Blog Imrahil's Paint and WIP log

Discussion in 'Personal Paint Logs' started by Imrahil, Feb 6, 2019.

  1. Imrahil

    Imrahil Thirtheenth Spawning

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    Thank you very much!

    In the meantime I decided not to magnetize the Ironbreakers/Irondrakes because I will almost only use them for the SCB-off battles. This way Ironbreakers will suffice.
    So I build those.


    I almost made the mistake of gluing the shields in place :rolleyes:

    Also I started on the Gyrobomber/copter. I wonder if it is possible to make it interchangeble... I only have the instructions of the bombero_O

    Thing to consider with this model: it has parts that need to be painted before assembling, the cockpit and pilot. So I can't finish building that Right now.

    Grrr, Imrahil
  2. Imrahil

    Imrahil Thirtheenth Spawning

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    This makes it necessary to start thinking of paintingschemes. I am a fan of Lore/Fluff-based paintingschemes.
    I do not own a copy of the Cities of Sigmar battletome but I could find some pictures online:


    Colors: mainly Red and Black
    Thoughts: For my Ironjawz army I picked the Bloodtoofs paintingscheme which is mainly Red and Black, so I will not pick this one.

    Greywater Fastness.png

    Colors: mainly Yellow and Black, with touches of Red.
    Thoughts: I like this combination of colors, but was planning the Yellow and Black colorscheme for my Skaven Pestilens army. So I'll not go for this.

    Hallowheart.png Hammerhal.png
    Tempest's Eye.png

    Colors: Mainly Blue and Gold/Metal/White
    Thoughts: of the above I like the Tempest's Eye the most, but as you might have guessed my Serphon army is themed Fangs of Sotek so mainly Blue (and Red). So these will not be used either.

    Living City.png

    Colors: Mainly Green and Metal
    Thoughts: I really like the green metal on this scheme. Though I have a green-ish Sylvaneth Army I think this greens separates them well enough to stand out in a SCB-off between the two. For this one I am still undecisive.


    Colors: mainly Purple and Brass/Gold
    Thoughts: I like the Purple very much, I have used purple before in my Tomb Kings army and I still love the color. So this one is also still on the table.

    Summary: The two remaining picks are the Phoenicium and the Living City.

    I care to know what you guys are thinking. So please comment ;)

    Grrr, Imrahil
  3. Egres

    Egres Well-Known Member

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    Purple all the way!!
    Bowser, Cho'qomel and Imrahil like this.
  4. ravagekitteh
    Skink Chief

    ravagekitteh Well-Known Member

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    Assuming you’re going to play with them, if you’re really stuck between them then it’s probably worth looking at the rules for each city and going with whichever one you’re more likely to use - that way you get true WYSIWYG!
  5. Imrahil

    Imrahil Thirtheenth Spawning

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    Thanks for the replies!

    Yea I was a little bit thinking about that, but in the SCB-off battles I only use the rules that come with the box(and the link to the GW site's warscrolls).

    So in that case it does not really matter.

    Grrr, Imrahil
  6. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    You have Tomb Kings? Brilliant! Do you use them in Fantasy or AoS? I’d love to see them!

    As for your Dawi, if you’re really desperate to use them in a Cities of Sigmar army, I would say go with Phoenicium - the Elves may be fickle, but they’re more honourable than the monstrous Sylvaneth and their impostor Everqueen. Also, you get to have Phoenixes and Phoenix Guard, which are very good units apparently and make up for your Dwarf contingent not having any monsters to access.

    I like the blue colour scheme for Tempest’s Eye personally, especially the wash on the hammer making it look like it’s glowing with magic, but it’s your choice at the end of the day.

    Alternatively, if you’d consider paying homage to a time when the Dwarf holds were strong and fiercely independent of the weaklings in the Empire, I’ve taken a photo of a double-page in my copy of the 8th Edition Fantasy Dwarf Army Book That may be of help:

    Plenty of banner designs there, and some additional colour schemes. Barak Varr, the Dwarf Sea Fortress, uses a purple scheme like Phoenicium, which could give you a reason to employ some Kharadron Overlords as well to develop a nautical theme to your army.

    Hope this is of some use, and I look forward to seeing your brave Dwarfs painted! :oldman:
    Last edited: Jul 16, 2020
  7. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    He did originate in Fantasy, but only appeared when the 8th Edition Dwarf Army Book came out (I remember you didn’t pick up that one, which was a shame), as the named character Grimm Burloksson (inventor son of Guildmaster Burlok Damminson, who was a playable character in 4th Edition Fantasy). The 8th Edition Dwarf release also finally saw a miniature for King Belegar Ironhammer appear (who’s now called a Warden King in AoS), alongside the plastic Longbeards, Hammerers, Ironbreakers, Irondrakes, Gyrocopter and Gyrobomber.
  8. Imrahil

    Imrahil Thirtheenth Spawning

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    What does matter are the bases. I got the thought to do more of a City approche, so lifted all Ironbreakers of their bases and plan to work out some tile structure.

    Again a choice to be made.
    Thoughts: I like this patern very much. It looks expansive and exclusive so it will fit the dwarfhalls pretty good, but it requiers a lot of precision to fit it all together. Though the bases are rather small so not a lot of tiles are needed per base

    Second: honeycomb texture
    Thoughts: this is a more simple and firm looking texture. It resambles the character of the Dwarfs. Therefore it is fitting. It is easier to creat and due to the straight lines less prompt for errors.

    Thoughts: I liked this one for the patern of White and black. To do a mozaïk of this many tiny stones is quite impossible, so it will be devided into the white and black tiles. This makes it look more renesance, but I am not sure it will fit the Dwarfs that well.

    Care to help? Shout out your favorite! ;)

    Grrr, Imrahil
  9. Imrahil

    Imrahil Thirtheenth Spawning

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    Ofcourse!! Who hasn't?! ;)
    I 'used' them for neither, as I only assembled and painted them. I did put them up in one of my early pages, over here.
    (This was back in the days of the 8th edition so Square bases)

    I do own a 8th edition TK Battletome so maybe that might be helpfull some time

    Still have 2 sealed boxes of Warriors and a Tomb King

    Ok, thanks for that input. I am as of yet not considering to enlarge the army to a bigger scale but never say never :angelic::oops:

    Thank u so much for this contribution!!! :):):) I did not yet think of the WFB colorschemes. I only own a copy of the 7th(?) Edition Core rules(somewhat recent buy) so not that much on painting of models.

    I am considering buying a SCB Kharadron some time so this would be a great idea:rolleyes::cool:

    Thanks again for this all!
    I've got some work cut out for me.

    Grrr, Imrahil
  10. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    Those Tomb Kings models are great, especially the Centaurs - a nice novel take on Skeleton Horsemen. My only quibble is that I’m uncertain that you can mount a Liche Priest on a Warsphinx, I am pretty sure you can only mount a Tomb King or Prince on Warsphinx.

    And you’ve got Bretonnians too! Lucky thing.

    I’ve always liked both Tomb Kings and Bretonnians, but never got any because I never knew GW would execute them, and at the time Fantasy was on its last legs I was getting excited by all the Dwarf and Lizardman stuff. I do at least have the 8th Edition Tomb Kings Army Book though, a lucky find from Oxfam that only cost me £10.
  11. Imrahil

    Imrahil Thirtheenth Spawning

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    Thanks I like the vibe of the Tomb Kings very much. I was most definitively not amused to find out that they were discontinued in AoS once I returned to the hobby.

    As said I only assembled and painted the models so any errors acording to fluff or playing rules are to be accounted to lack of knowledge ;) luckely the Priest is Standing on it's own Square base that just fits into the howdah :)

    Just a unit of Knight Erranta and a Pegasus Knight, thats all. But I like them a lot.

    Grrr, Imrahil
  12. Cho'qomel

    Cho'qomel Active Member

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    Cool, dwarves! Will it be just the SCB or will you add other units to it?

    If you're doing the mosaic-bases you could maybe try to roll scrunched-up aluminium foil over styrodur to create the effect. This guy used this technique to get a nice texture on stone walls. Maybe it could work to mimic mosaic if you get the crinkles right.

    Regarding the colour scheme: [Dwarf-talk on]What about good old fashioned iron armor with gold/bronze trimming, lad? It's a tried and tested colour scheme that worked well on generations of dawi! [Dwarf-talk off]
    Last edited: Jul 16, 2020
    Bowser, LizardWizard and Imrahil like this.
  13. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    I really like the green ones, not sure if you've made a choice yet. i'll be doing my Fyreslayers in a forest theme of greens and browns with copper like weapons/armor probably
    Bowser, LizardWizard and Imrahil like this.
  14. Imrahil

    Imrahil Thirtheenth Spawning

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    I decided to go with the Hexagon pattern. Made a print out for the bases on firm paper. Then I Drew over the lines to create the feel of some slightly elevation of the tiles.

    IMG_20200720_222207.jpg IMG_20200720_222216.jpg

    Not sure about the base of the gyrobomber yet. Maybe I'll add in some stairs.

    Grrr, Imrahil
  15. Imrahil

    Imrahil Thirtheenth Spawning

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    Thank you all for the responses, I think I have decided to go with the Purple scheme.

    - Purple is a great color
    - Dispossessed can not ally with Sylvaneth
    - Dispossessed can ally with Kharadron Overlords
    - Purple is a Colorscheme in the Kharadron Fluff

    So I might bound all the little people(apart from Fyreslayers) to the same color ;)

    Grrr, Imrahil
  16. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    I look forward to seeing a purple Kharadron/Dispossessed combined army! Are you considering reviving Barak Varr for AoS as we previously discussed?

    I thought any Cities faction could ally with Sylvaneth if it was given the Living City allegiance, but I’d say Kharadron are a much better ally choice for Dispossessed - now that Dispossessed on their own have lost much of their shooting and artillery thanks to GW glorifying the Empire components, Kharadron can provide both in earnest as well as a huge amount of manoeuvrability which Dispossessed have always lacked.
    Bowser and Imrahil like this.
  17. Imrahil

    Imrahil Thirtheenth Spawning

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    As always I have glued the models(kind of) according to the instructions of the box.

    After doing so I am now inspecting the warscrolls of them on the GW-site.
    In there I see that the Ironbeard of the Ironbreakers can either use his Ironbreaker Weapon or Mailed fist with one of the following options: Drakefire Pistol and Cinderblast Bomb; or a pair of Drakefire Pistols.
    It also gets an additional 1 attack with its melee weapon.

    Cinderblast gives you a 1-time 6" 3D mortal wounds on a 2+ per unit

    Pair of Drakefire Pistols gives an additional attack.

    My question is what do you guys rather use in this unit?

    1. No Missile attacks; Melee 1" 3 attacks 3+ 4+ - 1 Damage
    2. Missile 8" 2 attacks 4+ 3+ -1 1 Damage; Melee 1" 2 attacks 4+ 4+ - 1 Damage and Cinderblast
    3. Missile 8" 3 attacks 4+ 3+ -1 1 Damage; Melee 1" 2 attacks 4+ 4+ - 1 Damage

    Keeping in mind the following battalion rule:

    "Add 1 to hit rolls for attacks made by units in this battalion if they did not move in the same turn and are wholly within 12" of a Hero from the same battalion."

    thanks for the help.

    Grrr, Imrahil

    Attached Files:

  18. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    I personally would go with Ironbreaker Weapon, because while the Cinderblast bomb gives you some nice mortal wounds, it can only be used once per game so you really need to think carefully about which model you want to use those mortal wounds on. What’s more you need to actually get your unit within 6” of that model in order to use the bomb, which may not always be possible, especially if the model has a high Move value and/or can fly. Additionally Ironbreakers are a melee unit so you have to get them into melee as quickly as possible in order to minimise casualties from ranged units, and they are going to benefit most from any rule that boosts their melee attack potential in order to win combat and get enemy units to disintegrate through Battleshock. Missile attacks used by a single member of the unit at short range aren’t going to be nearly as important to a melee unit as having the best possible melee profile for said model.
    Bowser, Sudsinabucket and Imrahil like this.
  19. Imrahil

    Imrahil Thirtheenth Spawning

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    Sort of in the lines of what I thought. Also benefitting from the Battalions rule will mostly be whilst in combat(due to the "did not move" clause). Giving the Ironbreaker Weapon a 2+ to hit... During my last battle(Ironjawz vs Seraphon) getting mostly 2+ to hit made heck of a difference.

    Grrr, Imrahil
  20. Imrahil

    Imrahil Thirtheenth Spawning

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    I worked a little on the heads and weapons of the Treelord Ancient and Spirit of Durthu
    Also did do the base of the model with grass and leaves:


    IMG_20200724_204054.jpg IMG_20200724_204058.jpg

    IMG_20200724_204143.jpg IMG_20200724_204156.jpg

    Still some highlights and details to be done.
    Then I will take on basing the rest of my Sylvaneth army to round it up.

    Grrr, Imrahil

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