Pathfinder-ish Campaign...

Discussion in 'General Hobby/Tabletop Chat' started by Tk'ya'pyk, Apr 10, 2020.

  1. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    Shiro pockets the bag he is handed and smiles. Ohmen was truly in his/her element here, charming the attendant dealing with them in the stone exchange.

    Leaning again on the counter, facing outwards, Shiro recrosses his arms. Even though he too could see the beauty of the priceless rainbow of exchanges that was occuring up and down the room, it did not excite him like it did the Changeling.

    Shiro narrowed his eyes, a young worker of the place who had been angling towards him to ask if he needed anything suddenly remembering a previous appointment and rapidly changing direction.

    Alertness. He had paid the price in his life for his lack of attention or the concentration of it to the exclusion of other things. Beauty... Beauty was both a blessing and a curse, the price for it's enjoyment all too often too high to pay. It's way was like honey to the ant, glistening in it's seductive beauty but entrapping in the end and smothering those in it's sweet embrace.

    Shiro noted the darkening sky outside and without taking his eyes off the room, reminded Ohmen that they had quite a trek to get back to the ship before nightfall.
  2. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    Almost struggling to turn their gaze from the cat’s eye opal, the traveller takes in deep breaths before nodding…

    ‘Ohh, I am sure a beauty like that will catch an incredible price! Just look at it, I mean I know plenty of people who would be willing to pay that much!”

    Despite his words however, In reality, behind this mask Ohmen cared little for gems, no matter how hard they tried to shine.. Once again and simply put, they were a means to an end. A path to gold and riches. One he had no issues walking. And if one is to walk, why not walk further! why not walk faster!

    Now turning to Shiro, the Ohmen continues to talk in a soft and friendly manner, slightly loud enough for the Employee to hear.

    “You know, I'm thinking we should talk to Drakk and consider heading back here to perhaps exchange some of the smaller gem’s for either more gold, or other stones local to this region, wherein his knowledge lies.. And If the shop has a good rate for us, Which I'm sure they will, we can, and should sell more to this excellent place.. Either way, I agree. We should be getting back soon."

    Their voice’s warmth suddenly fades for a few sentences, talking a little quieter.

    ‘Darkness or not. Do not fear nightfall. Face it... I trust you can keep the money safer than I, so Hold it tight.”

    The blush returning to their cheeks they pat the bag containing the coins, before turning around and leaning in slightly to look at the cabinet

    ‘Would you lot happen to have any prices for the Rubies, Garnets and Tiger’s Eye for us? Oh and do you know what the rate is for Onyx and Jasper? And, well, Mind you this is my own curiosity speaking, What exactly… Is a Godshard?"

    Giving the questions time to sink in, the traveller waits to press forward the palm of her hand, a smaller citrine resting on her soft pale skin.

    ‘Now… It doesn’t look like you have too much yellow shining around here? I suppose for good reason… they are rather tedious to obtain, especially when dealing with the kobolds we got ours from. Ethier way, I'm wondering if you would be willing to pay.. Hmm.. let's call it 80 gold for this beautiful little Citrine? (50gp Citrine) As you know we have more too… besides"

    Giving a friendly shrug they continue.

    “All I'm saying is, if they aren’t too common around here it could be good, or well great opportunity for you to pick some up whilst you have the chance?”
    Last edited: Jul 10, 2020
  3. Lizerd
    Skink Priest

    Lizerd Well-Known Member

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    Bang, with out much to do decides to head back to the ship, maybe he can find some more of that cereal he was enjoying so much.
  4. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    Fist-lump prices for gems at Kithmali:
    Jacinth (very rare): 2000gp
    Cat's Eye Opal (very rare): 1000gp
    Ruby: 1000gp
    Garnet (purple): 500gp
    Garnet (red): 100gp
    Spinel (red, brown, or red-brown): 100gp
    Amber: 100gp
    Onyx: 150gp
    Jet: 50gp
    Jasper: 50gp
    Amethyst: 100gp
    Godshard: varies by side and demand
  5. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    Having quickly jotted down the rates for each gem in a fast yet elegant scrawl of characters the traveller gives a respectful nod. And now looking up into the jewellers eyes with a smile, they continue working their way down the list.

    “Onyx, Amber… Oh And Jet! Of course, Jet, it Brings me back, way back home… A tiny bit of night’s darkness, and peace mind you, trapped in a clear smooth stone, or so they said!.. And when the traveller arrived with Cat’s Eyes! That memory is hitting hard, I was young at the time… Eyes of the earth, he called them. ‘Sight of stone!’ he would say…”

    Taking a reminiscent deep breath they slow down. ‘Anyhow... I suppose I'm getting off track..”

    With a step back Ohmen can feel the fires inside, himself weaving a web, a personality on his own accord. Some parts consciously, others not.

    Reaching out to shake the employee’s hand and slowly drawing back their satchel of remaining gems the traveller finishes up

    “Thank you for your time, Thank you for your shop's warmth, and thank you for your patience and gold! You know, I'm sure we will return here in the coming days, so that's some time to consider the value, and effort it took us to get these Citrines, anyhow, keep a keen eye out for us.”

    Now walking back into the outside, arid air. It would be a lie to say it was cooler, but its was most certainly more arid, littered with the fumes and smoke of nearby stalls, voices on the whispering night breeze. A thousand lights flickering on across the market as early night descended.

    Greeting Wisdom with a faint, yet somehow infinitely more real smile Ohmen talks to the bird, who now rested upon her shoulders, aware of the dangers which hid amongst the dark air above.

    Despite it taking longer than expected they eventually leave the market, and then the city. And with its bustle and noise gone, it leaves the pair in an almost eerie silence whilst they strode further and back to the ship under a darkening sky.
    Last edited: Jul 11, 2020
  6. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    Izema, when you asked the Harbormaster about such a place, you are directed to a small lake at the far end of the valley. There is a freshwater stream coming down from the mountainside, and someone dug a channel in it that can be used to fill a pool for bathing and swimming at the foot of a cliff. The water is cold, but not icy, and for some reason ever so slightly salty.
  7. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    Despite the heavy atmosphere evident in each breath as Ohmen sees the light of the docks, and more importantly the silhouette of the ship, there was no relief in the changeling as they approached. The darkness, night, it was peaceful here. Cool and quiet too. Just what he needed after a few intensive hours in the chaos of such a market

    With rosy cheeks and a smile the traveller passes the guards, walking closer to the ship. All the while, Wisdoms eyes are cast skyward, wether to make out those threats hiding in the clouds, or to sight the infinity of above, and all those star’s held within. Either way. Ohmen has returned. Wisdom heralding his arrival and return with gold in hand and knowledge in head.
  8. DeathBringer125

    DeathBringer125 Well-Known Member

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    Drakk hears footsteps boarding the ship and heads out to see who it is. Recognizing Ohmen and Shiro, he quickly races back in to grab the scroll and Shiro's first gem. Waving to them, Drakk explains the contents of the letter and gives Shiro his first gem which he says values around 100 gold and that there are still two more he needed to cut. Noticing Bigbang, Drew, and Izema approaching, he waves them over and explains the scroll.
  9. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    As their ship hoves into sight, Shiro breathes a sigh of relief, having been slightly on edge since leaving the city. It seemed orderly enough, but he had been burned in that fashion before. He passes the money bag that Ohmen gave him for safe-keeping and accepts his gem from Drakk with thanks.

    Excusing himself, he takes himself to the back deck over the cargo hold of the ship to go through this kata and thought-kata to calm himself, his mind and the prison therein.
    Lizerd, TheCrazyKhorneGuy and Nazqua like this.
  10. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    Izema takes a wonderful, day-long swim, scrubbing the solar dust from his body using the soap he keeps in his belongings. He takes a long, relaxing bath for most of the day, just languishing in the cool, refreshing water. Returning to the ship, however, you are surprised by the others. The kobold hands you a scroll and informs you that the group has been summoned to the Oracle's Palace at noon tomorrow...
  11. DeathBringer125

    DeathBringer125 Well-Known Member

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    Drakk counts through the money given to him by Ohmen and asks him details on what he sold and for how much.
  12. Lizerd
    Skink Priest

    Lizerd Well-Known Member

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    Bang nods as drakk informs the group about their summons. He finishes rummaging through the cabinets in search of cereal, climbs out and then hops onto Drew's head.
    "ready to go whenever, hopefully they will have tasty goblets"
  13. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    Ohmen gives a slight sigh and a smile before looking into Drakk’s Eyes and sitting down. Still, in silence, the traveller, she who was Ohmen, Picks up a single platinum coin between two fingers before clearing their throat.

    ‘One hundred and Tweleve, Platinum Coins.’

    And Now placing the gem containing satchel on the table and opening it out, Ohmen waves their hand over the remaining gems before pushing the note and all the marked off values on it to Kobold.

    (60/90/60/100/70/65/65 Peridot)
    (75/80/70/100/70/75 Citrine.)

    Pointing to said note they continue

    ‘These Peridots And these Citrines that weigh our hands down and shine to our eyes no longer. The combination of them lacking these gems locally and smooth-talking has paid us well, 140 additional golden pieces. And more to be claimed with the sale of those other gems still in the satchel… So there is still more work to be done, So would you care to return to the market with us sometime, and then your knowledge can be put to use.."

    Whilst still locked into eye contact with Drakk, Ohmens hand moves down to the end of the writing.

    "And you see these here, these are the gems and said costs for lump sized values, from here locally."

    Fist-lump prices for gems at Kithmali:
    Jacinth (very rare): 2000gp
    Cat's Eye Opal (very rare): 1000gp
    Ruby: 1000gp
    Garnet (purple): 500gp
    Garnet (red): 100gp
    Spinel (red, brown, or red-brown): 100gp
    Amber: 100gp
    Onyx: 150gp
    Jet: 50gp
    Jasper: 50gp
    Amethyst: 100gp
    Godshard: varies by side and demand
  14. DeathBringer125

    DeathBringer125 Well-Known Member

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    Drakk looks over the notes Ohmen made and exclaims "Perhaps we should go sell the rest of the gems. Then we can come back with all the money, divide it amongst the crew, and look into further investment.".
  15. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    Replying to the Kobold in a voice and tone that is somewhat unmatching to her blushed face and features, Ohmen continues.

    ‘That is the exact Idea yes. But we needn’t rush to sell them. We can take our time and see the prices around first, then make our move. I am sure with both your knowledge of gems and my voice we can get much done.”

    ‘But first, Im thinking we should turn our attention to the scroll”

    Reaching out, Ohmen looks over it for himself, Wisdom behind croaking as Ohmen follows it through with the bird, who makes an interested, curious expression… ‘Hm. many Questions burning. But most importantly. Why?”

    "Why Indeed Wisdom... I suppose we will find out come dawn and new day.
  16. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    Around eleven the next morning, the group of you make your way down the mountainside and into Kithmali. When you ask the guards, they guide you into the market, to a large statue in the central square. Towering over the center of the marketplace is a stylized dragon made of clockwork gears with a large clock held in its mouth, surrounding a tall plinth of some unusual, mottled blue-yellow stone. From there, you turn to the North. From that point, a road leads directly to the palace.

    Towering over the city, the palace is an odd mix of modern and ancient structures. Much of it resembles the buildings in the knollosi section, with ten-foot-high doorways and oddly large windows, but the more modern sections - obviously later add-ons - are more normal-sized. Most of the modern sections have been faced in polished, buff-colored stone. The older sections appear to be undergoing renovation at the moment, with scaffolding surrounding a section of the building and new facing stone being installed.

    As you approach the entry gates, you join a line of people waiting to get inside, but you are not waiting long. Before you move more than five feet in the queue, a soldier approaches you, compares you to something on a scroll he is holding, and nods. "Are you Drakk, Izema, Bigbang, Drew, Ohmen, and Shiro?" When you reply yes, he nods and rolls his scroll back up. "Excellent. Come with me, please."

    He leads you along the front of the building to an archway set into one of the more modern structures. Leading you inside, you pass several doors set in both walls, all the way through to the other side of the Palace! He leads you into a small courtyard garden, surrounded by more of the palace structure and framed by flowering fruit trees. A shaded gazebo sits in the center of the courtyard. Almost fifteen feet across, it currently contains six large chairs, two smaller chairs, several side-tables with various foods set on them in covered trays, and a bucket of what appears to be goblets and tankards.
  17. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    Having a guard pick them out of a line, already knowing their descriptions and then being led to a space with no witnesses did not sit well with Shiro.

    He watched like a hawk for any signs of ambush throughout the walk through the castle and for the glint of a hidden crossbowman lining up a shot from rooftops. His head instinctively sought the handle of his blade to prepare, but this had been left behind on the ship as per the request. Shiro's lips were constantly moving, his mind-kata being run through as he mentally checked the readiness of all of his spells. He would not be found wanting should a threat appear.
    TheCrazyKhorneGuy and Nazqua like this.
  18. Lizerd
    Skink Priest

    Lizerd Well-Known Member

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    Bang sees the goblets, and grins. He knows what he must do, diving off Drew's heads and slipping into the shadows, inching towards the every delicious goblets
    TheCrazyKhorneGuy likes this.
  19. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    At the moment, there is only one other person in the courtyard. He is tall and stocky, with brown hair and a dour, tired look on his face. He is wearing a lightweight shirt of calico cloth, charcoal-colored linen trousers, and an ornate, embroidered silken dalmatica (fancy byzantine long-tunic or over-robe). As you approach, he gestures to the chairs and refreshments and offers a tired smile. "Good nooning," he tells you. As you take seats, he looks each of you over, then speaks.

    "I am Scribonius the Seer, Speaker for the Oracle of Kithmali," he tells you. "As Speaker, I am the Oracle's Mouth, Eyes, and Ears." You can hear the capital letters falling into place. "What I hear and see, the Oracle hears and sees. My words are the Oracle's words. The Oracle has suggested that you would be best served with a private audience. Somewhere a little, um, less flammable," he adds in a dark tone. Gesturing to the bucket of goblets and tankards, he looks at Bigbang. "Those are for you, should you want. Now, down to business."

    He stiffly stands up, visibly winces, and steels himself. A moment later his eyes begin to glow an odd green color, his spine stiffens, and he begins to float off of the ground. "Greetings," a deep, oddly blended, multi-layer voice says through the Speaker's mouth. "I am the Oracle. I have answers for you, and a task you must do. Drakk," the voice begins. "You seek your heritage. I suggest you seek your next answer in the lair of those you hunt. Bigbang, your people are making good strides in becoming self-sufficient. You will find the power your people seek, but not in the way you think. I advise you to look to speed more than firepower for your goals. Ohmen, you must tread cautiously. Your goals you seek are attainable, and you are doing a good job reining yourself in, but if you let them, the voices in your head may yet take control of you..."

    The glow fades, and the Speaker slowly settles back to the floor. "Gods, I hate it when he does that," he mutters, his voice slowly returning to normal. Shuddering, he rubs his eyes with one hand and shakes his head.
  20. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    "There," he says, brushing off his dalmatica. "That is done. Now, do any of you have questions for me?"

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