous terrain tests happen if charged by cav. Also -1 to hit for the chargers on the turn they charge. Chameleon skinks get sniper rule (don't remember what that does) Diadem of power is back to an a general dice transfer item. Focused Rumination dice count towards the limit. Not sure if this means that if you have 12 dice when you cast a spell you can't roll the extra dice, or you can only ever use 12 dice total in each magic phase. Terradons can't drop rocks the turn they charge. It would seem like this would mean you drop rocks on one unit on the way to charging another. Other than that there is no other updates. No mention of saurus getting the extra attack in the second rank. So it still looks like a 5 wide saurus block will get 20 attacks with spears.
I wish that were true! As that would be Sweet. Oxyotl replaces his one rule with that, which is basically the same thing. The Horned one ruling iw wierd.
Opps bad about that one. The one about it being just a mount. I guess it makes sense, it means issues where other magic items would affect it or destroy it are ignored. Overall, it seems like overall, the Lizardmen army doesn't have too many changes. Also, just realized, with kroxigors losing their great reach, so they can still attack from the second but do they only count as supporting attacks. So one str 6 attack each instead of the 3. If that is the case, that makes them pretty crappy.
Would it be possible for someone to update the Lizardmen FAQ thread or maybe host a link for the pdf download, I'm having trouble accessing the GW site. Thanks in advance!
Krox are monstrous infantry so they get all attacks from supporting ranks. I wonder about doing a horde unit with skinks 10 acrossand krox stacked 3 wide 2 deep? I was wondering does the Horned One count for your magic points and slots then? It says for rules purposes or something?
Krox still get their full 3 attacks due to being Monstrous Infantry. I think Great Reach was removed so that players would not try to stomp with them at the end of close combat.
Supporting attacks for monstrous infantry are capped at 3, it just so happens that the majority of them only have 3 attacks. It was removed because it is no longer a special rule, you always get supporting attacks from the second rank.
Errata says Chilly lizards and blowfish are monsters. Rule book says War beasts. I'll go with Monsters. Thunderstomp is fun. Cheers!
Sadly that is wrong, they are "treated as monsters for the purposes of the Monsters & handlers rule" which does not make them a monster for thuderstomp rules unfortunately. On the bright side of salamanders though, they can now march and shoot
For the Skroxs unit just remember you would have to have at least 48 Skinks in that unit And as for the Horned One, yes, it still takes up magical items points/slots as far as I know. Its to keep us from taking more than on in an army.