8th Ed. Tournament Report!

Discussion in 'Battle Reports' started by livewaaaaagh, Oct 20, 2019.

  1. livewaaaaagh

    livewaaaaagh Member

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    Hi all,

    If you saw my thread over on the Army Lists forum, we had a fun 2500 pt tournament here in NE USA. So if you live in NY, NJ, PA, MD, even VA or MA - send me a DM and be a part of the next one!

    Back to this tournament though. Due to a previous conflict, I could only get 2 games in, as opposed to 3. No matter: The Lizards were ready.

    Here's my list: http://www.lustria-online.com/threads/another-tournament-approaches-2500-pts.23776/
    Though I did give the skink lvl 2, and dropped some TG.

    Game 1:
    Opponent: Skaven
    His list included a horde of 18-19 (!!!!!!) Rat Ogres and 1 Abom. The rest were some Jezzails, Clanrats and Stormvermin.
    Pre-Game Thoughts: I've played very little against Skaven and when I have, if it's been mostly Doomwheels, and blocks and blocks of rats. I've never faced Rat Ogres, or an Abom. And I feel that as a Dwarf (my other main army), I'd know how to deal with them. With Lizards... well, not so much. I also didn't realize until Turn 2 that they had no armor and until after the game that they had Frenzy. That would have made a big difference - but oh well. you only learn after you play a game sometimes.

    Game Report:
    Essentially, I distracted, re-directed the Rat Ogre block because they were coming at me moving 12'' each turn and would dish out something like 50+ attacks (and they were accompnied by a warlord on bonebreaker with like 100000 attacks). I tried to get the Stormvermin and the Abom instead. I succeeded with the Stormvermin, but failed to take out the Abom. The magic was saved. When I fetched a fireball, I got a bad roll of dice and was dispelled twice. My Cowboy attempted then to do his thing, but was eaten alive by the Abom.

    Final Score was: Dead cowboy + dead skinks + dead Cowboy Cold one bus + sknk priest that blew himself up and went on vacation in the warp vs his Stormvermin. So I lost 12-8.

    Game 2:
    Opponent: Warriors of Chaos.
    His list included 2 fat blocks of Warriors of Khorne and Tzeentch, 1 Chaos Knights, 2 dogs, 1 chimera, 1 lord on manticore. (or maybe it was a manticore and lord on chimera - can't remember) and the always unkillable Demon Prince of Nurgle.
    Pre-Game Thoughts: I hate that unkillable lord.

    Game Report:
    Got a little lucky at times here but his BSB in the Tzeentch group took a dangerous terrain test and failed every single possible ward save by rolling three 1s in a row. Next turn, I Arcane Unforged him, and killed him.
    The Skink Priest made up for his 1st game and threw a very well timed Comet of Cassandora that took out about half of the Warriors on each group. Then, the Slann put Fiery Convocation on the Khorne warriors. With a little re-direct, by the time they even made into combat, there were 2 left. My Saurus block took out the Tzeentch depleted block, and then took out an already depleted Chaos Knight gorpu of 5. (one fell to dangerous terrain, the other to my Chameleon Skinks).

    The Cold one bus first charged the Chaos Lord on Chimera(or manticore) and the Cowboy somehow attached 2nd, survived a total of 12 attacks at him, and swung back to wound the mount, win combat by 3, and force the Chaos Lord to run. Which the team caught up to and killed.
    Then, they were so excited, they went and charged the flank of the lone Chimera(or manticore) and not only did they bounce, they essentially all proceeded to die due to the 4+ regen of the best, and bad armor saves.

    While all this was happening, the Deamon Prince killed my EotG and more than half of my TG unit.

    Final Score: he had his Deamon Prince and lone Manticore, but I had destroyed most of the rest. I had SAurus, Slann, half og TG group and 1 skink group. Lizards won 12-8.

    I finished 4th out of 8 players. Winner was Ogres, followed by Skaven guy that I played against, and another Ogres player.
  2. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    Congrats on making it to #4!

    Pretty crazy that two ogre players were in the top three. And that the other was also basically an ogre list, but with rats
  3. livewaaaaagh

    livewaaaaagh Member

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    Yea - I guess nobody was ready to deal with big multi-wound units. Speaking of... what's the best way of doing that with Lizards? Stegadon with sharped horns is okay, but that's only if you get the charge. Skinks won't take that down quickly enough and magic, even fiery convocation will only do 1 wound per turn. Ideas?
  4. airjamy

    airjamy Well-Known Member

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    That unit is expensive as all hell, and has no saves. I would try to use my skinks to redirect them and shoot at them, even if one unit only kills a single ratogre it has been worth the points. Also just regular magic missiles should do a lot of damage, I bet they do not like fireballs or the lore of high magic magic missile. Also something like fiery convergence should be good, they are T4 right? Even if they have multiple wounds, that is still 9 wounds a turn so 3 dead ogres a turn.

    I think we also have a somewhat poor matchup against that unit due to the lack of shooting. I don't want to be that Skaven player when he has to play that u it against mass avoidance dark elves, repeater bolt throwers and lots of arrows tear that unit to shreds.

    Congrats on getting to 4th, sounds like a great tournament, the lists do not seem to be very cut throat at all!
  5. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    Have you tried the Steg Helm and Piranha Blade Combo on a Cowboy?

    The Piranha Blade save gives model D3 wounds (doesn't say only with that weapon). Meaning you now have a cowboy with D3 impact hits causing D3 wounds and then he get's his normal attacks. Might work if you gave him a bit of a bus and/or a SV and just made the unit two across.

    Would make you difficult to hit.

    Just thinking out loud as I haven't tried it myself.
  6. Karnus

    Karnus Well-Known Member

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    I don’t think this combo of items stack like you suggest, my gaming group is very reasonable when it come to rules ( PF for supporting attacks, Kroak spell targets in combat etc...) but they wouldn’t accept this combo which is fair considering the other concessions.
  7. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    Hmmmmm..... interesting considering in the BRB it says specifically that supporting attacks for normal infantry can only ever have 1 attack no matter what... and that DD spells specifically say cannot be targeted into combat...

    Whereas my build above seems legal, meaning in the Piranha Blade rules, it just says that the model has multiple wounds and armour piercing rules, rather than saying that attacks with this weapon have those rules.

    Of course, the senior datum is really having an agreement with your opponent so you can have a non-bickering game and actual enjoy yourselves, but I believe the above still stands.
  8. Karnus

    Karnus Well-Known Member

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    Oh of course, Like is say, my particular group didn’t accept it when I tried it but they do accept the other “contentious” rules - mostly in terms of balance.

    With regard to PF and Kroaks spell, it’s the fact that the ETC FAQ allows it that they also accept it, plus they say it makes the game more interesting and balanced, gives the Lizardmen a more diverse toolset for more interesting games.
    Lizards of Renown likes this.
  9. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    Hmmmmmm.... I like the sound of the ETC FAQ what is this?
  10. Karnus

    Karnus Well-Known Member

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    Stand down! The ETC FAQ only applies to Lord Kroaks spell and not predatory fighter
  11. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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