Pathfinder-ish Campaign...

Discussion in 'General Hobby/Tabletop Chat' started by Tk'ya'pyk, Apr 10, 2020.

  1. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    Drakk, you feel like you should be annoyed that Ohmen is obviously trying to be a copy-you... kind of...

    But on the other hand, the kobold behind the desk is setting out ore samples, as well as raw, uncut stones. Looks like they have: copper, zinc, tin, something you suspect is silver, and iron.

    As for stones, they have malachite, something blue, some interesting uncut green crystals, some light blue uncut crystals, and some yellow stones.
  2. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    Bigbang, the dockmaster is looking for you. He didn't see you due to your high ability to sneak away, but he did see you loading those barrels from the damaged area, so he knows who did this.
  3. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    All the while talking to the two, obviously bored kobolds, Ohmen takes a quick look around.. Really, he lacked enough knowledge to give a true judgment upon each individual metal and stone, and all of their ins and outs… But Iron, among other ores. They were practical and cheap. But also heavy and cumbersome… and most likely sold in all places for a similarly cheap price… Comparably worthless for this task.

    The uncut crystals, however, they drew his attention more… not just because of the way they shined so brilliantly, even in this crude, uncut form. But rather, the knowledge that these, these would not be available elsewhere, and more importantly the value which Drakk could surely add to them.
  4. DeathBringer125

    DeathBringer125 Well-Known Member

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    Drakk turns to the shop-keep and asks him how much each gemstone would cost.
  5. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    Nodding, the clerk puts the ore samples away. "Well, that depends on what you want. Malachite and Azurite," she says, gesturing to the mottled green-and-black and mottled blue stones "are 10 gp for a fist-lump. Citrine and Peridot," she continues, indicating the yellow and green crystals, "are 50 gp for a fist-lump equivalent, and the Aquamarine," she finishes, gesturing to the light blue crystal, "is 500 gp for a fist-lump equivalent."

    You think you can get at least four cut stones from each uncut fist-lump, but you may damage some during the cutting.
  6. DeathBringer125

    DeathBringer125 Well-Known Member

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    Drakk and Ohmen quickly set to work haggling with them. Drakk leaves most of the talking to Ohmen though as that is his strong suit. After about 5 minutes of price negotiation, they work some of the prices down and end up spending 498 gold pieces on various gems. Using the group fund, they acquired 6 uncut peridots, 4 uncut citrine's, and 4 uncut stones of various colors. All in all, they got quite a good deal. Drakk estimated he could at the very least get half of the total price back as profit, if not far more! Shaking the merchants hand, Drakk exclaims "Thank you for your business! I will make sure to recommend this port for any gem merchants I meet during our journeys as you have quite good prices! I hope we meet again, if I'm ever on Vyapor again I will certainly come here first to acquire more gemstones.". With that word, Drakk and Ohmen leave before explaining to the group what they bought.
  7. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    With a smile Ohmen speaks, her kobold face a glow whilst wishing them good business and thanks. And having completed such notions, she reaches into a pouch, placing down a total of 46 golden pieces onto the counter. This was her total. And with the coins sheen rivalling that of the gems, sparkling like Ohmen’s eyes in the light, a few seconds pass before, clutched in her hand is a raw, hefty peridot stone. The reflected light imprisoned within the gem, highlighting cascading greens, visceral and vibrant. Its tones soothing and refreshing to the eyes, the gem itself, begging to split open and worked. Oh, and it most certainly would be.

    With a notion to the others, Ohmen asks them to bring forth their money before gathering up the total gems. Carefully placing each one into a small satchel. Their colours, Some melding together in harmony, whilst others clashed and fought for the eyes' attention... these were the fruit of their work, of their gold.

    Passing the fattened satchel to Drakk Ohmen speaks. ‘My knowledge, It lies not in gems. It lies in people. I am sure you can do many things with these.'
    Last edited: Jul 3, 2020
  8. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    Shiro watched the exchange between the Kobolds with amusement. Ohmen/Kobold was an accomplished diplomatic merchant. He/she flattered, wheedled and persuaded, just the right amount of force here, a measured amount of flattery there.

    Stones and money changed hands. Smiles on both sides.

    Shiro pushed off the walls and followed the Kobolds out of the door. Rejoining Drew and Izema outside, he scans the area for potential threats before turning his gaze on the party.

    "Friends. Let us make our way to the vessel and familiarize ourselves with it. Without Tarkaz we need another gunner for the Ballista, hopefully Drew spent enough time with him on the last vessel to be competent now?" He nods respectfully to Drew. "Otherwise, our quest awaits us. Even though the Kobolds have no further bounty upon the creatures my point is twofold: 1) we will be ridding the area of a scourge, but 2) surely they have amassed wealth from their raiding that should be confiscated?" He winks broadly.

    With that he indicates they should go to the vessel.
  9. DeathBringer125

    DeathBringer125 Well-Known Member

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    Heading back to ship, Drakk stows his things in the quarters nearest to the helm, which was for him and Ohmen, and made his way to Izema and pulled him aside to tell him something in private (information is only known to Izema). Drakk whispers to him "The first night I was in Silgis, I was kidnapped. No no, don't worry it was a good kidnapping? Anyways, I was brought to speak with the Great Silgisarr, the Dragon who rules over Silgis, and asked her about my lineage. She told me that she knows who my grandfather is but that he is not a very good person. Nonetheless I would like to track him down to speak with him, that has been my dream my entire life. If you see any Kobolds, or half dragons with my scale pattern please tell me, excluding Ohmen's mimickery of course. Anyways Silgisarr warned me not to approach them immediately but to watch them for a while and figure out how they act. I wanted to tell you this since you are my most trusted friend I've ever met!"
  10. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    Shiro returns to Eugene's ship to collect all of his belongings. As he gathers his clothes and bundles them up, he takes a moment to reflect upon the transiency life he finds himself in, so different from his orderly beginning in the Monastery of the Eternal Order. How different his life would be had he not taken that mission...

    Shaking his head, he turns to survey the room. It's wooden interior had been his home for months and he had grown accustomed to it. Laying a hand on the wooden walls, he bids it farewell.

    Walking up to the Payback, he takes a good look at her. Sleekly designed, it would obviously not be a ship for direct confrontation, but for subtlety, for undercover missions to deliver their warriors to the exact right place to strike. Their strength would be speed and maneuverability, he would have to speak to those helming her to ensure they had this straight in their heads as well otherwise they would experience disaster as well as those getting cargo for her. A heavy cargo would render their precious speed and flight for naught and make them into easy targets.

    Climbing the gangplank he smiles to himself as he realizes that he would be returning to dorm living, since there were only two cabins. He smiled as the two spellcasters had obviously dumped their belongings in one cabin, meaning the other cabin for the rest. He realized he could take either as his... special... abilities also granted him magical power. But, he trusted Izema more than any of them at this point and decided to bunk in the same room as him. He would have to get used to the... little one...

    After settling his belongings, Shiro decides he had better be back-up in manning the ballista and so goes to find Drew to learn how to do this. He knew at least one ranged spell and the fireball would definitely come in useful when an enemy ship was close, but for longer range he had better learn this. He would probably be of inefficient use on the helm, since he was not entirely a spellcaster.
  11. Erta Wanderer

    Erta Wanderer Well-Known Member

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    Izema nods "ah family matters, always more trouble then they first seem, if you need my aid i will gladly give it and it is good to finally be at the meet the parents stage in our relationship."he grins teeth and all
  12. DeathBringer125

    DeathBringer125 Well-Known Member

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    Drakk laughs and claps his hands before saying "I guess it is!". Then Drakk walks off to address the Dockmaster he sees coming their way.
  13. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    Arriving onto the scene discreetly, Wisdom flutters down to fish between the docks lumpy cobbles. The raven's beak returning filled with sodden chunks of hardtack. Meanwhile, Ohmen approaches those still lingering with a nod, Making the identity of this kobold even clearer before standing to admire the ship… though, ‘admire’ would not be the most fitting word, rather ‘assess’. It was of speed, not strength or brute power. Whilst not the most durable, or well equipped, it looked to be an agile, smooth running craft. And an undoubtedly good one for a crew this size at that.

    Approaching its deck with a certain step, Ohmen slowly and gradually shifts back into a familiar form, pulling down the white cloak hood. And now, with the satisfying clicking of boots against yielding wood, the changeling runs their hand down the ship's railing before entering into its interior.

    Bending down through the doorway, Ohmen takes a deep breath of musky air whilst looking around. Everything inside is rather plain, neat. old too. Anything of value or significance to the previous owner stripped down without much care. Either way… these walls, this ship… it was theirs, or rather, his now.

    Strolling past some of the ship’s finer interiors, Ohmen walks to the so-called ‘Captain’s’ quarters, those that would serve to house the spellcasters and helm operators. Passing Drakk’s small pile of items, the rings presence amongst it unbenounced to him he continues. Wisdom however regards the pile with a deeper stare before dragging herself to follow… though, admittedly the raven did that to most things…

    Anyhow, casting the white cloak aside, Ohmen kneels down carefully unclipping the notorious tattered bag. And, just as he had done so many times before, begins to retrieve his items. By first tucking the three considerable crates of food neatly into the corner, followed by several pouches…

    And a few minutes later, He returns to the ship head. Cloaked in dull, yet colourful, Shadowy, yet illuminated fabric, in which dazzling patterns and textures swirled as if persuaded by a nonexistent breeze or dancing to an irregular, nonexistent rhythm or beat. with staff clutched in rusted, deteriorated gauntlets and another rested on the helm’s smooth, cool cut surface, he looks out through the front screen, angled upwards to face a sky of possibilities…

    Ohmen's cloak really follows between the lines of these two:


    Last edited: Jul 4, 2020
  14. Lizerd
    Skink Priest

    Lizerd Well-Known Member

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    Bigbang hurries onto the ship, hoping to avoid the wrathful dockmaster
  15. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    Drakk, the Dockmaster explains that someone rolled a bunch of barrels into the dock, possibly damaging it. He will need to examine it for such damage. He is telling you this because that person when loaded those barrels onto your ship, therefore your crew is liable for said damages.
  16. DeathBringer125

    DeathBringer125 Well-Known Member

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    Drakk sighs and asks the Dockmaster how much they owed, and started calling out for whoever caused the damage, though he already suspected their new "ally".
  17. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    Shiro finds Ohmen on board.

    "We should appropriate duties and set watches if we are going to be travelling on the ship. As far as I understand, there is Drakk, yourself and I as casters who should rotate on helm duty so that there are two of us ready to repel boarders as necessary. Judging by Izema and Big Bangs agility, I believe they should have watches as lookout. Once we have a ballista, Drew should be primary gunner, but we need to train up several others so that we can also be prepared."

    Shiro looks out one of the portholes and sees Drakk trying to calm an agitated dockmaster. "When Drakk is finished... peace talks... then we should have a meeting and decide upon roles with everyone. What do you think?"
  18. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    Whilst Wisdom, who perched Ohmen’s shoulders, twists around to eye Shiro, Ohmen continues to stare upwards, back turned whilst starting to slowly respond.

    ‘Indeed, We should Shiro… How grateful I am that fate drifted another caster to us… Especially with Tarkaz’s leave… But petals.. Petals must fall.

    It is only now the changeling turns, Shiro getting a true feel for his height and cloak, in which darkness holds dominion as black as death. ‘I agree… And I am sure whatever navigational Skills Drakk has, they will also find a place here…”

    At this point, Wisdom adds, or rather interrupts… one of the two . ‘I.. WatCh. Vigilance of eyes many.”’ in a slight whisper

    “As for the troublesome rabbit, I would be a hypocrite to comment on its behaviour getting in our way… but yes, yes let us do that. Use this as an opportunity to get some things straight. Arrangements, Possible procedures for different scenarios should they arise and such.” Shiro can notice a coldness in Ohmen’s voice. the underlying expression and warmth in his voice, which Shiro had gotten used to lacking.
  19. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    Shiro acknowledges Ohmen and thinks to himself. Pacing slightly he moves forwards and sees items left on the main cabin table.

    He walks up to find a heavy bag of gold and a short note:

    "Thys is a donayschion to hewlp the pohr peepoo who had bawrels hit theyre stuf. Kynd regaruds, a Frend (Not Big Bang)"

    Shiro rolls his eyes, collects up the gold and goes out to help Drakk.

    "Are you coming Ohmen?"
  20. Lizerd
    Skink Priest

    Lizerd Well-Known Member

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    Bang, hiding in a kichen cabinet has left 200gp on the table with two smaller notes, the smaller saying "Pay the dock master and fuck off"

    the fact that a rodent knows profanity is remarkably surprising

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