Okay, so Wind Blast moves a unit either D3+1 or D6+2. Fanatics and Mangler Squigs have special rules for hitting units, with Mangler Squigs also then moving in a random direction. It seems that if they touch another unit as a result of the spell these rules would come into play, meaning: - Fanatics would cause their D6 S6 hits on the unit (or whatever it is) - Mangler Squig would inflict hits and then be subject to random directional movement. Thoughts? @NIGHTBRINGER @Scalenex @Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl @airjamy @ASSASSIN_NR_1
True, you could theoretically use Wind Blast to cause one of these units to inflict damage on their own side. The above is mostly theoryhammer, d6+2 inches is not very far. You need very unusual circumstances to have a Fanatic or Mangler Squig be 8 inches or less from a friendly unit AND have an enemy Lore of Heavens caster perfectly lined up to send the Fanatic or Mangler into the aforementioned friendly unit. If the possibility is there, there is a good chance your opponent will try hard to dispel it. Even if they don't, you could still roll a "1" on your d6 and fail to push the Fanatic far enough. I think I tried and failed to do this once. Mangler Squigs have random movement but the controller chooses the direction and they bounce FAR. The odds of a Mangler Squig hitting a friendly unit, even assisted with a blast of wind are negligible.
Got to back Scaly on this one, it is possible in theory but in practice it will almost never happen. I have never seen it happen, but Orcs and Goblins have never been an army i played a lot against.
Another unit may be unfeasible/unlikely. Add in terrain as another auto-death scenario and maybe becomes a little more likely. Anyways, I do agree that there are more feasible and likely ways to do away with them. Just wondered if my understanding of the spell was accurate. Thanks guys.
My favorite way to deal with them is to just mash a unit of skinks close to his units and see what pops out. Especially if you can hang back and shoot/cast with the rest of your army this tends to work very well, as most of his units will be closer to the fanatics than yours, and the only other real targets your skinks have against them are the Doomdivers and possibly an Arachnarok Spider.
I was thinking that I would take 4 units of Chamo Skinks as I'm predicting Night Goblins with Fanatics, Squig herds, Mangler Squigs. They all seem to be valid targets and if I can't kill them I can ram them and dispose of them. Or make him release the fanatics super early and mess up his advance lines.
I agree with what has been said. If you'd want to try in practice, I'd guess a Skink Priest with the Cloak of Feathers is the best option.