Pathfinder-ish Campaign...

Discussion in 'General Hobby/Tabletop Chat' started by Tk'ya'pyk, Apr 10, 2020.

  1. Lizerd
    Skink Priest

    Lizerd Well-Known Member

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    Bang grins "well see here. Everything about the weapon has something that can easily be improved. Lets start with the first and easiest part, ammo"

    The rounds you are using are spherical, which in every way are detrimental. Air resistance and a variety of other factors will drastically interfere with the flight path. Ideally a pointed rounds would be more useful as they are less subjected to air currents.

    next up we have the actual barrels, they aren't too bad, but they could be improved, preferably with metal that does not corrode in any significant way.

    trigger mechanism also needs a fix. A slow burning match is highly inefficient, what would be more ideal is a trigger mechanism that slams to materials together to form sparks, which thus ignite the gun powder and project the round. Currently a slow burn match takes to long to be useful and looks stupid.

    and there is always the gunpowder that could be refined as well, but that is a tale for another time. So, what do you have to say?
  2. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    Much like Shio, Ohmen had kept eyes on the peoples they passed… the reasons however, perhaps different. But now, Arriving into the Jewel market, Ohmen gestures around, speaking loud enough for only Shiro to hear. ‘Oh, Shiro I am sure they will. In this chaos, this manifestation of what… the things people will do for a shinier stone. Let us use it.”
  3. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    "True," the smith replies, "but the round bullets we are using suffice against our current opponents and do not need to be orientated in a specific direction when being loaded into the barrels. Since we use muzzle-loading weapons, not breech-loading, it is easier for us to retain the ball shape for the time being." You are a little surprised at this smith's knowledge of such weapons. This actually worries you a little.

    "Again, true, which is why we alloy our barrels with various other metals to resist such corrosion. However, a good seal-coating helps prevent that rust for some time."

    As you say this, you suddenly realize that the DM told you that they're already using Flintlocks on their firing mechanisms, so this line is removed from your conversation.

    Glancing at the other two, the smith shrugs. "So far, you have told us nothing of value. We use using the best alloys we can obtain for our barrels," he tells you, "with flintlock mechanisms. I already explained to you why we use round shot instead of cast bullets, and we probably have the best-quality gunpowder within a thousand miles. Even the Nimiskan gunsmiths use coarser powder than us."
  4. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    While the other two talk though, the smith suddenly gets an amused look on his face. "Of course," he adds with a wistful look, "if you know a good way to make a gatling weapon with the tech we have, that information we would pay decent money for. We have tried several times, but our attempts have not been... well..."

    Across the table, the woman rolls her eyes. "I would prefer to not have a repeat of the affair with that, um, what did the Speaker call it? 'Spray-and-pray' result you had last time?"
  5. Lizerd
    Skink Priest

    Lizerd Well-Known Member

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    Wow you guys arent as far behind as i thought. Well here are some design sketches of some fire arms we are using, they have advantages in multiple key aspects, and most importantly they can fire off a rapid volley.
    they can shoot harder, faster, and more efficiently then anything non magical in your arsenal. You guys interested?
  6. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    The smith's eyes light up, and he point-blank tells the other two that he will take things from here. Motioning for you to follow, he brings you to his workshop on the outer edge of the military compound. Looking around you can see that they are halfway advanced for humans, with a good-looking cannon-foundry on the premises, and if you're seeing things right, they know about barrel-rifling and how to do it as well! But their attempts at a multi-barrel gun... well... they have organ cannons, which are basically four or five normal, light-weight cannons mounted side-by side with a common firing mechanism, and their 'repeater' pistol is just three barrels that - in theory - shoot at the same time.

    The two of you get to talking, and the smith brings you some wood so you can make mock-ups of the parts required. When all is said and done, he is happy with the information you have and wants to pay you 800gp for it.
  7. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    Ohmen and Shiro, you are in the middle of the gem-market and realize two things. Most of the merchants here are selling jewelry, not stones. There are three market stalls buying and selling stones, and one permanent building that advertises the same.
  8. Lizerd
    Skink Priest

    Lizerd Well-Known Member

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    Bang shocked that they actually paid him for the information goes to the oracles palace to cash in, considering how he should be able to finish funding the rest of his arms project. It should be fun.

    As a parting gift Bang gifts the engineer some of the slag he regurgitated, instructing him on how to use it as a far more potent ammunition form then what they are currently using
  9. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    Gesturing to the Larger, more permanent building with an open palm, Ohmen leads forward, weaving her way between several other peoples before entering in. Whilst Wisdom above is quick to settle onto a roof, the traveller approaches with a certain elegance in her step and a slight smile painted on a face of business.

    The warmth and atmosphere of the shop’s interior sifting between her hair and cloak she takes a look around.
  10. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    This shop reminds you a little of the kobold's ore exchange. The three employees here are two humans, and a short, balding figure that is heavier-set than a halfling but not as stocky as a dwarf. You think that is a gnome, but you've never actually seen one before. Fairly quickly, you get to the front of the line with one of the humans. She asks you if you are here to buy or sell, and when you say sell, she prompts you to place your stones on the counter. A moment later she is looking at them with a jeweler's loupe in one eye and making interesting hmm-ing sounds.

    After a few minutes, she asks what you would like to get for the whole lot.
  11. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    Bigbang, it turns out getting your money is quick and simple. You go to the Palace of the Oracle, explain to the guard on duty what you want, and you are taken to a side building where they take your scrip and give you a bag of platinum coins. 800 gp worth, to be specific.
  12. Lizerd
    Skink Priest

    Lizerd Well-Known Member

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    Bang is pleased, a bag of platinum coins is good any day of the week. Now he just needs to figure out how to get the remaining funds necessary for the completion of the prototype bolt thrower.
  13. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    Studying the gem’s at the same time as the Employee, Ohmen, using the notes he wrote down previously. Before picking out the ones with the higher prices attached… there was no doubt this store already had values for each gem in their mind. With an almost relaxed smile, slightly relieved for Drakk to not be meddling in her haggling and negotiations, the traveller responds.

    ‘Ah, Well you see we are not actually looking to sell the whole lot right here right now without a pretty generous offer... But you see these here, we are actually willing to part with them.” Ohmen gently picks out a handful of the cleaner smoothly cut Citrines, laying them out on the counter, making sure for the light to pick up on their polished sheen.

    ‘Im sure you have seen many a shine in your days, but these, you can't argue with such a smooth finish and brilliant colour.’

    Ohmen waves his hand above the collection of what, 6? Citrine gems. Those of the highest quality. (75/80/70/100/70/75 Citrine.)

    Before moving on to a handful of peridot, (60/90/60/100/70/65/65 Peridot) lining them up neatly whilst talking “You know, I honestly think working here would overwhelm me, I mean look at the sheer beauty of the place!” the traveller takes a break from arranging the gems, gesturing around the room with wide eyes, the shelves and cabinets gleaming.

    Leaning back slightly, Ohmen continues talking in a soft, friendly voice. Waving over both lines of gems with a hand each before focusing in on the citrines.

    “Well you see these ones, they are our highest quality Citrines and Peridots… And well for this whole lot of Citrine, or ‘Amber Star’s’ Which is what my home used to call them, that would be… hmm... Considering all the effort, and trust me, spacefaring really is gruelling, it took us to get them here, to such a prestiged city and, might I add, a prestiged gem store… let's say 540 golden pieces.”

    Moving her gentle gaze to the peridot’s the traveller continues with a deep breath.

    You know, the Peridots really remind me of the lush glades before the city's gates, up front from the er, Dolomite-Port. Really beautiful stuff, one minute barren, sand and salt, the next boom, refreshing green! Either way, we can do this lot for.. hmm Ill cut it down a bit just for you and make it the nice clean number of.. 580 gold"

    “Mind you, I'm willing to go down a bit, but know you're looking at the fruit of several, week’s worth of work, effort and sweat! And… well probably tears too!” Chuckling, they continue.

    “And yes, I'm sure an expert like you is familiar with the tedious process but let me just say, The kobolds we got the raw ore stone from.. They weren’t the most lenient of sellers… Rightfully so I suppose, given the conditions of the mines where these beauties were sourced from… besides, we spent a good 4 hours getting the price down.. Yes I know I know.. Still Barely managed to shave anything off… But I guess they say, the market for gems, it's not cheap. And they mean it!

    Now slightly blushed, the shops heat and atmosphere turning their cheeks a rosy red, the traveller carefully picks out the highest value, best cut Citrine. Holding its smooth golden yellow surface up to the light . ‘I mean if you're looking to buy a few individually, like this one, we can arrange that aswell.”
  14. Lizerd
    Skink Priest

    Lizerd Well-Known Member

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    Bang goes to the forge to order the spring and tube, paying for the spring upfront and promising the remaining 700 gp when the spring is completed.
  15. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    Nodding gently, Ohmen shifts the neatly arranged gem’s further along, the employee’s hands disappearing beneath the counter only to return several times with small clutches of platinum coins soon to be placed into two stacks. Gleaming bright in the shop’s light, their smooth indented surface and shine daring to rival even that of the gems which they had been exchanged for.

    Taking a deep breath the traveller places a small leather pouch from her belt onto the counter before reaching out to retrieve the coins… their surface was cool and smooth, soft even. They had a certain weight to them... Whether due to their raw, natural weight or their metaphorical value or even a combination. (+112 Platinum Coins for the Sold Gems/ 1120 Gold Coins)

    Either way, Ohmnen gently passes the bag into Shiro’s hands with a light smile, his, or well her facial expression telling more than words. And now turning back to the counter as her eyes wandering around the room the traveller continues. ‘What wonderful stones you have here, Beautiful colours. Do you know what sorts are common around here?”

    With the quick response between Rubies, Garnet, varieties of Tiger’s Eye, Amethyst and well something called a Godshard among others Ohmen leans in slightly, continuing to look around the room.

    "You say.. Godshard? Hmm.. they were actually mentioned when we first arrived here, something about their use and Exile.. Serious stuff…

    "Well anyway, I know of the other stuff, and of course Tiger’s Eye… Beautiful stone. Like amber sands sifting through a sea of warm rock. I assume your not selling any of the stuff raw? Oh and would you happen to have any Jasper or Onyx in particular?"
  16. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    (DM: That is a good question.) (Rolls for it)

    "Yes, we have both Jasper and Onyx, as well as snowflake obsidian and something the Leoni call a 'cat's eye opal.'" She fishes one of the latter out - it is beautiful, a pearlescent yellow-green tone that really does look like it has the vertical pupil of a feline running through the center as an inlaid flash of blue-black. "We don't know where they get them, but they are rare and rather pricey," she adds with caution. "This one is worth three or four thousand. We're not sure exactly how much it will fetch at auction next week."

    In the meantime, back at the ship, Drakk's solitary work is interrupted when someone knocks on the hull.
  17. DeathBringer125

    DeathBringer125 Well-Known Member

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    Drakk looks up from his work confusedly before walking out on the deck to take a look at the visitor, staff in hand.
  18. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    Standing outside your ship is the Harbormaster, Ulathami, holding a rather ornate-looking scroll with a curious look on her muzzle. "To disturb I wish not, but this for you has arrived. Delivered by courier from Oracle's Palace!"
  19. DeathBringer125

    DeathBringer125 Well-Known Member

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    Drakk approaches Ulathami in greeting and takes the scroll before thanking her for her time. Heading inside his quarters, he sits down at the small table near the window where he was working and opens the scroll.
  20. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    While the scroll itself is very ornate and fancy, the writing is not. You and your associates have been summoned to an audience at the Oracle's Palace at noon tomorrow. You may wear what you want, but weapons of any kind will not be allowed. Refreshments will be made available.

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