Pathfinder-ish Campaign...

Discussion in 'General Hobby/Tabletop Chat' started by Tk'ya'pyk, Apr 10, 2020.

  1. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    As the lot of you return to your ship, you notice three things. First, you're pretty sure the barrel is full of coins. Second, it is heavy. Like, annoyingly heavy. After about a mile of walking, you have to hand the barrel off to Izema for a mile, and he in turn hands it back to Shiro for the third mile!

    Once you get back to the ship, there is much to do. The first thing you want to do is crack open the barrel, but what you actually do first is unroll those two scrolls. The first is, well, odd. You try to unroll it, then realize just how long the damned thing is. Unrolling it on the helm room floor, it winds up being a circle of parchment, carefully stitched together, almost fifteen feet in diameter! More importantly, it is a map of the asteroid belt out past Tayrik, drawn in astonishing detail! It takes all of you a bit of time to notice that several dozen settlements are marked on the map, but the one that stands out, inked in green, is labeled "Scro are here, be careful."

    As the rest of you are looking at the map, Shiro unrolls the second scroll and gives a low whistle. It is a document authorizing you to take one light double-ballista from the city's armory!
  2. DeathBringer125

    DeathBringer125 Well-Known Member

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    Drakk quickly gets to work trying to roll the scroll back up to later set up in the helm room. Then he walks over to the barrel and opens it up.
  3. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    Having Giving a nod, Ohmen stood up, looking straight into the ‘Speakers eyes’

    "Stealth.. Disguise..He who knows when to fight and when not to fight will win or so they say."

    “Either way, Thank you for your time…. And Farewell. If our string’s do once again cross, I am sure we will meet…But Until then, May fate treat you and your.. The oracle well… Until then know, the blood spilt will not be in your name. But in ours. Farewell. "

    And with that Ohmen stands, Watching as the others rush to grab a particularly heavy barrel and several scrolls. With a click of a finger Wisdom is perched upon the traveller's shoulder as she walks with a new determination in her eyes.
  4. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    Closing his eyes, Shiro sends a burst of golden energy into the hand cask to count the number of coins.

    [Casts Level 0 spell Tally on the cask]
  5. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    As for the barrel, you open it to find a pile of glittering, shimmering gold within. A lot of gold.

    Like, a crapload of gold.

    Like, enough gold for a bigger ship, if you wanted!

    A quick casting of the Tally spell reveals that the barrel contains - and this is key, 12 THOUSAND gold...
  6. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    Having walked in Ohmen sits down, watching as the others lug the barrel and scrolls into the room with a deep breath. Its only when their curious hands open one of the scroll’s up, its reams sprawling over the helm room the gets up, walking over to Wisdom who was already at the scroll’s side, eyeing it up and down.

    Not long after Ohmen’s eyes are darting about its surface like the Raven’s until the pair's attention is brought to the sound, sight.. Smell even.. . of well, Gold. And lots of it.

    Despite the commotion, Ohmen is still somewhat slow to get up, pacing towards the gold, despite the quantity, the shock, there is no glimmer in his eye.

    ‘Looks like They really want these Scro dealt with don't they.’

    Reaching down, Ohmen picks up a coin, rubbing it between two fingers and a thumb before flicking it back with a deep breath.

    ‘Well… Lets not all get overwhelmed. Lets think about this carefully, We have the time.”
  7. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    Shiro opens his eyes and smiles broadly at the rest of the party.

    "Well, it seems like Kithmali doesn't mess around when it comes to hiring mercenaries."

    He tells the group how much gold is in the barrel.

    "I think we need to get all supplies together, rent a cart and bring them plus the light ballista tomorrow. Drakk can finish the gemwork and Ohmen can sell the rest of the gems. Big Bang can get his prototype working."
  8. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    Giving Shiro a nod, Ohmen stands walks over to the barrel, looking to each of the group members before speaking.

    “Well first, lets have a look.”

    “We can either hold this gold as a crew fund, Which will go to all things essential to the ship, repairs, food, dock fees and anything we decide will benefit us all

    “Alternatively we can split it into two portions. One portion being a crew fund as said before, the other being split between all six of us individually for personal errands and use..”

    “Either way. We have time to think and discuss. So we need not rush."

    Perching on the barrels side, Wisdom speaks. 'T-This gold will continue shining long after you all are dust and soil..."
  9. DeathBringer125

    DeathBringer125 Well-Known Member

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    Drakk nods to Shiro before saying "This is alot of gold, Bigbang there is a project you are working on for the ship? How much do you need for it? And what exactly does it do? If the group agrees, we could pay for it, so long as it will be used to benefit the crew. Also, as you may have heard, the Oracle mentioned that kin of mine is working with the Scro, and I figure some explanations are in order. While we were on Silgis, the first night there, I spoke to the Great Silgisarr and I asked her about my heritage. She replied that she knew my grandfather, but that he wasn't the nicest guy around. Nonetheless I would still want to meet my kin regardless of what they are like. I don't know which one of my kin is working with the Scro, but regardless if you see anyone with scales matching mine, let me know. Regardless of kin or not, if they are working with the Scro, they are no friends of mine. While I would like to speak to my kin, if negotiation on their behalf is impossible I will kill them."
  10. Lizerd
    Skink Priest

    Lizerd Well-Known Member

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    Bang considers Drakks question.
    "well the prototype has mostly been covered, 700 is needed to finish it, a specific component needed in the firing mechanism. Other then that the bolt thrower is ready." Bang holds up the unfinished prototype. it is sleek, still holding the form of a cross bow but with remarkable changes. Multiple components are spotted, all contributing to some grand plan.
    "Depending on the cost and size of the ballista, as well as the success of the prototype, the cost of the upgrade parts should be similar"
  11. DeathBringer125

    DeathBringer125 Well-Known Member

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    Drakk looks at Bigbang curiously before asking to see the blueprints. Looking them over, Drakk replies "Hmmm if the group agrees we could possibly loan you the 700 and you can pay us back later. Then if your idea works, perhaps we could commission you for a large ship version?"
  12. Lizerd
    Skink Priest

    Lizerd Well-Known Member

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    Bang nods "It should work. Better to test the concept out first before use on a larger scale"
  13. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    Looking first to Big bang, and then to Drakk, Ohmen speaks.

    Well first, We should ask what the larger version can bring for us, and how much. But yes, I'm fine with funding this personal project so long as it is paid back given time. Personal being the key word.

    “And Drakk. I hate to say it. But being of the same kin as another, It is worthless. It is their actions that count. Not their blood… and know, you don't need to waste a sharpened blade to watch them die. You simply have to outlast them, and even still. Let the fact that, no matter how hard they try, no matter how hard they fight, they will return to dust in time, let it bring you solace.
  14. DeathBringer125

    DeathBringer125 Well-Known Member

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    Drakk turns to Ohmen before saying "Yes I agree. While I would love to get to know my grandfather, or even my parents, they abandoned me and I owe them Nothing. I just don't want any of the crew to be worried about me hesitating to fight if the need arises. However I do ask to at least let me try to reason with my kin, should the opportunity present itself. I truly hope you can understand my point of view. However if we see any other Dragons, Half Dragons, or Kobolds with my scale color please do not approach them but inform me. Silgisarr told me that I should observe their behavior before deciding whether to approach them or not.
  15. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    Giving Drakk an understanding nod, Ohmen continues.

    I will do Drakk, I will do so long as I can. Else know you need not act unless you Must. And when you Must then, certainly, do not hesitate to do so. If it must be done, if it must be endured.. Do not hesitate. A moment, a second, a blink. It can cost you a life of regrets…"

    “But then again... acting too fast, and being caught unprepared, is an all too easy way to meet doom.”

    Leaning away from the barrel of opportunities, Wisdom looks over, chirping in with half a gaze. "“Ever F-Fickle are the follies of men.”
  16. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    Taking in a deep breath, Ohmen turns to the rest of the group. “Let us take this time, this opportunity to get things sorted.” before pacing over to the Document authorizing the group to take a Balista, looking it over. “I find it curious how we are given reward for a task yet to be completed. Suppose we were to drift away. “ Ohmen gives a shrug

    Then again, we now have a reason, the tools, the means, So..”

    Gesturing to all those in front of him with two open palms he nods down.

    ‘So Let us begin. Let us Turn ourselves to this cause you have all been thirsting for. Not for the blood to be spilt. But for the glimmer of gold... And above all, remember, Knowledge, Covertness, Secrecy, And patience, And as they said Sealth."

    “Hesitation and Patience are two different things. Patience is your blade. Hesitation rust upon it.” Wisdom hops from the barrel onto the table, the Raven's claws moving across it with satisfying clicks.

    “And If we are to act, Act fast, Act strong, and Act without a sound to echo.”

    “Either way, Now, here. As Shiro said, I can go and finish selling the gems, Either with Drakk or Not. And, preferably another three people can go and collect the Ballista and begin fitting it…. But first, we should decide on a handful of things. And write a list of all that needs to be bought and done before we can get moving. There is much to do, and much time to do it in.”
  17. DeathBringer125

    DeathBringer125 Well-Known Member

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    Drakk nods to Ohmen before saying"Are we all in agreement as to what to do with the money? Keep 8000 gold pieces as a group fund to cover expenses of the ship such as docking fees, equipment, and maintenance. Loan 700 gold to Bigbang to finish his prototype and see if it would work on a large scale for our ship, and then divide the remaining up amongst the crew? That would be about 550 gold per piece. If you all agree to that we can divy up the money and be on our way. I would love to stay and help but I really must get to work on Shiro's gem, I'm hoping I can cut it quite nicely to get you a very good deal. I anticipate the cut version will be far more valuable then the uncut 100 gold value. Anyways, I will be in my quarters working on Shiro's gem. Let me know what you decide.".

    Drakk walks away as the group finishes their discussion and quickly enters his quarters and grabs his staff. The prospect of his kin helping the Scro was a pit I'm his stomach and he wanted to know if it was his Grandfather who was behind it. After all Silgisarr did say his Grandfather was not a very good person.

    Sitting on his bed, Drakk stares forward and hold out his hand. A soft glow starts to emanate from his hand as mist of pure nebulae begins to swirl around his arm. Opening his eyes, the light of a thousand stars twinkling in the night sky floats around his eyes like a leaf floating in a swift stream. Staring forward, Drakk exclaims in an echoey whisper:
    "Yfel ðanc scîr wiðinnan sê streng un−l¯æd cynd. Mîn betlic sweostor weorcnes mid sê Scro"
    (I shall gaze into the strands of fate. Is my Grandfather working with the Scro?")
    From beyond the cold brink of space came and shaky yet powerful voice which replied "No"

    Drakk quickly followed up with the question "Mîn fæder wyrcung mid wægn Scro?"
    (Is my father working with the Scro)
    Yet again that powerfully meek voice replied "No"

    And finally, Drakk asked "Mîn byrðere weorcnes wið sê Scro?"
    (Is my mother working with the Scro?)
    And once more the shadowy call of an ancient Star cried out through the void and answer Drakk's Call and replied "She does not"

    Collapsing backwards as the mote of stars faded from his eyes and the Nebulae floated off through the open window, Drakk smiled. At least it was not any of his closer kin. And of that Ancient star, Drakk knew little aside from the fact that his knowledge was beyond Drakk's comprehension. Perhaps one day, Drakk would know more of this strange ally.

    Satisfied, Drakk returns to his work on Shiro's gem stones and manages the finish cutting the second smaller gem and part of the larger gem before he retires late in the evening.
  18. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    Shiro nods his assent to the financial arrangement, wondering what the armaments Big Bang is designing will do and whether there would also be a ranged weapon for himself possible...

    Regardless, he resolves to work with Izema and Drew to pick up the ballista on the morrow and then explore the town and market more the day after.

    He intends to visit the wand making street with Ohmen the day after (once he/she has done the supplies purchasing for the trip), for both something to cloak their vessel in their approach to the Scro stronghold and for a magical artifact that could assist with his... focus as advised by the Oracle.

    "Izema, Drew, will you help me retreive the ballista?"
  19. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    Sighing slightly, Ohmen looks around the group, before lingering on Big bang.

    “Alright well. I say 9000 gold as a group fund. Which, I, and now you Drakk have both said what function it performs. This leaves 3000 to be divided amongst six crew, 500 per person."

    “Big bangs project, for now, is personal. So he can pay at least half of it out of his personal side, and the rest we can loan him without issue, and yes, if he proves that the larger version is worth its cost for what it provides to us. Then yes, yes we will I am sure. Other than that, Do what you wish Drakk.”

    Flicking away from Drakk as he leaves the table, Ohmen continues.

    “Shiro, Drew and Izema, Do you all agree that you can cover the Ballista? Big bang can work on his project and help with the gathering of supplies if he so wishes. I, I will finish selling gems and then some, before too getting to work on buying ship supplies."

    Looking first to Shiro, and then the others Ohmen leans forward slightly as Wisdom hops back onto the table, a note page within the Raven's beak. And now as the bird sets it flat, Ohmen digs into a side pocket. His Hand returning a few moments later with ink and a pen, Wisdom muttering 'Ink is the blood. Page is the body." as it does so.

    “Alright, I'm in favour of two months of food. Two, gives us a lot of room, and time to do what we wish before having to immediately restock. .As for other supplies, Let me know now if there is anything specific, and I can write it down. Else, I'm going to grab some rope, cord and hopefully some oil, candles among other things.”

    Quickly scribbling down said items in a surprisingly well written and illegible list, despite how fast he was writing, Ohmen continues.

    “Also, if it comes cheaply, I can try to pick up some sort of flame extinguisher as well as Medical kits.”

    Standing up with the list in hand, Ohmen gestures to all the people sitting and standing around him, Or well her, since he remained within said form.

    "If that is it. Then we can start to head out."
    Last edited: Jul 13, 2020
  20. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    “As I already mentioned, I will retrieve the Ballista with Drew and Izema’s help if they will aid me?” Shiro looks across to both who haven’t been saying much in this meeting...

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