AoS Decimated by Sylvaneth

Discussion in 'Seraphon Tactics' started by DenDamian, Jul 1, 2020.

  1. DenDamian

    DenDamian Member

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    I do hope this goes here?

    So here's the deal. Yesterday i had my first ever AoS battle. And safe to say i dit not fare very well. Other then some kills from Comet's Call and Saurus on foot my saurus had absolutely no chance against, especially, Kurnoth Hunters (9 of them).

    So, i had no prior knowledge, didnt use any buffs or coalsced thingymajiggy, and only after the game found out about command traits. Safe to say i did not play the Seraphon to their capabillity.

    I have rematch plannend in 2 weeks and was hoping to get some help in how to set up and play, especially against Kurnoth Hunters that prettt much ripped through my Bastilladon in 2 turns.

    I had, on the field;

    1x bastilladon Solar Engine build
    1x Oracle on Troglodon
    1× oldblood on foot
    2x saurus warriors ( 2 units of 10)
    1x saurus knights
    1x skinks
    1x salamander

    I have 4 units of guards, a Slann, an astrolith bearer, ripperdactyls and terradons, an oldblood or vet on carnosaur, an extra skink unit, 3x starpriests and 3 extra units at the the ready. Unfortunatly no stegadons, starseers, Kroxigors, eternity wardens or chameleon skinks or Lord Kroak as they are all unavailable.

    Suggestions? Any help or tips would be nice.

    LizardWizard and Erta Wanderer like this.
  2. Erta Wanderer

    Erta Wanderer Well-Known Member

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    mostly you just have to beef up you units our foot troops are best when in blocks of 30+.
    it would also help pick a lane to go down (saurus or skinks) and stick to it the 2 halves of our army need to many heroes to take both. if you want to run skinks look into bringing starpriests and normal priests to buff then and a slann to generate CP
    if you want to run saurus try to get a sunblood(or a proxy for him) and a slann to generate CP
    Canas and LizardWizard like this.
  3. Tav

    Tav Well-Known Member

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    I think having Slann instead of the oracle would be better as they are the same points but you get 3 casts and unbinds instead of only 1 with skink oracle, also you can generate more command points.
    make sure to remember that all coalesced units receive -1 damage from each attack(to a minimum of 1) so each attack from the kurnoth hunters will be 1 damage less to your whole army.
    LizardWizard and Erta Wanderer like this.
  4. Nart

    Nart Well-Known Member

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    It is a bit complicated to deal with such deathstar with units you have, because our units are funcional in numbers. But out of what you have I suggest taking a carnosaur. You can go thunder lizard, so it gainst +2 wounds and +1 attacks on jaws and make him a warlord for another +1 attack on jaws. It has poor rend, unfortunately, but if you get lucky, you can deal a lot of damage. Alternatively, you can go for koatl's claw and take eviscerating blade artefact, so you have a chance for mortal wounds and you can have a warlord trait to return spent CP on 4+. I suggest replacing troglodon with slann too. Slann can give units FLY, so you can ignore LoS block of Wyldwoods. If you go thunder lizard, you could also shoot twice with bastiladon for CP. Salamander is good, even if you have only one. You should ditch saurus and knights for now - they are ineffictive in small units. Take skinks to fill battleline and guard to protect slann.

    You may try something like this:

    Allegiance: Seraphon
    - Constellation: Koatl's Claw

    Slann Starmaster (260)
    - Spell: Celestial Apotheosis
    Saurus Oldblood on Carnosaur (250)
    - General
    - Command Trait: Dominant Predator
    - Artefact: Eviscerating Blade

    10 x Skinks (60)
    - Boltspitters Celestite Daggers & Star Bucklers
    5 x Saurus Guard (100)

    4 x Salamander Hunting Pack (80)

    Bastiladon (220)
    - Weapon: Solar Engine

    Total: 970 / 1000
    Extra Command Points: 0
    Allies: 0 / 200
    Wounds: 55
  5. Canas

    Canas Ninth Spawning

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    Were the kurnoth hunters with bows or outfitted for melee? Cuz at only a 1000 points we have very little that can deal with the ranged onslaught, but at least the melee variant we should be able to deal with.

    Also what else was he fielding? The kurnoths are 600 points already so he doesn't have much room left. What else did he bring?
    ILKAIN likes this.
    Skink Chief

    ILKAIN Well-Known Member

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    Kurnoths are devastating at low point battles for sure. had a guy that was gloating for the first two weeks of an escalation league cuz he was undefeated at 500 and 1k. (this was old seraphon BT) then 1500 and 2k he won like 2 games total. fell out of prize placing (top 5) and became saltier than the dead sea lol
    Canas likes this.
  7. DenDamian

    DenDamian Member

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    6 were equipped with Scythes, this was also one whole unit, and 3 with swords. The unit with 3 had a "captain"

    I believe he had 1 arch revenant and 1 branchwraith, and 2 units of spite revenants, though these were only 3 to 4 models. I think he also had 1 unit of dryads or tree revenants, or a combination of mentioned units. No more than 10 models other than the Kurnoths. I could be mistaken, since i am not all that familiar with Sylvaneth units.i
  8. Canas

    Canas Ninth Spawning

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    Right well
    Arch revenant
    2x 5 spite revenants
    1x 10 Dryads
    and 9 Kurnoth
    adds up to exactly a 1000 points so that works :p

    Now thank god they're melee, this way we can actually do something about it in such a small game.

    Now given what you have i'd do the following:
    1) I wouldn't bother with a slann. You don't need the dispells against his army, you don't have any endless spells, you don't have the models needed to summon. And the slann specific spells aren't super usefull in this context. So for now I wouldn't bother. 4 casts are nice, but the troglodon can easily eat some of the lesser opponents while the slann will struggle to defeat anything in here in actual combat. And without endless spells, or being Kroak, our magic simply isn't that impressive against these opponents.

    2) General strategy would be to take out his leaders then kill or stall the Kurnoth.

    So with the stuff you have I'd go for the following. In both cases pick whatever general trait & artifacts you prefer. They're not hugely important to the strategies :p

    Option 1)
    Coalesced, thunderlizard Monster-jam:
    1x Troglodon
    1x Oldblood on carno

    1x 20 Skinks
    1x 10 skinks (or 3x 10 skinks if you prefer)

    1x bastiladon

    1000 points.

    Use your ranged attacks & spell to try and snipe the heroes early on, try to send your troglodon & carno into combats that they can quickly win without much risk (they should annihilate the revenants & heroes fairly easily). Avoid actually fighting the kurnoths if possible, use your skinks as sacrifical fodder to block them if needed.

    Option 2)
    Coalesced, thunderlizard Shadowstrike:
    1x troglodon
    1x Starpriest
    2x 10 Skinks
    As big a unit of terradons or rippers you can field (preferably 6+)

    Shadowstrike templehost

    900 points with 6 rippers, 920 with 6 terradons. Try to get the appropriate chief in there with the leftover points, more rippers/teradons is of course also good :p

    Use your spells and ranged attacks to hunt for the heroes. Have the troglodon hunt for easy targets again. Buff up your unit of rippers/terradons as much as you can and crash those into the kurnoth. Hopefully you'l manage to take out enough of them in one swoop. Since he has no ranged troops it shouldn't be too difficult to get the full unit into position so shouldn't be too troublesome. Skinks are again sacrificial fodder and for the occasional objective.
    Erta Wanderer likes this.
  9. Grotpunter

    Grotpunter Well-Known Member

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    Regardless of list the first few games will always be rough especially if you play against opponents that arent super new to the hobby. It is a tactical board game after all. My first 10 games or so were all losses because I had no idea what I was doing and I felt awful and thought the game was unbalanced. I kept at it however and tried to learn constantly and ask my opponent for their view and what I could have done better,

    I would suggest to make a semi decent list and stick to it, no matter if you lose or win. Keep practicing your army rules, but also the general rules for AoS. Maybe the best tactic isnt always to just max move everything forward against your opponent every turn etc.

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