Pathfinder-ish Campaign...

Discussion in 'General Hobby/Tabletop Chat' started by Tk'ya'pyk, Apr 10, 2020.

  1. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    Giving a nod of recognition to Drakk, The traveller continues on from where the kobold had left off with a smile.

    “Yeah, we bought the uncut gem for, what was it again 55 golden coins like Drakk said. Really beautiful stuff, even before it was worked, sculpted and cleaned. You would be surprised at the number of stages there are really…”

    “Anyways, So whilst we were on our way here, you know we put a little, or well, a lot of effort and time getting them all cut and polished, the works… And to be only fair that should at least be equivalent to more cost... Either way though, It's the gem that really matters. And it's a breathtaking one at that.”
    Last edited: Jul 8, 2020
  2. Lizerd
    Skink Priest

    Lizerd Well-Known Member

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    bang running around market is looking for the following
    • green steel tube (8 inches in length)
    • green steel spring
    • some steel ingots
    • 3 ballista cables
    • and some wood
    he asks around for "steel that is green in color and is way better then the normal stuff"
  3. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    The flicker of interest in the Gnoll’s eyes and ears like blood in the water, Ohmen jumps, or rather gradually eases himself into the position to haggle.

    Her words being ‘Hmm… I can pay 60 gold’

    Giving a slight hand action and a sort of weighing up smile, The traveller is quick to respond.

    “Alright well, Im going to have to say 64, You see the process to get it like this, in one, or well two words: It’s hard.”

    Ohmen holds it up in front of the Gnoll, showing her the intricacies, polished sheen and the way in which is shines in such light. "Plus, the well, kobolds we got the raw gem from, they weren’t exactly the cheapest."

    "I could perhaps do 62.."

    "Make that 63, and we are looking at one beautiful shining gem!"

    "62 and 5 silvers?"

    "Listen, Im really sorry but the lowest I can do is 62 and 8 Silvers, and we will call it a deal!’

    Gathering up the coins passed in exchange from the stone, Ohmen gives a wide nod, yet another smile painted on a blushed face. "great doing trade with you."
  4. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    Pocketing the gemstone, the knollosi smiles happily. "Very nice this is! Setting I have in mind this for already! But, to business we must go." Stepping past you, she looks your ship over and pages through a small book she takes from a satchel at her waist. "Hmm, wood, not plates of metal, dragonfly-class hull this is. Ten tonnes weight, times two golds per ton means docking fee will be twenty of gold per week," she tells you, closing the book and putting it away."
  5. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    ‘I guess having a smaller ship is good in that way too!’
    The traveller gives a friendly smile, looking to the others in the group, and noticing how Big bang is especially rearing to go.

    Alright, 20 gold you say, 20 gold it is.” Looking to their hand which conveniently housed 62 golden coins, the traveller is quick to count out 20, chuckling ‘Well would you look at that, I guess this works huh’ before passing them straight back to Ulathami.
  6. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    Nodding, she takes the coins, but instead of putting them in her own pouch, she gestures one of the guards forward. The coins go into a metal box carried on a strap about his shoulder. "Docking fees higher once were, but Council decided that lower fees encourage merchants would. Trade we appreciate in Kithmali."

    Off to your right, you can see a hatch on the front of that green spider-like ship has opened. A strange contraption is... floating(?) out of it. Looking like a palanquin of sorts, each end is supported by a strange metal disc. The palanquin is piled high what what looks like coils of rope and bolts of cloth. Once the front hatch closes, the strange crew of that ship split up. Half of them stay with the ship, the other half accompany the floating palanquin towards the Kithmali gates.

    "Kithmali off of normal trade routes would be, were Oracle not here, so we make efforts trade to encourage," Ulathami tells you. "At current moment, Grand Market of Kithmali the biggest market in region is. Bigger there are, but not between here and Mirial's Rock."
  7. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    "Now, rules and laws I must explain," Ulathami says, pulling a different book from her satchel. "First law for traders," she begins. "Peace-bonded weapons must be!" One of the humans steps forward, holding a small wooden box. It is full of different lengths of colored ribbon. "Peace-knot we can show you how to make, but weapons must be secured in sheath with such bonds! Failure to peace-bond will result in fine of fifty gold for first offense." As she talks, the wind begins to pick up a little. A faint haze hangs high in the air, and a salty taste taints it. "Second law: Trade of Godshards is permitted, but use of Godshards within limits of Kithmali territory is forbidden! Permanent exile is penalty for failure to follow this law!"

    She goes on and on about various legal matters, most of which are pretty straightforward. Slavery is illegal in Kithmali, trading in slaves is also illegal. Do not kill people, but if you are attacked you are allowed to defend yourself, and so forth. Special attention is made to magic use within Kithmali. Charm spells are not to be used on merchants, if proof is found that such spells were used, the penalty is, again, exile from Kithmali.
    TheCrazyKhorneGuy, Lizerd and Nazqua like this.
  8. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    Shiro bows to Ulathami and accepts the peacebond. Tying this around his Katana, he thanks her for her time and for the hospitality.

    Conferring with the others, he leaves Drew to sleep and Izema to go swimming in a nearby pond. He impores Drakk to finish cutting the stone that he was given by Eugene earlier so that he can get some funds and also contribute to the next trade endeavour.

    Looking at Ohmen in his... her new form, he nods. "Shall we? I would like to get a feel for the place we are in and as well where we can trade. It would also be good to see what weaponry and armour or other protection are available... Not to mention a light ballista for the ship or other weapons that could be fitted in its place."
  9. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    Having first received Wisdom who had soared back down in somewhat of a panic, the Raven’s feathers icky and grimy with salt laden air… but also speaking of larger birds up in the sky. Which, become evident as swirling black shapes up higher before the clouds.

    Gently patting Wisdom, allowing the raven to get a good grip on her shoulders,its talons digging a little deeper than usual. Ohmen gives a gentle nod to the guard whilst approaching to grab a handful of, maybe two? Three? Ribbons with thanks, before mentioning that her weaponry was currently stored in various bags, and that they would immediately bond and disarm them if they were to be taken out.

    With ribbon still in hand Ohmen takes a deep breath and a few steps back, turning to Shiro with a smile. “Sounds good. Keep the gems on the mind, look for the opportunities. And whilst doing so, I want to learn more about this place"
  10. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    Walking to the gateway under the Harbormaster's office, you note the size of the building. It is enormous! The gateway arch is almost twenty feet tall, which is absurdly large, even for use by, say, mounted knights! The harbormaster gave each of you a chit to prove that you have paid the docking fee, and all you have to do is show that to the guards at the gateway. You walk under a masonry-arch tunnel for about a hundred feet and find yourself at the top of a sloping road, leading down the mountains towards a city you can see in the distance. You suspect it is about three miles away. Nearest the valley, the road is dusted with a fine layer of salt-laden sand. It is rather odd, and you're not sure why the sand would have salt particles in it, but there you go. As a result, the mountains up here are mostly barren save for some very hardy scrub bushes and grasses with a blue-green tint to them.

    But a mile down, you cross over a fast-running stream on a well-made (but seemingly ancient) stone bridge and everything changes. The mountains - and the road - open up into a lusher glade. Most of the trees are pretty normal - larch, birch, and a few willows close to the stream. But the closer to the city you get, those trees give way to fruit trees. Apples of at least five varieties, and several kinds of cherry trees grow in neat orchards to either side of the path. They are fenced in, but at one point a tree stands right next to the path, and a notice pinned to it reads that travelers are allowed to take fruit from this tree should they wish. Amber-colored apples pull the boughs low and fallen fruit litters the road.

    Speaking of which, while the road was just hard-packed earth and stone higher in the mountain, at this point it is a proper stone road. Neatly cut and shaped blocks of tawny stone are interlocked together with a very slight crown in the center of the path. Wheels ruts are worn into the stone, and you suspect this road - though well-maintained - is not new.

    Beyond the orchards, after about an hour of walking, you come to another bridge. This one is taller, and much stronger. Cut blocks of a whitish stone, tinted green-grey from moss and age form this bridge, a tall, wide span that crosses a deep river canyon. The water flows slowly past you almost eighty feet below you. Beyond that bridge lies Kithmali City.

    From here, atop the bridge's arch, all you can see is the city wall. Tall, imposing, cut from the same stone as the bridge, it lies a mere twenty yards from the bridge. Guards at the gateway are checking people as they enter and leave. There are four of them: two human, one knollosi, and one that appears to be a humanoid lioness? They are all clad the same, in silvered scale armor with broad-rimmed helmets. Each carries a crossbow, and a rack of halberds is tucked into an alcove just inside the gate arch. They note your peace-bonds, examine your docking chits, and permit you inside.
  11. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    Once inside the city, you are in for a shock. Kithmali is rather large. At the moment, you are in a district that appears to be populated mostly by knollosi. The buildings here are ancient and have a feel of serious age to them, like they don't belong in this millenia, let alone this year. While most of the knollosi you see range from six to eight feet in height, the doorways on these ancient buildings are usually ten feet tall! Clearly, they were built for people even taller than the knollosi, though you do not know who. The road you walked continues onwards towards the heart of the city, in an almost straight line (intersected by some fountains and statues you have to walk around) directly to the city-center, wherein you find...

    The Grand Bazaar of Kithmali, better known as the Great Market.

    Just standing at the edge of the market, you can see that it is easily one of the biggest such districts you have ever seen! Easily a mile across - maybe two or three, you're not sure - the market is packed with temporary tents and stalls, the entire district then surrounded by more permanent shops and businesses! Honestly, you are not sure where to begin your search for a place to sell your gems!
  12. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    The whole time until now Ohmen had been walking at a surprisingly fast pace, one that almost requires shiro to catch up every now and then... Only breaking the.. Well, not ‘awkward’, but Peaceful? Silence to grab a few of the fresher fruit pieces and getting through the gate.

    And it is now, life flushes back into her face with each breath of the city air, the scent of smoke, spices and all manner of other things riding its currents. Looking to Shiro, and then the city before them. Ohmen speaks. ‘So, lets us begin I suppose.’
  13. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    Shiro has been watching the surrounds as they walked from the docks to the city. There is a wealth of novelty here and he relished the exploration that this would bring. It amused him that Ohmen-Girl was rushing to get to the market, this form-aspect of him/her was a little too good with the female propensity for shopping. Nevertheless, he has been keeping watch. At no time were you more in danger than when first arriving at a place. You know not of the customs, threats and people of the area and it had always been a policy of his to be extra-careful during this time.

    Arriving at the Bizarre, he forgot even his most basic rules as the size of the trading area dwarfed anything he had seen before. They did things in large orders of magnitude on this planet!

    His training took over.

    Motioning to Ohmen that he should keep a firm hand on his monies, he lead the way forwards. They needed a place to sell their jewels, but also a new planet opened possibilities of weapons, armour, protection and... novelties. He was a great fan of novelties, even if not to buy but just to experience. It was a vice of his to discover new things on new worlds even if just collected as memories which he treasured.

    They also had a more pressing concern about the lack of protection on the ship. They were lucky that nothing had happened on the voyage over and would have to move the ship again at some point. With no protection at all this became a problem. He would look for ballistas but would also keep an eye out for any new technology would could have developed on this planet and not heard of elsewhere.

    Into the swirling sands, mixed people and chaos he led them.
  14. DeathBringer125

    DeathBringer125 Well-Known Member

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    Drakk went back to the ship with a sigh. He had really wanted to explore Kithmali, but duty called and Shiro needed his gem. He began to work on cutting Shiro's large gem into 3 smaller pieces, 2 small, 1 large.
  15. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    Shiro notices suddenly that there is a common symbol etched on wooden signs hanging through the market as he and Ohmen walk through. Asking once of the traders he finds out that this is a symbol for this being the herb market.

    He locates one of the shining-silver clad guards and asks how he can get to the market that would deal in jewel-crafting or selling.
  16. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    "Ah," the guard tells you. Indicating the signs, he tells you to look for one with crude drawings of cut gemstones or jewelry on them.
  17. Lizerd
    Skink Priest

    Lizerd Well-Known Member

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    Bang looking around Bang notices some guards with fire arms. He goes over to one, and politely taps on him saying
    "sir who is your commander in charge of dispatch? Those uhm, weapons you have are highly volatile and need improvement soon before they wear out or misfire"
  18. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    The guard in question looks at you a little oddly, but dispatches one of the cadets to take you somewhere. You are led through almost the entire city, to the North-West section. It takes almost an hour to walk there. Once inside, you are brought in front of a trio of rather annoying-looking soldiers. In the middle is a tall, greying knollosi wearing ornate but worn scale armor, individual scales picked out in bright enameled tones to form a picture of, well, something. To his left is an annoyed looking older woman. She has long, graying hair and is wearing a uniform like the gate guards, but better-quality. On the right is a younger, heavyset man who looks more like a weaponsmith than a soldier.

    "We invite you to explain your comment," the smith says in a calm tone.
    TheCrazyKhorneGuy, Nazqua and Lizerd like this.
  19. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    Taking his time Ohmen, for now, fades into the background and chaos of tumbling side streets and endless markets. If he, or rather she, wished to make herself known at any one point she would. Whilst Shiro, who urged himself forward to take lead saw each face as a threat. Ohmen saw it as an opportunity.

    Meanwhile above Wisdom had taken to the skies, weaving between staggered buildings and columns of smoke to take in the market in its overwhelming entirety, flowing down back into the chaos to inform Ohmen of whatever they could, keeping the other trivial informations and knowledges to themselves, for whenever they may be of use, Whether in this life or another.

    And now with a swirl of voices around her, like grains of sand in a desert breeze, the traveller looks to Shiro with a nod, before too asking for such crude drawings and symbols with the eyes of both herself and Wisdom.
  20. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    Following directions from other traders, Shiro and Ohmen come to the Jewel and Precious Metal Exchange market.

    It looks like a spread out Dragon's hoard. Gems and stones of all sizes were being exchanged between beings of all shapes and sizes. Precious metals, off-world and on-world currencies abound.

    Shiro looks to Ohmen, "Your... persuasion skills would be best here. We need to find the place that will give us the best prices. I will watch their indicators for anything that would give us a clue."

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