AoS Building off Start Collecting Skinks

Discussion in 'Seraphon Army Lists' started by effOrt_aos, Jul 3, 2020.

  1. effOrt_aos
    Jungle Swarm

    effOrt_aos New Member

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    Hey all. I decided to pick up a new project and wanted to try out the new serephon. I'm not a great player, but I've played a little bit. I picked up the tome and the Start Collecting Skinks box. I like doing lists that aren't too spamy and include a few of the not quite as powerful units, and I'm hoping to expand to 1k and 2k relatively soon.

    The terradon riders seem really cool and I want a good way to work them into my list. They look like they're going to be very fragile but potentially they look like a pretty beastly hero/important thing sniper for not that many points. The starseer seems to have really good synergy here, but since his 3d6 charge buff is a wholly within buff, I think it only really has play in a starborne army - if so fangs seem better because of the turn 1 movement. I don't know that coalesced does much for terradon riders, as the jaw attack doesn't seem like it's going to be a big part of their damage, the best thing you can do for their damage seems to be making their charge more consistent.

    I want to make the list well rounded, so I don't want to do a little trick with terradons then do a kroak plus a ton of skinks and salamander spam, I'd like to include a few other units to make it a well rounded and fun list (plus I think both of those will probably get a big adjustment in GHB.) I do want to keep the cost down to a reasonable amount, so no spamming dread saurians or anything.

    So currently I have just the SC box. I'm hoping you guys could give me ideas for how to expand from here for 1kand 2k. Like I said since I want to use the terradon riders I'm leaning slightly toward starborne for the teleporting starseer, but I could go either way. Here's my current ideas for 1k - Buff up the 6 block of terradon, run them up the field, with teh chief, TP the starseer and get off a 3d6 charge, then after you snipe your unit, stay back to grab objectives and look for out of position units and play normally. Have 360 points free, or 140 if using the bastilladon.


    Skink Starseer (140)
    Skink Starpriest (120)
    Skink Priest (70)
    Terradon Chief (70)

    Skinks x10 (60)
    ? (probably more skinks, but maybe some warriors?)

    Terradon x6 w/ bolas(180)

    Thanks for any help! This looks like a great community and I'm glad to be a part of it.
    LizardWizard likes this.
  2. LizardWizard

    LizardWizard Grand Skink Handler Staff Member

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    Welcome to Lustia.

    I think you are on the right direction for what you want to do. Lord Kroak is always a good addition. So are more Skinks. Fangs of Sotek strikes me as the best platform for Terradon and Skink spam. You can never go wrong with Salamanders either.
    Grotpunter likes this.
  3. effOrt_aos
    Jungle Swarm

    effOrt_aos New Member

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    What I'm concerned about right now for 1k is after I snipe a hero or important unit with the terradons, I'm not sure If I should be having a good block of skinks or several Chaffe units of 10 that can jump on objectives. I have good buffing power with the priest/starseer, but no good vector to buff. The terradons are probably toasted after turn 2, and will probably just be used to hold up units and hopefully keep an enemy from capping an objective for 1 to 2 turns more. A block of skinks would be a good candidate, but a couple of 10 blocks plus a beefier unit might be better for dealing with secondary threats. I'm not sure how useful a second wave of terradons would be here.

    FOr 2k a slaan/kroak plus a 12 unit of salamanders would fill out ~500-550 points plus maybe a few endless spells. I think adding in another monster or two (or maybe some kroxigor) would be fun and keep the list light and fun to play against, though I'm not 100% what to add for that remaining 450-500 points.
    LizardWizard likes this.
  4. SkinkBait

    SkinkBait Active Member

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    Now take what I say with a grain of salt. I haven't actually played a game with the new Seraphon book. (Got the book then quarantine happened)

    I am a big fan of 40/10/10 for any of our battleline options. Especially if you are running a Skink Starpriest. Having that one big blob that you can focus on with buffs and protection is simple and effective. The two extra small units are great for holding objectives or zoning out opponent teleport shenanigans. Now you can expand on this from here (like you could go for 40/20/20 or 40/40/10 or even add a few extra 10s in there), but I feel like a base of 60 basic battleline models is a solid base especially for Seraphon now. You really don't see a lot of top heavy lists with 3 squads of 10 skinks and everything else that much anymore.

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