AoS Opinions on this possible army list (1500 points)

Discussion in 'Seraphon Army Lists' started by Rage0497, Jul 17, 2020.

  1. Rage0497

    Rage0497 Member

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    Hello everyone, I can't make up my mind on what to buy to complete my army and reach 1500 points, I had a couple of ideas and would like to hear your thoughts about it, right now I have:

    X1 Bastiladon
    X15 Saurus Guards
    X1 Saurus Eternity Warden
    X1 Skink starpriest
    For a total of 750 points.

    One of my ideas was to take:

    X1 Lord Kroak
    X1 Stegadon (Probably with skink chief)
    X2 Salamanders hunting packs

    The other idea was to cut out the skink starpriest and take:

    1X Skink Oracle on troglodon
    1X Slann Starmaster
    1X Salamander Hunting Pack
    1X Stegadon (with the skink chief probably)

    In both cases I would reach either 1470 or 1500 exactly but I have no idea if it would be a decent army or not, with that said I'm also open to other ideas if you happen to have some.
    Thank you all in advance!

    (Also i have no idea if or when they will change the seraphon points, if you know something about that too I'd be happy to hear it)
    LizardWizard likes this.
  2. Putzfrau

    Putzfrau Well-Known Member

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    Honestly, this is what i'd do.

    1) Decide what models you like. Most of the time people spend in this hobby is spent building and painting, not playing. Having models you enjoy is going to keep you amped up and excited for every step of the journey and every game.
    2) Decide which playstyle you enjoy. Do you like the idea of magic superiority? Winning games based on clever movement? Understanding ranges and target priority with ranged units? Smashing faces with melee? Sometimes this option is picked for you just based on the models you enjoy. Sometimes you have a little flexibility.
    3) Build some proxy lists and see what units are really speaking to you. Maybe you had a great idea and when you get it on the table you found you dont really like how it plays out, but were surprised by one unit you found yourself really enjoying.

    Or you could just get a whole bunch of skinks if you dont have them already. You'll probably need them eventually, and they are actually pretty fun little models.

    Of the two options you suggested, I think the second is more fun just because it expands your range more. The first is probably more powerful, but marginally. Are the 15 guard your only battleline?

    In terms of changing points, sallies will 100% be going up. Kroak is also a maybe.

    Which constellation are you liking the look of the best?
    LizardWizard and Rage0497 like this.
  3. Rage0497

    Rage0497 Member

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    First of all that's some really good advice.
    Fortunately if the slann goes up i'll just need to not use the skink chief but just stegadon, anyway my problem is that i really enjoy casting, shooting and pummeling enemies, so that's why it's kind of a mix of all things, but I'd probably go for coalesced koatl's claw for more ass kicking one I'm melee, but in the meantime I can whittle enemy forces down with spells and shooting, or at least that's the plan, more or less, (i'm not an experienced player), also yeah i only have those 15 saurus guards as of now as a battle line but the saurus eternity warden should help them a bit, hopefully
    Last edited: Jul 17, 2020
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  4. Putzfrau

    Putzfrau Well-Known Member

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    Hmm, well unfortunately saurus guard aren't the best battle line but lets see what we can build.

    Koatl's Claw 1500
    Eternity Warden
    Kroak (with 15 saurus guard, he'll be a fun choice but without balewind and astrolith he can be a little more aggressive)

    5 Saurus Guard
    5 Saurus Guard
    5 Saurus Guard

    1 Bastiladon

    is gonna put you right around 1500. I think the list suffers from a few things, namely the lack of bodies, but the biggest solution to that is just a different battleline which kind of drastically changes the whole vibe.

    Assuming you want to keep using the models you have, I like using Kroak and the Trog and you could run this kind of interesting aggressive Kroak list where he goes up with your 15 guard bodies to tank for him and is just casting through the trog while also getting into melee with hordes and doing like 20 attacks.

    It also gives you some strong spell casting, two cool monsters to mess around with with, some okay shooting with the basti, and some interesting melee options between the saurus guard, the eternity warden and kroak.

    I dont think this list is going to be incredible, but if you're a new player learning the game it has a lot of different components that will help you learn. Good lists tend to revolve around synergy, especially in the seraphon book, and right now I think you're missing the key building blocks of those synergistic lists. Specifically, different battle line.

    For example, if you were to change your 3 units of saurus guard to 3 units of saurus knights for the same points, replace the trog with a carnosaur and the eternity warden with... anything honestly, the list instantly becomes a lot stronger just because it synergizes better.

    Regardless, a lot of it also depends on your regular opponents and what your specific goal is. I think you could roll with the list suggested and have a blast with it.
    Rage0497 likes this.
  5. Rage0497

    Rage0497 Member

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    Thanks man you've been of great help, I'll take what i can right now and I'll keep in mind your guards and warden switching for the future, no matter what I'm sure I'll have fun with this and future iterations of the army, cause first of all I love my scaly boys
    Putzfrau likes this.
  6. Rage0497

    Rage0497 Member

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    Also one one last question what if I take an astrolith bearer too? Since with your last proposal i would stay at 1330 points, and i think it would work pretty well with kroak and the other casters and he would put me at 1470
    Last edited: Jul 17, 2020
  7. Rage0497

    Rage0497 Member

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    Hopefully i didn't screw up the point count
  8. Putzfrau

    Putzfrau Well-Known Member

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    An astrolith would be an awesome addition!

    The Warscroll Builder on the Warhammer Community site is a great tool for building lists (not sure if you've already been using it) and an easy way to make sure your points are right.
    Rage0497 likes this.
  9. Rage0497

    Rage0497 Member

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    Perfect, many thanks yet again can't wait to paint and play with the new additions, when i get them ofcourse

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